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Posts posted by AimingforYoko

  1. Lester was so great at the beginning, so full of himself. He sees Malvo, he thinks, "He'll be so impressed with the man I've become. He'll think of me as an equal, a peer." Ten seconds in an elevator proved to Lester without a doubt, they're really, really not. Lester's still a lowly piece of shit, as that last scene showed.

    Nice to see Lorne hasn't lost any of his troll tendencies. That scene with the family that bought Lester's old house was awesome.

    Key and Peele came off as much more competent here. You know, except for the fact that this is the second time they've been five feet away from Malvo.

    • Love 8
  2. I agree if Tyrion survives this ep, it will be because of Jamie.

    In other news: I think Stannis will arrive at the Wall in the nick of time.

    Arya will part ways with the Hound, whether it will be a mutual decision or a necessity remains to be seen.

    Dany's dragons will cause some catastrophe and she'll have to make a big compromise to settle the citizenry.

    And Bran will find a tree. Yay!

  3. Jack Bauer in full effect. The 'Dammit!'s, the suspect torture (although the regret is new), the assault of innocent citizens. I love the classics.

    I'm wondering if Jordan has been sent out because he is getting too close to our just-revealed mole.

    Good guess. Not surprised Michael Wincott turned out to be a baddie, Chloe's going to be pissed.


    Aw, Heller. You're heart's in the right place, but your head's up your ass.

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  4. You know what I loved most about The Dead Zone? (Both the book and movie) It was the first time I saw the physical effects of a prolonged coma portrayed realistically.

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  5. Best Tom Cruise movie not directed by Brad Bird. (In fact, it may be better than M:I-4). It just goes to show, you have a strong director, and Cruise is tolerable. Also, this movie did nothing to lessen my crush on Emily Blunt.

  6. If you like Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies and Dead Like me, you'll love this underappreciated gem. (Not to give it away or anything, but I will say the show is not a Bryan Fuller show)

  7. I did like Key & Peele last night.

    I asked last week what happens when you fuck up and you've already been assigned to Fargo, it looks like my answer is The File Room.

    • Love 4
  8. One of my first non-Lost comments at TWoP was this quote:
    "I can't live the buttoned down life like you. I want it all: the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles! Sure, I might offend a few of the blue-noses with my cocky stride and musky odor - oh, I'll never be the darling of the so-called 'City Fathers' who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about what's to be done with this Homer Simpson?"
    Favorite. Homer rant. Ever.

  9. Damn, a lot going on in this one. Henry's up for Murder One, Branch is seeing dead people, Hector's on the loose and there seems to be some sort of conspiracy against Walt. I hope it doesn't take all season to untangle all this.

  10. And people not trusting Jack when they should be, then dying because of it.

    Heh, on the other hand we have gone from Jack about to be shipped to 'Special Interrogations' to POTUS telling Navarro to give Jack whatever he needs in 4 hours.

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