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Everything posted by lala2

  1. I try so hard to not come to this board and repeat myself each day Kim is on, but I just cannot help myself. I'm sorry. She is a mega bitch and a complete nutjob! I cannot believe she told Dranco he owed Elizabeth and her family nothing. How dare she say that? The very least this jerk owes those BOYS is an explanation and a "good-bye." The fact that she thinks it's A-OK for them to skip town and not honor Liz's one simple request speaks volumes to her selfishness and all-around general nastiness. Kim is such an awful person. I just can't repeat it enough. That's why all these ppl being sympathetic toward her enrages me!! She doesn't deserve their sympathy or empathy. I'm happy Dranco is pumping the brakes when it comes to Kim b/c she is clearly unstable. What was that display? Dranco's face when she ran out of the courtroom was priceless. He looked shocked. Kim needs intense amts of therapy. She is a complete and utter mess. It's not on Dranco or anyone else to fix her. Dranco looked like he didn't want to be the reason she breathes. Kim needs to fix herself! And her anger toward Julian is completely misplaced. She's just upset that Dranco learned she tried to rape Drew! I'm glad he knows! She cheated on Julian and left him a "Dear John" letter. He owes her no loyalty! She sounds insane! Wait . . . what am I saying? Kim is insane, and we all know this, including Dranco. If Dranco does not find his miserable way to Liz's house to talk to her boys . . . . he will forever be complete and utter trash to me. Love the Liz/Cameron scenes. Also loved Liz telling Jason they didn't need him around to tell Jake. As she said, it would just seem fake to Jake b/c Jake knows Jason hates Franco and doesn't really care that Franco essentially lost his life. I understand why Jason feels that way, but little Jake should feel free to be sad about Franco and he probably can't do that w/Jason around.
  2. Cam has mentioned on other occasions that Kim is not a bad person. I'm just sick of people giving Kim a pass. She doesn't deserve one if you ask me. She is a horrible person. I want to see more ppl calling her out for the horrible, selfish witch she is! Even Liz hasn't done that. Liz has shown Kim a lot more sympathy and empathy than that witch has shown her! Kim couldn't care less that Liz's marriage and family has broken up b/c of her selfish actions! Kim is an awful human being!
  3. I agree. Kim went off the rails when Oscar died and she tried to rape Drew. That's when she lost her mind, and I can't say she was being trashed. Kim didn't handle her son's death well at all, which is sort of weird considering she had known about his inoperable brain tumor for YEARS. I know Oscar actually dying is different than the knowledge that he eventually would, but I just find it strange that she wasn't more prepared for his inevitable death. This is the same woman who didn't want him to know he was dying and hadn't been treating him. She just wanted him to live until he didn't. I don't know. You'd think she would have handled his death better. It certainly didn't spring up on her. But after she drugged Drew and tried to rape him, I put nothing past her. She was also going around randomly asking men to impregnate her so she could have an Oscar replacement baby. No, Kim lost her mind some time ago. She's not being thrown under the bus for Franco or Friz. This is just her character arc. I'm not at all shocked that she would take advantage of her friend's husband and rape him.
  4. Okay . . . I am really going to need people to stop making excuses for Kim. I like Trina and Oscar, but Kim is not a good person. She is an awful person. Cameron should have nothing good to say about her. Kim wasted NO time in screwing her friend's vulnerable husband. None at all. That makes her a horrible person, IMO, and I wish more ppl would acknowledge that. Too many ppl are showing her sympathy when she should be getting dirty looks and being told she's a homewrecking whore! Like I've always said, if Kim and Drew had been fighting their feelings for months, if Drew had tried to make things work w/Liz but kept being drawn to Kim, if Kim had held off before jumping his bones . . . . then I could possibly not see her as a bad person, but since she literally fell in bed w/him a day or two after assuring Elizabeth she wouldn't indulge his delusions, I can't see her as anything but a horrible, selfish human being. I loved what Liz told Dranco. She's right. He does need to come and say good-bye to her small children. They were a family. Friz hadn't just been dating a couple of months. Franco was a step-father to three boys and a husband. Those kids are used to him being around. He's been a constant presence in their lives for like 5 years. He can't just up and disappear on them. I think selfish Dranco finally got that today. I really hope Cam's crush on Josslyn is gone b/c I really like him and Trina. Their scenes today were cute, and WL is a good, little actor! Dranco's stone cold wall of selfishness seems to be breaking down a bit. He wasn't as gung ho to just up and leave PC like I thought he would be, and he wasn't very excited about winning the hearing. He's just so stone cold and unfeeling when it comes to Scott, Liz, & Cameron. It really makes him a jerk, so I can only hope he is starting to think beyond himself and his immediate needs. I also hope this means this horrific story will be coming to an end in a month or so. Franco needs to return, and Kim needs to just go away.
  5. Oh, I couldn't agree more w/you. Franco is the better and more interesting character. As written, this "Drew" is pretty one-dimensional and boring. They haven't given him any layers. I read an interview w/Roger about this story when it first came out, and he described it as a story about Liz and Kim. With the lack of character development they've given "Drew," I can see that. It's a shame b/c I loved BM as both Jason and Drew, and always wanted to learn more about Drew or see Drew be himself. But the writers have made it clear that they have never been interested in Drew w/this lackluster story!
  6. Yes, I read that rumor. I feel bad for TB, but I hope it is true. To me, they've gone as far as they can with Kim, and this latest story has completely trashed her for many viewers, myself included. So, I guess it all depends on how they want to let Kim leave - with a bit of her dignity intact or in a strait jacket. If she's in bed next to Franco and has a realization about how screwed up she is for taking advantage of her friend's incapacitated, vulnerable husband in an attempt to recapture a love from 17 years ago, then that would redeem her a bit before she goes. They could also have Franco's memories slowly resurface, which causes her to go insane because she's losing Drew all over again. Who knows? I just hope the rumors are true, and this story doesn't drag out like all the others. I fully agree that this "Drew" does not stick around. If he does, the writing for him needs to drastically improve. AFAIC, the writers have never been interested in developing "Drew." It clearly doesn't matter who is playing him, so I see Franco returning.
  7. Right?!? I was shocked by how weepy and sad Sam was being. What happened to that ride-or-die chick?! I thought she was supposed to be a bad ass, but she's crying and nervous about her cell mate returning from solitary!! LOL! That was not a good look!! Haha!
  8. Yes, I definitely think Dranco is going to win the hearing. After that, for some unknown reason - maybe b/c of Monica - he and Kim decide to stick around PC. From there, I can see the story going one of two ways - either Franco's memories resurface and dominate on their own OR Dranco gains a conscience and realizes it's wrong to steal someone else's life and undergoes the procedure of his own volition. He might also see Kim in a new light given what the trial revealed. I hope he recognizes the injustice of what was done to Franco and chooses to relinquish Franco's body, but I do not see him remaining "Drew." As I've said before, there is not much to this incarnation of "Drew," and I just don't see the writers keeping Franco this way permanently. I was upset w/Liz's comments on Friday re: Scott being harsh on Kim. Why are they writing Liz as being so worried about Kim. Kim would happily whisk away her husband and think nothing of it. She doesn't care that Franco was a father to three boys, and that those boys want him back. She doesn't care that Franco was a husband to a woman, and that he loved that woman and her children w/all his heart. Kim only cares about Kim, so why should Liz express any concern for her?!?! The show needs to quit it w/that crap! Liz should be fighting the urge to punch Kim each time she sees her! As a lawyer, I also agree about Scott not speaking w/Kevin before having him testify. No halfway decent lawyer would do that. The writers are awful. Also, can we get a Trina/Cam pairing already? I really like Trina. She is a much better friend to Cameron than Josslyn. Cam needs to start seeing Trina in a new light. I'd much rather see him be interested in her than Josslyn. Lulu and Dustin are super cute to me. Loved their scenes! Plus, Dustin looked happy to see her. It was after school hrs so I didn't see the issue w/her coming by. I also like Lulu and am THRILLED she's moving on from Dante! Oh, and I feel absolutely nothing for Sam. I'm happy she was arrested. It couldn't have happened to a better person if you ask me.
  9. I love Franco, but he did look foolish in that uniform. This is all so ridiculous, and it really doesn't help that the writing is just plain bad! Why is Liz saying sorry to Kim or anything? This self-centered bitch walked into the courtroom w/your husband on her arm!!! You need to be punching her in the face, not saying you're sorry it's come to this! Franco is not Drew. He will never be Drew. Just b/c Drew's memories were implanted in him doesn't make him Drew. You are more than memories. And he possesses Drew's skill set? He does? Since when? He didn't go to war or rescue anyone on a battlefield. It is downright insulting to say he has. He hasn't! Franco has lived his own life and done his own heroic acts. I was happy Scott and Jordan pointed that out. This story is so shockingly bad, and I truly believe it could have been good. As I've said before, it moved too fast, IMO. We never saw Dranco struggling w/what happened to him or his new appearance. He just accepted it all in stride. That was completely unbelievable. If you woke up tomorrow w/your memories intact, but in a different body, you would be freaked out. I don't care if you're a Navy Seal. You'd still be freaked and would demand answers. It would take time to adjust. Once you heard the answers, you'd be rightfully disgusted by what happened. You wouldn't just brush it off and be completely cold to the family/spouse of the body you're possessing . . . . . or at least any halfway decent person would. I'm not sure why they wrote it this way. This story could have been complex and interesting, but it's shallow. I swear Star Trek Voyager handled this issue better in 40 minutes than GH has done in two months or however long this horrible story has been going. LOL! And when Monica says she wants to get to know Drew . . . . what is she talking about? What more can she possibly want to know? He was raised in an orphanage, went to the Navy, and loved Kim. That's it. That's all there is to this "Drew." She should be mourning the loss of real Drew! I hate to give Tad points, but it was good for him to point out what Elizabeth did to Jake Doe. That was wrong on so many levels, but that doesn't make what Kim is doing right. Kim is dead wrong. She is such an awful human being. Her character has been ruined AFAIC. Finn better NOT forgive Hayden for keeping his child from him for years! It's clear she would have never come clean if the kid hadn't gotten sick. There's no excuse for her actions. And I meant to comment about Josslyn yesterday - what a selfish, horrible friend she is. Yes, it's sad Oscar died, but life goes on, and one of her good friends is going through a really bad time. I'm glad Trina spoke up to her. Hopefully, the text she sent Cam today means she's going to start considering her friends and their problems too and not just stay focused on herself.
  10. Hmmmm....I hear what you're saying, but I think they want us to see - in the brief scenes they give Brad - that he is really troubled by what he's done. He knows it's wrong, and he can't relax. He hasn't been fine since the OG baby died. Now, his whole life is a house of cards, and he knows it is bound to come tumbling down! When Britt stole Lulu's baby, she was perfectly fine. I don't remember her being anxious or weepy. I don't know. They write for plot, not character so it serves this plot for Brad to be anxious and edgy all the time while it didn't for Britt. Who knows?
  11. YES!!! This is exactly what I'm talking about. Thank you so much for this post. Ever since RC left, Brad and Lucas have been woefully underdeveloped. I'm not sure why we're supposed to care if they break up. It won't have any true impact or meaning on the show, IMO. So, Brucas breaks up . . . . big deal! Lucas is still a background character, so call me a pessimist but I don't see them investing in a new relationship w/him. He'll just go back to the backburner where's he been for the past 2 years!
  12. For me, I wouldn't have so many issues with this story if the current writers had actually been treating Brad, Lucas, or Brucas with any respect and had been writing for them before thrusting them into this lame story. It's akin to pulling Amy or Felix off the backburner and having them do something awful just to further another character's plot and to prop that character. At least, that's how I see it, and don't like it. To me, once RC left, Brad and Lucas became background characters who were rarely featured. We never saw them, and it's insulting, IMO, to pull them out to prop useless Michael AND to still not even respect them enough to give them some proper writing while you're trashing them. It reminds me of when they made that really handsome guy - Tracy's son's father I think - a serial killer for no reason. I hate bad storytelling, and this is a prime example of that, IMO. Plus, they still could have had Lucas unknowingly raising his nephew without Brad being in on it. Nelle could have always been their secret birth mother. She could have faked an accident and told Michael her baby died, or heck why not have her tell him she gave the baby to a woman on the street! That would have been more interesting! Or there could have been an accident where Brad was knocked out and Nelle switched the babies. I don't know. I just know it was not absolutely necessary for Brad to be involved, esp given the lack of screen time he gets! If ppl really want to trash Brad, he could have just learned the truth from Nelle now and be troubled and anxious. The only thing Brad being involved accomplishes is the destruction of Brucas - a pairing that is so far in the background that it doesn't matter. Who cares if they break up? I don't even care, and I genuinely like them! LOL! As far as Brad is concerned, I've liked him from the moment he was introduced. I tend to like the more gray characters. He's the most interesting part of Brucas. Don't get me wrong - I like Lucas, and he's a good guy but Brad keeps it interesting. I also don't see Brad as straight up evil, and I don't think Lucas is too good for him. I like Brucas but have long since resigned myself to them ending. Like I was saying before, they don't write for them anymore anyway so it really doesn't matter. They should just get it over with already!
  13. I've been meaning to write this all weekend. As a Brad/Brucas fan, ever since this stupid baby switch story started, I stopped watching all Brad/Brucas scenes. As far as I'm concerned, Brad was taken off the backburner and thrown under the bus to advance a Michael story. There was no other reason. I, personally, couldn't care less about Michael or his unnecessary baby, so I had little interest in seeing a character and a pairing I liked trashed for him. RC really spent time developing Brad and Brucas, and all that development was wiped out for the played out baby switch soap plot. Michael doesn't even need a baby. What is the point in giving him a child? Why? That said, I did happen to catch - for the first time in months - the Brucas scenes last week, and it just made me sad. Not actually sad, but just disappointed. As a fan, I would have loved to see a story about them and their relationship and their issues. To me, the actors have really good chemistry together and play well off each other. I was invested in their relationship when RC was writing, but once Jelly came on board and pushed them into the closet, I lost interest b/c they were never shown. Brad was trotted out to threaten Finn a couple of times, but that was it. I thought last week's scenes were good, but it's disappointing - to me at least - that all this angst really has nothing to do w/them as a couple. It's all about Michael and serving that story. They are just walking plot points. It's pathetic. It doesn't help that I'm not a Michael fan. If he never got his baby back, I wouldn't care. I will never understand why Brad/Brucas were thrust into this story in the first place, or why Brad had to know it was Michael's baby, esp. w/the lack of insight into him and why he made the decisions he did. It's like they needed a "villain" b/c Chole Lanier was leaving and just decided it would be Brad. Ok. Whatever. GH sucks. Haha. JMO.
  14. You are not cold at all. Maggie is a brat. I'm sorry, but she is. I have zero sympathy for her. I don't even care that the mom lied about how the brother died. Who cares? Your brother is dead regardless. The mom donated his organs. As a cancer patient, I would think Maggie wouldn't have an issue w/that. But all the storming out and running away is too much. She is what . . . 35-years old . . . . and a therapist/psychiatrist but can't handle her own emotions better than that! As you also pointed out, I'm going to need her to stop whining about her mom not loving her and move past these lame issues! Her mom obviously loves her, but I guess if her mom isn't focused on her 24/7 then Maggie just can't know! I thought it was obnoxious last week when she got upset that her mom was visiting someone else while in town, and now she's angry that her mom sought out her dead child's donor recipient b/c she was in the hospital at the time?!?! I just can't w/her. She is very childish and annoying to me.
  15. I don't think that is a minor point at all. I noticed that crap too. She did marry Drew and have a kid w/him, so I should hope she would feel sad when he died. There was no need for her to apologize to Jason. That was stupid. Now . . . . . That said, at least Jason didn't fake any emotion like Sam and CarSon. The minute SB stepped back on screen, CarSon ditched Drew w/a quickness They were never "friends" again and barely interacting, so miss me w/that "Oh no. It's so sad that Drew is dead. We have to be there for Scout" nonsense. And Sam played Drew for a fool and unnecessarily lied to him for months. When he dumped her, they basically never interacted again. We never saw them have any conversations re: Scout or anything else that I can remember. I'm surprised Sam had this much emotion!
  16. YES!!! That stupid look on Kim's face was priceless. I'm just sorry Elizabeth apologized for her comments b/c she was right and had no reason to apologize. Liz was not out of line. The only person out of line is Kim. Kim has a lot of nerve preaching to anyone about one's right to make his/her own medical decisions given that she would have NEVER even told Oscar he had a tumor if it weren't for real Drew. And didn't she initially veto some procedure Oscar wanted to try and wasn't she begging Julian to abduct Oscar so he wouldn't do whatever that treatment was?!? Kim just needs to shut up. Honestly, I'm so over this entire storyline, and it's not even done. I love RoHo so I wish I could find some enjoyment in this mess, but I can't. I detest Kim (at this point) and don't want to see her w/Dranco. Plus, I prefer Franco to "Drew." "Drew" - so far - is an unlikable jerk with a single focus. Whenever this tragedy of storyline ends, I hope we get to see Kim institutionalized. Each time I think I can't be more astonished by Kim's attitude and her selfishness, I am! Each new appearance she makes exceeds the selfishness shown the prior time she was on screen. It's crazy! Take today for instance. How dare she even speak to Liz or act like they have anything to talk about? She is unapologetically screwing this woman's husband!!!! Does she think Liz should be happy w/her? Or want to speak to her? She wants Liz to gift her husband to her on a silver platter! It's ridiculous. I'm happy Liz pointed out that Kim is sleeping w/her husband and thinks that's A-OK b/c he identifies as "Drew." Kim displays no regrets or remorse. She doesn't even have the decency to look ashamed. Kim is just awful.
  17. I think it could have worked if the story hadn't moved at warp speed. Both Kim and Monica took no time at all to start indulging Franco's delusion by calling him Drew. It should have taken them some time to come around. The story could have been layered and good, but it's shallow and bad. LOL! And I'm a huge RoHo fan. He's the reason I started watching soaps. I've liked every character he's ever played until now. I do NOT like his Drew at all. The acting isn't bad to me, but the character - as written - has no depth and is just boring. What do we know about Drew? He loves Kim and resented the Qs for dumping him. That's it. Other than his love for Kim, he doesn't have much going for him. The fact that no one cares that the real Drew is likely dead is also troublesome. I loved BM's Jason and his Drew. No one is mourning him or caring about him at all. It's just plain bad writing.
  18. Right?!?! Honestly, the amount of disgust I have for Kim is insane! And I didn't dislike Kim before this story, but I sure do now. That line to Tad/new lawyer gave such clear insight into the depth of her selfishness. She seriously thinks she's entitled to Franco b/c he has "Drew's" memories?! She is so willing to write off Franco so she can have "Drew." The real Drew she loved is likely dead. She lost her chance w/him years ago, but is perfectly fine w/Liz losing her chance to be w/her husband. In Kim's world, only Kim's wants and needs are important. Her complete dismissal of Liz, her boys, Scott, Franco is just reprehensible if you ask me. There is an actual chance Franco could be brought back, but Kim doesn't care; all she cares about is she has a "Drew" who still loves her. That's her main concern. Who cares if Franco could be restored and get his life back? I guess he doesn't deserve his life in Kim's mind. Only the parasite's wants and desires matter. Ok . . . . I know I keep saying it, but AFAIC, it can't be said enough - Kim is a disgusting, vile human being. Every time she is on screen, I get more disgusted w/her, and the writing is doing her no favors at all, IMO. When this is all said and done, she has got to go. There will be nothing left for Kim in PC, so please just let the character leave town. But to answer your question, I see Kim as the villain in this story. There is nothing at all "rootable" about her. As you said, I think only those who hate Friz, Franco, and/or Liz could like this story and root for Kim. Kim needs a therapist, not a fake Drew!
  19. I have lots of thoughts about the Sasha reveal. I may be in the minority but I like ER's Lulu, and frankly, I'm sick of characters dumping on her all the time. It happened during that nonsense w/Valerie screwing her husband, and it happened again yesterday and today. Lulu is not to blame for this mess. Unlike Liesel or Sasha, Lulu cared enough about Nina to not let her marry Valentin knowing he was lying to her again, and what does she get for her trouble? Cutting remarks about her ex-husband and how her daughter doesn't love her as much as Nina?! Ugh . . . I was just disgusted w/it all, but I was more disgusted w/the writers having Lulu just stand there and take Maxie's and Valentin's crap!! Why will they never write this Lulu as taking up for herself and not letting ppl just say any old thing to her?! It's annoying. Michael can just shut up blaming Lulu for Nina being hurt. Nina is hurt b/c his girlfriend lied to her. That's the reality, Michael. It has nothing to do w/Lulu telling her at the wedding. He's acting like Nina wouldn't have been hurt whenever she was told. Shut up, Michael. Valentin - I cannot stand Valentin. He is an incredibly weak, pathetic, waste of a character. Valentin is a complete and utter joke. That's why I wanted Lulu to laugh in his face - not look scared - when he threatened her. I will never buy that Valentin had Helena quaking in her boots! How? Why? Valentin is a joke. I would celebrate his eventual downfall, but seeing as how he got away with murdering Nikolas, stealing Nikolas's fortune, shooting Kevin, holding several ppl hostage, sending Lulu off w/goons to be murdered, trying to abduct Spencer, stealing Lulu's last remaining egg - I'm not holding my breath. I don't understand the writers' fascination w/him, but I wish he would die or just go away. I also hope he loses custody of his precious Charlotte! Maxie is an idiot. It took me a minute to figure out why she was so upset by Liesel's part in this - I completely forgot about James - but why would Lulu be wrong about the Liesel part!?!? Was Sasha having a conversation w/herself in the bathroom?! Why even question it? Liesel held her boyfriend hostage for weeks and has been known to lie and keep secrets. Can't anyone have a normal reaction on a soap? Can't wait until Spinelli busts her bubble when it comes to Peter! LOL! Oh, and I must say I also hated how long it took for Lulu to tell the secret. I know it's a staple on a soap, but it would be nice to see something different once in a while. Instead of Lulu saying, "I have something important to say," why not have her just say it?!?! Just blurt out the secret in front of everyone and let the chips fall. Also, who stands around and lets ppl berate and threaten them?! Once, Lulu said her peace, she should have gathered Dustin and left.
  20. Oh, I completely understand why Dranco is acting the way he is. He sees himself as Drew and wants to live Drew's life. I get that and don't fault him for it. That said, he is not Drew. He is Franco. Him having Drew's memories doesn't make him Drew. It just makes him Franco with Drew's memories. That's all. And we know Franco would not want to be living Drew's life, and that, to me, is what's most important. Kim wants Liz to ignore and forget about Franco simply because "Drew" is currently guiding Franco's body. How is that fair to Franco? If there is a chance Franco could return, how could Liz not take it?!? Given the quick pace of this story, I just don't think Dranco has earned the right to make decisions about Franco's body. If a year had passed, I might agree with you but it's been what a month in GH time or less?! "Drew" doesn't, and shouldn't have equal say in what happens to Franco. His wants shouldn't supersede Franco's. It's Franco's body and life. His dying wishes should be honored, and he made it clear he wanted to return to Liz and their family.
  21. We will have to agree to disagree b/c I do not think the entity possessing Franco's body should have any say in what happens to Franco's body. If the procedure can be forced upon him, it should be. What happened to Franco is not right or natural. If there is a chance the procedure can be reversed, it should be attempted. If it wipes out "Drew," I am okay w/that b/c Franco is not Drew, and he will never be Drew. Franco had a life and was happy in that life. He has a right to his life. At the end of the day, couldn't Andre make a memory map of "Drew" and install "him" into someone else? I guess what I'm saying is 2012 Drew can potentially be saved and go on to "live," but Franco deserves that chance too. Franco only agreed to this insanity to protect Cameron. He would want to come back to himself, and that is what is most important. The real "Drew" actually decided to NOT accept his old memories. He made that choice. This "entity" doesn't have the right to make choices for Franco that disrupt and forever alter Franco's entire existence. I don't see this scenario the same as amnesia. To me, it's like a possession. LOL! A foreign entity has entered Franco's body, and I think it should be driven out by whatever means necessary. If Franco had amnesia, then Liz wouldn't have forced him into a psychiatric hospital. There would be no need b/c no procedure could "fix" him. Amnesia is what it is. Here, there is a chance Franco can be fixed, so Liz wants to try it. I'm perfectly fine w/that. I think she's making the right choice. At the end of the day, she can rest easy knowing she fought hard for her husband and did all she could possibly do to bring him back to her and their boys.
  22. Oh, I agree. If anyone has Franco's interests at heart, it's Elizabeth. Kim couldn't care less about Franco. She doesn't care that he wouldn't want to be sleeping w/her or kissing her. She only cares about herself and her own selfish needs/desires. Kim is a truly pathetic individual. I'm definitely rooting for Liz. I also don't see her as crazy. The only crazy person in this scenario is Kim. Kim has no boundaries or morals AFAIC. Liz, on the other hand, knows her husband. She knows he would want to try to regain his memories. He would NOT want to be running around town, claiming he's Drew. It really doesn't matter what "Drew" wants b/c it's Franco's body and Franco's life. Only Franco's wants are important here. Yes, Liz could lose him entirely, and she's willing to take that risk. Franco would too. "Drew" doesn't but who cares what "he" wants??!?! IMO, he does not get a vote. "Drew" does not have the right to Franco's body. He just doesn't.
  23. Yes!! I was just coming here to, again, comment on Kim's crazy behavior. She is completely deluded. The disregard she shows for Franco is astonishing. She has written him off so completely that I can't help but assume Franco is coming back. She will be devastated, and I will not care. Yes, Oscar died, and that's horrible but seeing as how she NEVER got him treatment until shortly before his death and had presumably come to terms w/him dying years ago . . . . I do not see how his death can explain her behavior at all. Kim knew Oscar was dying when she came to PC. Maybe she got a bit of hope w/that last ditch treatment, but if she learned about the inoperable brain tumor when he was 10 or whatever, she had 6 years to come to terms w/the inevitable. I know his death would still be hard, but . . . . it doesn't explain her current selfishness and complete disregard for Franco as a person. I was also really troubled by Julian's comment that Kim can't control her actions. What?!!? Isn't she an adult who controls her actions on a daily basis? She may want to hit someone but she doesn't b/c that would be assault. She may be attracted to another man but she doesn't act on it b/c she's in a relationship and that man is married. She may want to curse out her boss, but she doesn't. She may want to ram her car into another in a fit of road rage, but she doesn't. I am sure there are things Kim does on a daily basis that require her to control herself, so this notion that once Franco got Drew's memories, she just couldn't respect her friend's husband, her friend's marriage, or her own boyfriend is complete and utter crap! Kim CHOSE not to respect those things. She chose to screw over Elizabeth and Franco and go for her own happiness. Who cares that she's taking advantage of a horrible injustice that was done to them??! I still say if Cameron had Drew's memories, would Kim suddenly be able to control herself and NOT jump a barely 16-year old's bones?!?! Maybe not she's so nutty, but she probably would. She can control herself. She just doesn't care to, and that's the real problem! I usually love any role Roger plays. I followed him from OLTL to primetime shows to ATWT and to GH. I do not like his Dranco. The character is boring w/no complexity or layers. The acting is not bad, but the writing is not there to support a truly three-dimensional character. I do not see this guy sticking around. That said, I did think the overall story was going to be better. The problem w/this story is it moved too fast. We never saw Kim or Dranco fighting their feelings and their attraction to each other. We never saw Dranco really make an effort w/Liz or truly acknowledge that he's in someone else's body. We never saw him speak to doctors and really weigh the facts of what's been done to him. He's just been "I'm Drew, and I don't care about anything else." That's not interesting. We never saw Kim keeping her distance or refusing to call him "Drew" or respecting Liz's fight for her marriage. She hopped into bed w/him after a couple of conversations. I don't know. I just can't see her disgusting behavior being rewarded by her being allowed to "keep" Drew. I hope this procedure happens, and this story ends soon w/Franco getting back his memories.
  24. Both Sam and Olivia got on my nerves on Friday. They both needed to swallow a huge cup of "mind your own business." First, Sam is not Elizabeth's friend. She doesn't like or care about Elizabeth, Franco, or their family. Why did she think Liz wanted her advice? Sam had no business offering her unsolicited opinion about anything Liz is doing. What business is it of hers anyway? Why does she even care? Neither Dranco or Franco are concerned w/Sam, so why is she concerned with "them?!?" That scene was strange and out of place, AFAIC. I honestly have no idea why Sam was up in Liz's face, telling her what she thinks Liz she do. She made it quite clear that she didn't care that Franco lost his memories, and that she hoped he would never get them back. Sam made it clear she didn't care about Liz, Scott, Liz's boys, or anyone in Franco's life when she made her hurtful, unnecessary comments. Why she sought out Liz is beyond me! Plus, she's a hypocrite b/c if Jason had undergone this procedure, she would be doing everything within her power to bring him back to her. When she thought "Jake" was Jason, she immediately went to him and tried to get him to remember her and their love, so she can shut up and mind her own business. Doesn't she have some kids she should be looking after or something??!?! That brings me to Olivia - I know Olivia loves her son, but Dante ditched Lulu some time ago. She has been w/o him for a long time. Dante is the one who wanted the divorce. Dante is the one who gave up on the marriage and their family. I know he was going through his issues, but he didn't want to work them out together. They are divorced now at Dante's urging. What is Lulu supposed to do? Never be w/anyone again?!? And how dare Olivia imply that she will sue Lulu for custody if she doesn't like Lulu's life choices?!?!?! As a family lawyer, I love the way soaps act like just anybody can sue someone else for custody. Olivia needs to go somewhere, sit down, and shut up! She was beyond annoying on Friday.
  25. As a Brad and Brucas fan, I couldn't agree more w/you. That's why I haven't been watching this storyline. AFAIC, Brad was thrown under the bus b/c the actress who played Nelle chose to leave the show, and they needed a "villain" in their lame story. I also don't think Michael needs a baby so I really couldn't care less that he doesn't have his child. Why give Michael a child? What's the purpose? It's not like giving him a child will mean anything in the long run. The kid will never be shown and will just be trotted out for holidays or on the rare occasion. It's not like we're going to have a plot w/Michael having a bad time adjusting to fatherhood or a plot where Nelle is free and trying to take her baby back. Michael is a ridiculously boring character, IMO, and the absolute last thing he needs is a baby. He needs a life and some excitement. But back to Brad and Brucas. . . . . Would the story have really been that different if Nelle had managed to switch the babies without Brad's knowledge?!? It's not like they've been exploring Brad and really delving into his conflicted feelings, etc. It's not like they've let us invest in the Brucas marriage. I loved the pairing, and then the writers were changed and they were put on the backburner for years. We didn't get to see them discussing adoption or surrogacy. We haven't seen any of their married life. It's a joke. We didn't even get a chance to see them invested in this adoption to really feel for Brad when the baby died so we'd possibly relate to his decision. We haven't seen Brad struggling or really overcome by guilt. Yes, Lucas has mentioned Brad being upset or really anxious, but that's it. Brad and Lucas are basically less than day players in a story where they should be main players. This story is awful AFAIC.
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