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Posts posted by AimingforYoko

  1. IMO the guy who said "incentive package" sounded kind of freaked out. Perhaps he has an eye implant, and the "incentive package" means not killing him.

    Close, it was just holding the loved ones as hostages.

    One of the lamest moments turned into the most awesome as Garrett's resurrection gets cut short by Coulson.

    • Love 9
  2. If it's indeed Oberyn, he seems clever enough to use whatever he can to his advantage. Early this season, he said something about a big sword being useless in close quarters.

    Also, after Joffrey's death, Tywin brought up his knowledge and use of poisons

    (the reason his nickname is the Viper)

    as why he was a possible suspect in his murder. So all he would need is a strike to hit once.

  3. Soo Theon/Reek has been sleeping in a cage liked and animal and hasn't been allowed to even take a bath.  *shudder*..


    I was also very tense with that bath scene, for some reason I assumed Ramsey was going to hurt Theon/Reek in some way but it looks like he is just using him per his father's instructions.

    Why do you think Ramsey calls him 'Reek'?


    You were supposed to be tense, even the musical cues were sinister.

  4. Just remember kids, Tywin always has a plan, if his damn children (and grandchildren) would just go along. He did kind of overplay his hand when he used Shae, though. Tyrion and Tywin have been down that particular road before, so I don't blame the Imp for getting emotional.


    So the place with the rolling coin in the opening credits is supposed to be Braavos? If so, nice touch producers!

    It's always fun to see a new place on the map. Plus Mark Gatiss and the most intimidating loan committee ever.

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  5. During the episode I thought Margot might be more of a 4 or 5, instead of a full 6 on the ol' Kinsey, but the previews make it look like a crime of opportunity rather than passion.

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