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Posts posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. 22 hours ago, rur said:

    I think AC and NAC have much more chemistry than Sprina. They were one of the more interesting parts of the show today. I was disappointed that Ava actually had sex with what's his name, although I was happy to see her kick him out shortly afterward. I just hope they don't become the new hot couple. (I've said this before, but I see nothing appealing about Howarth, and I don't respect him as an actor. I'll go sit in the corner now.)

    Then I can sit in the corner with you. I am a long-time Elizabeth fan who hated that she got paired with nuFranco. I despised seeing the "Franco is obsessed with Jason and his first born" storyline turn into Franco is Jake's art therapist building into the "great love story of Franco and Elizabeth." My favorite scene of their entire relationship was when she snapped at him in response, "it's not my job to make you better!"

    I  agree that AC and NAC have much more chemistry than "Sprina" as well. The chemistry/sexual tension that existed between the Trina and Spencer when Makayla was in the role is just gone now. I saw more heat between them in the almost-kiss at the gallery when Esme walked in on them, right before Spencer went to prison, then I saw in that makeout/talk between lip touches scene with nuTrina following the Portia-Curtis wedding. 

    Have Spencer and Trina even had a real date (NOT the wedding) or just drama? I don't actually think Spencer's fixation on little Ace is weird. Spencer has been lonely his whole life. Nikolas was not a present and engaged parent. Spencer always wanted a real mother and yearned for his father's love and attention yet was repeatedly deeply hurt by his father's actions.

    Now, he has a baby brother and believes "Father abandoned him/us and it's all my fault." In a mis-guided attempt to give his baby brother everything their father didn't give him and also finally now have the feeling of being part of an actual loving family, he is attempting to make a reality of this mental fantasy he has of himself and "Ace" being together with some help/support from Grandmother, Step Grandfather Kevin, cousin Charlotte and new girlfriend Trina. The wild card is the baby's mother, dangerous/crazy Esme.

    In the Esme-Spencer scene, I liked that Spencer talked about their past at boarding school because it's a window into what was going on before SORASed Spencer showed up in Port Charles. You could see in his eyes that he remembers falling in love with Esme and then recently how much it hurt to find out his first love had been lying to and manipulating him. Their dialogue about the snow globe indicates that maybe not the entire relationship was calculated by Esme.

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  2. 22 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Cameron is more than your friend, Spencer. He's also your cousin! 

    The Show has never emphasized that because they are not in fact biological cousins; Zander is Cameron's biological father. Since WL was cast as SORASed Cam, it seems like avoiding referencing Lucky being in the dad role for Cam when he was little is a very deliberate choice by the writers. Cam has said "we share a grandmother" re: Spencer but not even Laura said her own son's name when talking to Cam about how he grew up.

    Cam has been one of the very few stable males in Spencer's life who cared about him  (maybe the only aside from Step Grandpa Kevin?) So I get that he's angry that Joss heartlessly dumped Cam for a guy she barely knows and that likely played a part in Cam now being happy to go off to college outside of Port Charles.


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  3. On 5/11/2023 at 9:08 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I am utterly shocked by this news. 


    This was my reaction as well.  I read the headline about her death and I think I actually gasped out loud I was so stunned. My first thought was sudden death in an accident.  But a short battle with cancer? How horrible. I watched the NB tribute to Nurse Bobbie Spencer online, and noted that both JZ and LW got teary. I assume she must have known at that time and told the show and possibly some colleagues including LW, then got that on-stage surprise.

    The flashbacks were great.  It was disappointing though that as usual Carly gets to have the spotlight while saying "I don't work at GH" while the son Bobbie raised who has been a doctor at GH and worked with her did not get to have this moment. Also the moment felt a little hollow in that none of the vets like, Kristina or Becky who shared major storylines with her, were there in the audience to clap and cheer. I think most of the cast members in that audience have been there less than 20 years and have rarely or never been a scene partner for JZ. Why was Monica missing?!

    BTW, can anyone tell me the timing of that flashback to Bobbie defending Lucas to Tracy and threatening to bitchslap Tracy for trash talking him? I don't remember it. 

    I really hope there will be a tribute episode/memorial-funeral where Luke,  Ryan Carnes-Lucas, JJ-Lucky, and Robin return to mourn with Laura, Elizabeth. Scott, Felicia, Mac, Maxie, and the rest. I dread that most of the attention will be on Carly, Michael, and Joss being "devastated by this loss" yet the audience knows that TG, GF, JJ, BH, KW, KMcC, JY, KS, and LH have worked with her and been close to her for decades.

    In fact, Bobbie and Josslyn have rarely had scenes together in the years since Eden was cast as SORASed Josslyn.  Bobbie and Michael have had more scenes together, but not A LOT that I can recall ... mostly during the "baby Wiley is secretly Michael's son, not Lucas's" storyline.  Did RC-Lucas ever even get to have another scene with JZ/Bobbie after he handed Wiley off to Michael?? 

    *Sigh* I feel so sads for Jackie Zeman's daughters, losing her just a few days before Mother's Day. This must be a really painful day for them!  RIP, Jackie Z.

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  4. 6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Requoting again because I watched this after reading your comment, and honestly, there aren't enough RAGE meme or emojis to FULLY EXPRESS my rage at those scenes.

    Well at least Bobbie correctly explained how the Nurses Ball has always been about funding to help with research/cure for AIDS/HIV.


    I think you did a good job! 😂 I really like the Cut You gif 🤣

    The writers creating a scenario of Carly attempting friendship with Elizabeth reminds me of how much I miss her real friendship with Robin and Patrick. The three actors had such terrific chemistry!!

    Now Carly's just letting herself into the Q mansion and Maxie tells her she's "essential" ?! WTF?!?!  Does no one remember her ugly put-downs to Robin about being HIV+?! These writers are such jerks.

    Carly and Bobbie (and off-screen Olivia) are acting like teenage bratty girls with all the "oh no we have to ask evil Nina if she'll agree with Olivia to give us the Metro Court for the Nurse's Ball" is worthy of multiple vomit emojis. It's really a sad day when Maxie Jones has to be the mature woman in the room.

    So Anna gets to tell us that Robin "is sad" she won't be at the NB this year.  I don't care that Anna is also "sad" - she went to the NB what, once, to support Robin?  I want to know why it doesn't seem to even occur to Maxie to mention talking to Robin about participating/contributing in some way. Instead, the focus is alll on the Carly + groupies tension with Nina. UGHHH!!!

    Victor informing Dr. Finn he knows about his relationship with Nurse Baldwin. 🙄 Welll good for you, Vic. Maybe instead focus on what Dr. Finn has to say about your health issue!!


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  5. On 3/9/2023 at 9:12 PM, statsgirl said:

    The narcissism is strong with this one. Not "Trina is such a smart, brave girl, I would be proud if she turns out to be my daughter". But "Does she have my mother's eyes?"

    Is it wrong that I want both SM and TA in character as Trina, telling him off in stereo?

    I need emojis from @GHScorpiosRulefor an appropriate reaction to Carly telling Elizabeth they are "so much alike" and Elizabeth thanking her for stealing and returning a photo of the Webbers. Do NOT make these two women friends, Show. UGH.

    The Mac, Kevin and Felicia scenes were beautiful.  Their tears and "my brother in life" made me misty.

    Joss lying about her relationship stuff to Grandma Bobbie was so typical. Glad Bobbie at least gets to acknowledge missing Luke - but did Josslyn ever even know him?  And is the next scene going to be Josslyn crying instead that her boytoy got shot?

    I liked Laura's surprised/offended face that Drew very bluntly wants to "take the burden off your hands" by buying the stock Charlotte inherited from Valentin.   Sure Drew, just totally forget the fact that a young girl is without her father...kinda like when your daughter was fatherless.

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  6. 18 hours ago, lala2 said:

    The show can miss me with all this hoopla over their precious Esme. Liz sure didn’t have any crisis of conscience a year or so ago when she was hiding bodies in freezers. But the show cares about Esme (and is intent on whitewashing her in the laziest way possible) so now Liz is all tied up in knots! Ok. 🙄

    When Liz helped Finn hide Peter/Heinrich in the freezer, he wasn't pregnant, and Chase would soon die of a toxin from Peter if Finn wasn't available to save him (with help from Elizabeth). Also Peter did in fact kill Elizabeth's husband, although I can't recall if she knew that for sure at the time they stuck Peter in the freezer.

    As for today, I get that Bobbie talking to Felicia and Maxie about Jessie Brewer and Maxie asking how long she's worked at GH was to acknowledge International Women's Day, introduce the show's anniversary, and make Maxie decide to make the "biggest, best" NB ever her project - but it really came out of nowhere and I don't buy that Maxie wouldn't already know how long Bobbie has been a nurse at GH.  Also, Bobbie and Monica's mutual grandson just had a baby and his fiance has been in the hospital critically ill, yet these two GH employees haven't been seen in....how long? I can't even remember. Felicia, Lucy isn't/was not the "heart and soul" of the NB. That's a lie and not a way to calm down Lucy's freak out.

    Not even a mention of either Monica or Maxie's cousin Robin during any of the NB dialogue, either. Whatever,  Show.

    Hasn't Sasha suffered enough? Why does she have to seek out/chat up/be chem tested with Cody?

    And seriously, Curtis's big thought during his conversation with Trina was "does she have my mother's eyes?" Now whining to Nina.  UGH...

    The Trina-Ava conversation was quite lovely, the one great thing to watch.





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  7. 3 hours ago, lala2 said:

    We know the edit of this Esme incident would be entirely different if it was Carly in Liz's place and Josslyn/Michael in Cam's. They would tell their mom she was right to do what she did and that Esme had it coming. No one would need to think about it alone in their room. Carly wouldn't be crying. She would proudly announce what she did and dare anyone to have a problem w/it. I'm sick of the double standard on this show. 

    Yes it would be different - because Carly is a narcissist  without a conscience, and has raised her children to be just as entitled and self-centered as she is.  She was proud of being attached to "strong" men like Jason and Sonny who had the "power" to hurt or kill people/make them disappear forever.  That is in direct contrast to Elizabeth, who was never, ever comfortable with or capable of acknowledging that Jason could and would kill people for Sonny.

    Elizabeth told Scott before she turned herself in, that to be a good mother and role model for her  boys she couldn't go on like this. She had to come forward, and not be a coward. She's a nurse and has been pregnant herself in the past, so she knew that keeping a pregnant woman prisoner - especially once they knew Esme was not the Hook killer - was wrong. Cameron also has much more character as a young person than Josslyn ever had. That's why he's upset to find out that the mother he loves, who is his primary female role mode he's looked up all his life, would be involved in a serious crime.  He and his mother both have self-awareness about right and wrong, juxtaposed with Carly and Joss and the rest of their family who find ways to justify whatever they have done regardless of who has been harmed and how severely.

    That's one of the reasons I really liked their scenes in contrast to any scenes Carly has with her children. Elizabeth has basic goodness inside her, which is why she often struggles with guilt when she's done wrong.  Goodness and real feelings of guilt are totally alien concepts to Carly. The only time she seemed to feel genuine guilt was when Morgan died, and then she basically shrugged it off with a "thank God" upon finding out the bomb that killed him was from a Jerome because she felt that somehow absolved Sonny, and herself, or responsibility for his death. 

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  8. 28 minutes ago, Daisy said:

    Cam is playing soccer in Stanford. 
    bye Cam be free!

    Cam and Elizabeth's joy over his scholarship to play soccer at Stanford was truly the best part of the show!! I really love their mother-son bond. WL showing Cam's shock and dismay at his mother's confession and asking for his forgiveness. Then her tears at his ILY and giving her credit for having the courage to confess to the police....Beautiful. He's upset with his mom but still believes in her.

    "Scott put someone else's needs above mine and my Britta's."  That would be his family, witch. You'd think lightning would strike her in hypocrisy as she calls out Victor on being a narcissist.

    Laura did a good job of empathizing with Esme and trying to talk Spencer down. One question though - Laura spoke of giving birth to her first child at around that age and being surrounded by enemies. I thought Laura was married to Scott when she was 20ish, and her pregnancy with Nikolas/being held prisoner by Stavros was years later?

    I assume that Esme's line "protect you with my life" is an anvil?

    Portia crying to and pleading with Curtis is pathetic.


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  9. 22 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    Obviously Sonny doesn’t trust Dex as much as Michael claims he does. I think his plan relies too heavily on the belief that Sonny would jump to considering Dex as a surrogate son when he has 4 other kids who are still in his life. 

    More like the belief that Sonny would use Dex to fill the dead Jason void in his life. His cousin Brando had become the surrogate son; Brando and Sasha had replaced Morgan and Kiki in my opinion. 

  10. 19 hours ago, lala2 said:

    Yup. Willow was being utterly delusional regarding Wiley!! She was living in a world where she was his biological mother, and Nina threatened that. Wiley was never upset because he was too freaking young to be upset. It was always Willow! 
    And their OTT reaction to this confirmed what I always believed: they NEVER intended to tell Wiley about Nelle. They can lie to everyone that they had a plan but they didn’t.

    The claiming that Nina upset Wiley is their retcon defense. At the time, Wiley said to Willow off-screen that she's not his real mommy - he had just heard Nina speak of Nelle - and she was taken aback and heart broken. She explained to Nina and Michael what happened, and then left crying. Michael was furious that Willow got hurt/upset as a result of Nina's actions. Willow ran to Chase to talk, and confirmed that yes it brought up her feelings of loss for her baby and the reminder she's not Wiley's biological mother.  (Willow had just started to mourn her baby when Michael and Sasha were all "Wiley needs you and you need Wiley.")  

    I think Michael and Carly did intend to tell Wiley about Nelle some day (it would come up, for a school project or medical history, or something) but in the most basic terms i.e. Nelle and I had a relationship, and she gave birth to you. She was very troubled and ran away with you. Your family and the police came to find you; she died trying to get away. 

    The majority of the hatred comes from Michael's ego and also wanting to protect Willow's fragile sense of self.  He's angry that he didn't get his way with Sonny once Sonny returned from Nixon Falls, he's angry about Sonny's testimony in court regarding Nina, he's angry that his capacity for violence/that he killed Claudia was brought up in court, and he's worried that Nina's presence in Wiley's life and by extension Willow's would likely mean he and his family don't have total control over their lives, esp. the narrative regarding Michael and Nelle's history. Once Chase and Willow broke up, Michael and Wiley and the rest of his family became Willow's whole world (a different cult). Michael is good with that. 

    For me, the great irony in all this is that Nina is seeing Sonny and they're both friendly with Ava, when Nina (then played by MS) is the one who induced Ava's labor and kidnapped newborn Avery, with Franco as her accomplice. With the way Michael and Willow say "what Nina did to Wiley," you'd think Nina had kidnapped Wiley and was somehow responsible for the newborn switcheroo. As each day passes, it just seems like they transferred hatred of Nelle onto Nelle's revealed biological mother.  Therefore they, and Carly, resent whenever Wiley is happy to see Grandma Nina.

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  11. On 3/3/2023 at 3:59 PM, dubbel zout said:

    It's not "a formality" that a judge will give Spencer parental rights to Esmé's baby. Ugh. The entitlement there is so gross. 

    I wonder if that's what Diane told him due to Nikolas being MIA and making the wrong assumption that Esme would not want the baby in jail, because she was there when Michael got custody of baby sister Avery. Today she mentioned that case to Laura. 

    The obvious choice is to have the baby's grandmother and grand-uncle take custody. They have a home, which is where Spencer was going to live with his baby brother anyway.

    Spencer telling Esme last week that he/they are "making arrangements" for the baby while she's in prison prompted this.  He messed up by trying to assert his authority rather than talking with her. He's still maturing into adulthood, plus he's angry an hurt. 

    My favorite part today was Elizabeth standing up to Victor in his attempt to threaten her.

    I'll give Gati credit that Liesl's scenes with Michael and Willow were really well done. She's finally being truly honest and introspective, whereas Michael looks he's worried about losing control over Willow's life. I thought he might actually pounce on Liesl in anger if she dared even say her condition for the bone marrow transplant is that they be polite to Nina in the future. 

    And what, exactly, does Willow think Nina did to Wiley (aside from the  "Willow's not your mother' slip). 

    Shut UP, Alexis, and back off Gregory. Geeeezzzz!

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  12. 7 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    This is exactly why there will be no drama out of Lulu waking up. Sam and Dante already said they loved each other, which is well and good, I guess.

    How is this even a soap when the writers consistently suck the drama out of everything?

    The drama, or I guess I should say the intention for drama, stems from Dante's love for both Lulu and Sam, as well as Lulu waking up to find out that Sam is pregnant with Dante's kid. Some of you may recall when Lulu wanted more than anything to be pregnant but then was devastated to find out she could not carry a baby to term. Imagine how jealous and hurt she would be to remember that she believed she and Dante would be getting back together, but now he appears to be happy with another woman and is anticipating fatherhood again. 

    The Show can also have drama, or at least filler scenes, from Dante, Lulu and Sam talking things out with siblings and Laura, Sonny and Olivia, and Alexis. 

    2 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    My proposal is that they actually have both Molly and Sam be pregnant AND that that this results in Kristina going full "woe is me, the middle child" psycho and deciding to get pregnant too.

    I could totally see the writers going for this, too. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    or even 46 year old geriatric when it comes to pregnancy, already mother to two and stepmother to one who dumps her kids at the Q mansion any chance she gets, Sam, be given a pregnancy.  Unless they're about to wake up Lulu, there is no need to give Sante a baby 

    This show likes doing pregnancy stories for women over 45 - within the last decade Olivia had Leo, Ava had Avery and most recently Carly had Donna.

    I also wondered if they're about to wake up Lulu because I just can't see Laura being without all three of her children, and Dante and Sam are so boring together with no real storyline. Dante's line about Olivia having grandma baby fever and Chase asking if they want kids together seemed to come out of nowhere, other than a set-up for a pregnancy storyline. 

    Also, Sam was the one declining alcohol because of feeling like she got "sick" in England.  Molly was okay with having a little alcohol. There's no drama to be gained from Molly being pregnant; she and TJ are in love and in a stable relationship. This show launches pregnancy storylines (out of laziness, I believe)  to mine drama from them. I think Molly using the word "love" for Dante and Sam was deliberate (also, news to me!). They don't seem like a couple with plans to make a formal or legal commitment to each other. Do Rocco and Sam even have their own stepson-step mom type relationship? Also, Dante only let go of comatose Lulu because he felt he couldn't live in limbo for his own sake or Rocco's.

    There's also the factor that GH likes gross (see: Charlotte's conception). The idea of Sam getting pregnant by both a father and son is gross. I don't care that it was more than a decade ago or that the baby girl died at birth. The fact remains Sam was once pregnant with Dante's sister due to an affair/relationship with Sonny. 

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  14. 7 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    This is from the previews but it makes me cringe when Dante and Sam make out in front of their relatives. Double cringe when it’s their shared relatives 

    This too!!  This couple has two mutual siblings, Kristina and Leo, and:

    Mollly: Sam's sister, Dante's cousin

    Avery: Dante's sister, Sam's cousin

    Spencer: mutual cousin 

    Dante's brother Michael's children are biological cousins of both of Sam's kids

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  15. 31 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    There’s not the usual suspects on today so that’s something. Just wish the scenes were less boring because I’m falling asleep. Nothings happening except recapping or idle chit chat 

    I disagree. I absolutely loved the Davis Coven + TJ scenes until the last moment with the pregnancy test. I liked the writng and all three actresses looked lovely. That's the best use I've seen of Kelly Monaco in forever. The only time she really seems engaged is when she's acting with LA and HP, and sometimes with NLG.

    I loved Genie's acting with the fake tears - I genuinely giggled as Laura set up Eileen and then she and Robert were gleeful together as Eileen went off to the morgue.

    I loved Robert and Diane quoting and toasting coffee to Tennyson. Diane's line to Alexis about Gregory's career was hilarious, too.

    I loved Dante and Chase shirtless in the sauna, and thought they had a genuinely good conversation (right up until the last moment of Dante mentioning baby Ameilia/Olivia's baby fever re: him and Sam).

    The only awful thing that stuck out to me in this episode was Maxie's overall look. Who did she piss off in wardrobe, hair and makeup? Goodness gracious. First of all, that outfit belongs on an elderly woman. It's kind of a shock to the system to see the Davis sisters looking fresh and pretty together, and Maxie looking so awful with Brooklyn and then BL and Sasha. I was expecting at least a mention of baby Bailey, but nada.

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  16. 1 hour ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    Did she ever do anything to redeem herself or apologize to the Scorpio family for all the shit she pulled, especially given that Anna and her loved ones never did anything to warrant Obrecht’s campaign of mayhem against them?

    Or is it just crocodile tears because now she’s the one who’s on the receiving end of tragedy?  

    Karma’s a bitch, lady.  Oh well.

    No. When someone, I think it was Anna? said she knew what Obrecht was feeling when Nathan died because they mourned "dead" Robin when Faison and Obrecht held Robin captive, Obrecht flatly replied that Robin came back but Nathan wasn't going to. 

    Yes, it's because she's on the receiving end. The irony to me of Obrecht slapping Elizabeth and calling her an "enabler" for her actions, is that Obrecht's enabling actions with Faison were indirectly responsible for Nathan getting killed. Had Obrecht not enabled and protected Faison for decades because of her obsessive "Love" for him, Faison would not have been in a position to come out of hiding and shoot Nathan.  Had Elizabeth and Nikolas come forward, maybe the police would have looked for other suspects in the Hook killings. However, it's highly unlikely they could have cornered and arrested crazy Heather before she scratched Britt. It took Alexis doing some investigative journalism work along with Kevin's professional insights as a psychiatrist, with a dash of input from Laura, to zero in on the killer. 

    Obrecht has always disliked and never been decent to Elizabeth - not even when Elizabeth was married to Obrecht's "best friend"- and so at a time when the witch is looking for someplace to put all her rage and pain Elizabeth is an easy target.

    At the time Obrecht was helping Faison to keep Robin prisoner, her motivation was jealousy of Faison's obsession with Anna. Obrecht considered Anna to be unworthy. Obrecht always looked down upon Anna and anyone whom she did not consider brilliant like herself and Faison. 

    I think she shrugged off putting Robert in a coma when the intended victim was Robin. The only time she paid Robert specific attention was when she was furious about being framed for Peter/Heinrich's crimes. Her attitude at the time of Maxie's wedding was  'you're supposed to be the great Robert Scorpio, so you should have figured out Heinrich's lies and crimes already and cleared my name."

    28 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    She repeatedly apologized for the things that she's done and said how wrong she was to idolize Faison as she did.

    But not to Robin's family, and only decided she was wrong to idolize Faison after he killed their son. Unless it's her, her BFF Franco or someone in her family suffering, she does not care about anyone's pain. She only ever generally acknowledged (usually to Maxie) that she's done things she regrets.

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  17. 6 hours ago, ciarra said:

    Could Liz please bring up to Dr. O, "Remember the time you shot me?".

    I would LOVE that!! Not to mention that she shot Elizabeth while she was holding Elizabeth hostage in her own home, with Britt and baby "Ben" (re-named Rocco) because she decided that Britt was entitled to keep the baby created from Britt and Dr. O stealing embryo of Lulu and Dante crime. 

    Dr. O is just as entitled as any of the Carlys.

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  18. 5 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

     This show is so cheap there would be no way they would pay Adam to lie in a bed unless he wasn't sticking around.  Unless they offered him a certain number of episodes and lying in a coma was one of them.   

    This is likely in my opinion. Some of you may remember (I know @GHScorpiosRuledoes) that a few days or maybe it was weeks after Faison faked Robin's death in that lab explosion,  Kimberly McCullough was on-screen briefly in a bed so the audience could see that Robin was alive and unconscious somewhere, not dead or burned.

    McCullough at that point had agreed to return for stints amidst her directing career. I don't remember how long it was from that scene to the next time she was on-screen as a conscious prisoner. The show  did something similar when young JJ decided to leave but they didn't want to permanently kill of Lucky Spencer.  

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  19. 1 hour ago, Daisy said:

    Willow: Carly can you be my matron of honour?
    Carly: umm... but i hid the truth about Nina from you.
    Willow: *waves hands* that's water under the bridge. You've become like a mother to me.
    Joss and Carly: yaaayyy

    Yall I can't even with these people. 

    My thoughts exactly!!!!

    Elizabeth, after everything she has been through, gets slapped and called Heather's "enabler" and Scott is enemy #1 because he's taking care of his own family instead of showing absolute loyalty to his owner...er...girlfriend. "Britta's blood is on your hands." "Elizabeth is not your daughter." Elizabeth and her kids are all he has left of his DEAD SON, you witch.  I just can't. Liesl talks shit about people keeping parent/child secrets but she enabled Faison keeping Anna from Robin and Robin from Emma for YEARS and eventually all she had to say about it was "Robin came back; Nathan won't." No apology. Umm, Robin didn't have YOUR help to get free.  Liesl only cares about loss and suffering if it's her own/her family's.

    Meanwhile, Joss who left Britt alone to die gets asked to be a bridesmaid and is entirely focused on Michael and Willow, bringing up Oscar without a thought to the woman who saved her life.

    I HATED seeing Nina shriek with joy that Aunt Leisl is saving Willow's life. Michael is such a shit, yet slightly better than Carly because at least he let Nina speak when he answered unlike Carly that day Nina called her from Nixon Falls.

    So does that guy who retrieved NIkolas and put him on life support secretly, work for Austin's shady cousin?

    The only thing I liked and laughed about today was Finn referring to Liesl Obrecht as a "sort-of person." 

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  20. 19 minutes ago, slayer2 said:

    Yeah, I don't really understand this reasoning that ImposterNik and Liz hiding Esme is why Heather was killing people. Heather is crazy, she was killing people out of revenge it had nothing to do with whether Esme was lost or found. 

    Liz said (I forget when) that they - she and Nikolas - knew Esme wasn't the Hook because she was at Wyndemere when Rory was murdered, meanwhile the PCPD weren't investigating other suspects since Esme was the presumed killer. So, she reasoned that Rory and Britt might still be alive if she and/or Nikolas came forward and said hey, you need to keep investigating because we know for sure Esme had an alibi at the time these two people were murdered. (But of course Nikolas is way too selfish to implicate himself in a crime for 'the greater good.')

    I think she recently flat out said to Finn privately that she feels responsible for Britt's death. 

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  21. 3 hours ago, slayer2 said:

    This exactly! Thank you! They are working overtime to desexualize and infantalize Trina and they were doing it with SM's Trina as well. The fact that she was on the show for 3 years and only had one kiss?

    Meanwhile Joss is on to her second sexual partner (even when she was still with her first) it's very disturbing and alarming. while she is simultaneously screwing the life out of Dex raises a LOT of alarm bells.

    I was thinking along these lines as well. SM's Trina had a brief kiss with the teenager Dev (Joss had kissed him as well) and two brief, chaste kisses with Cam.

    The first time Joss had a bedroom kissing/intend to have sex scene was in 2019, with Oscar when she was 16/17 years old. Between 2020 and and 2022, she's been sexually active with Cam and now Dex whereas Trina's first bedroom kissing/potential sex scene was with police officer Rory in fall 2022 at age 20. 

    Also, there's the problem that both Portia and Curtis talk to her and treat her like she is a freshman in high school. I keep thinking Portia is going to tell Trina that the time has come to have a conversation about what can happen when two people love each other. 

    Unrelated - does Liesl Obrecht still not know that her daughter died saving Josslyn from Heather the Hook?

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  22. 48 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    Of course Curtis would blast Jordan. I mean, it’s not like he practically mocked her saying how he and Portia have no secrets and a completely honest relationship, unlike there’s where she kept work information from him 

    He wants somewhere to place the blame. I thought it was interesting that Jordan had to ask him if he's spoken to Trina and his response involved the words "I may replace the father she loves" and that Trina has accused him of trying to take her father's place. Wasn't that conflict well before the wedding? It's sad that he didn't decide to go talk to Trina until Jordan said something. 

    It looks like Esme is getting her memory back, between the beaming smile of pride at Spencer about her baby boy, and referring to the baby as "Ace" again.

    I rolled my eyes at Ava sorta yelling at Austin to get out of the hospital bed and come back with her to Spoon Island before the police find Nikolas's body.

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  23. On 2/24/2023 at 6:54 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

    Also Rocco and Charlotte's cousin.

    I thought of them, but as far as I'm aware Rocco is a non-entity (part of Dante and Sam holiday "family scenes" only) unless Lulu wakes up and Charlotte is only ever seen/mentioned regarding Valentin. With the way this show has been going I'm not sure Rocco and Charlotte are even aware they even remember they have an uncle Nikolas let alone that they were going to have a new baby cousin.

    1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

    I thought I was going to like Molly as a lawyer but it doesn’t work for me whenever we see her in the role. It’s a shame because it made sense on paper with her parents, being an overachiever in school and wanting to advocate

    Shouldn't she have recused herself immediately when Elizabeth brought up Nikolas - not after the statement? Or as soon as she saw Elizabeth? Not only is Nikolas Molly's cousin, but Elizabeth is Molly's dad's ex-wife.

    ETA: Not to mention, Dante should also recuse himself because his son Rocco and Elizabeth's son Aiden are cousins (via parents Lucky and Lulu Spencer), and Nikolas is also Rocco's uncle since Nikolas is Lulu's brother.

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  24. 3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    The Spencer redemption carries on. MW is doing a nice job of portraying Ava's conflict now that she's killed (not!) Nickolas.

    I guess that I am supposed to feel all the feelz for Joss and Dex, two young lovers caught in a web not of their own making (except it totally is) and desperate to be together.  Except nope.

    Thank you, Cameron, for noting that Esmè is Franco's half-sister. I was waiting for someone to point that out. Also, this makes her Cameron's sort of aunt through Steven Lars.

    Chavez is doing an excellent job showing Spencer's heartbreak as everything sinks in.  I felt so sad for him when he was speaking to his Grandmother Laura with tears in his eyes, and felt for her because she so badly wants the rift between her son and grandson fixed. I agree about MW too.

    I also think we're supposed to feel for Joss and Dex since I guess they're supposed to be portraying a couple madly in love, but all I see is Joss in a sex haze with a guy she barely knows and clearly thinks there is more to this relationship than their actually is - while not pausing to think/worry about the people she has claimed are her best friends - Trina and Cameron. I hope she gets wounded during the Sonny/Dex illegal event that is coming soon, because she just can't stay away from Dex. 

    Yep, baby Cassadine is Steven Lars' nephew as well as Lucky Spencer's nephew, Aiden's cousin, and Spencer's brother. 

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  25. 2 hours ago, nilyank said:

    If it was a girl, she would have named the child after Laura.

    I thought she was going to say she's naming the baby Colin, after (Grandma) Laura and (Great Uncle) Kevin. That could continue family tradition, since Nikolas claimed and re-named his first-born son Spencer, after Laura and his siblings. Also....good karma for the baby to turn out sane!

    Not much to say about today's episode. Willow and Carly's dialogue was an anti-abortion extremist advocate's dream (reminds me of a former friend), so I just had to turn it off.  I can't believe I actually enjoyed watching Sonny yell at someone.  Sonny yelling at Michael was oddly satisfying.

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