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Posts posted by In2You

  1. On 5/17/2019 at 2:23 PM, Neurochick said:

    It's starting to become unusual when they hire actors who actually have two black parents.

    Yep, and I've noticed many people are sick(and rightly so) of biracial actors getting all the roles. Its even a little rare when you see a young actor who is light-skinned with two black parents on tv or in a movie. People thought Storm Reid was biracial because only young biracial actress have been getting these major movie opportunities. 

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  2. On 5/16/2019 at 11:49 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

    How or why was Anna Deavere Smith was a bad choice for Bow's mom? I thought the casting was fine though a basic broadcast sitcom is probably way below her skillset.

    With Mixed-ish they appear to be playing up Bo and her siblings biracial status more than they do on Black-ish, hence the more strongly visible differences in their parents' skin tones. On Black-ish I bet they just wanted an actress of a certain age who wasn't much darker than Bo who would also be believable as having been a hippie in their younger days.

    Shes lighter than two of her mixed children on Blackish. How could a woman looking like that have kids with a white man who look like Bow and Johan? And a casual viewer can mistake her for a white woman woman. The actress took a DNA test and shes actually almost 50/50 black qnd white and her white features are very pronounced. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, ShelleySue said:

    I was disappointed in Love Takes Flight because I expect more from a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie.  But this movie was just a typical Hallmark movie with a lot of sappy Hallmark card commercials.

    Speaking of the commercials . . . I wish that Hallmark had the same diversity in their movies as they do in their greeting card commercials.

    This sums up the last Hall of Fame airing as well. Along with commercials more diverse than the movies.

    • Love 2
  4. 59 minutes ago, Pickles said:

    I didn't think there was any chemistry between the lead actress and actor. I was almost waiting for the grandpa to hit it off with the piano teacher grandma. Then everyone would have been paired up. 🙂

    She had more chemistry with the ex husband who looked very similar to her love interest.

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  5. Brytni couldn't act worth a damn and Valerie was barely written for so losing her wasn't a loss. It's just jarring because Valerie was being pushed towards Kristina. Though it never made sense before this recast either.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

    Recasts won’t magically fix a lack of character purpose or goals, which is a big problem for both Michael and Kristina. Characters are defined by what they want, and I have no idea what either of them want out of life, beyond the extreme short term.

    I agree that they need goals but they also need more charismatic actors. A good actor can help make a character likable even when the writing isnt all there.

    • Love 3
  7. 4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Also if we are parsing his ethnicity/race I am assuming the Asian assertion comes from the fact he says he is part Tahitian which is a multiethnic place so doesn’t mean he is Asian.

    He claims Cambodian which is Asian.

    I'm not saying he cant be proud of his mixed heritage. I'm saying he is not a black man. He doesnt identify as a black man and his experience is not comparable to people who are unambiguously black. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Being black and multi racial are not mutually exclusive things. Most black people born on North American soil are multi-ethnic to some degree. 

    That quote doesn’t sound as if he’s denying his blackness at all. Acknowledging and embracing and being proud of his other ethnic roots doesn’t make him “not black”. Who raised you has nothing to do with your ethnic background, the people that loved and raised you are the people that loved and raised you. Being raised by your white grandparents (or having white biological grandparents) doesn’t make ANYONE with black ancestry no longer black. I don’t quite follow that assumption.

    I think he will be awesome in the part for the record. 

    He has black ancestry the same way he has Asian ancestry but you would never label him Asian.The same way he has white ancestry but you would never call him white.  He's not the same as someone with two black parents. And in an interview for Black History Month he went on to talk about his mixedness. And don't come to me with that all African American's are mixed bs. 10 % due to slave rape does not equate to more than 50% other by choice.

    From the same article


    When some fans look at "Dancing with the Stars" champion Jordan Fisher, they see a black man. But he's quick to clarify, "I'm mixed and I'm proud of that."

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  9. 6 hours ago, dcinmb said:

    Ugh. Love Tyler Hynes but can't stand Cindy Busby. IMO, she is by far the least likable Hallmark lead. At first, I thought it was just the character she played on Cedar Cove but I haven't found her remotely appealing in any of her Hallmark movies either.

    I've disliked her in everything I've seen her in including that one show on Up Tv.

    • Love 4
  10. 37 minutes ago, Ladybyrd said:

    In fairness, this is hardly an FV problem... soaps have always leaned heavily on hair models. Unless we think Kristina Malandro was a plausible aztec?

    I think GH has pretty good casting, generally speaking. And some of those disney kids hold up! Zenon comes to mind. 

    I'm not impressed by any of the younger actors on GH. Looks or talent wise. And Kirsten Storms is a terrible actress. Her acting is pretty much on the same level as it was back when she was Zenon. 

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  11. On 4/3/2019 at 6:34 PM, UYI said:

    Plus, I imagine the reality is that a lot of actors who have never been on a soap might not be willing to audition for one, due to the fact that no one has ANY idea how much longer any of them will last. They may not think it's worth it, especially if they're a younger actor or actress. 

    That's so far from the truth. Hundreds of actors audition for soaps every year. Unless an actor has a steady gig they're constantly auditioning and aren't usually very picky about what shows they'll take.

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  12. On 4/1/2019 at 7:06 PM, methodwriter85 said:

    I don't care what some kids on Twitter are saying. Jordan Fisher is not black.  He identifies himself as a mixed man and corrects people when they call him black. He was raised by his white grandparents.

    "I love Black History Month and celebrating my ancestral roots, but not just my blackness, which is so beautiful," he told ABC News. "But my Tahitian and my Italian -- everything that makes me, me. That's such a beautiful thing that's rarely touched on."

    • Love 2
  13. On 3/30/2019 at 9:37 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

    The channel.needs to diversify their movies to be less romance..and more other subjects like family, friendship, personal fulfillment...be a more family friendly version of the old school 5v network TV movies.

    For being in the 'dark ages', tv movies in the 70s and 80s were better made and more forward thinking than what's offered 9n Hallmark/lifetime..etc

    I often see Hallmark labelled as a family channel but I disagree. I have alot of children in my family and to me a family movie is a movie we of all ages can sit down and watch together. Do people sit down and watch these with their kids? Because the kids in my family would be bored.  Hallmark did have some family movies when they did that partnership with Walmart years ago that were more appealing to the younger set and had different plots from these bland romances.

    • Love 5
  14. 12 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Eh the actor was most likely going to be recast anyway so I don’t see why it matter. 

    We knew he was going to get recast I'm just surprised it was with a mixed actor. But then again they did get alot of backlash. I'm sure there will still be no Koreans though. 

  15. So Jordan Fisher is John Ambrose from Model UN in the TATBILB Sequel. Probably because they got alot of backlash both for the book and the movie for all Laura Jean's love interests being white(except for them making the one her black gay bestie in the movie). Are we supposed to pretend like a white guy wasn't shown as the character in the first movie? 

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  16. 4 minutes ago, Dani said:

    So they’ve decided to create their own small town Christmas. What are the odds that it will just one big advertisement for Balsam Hill?

    I swear I heard about them doing this show a year ago. And of course they're doing in a small town down South that probably already has their own small town Christmas. Can't give a makeover to a larger town in need of a pick me up.

    • Love 2
  17. 4 hours ago, mikeb said:

    The Hallmark Drama channel is going to have some original programming.  They announced two reality shows, including a Christmas Cookie baking contest.


    We have multiple Christmas baking shows on channels already included in our package. 

  18. 16 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

    hasn't hk been the same dummer since she was sorased?

    so, the problem hasn't been who plays kyle but maybe whose playing dummer..

    The big problem is that they keep forcing them together because on is an Abbott and one is a Newman. No other reason but that as if they're havent been multiple other Abbott/Newman pairings. Its supposed to be some Romeo/Juliet type story but it's never worked. 

    • Love 8
  19. On 3/15/2019 at 1:29 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Speaking only for myself, I like Kyle and Lola. I hated Kyle when he first came on the show but I think Lola humanizes him. As far as Dummer goes, I'd be happy to lend a hand if anyone wants to shove her into an active volcano. Kyle doesn't like her either but Lola needs a liver transplant and Dummer being a match. blackmailed him into marrying her. I have no idea where they are going with this but it is a chance for Mal Young to show us his misogyny in glorious, living color.

    I don't understand why they keep having Kyle fall for Summer. No version of this pairing has ever had great chemistry worth all this pimping and Summer has no redeeming qualities for Kyle to pursue her.

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  20. 8 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Yes! That was a brilliant segment. I loved the part where Seth's character was trying to "empathize" with the struggles Amber's character was going through by telling some really lame story, and she just gets up and walks away :D. 

    I liked that lady wanting to adopt her even though she's older than her.

    And the character who is so cartoonishly racist he makes other whites happy they aren't as racist as him.

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