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Posts posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. 1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I get that Elizabeth/Finn is boring as hell, but wishing Jason on her is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Jason is gross, she deserves better.

    I never said Elizabeth would want Jason back, although I could see Jason wanting her back. I would like to see Patrick's brother finally return (from prison) and for him to be Elizabeth's love interest. They had great chemistry and he was good with her then-little boys.

    I think the whole audience must have head trauma from the "Jason is returning" anvils across almost all the scenes. Sheesh!!  Sam, that bridge was Jason and Robin's special place, not "Jason's place to think." And I don't believe for one second that Danny knows about that bridge or has spent significant time thinking about/missing Jason while talking to a friend. I'm sure Danny's friend has a relationship with the dad who was deployed; Jason was an absentee dad. Also, Sam and Jason rode motorcycles together. That was their bond. Her talking about feeling close to Jason on that bridge is a total retcon!

    "This baby/pregnancy has nothing to do with Kristina" She responded to the doctor in the moment without thinking; she didn't try to demand anything. TJ is an asshole. No matter what happens in the future, he's going to think the worst of his surrogate/SIL.  At least someone was thinking of Kristina's feelings. But I'm legit shocked there was a gay love scene during a pregnancy. Seems way too controversial for GH, a show which backburned the gay son from a legacy family for most of the time he was a part of the cast.

    The Elizabeth-Sam scene was good though. Kudos to Becky Herbst. Sam knows zero about teenagers, clearly. And again, Jason's brain was compromised when you met him.

    I guess Gregory is starting to develop feelings for Tracy?

    Again, why is a serial killer allowed to walk around and attack someone? First in the cemetery, now in Pentonville? I had to roll my eyes at Heather's screaming.

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  2. 3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    That said, I think that Gregory and Tracy make a very handsome couple.

    Hey, maybe Nina should write about how Finn was sued by a woman whose husband died of cancer because he wouldn't get treatment because what happened with Aurora made him lose his money. A serious article about how what Carly did was not a victimless crime.

    Gregory and Tracy have good chemistry, as do Finn and Alexis. If/when Finn and Elizabeth break up (in part because she is bored and needs more out of a relationship), I think Finn and Alexis would make a great couple. In addition to their friendship, neither one was complaining after their ONS!

    Nina should absolutely do that!!

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  3. 14 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Esme got nothing, Liz kidnapping pregnant woman got nothing 

    Esme went to Pentonville. She got out because Spencer's friends decided to drop the charges "for now" so that baby Ace could have a real home instead of being in prison with his mother. Liz didn't kidnap anyone. Nikolas held Esme as a prisoner at Wyndemere and Elizabeth discovered her, at which point Nikolas begged/manipulated her into keeping his secret and providing medical care. Elizabeth is at best, an accessory after the fact. She went to the PCPD and made a statement about her actions when it seemed like Nikolas had run away as a fugitive. The only other person who eventually knew what Nikolas did with Esme was Ava. 

    ITA about Carly and Sonny. 

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  4. 24 minutes ago, jsbt said:

    Assuming he's capable and not being carted off the set on a gurney, I'd like to see Taggert.

    Same. He should be a part of this whole storyline. He's a police officer, yet he doesn't even get a mention while Dr. Robinson gets to blow off her responsibilities and take her wheelchair-bound club owner husband with her on the airplane to Paris? They are not qualified to help rescue Trina from a psychopath. Come on.

    I understand there may be reasons why we don't see Taggert. But for Trina to not even mention "my dad" all this time? I would even accept a passing mention that "Dad has been really sick with a virus/the flu, but I just talked to him and he's starting to feel stronger. I haven't told him everything since before we left for Paris because I don't want him to be worried about me." 

    I just hate that the Show execs think it's okay to write like the dads who raised Josslyn and Trina no longer exist.

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  5. On 2/16/2024 at 11:43 PM, jsbt said:

    Dex is on borrowed time. Any young dude this show brings on in that role who isn't Jason always is. I remember when people told me Brando was the new Jason.

    I thought Dex was supposed to be a replacement Milo, and Brando was more of a replacement for Morgan Corinthos. Milo was once a 20 something, sorta in JMB Lulu's storyline(s). He and Spinelli both had crushes on Lulu at the time that she got to be Carly's mini-me, pre-Joss.  Whereas Brando treated Sonny like he was his surrogate father and Sonny acted like Brando was the son he wished Morgan had been. There was a scene at Casa Corinthos soon after baby Liam died, focused on Brando and Sasha. I thought, "they are the new Morgan and Kiki to this family."

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  6. 3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    I can't help but laugh at how anti-mob Joss is now, considering how she almost cut Cam out of her life for daring to call Jason a criminal. 

    Same. It was good to see Joss on the floor crying because Dex left her behind, after how she treated Cam for his very understandable perspective about Jason, and then cheated on him with Dex. Joss crying over Dex truly highlighted that she never deserved to be Cam's girlfriend, or even his friend really.

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  7. 1 hour ago, JMO said:

    Doesn't have to be Ingo, but this might be a nice time for Jax to come for a visit.  

    Jax's absence from Josslyn's life for more than a year - never a mention - has been glaring because he has a history of being a very involved, doting dad. A revenge porn recording of Joss goes public, Joss and Cam are interviewed by Jax's best friend for a media story, but Mr. International Corporate Raider apparently does not have anything to do with media, the Internet, or his daughter anymore since he left town for an undefined period of time. You would think Jax died off-screen. Ugh, this show. 

    The show has done this before, though, with a devoted parent. Brooklyn's throat gets slashed, Ned is afraid she won't live/recover ... but Lois doesn't show up. Brooklyn is "pregnant" and then she and Chase are together "raising our baby" ... but Lois doesn't show up. Brooklyn has some business-family problems with Tracy that get so-called media attention, and then Lois comes running (since RS became available) because she's "so worried" about what big bad Tracy has done to her daughter. 

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  8. Good lord, Sam - you've only ever known brain damaged Jason who made Sonny and the fam his #1 priority in life. Danny is not "hard-wired" to do dangerous things like a guy with brain damage. Jason was a studious kid in boarding school when he was Danny's age. Danny is a normal teenager who snuck out, end of story.  Alexis is an intelligent attorney who knew Jason and the rest of the Q Family a long time before Sam did - and was even once engaged to Jason's cousin. Why didn't she point out the glaring fact that 14-year-old Jason was a good kid, not a juvenile delinquent. This heavy-handed built up for Jason's return is ridiculous!!

    I need multiple vomit emojis that Dex would rather have Sonny shoot him dead than to live without Joss. I will never, ever buy that Joss and Dex really love each other. She still barely knows him. Esme had more character development and relationships on the show than Dex has had. I did like, though, how Sonny was utterly unmoved by Joss's tears and that she will never forgive him for Dex leaving. lol.  

    I love Laura's facial reactions to Cyrus, so very much.

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  9. @dubbel zout Yes, Joss and Trina touched on Joss losing Oscar, when Trina was explaining (in their dorm room) the drama on the boat and her feelings about "Spencer's death." Joss explained that they knew Oscar was terminally ill. It was EMc's first day back after bereavement leave. 

    In this case, I believe she was trying to say to Dex she couldn't handle losing her man suddenly, shocking and violently as Trina has. Well then fool, date a guy who has a regular job/life. Oh wait, you did- but you cheated on the good guy with and dumped him for, this guy who willingly has a dangerous and sometimes violent job.

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  10. 24 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

    funny line of the day

    Sonny to Michael:  Hello....Judas

    Had a hearty chuckle out of that one. As much as I despise Sonny, MB played it well in yesterday's reveal and 5 minutes into todays.  

    I was about to say the same - I think that's the first time Sonny has EVER been funny! I also liked that Drew is like a bully who just got his hand slapped, with Nina refusing to leave town and telling him that he and Carly are underestimating her. 

    The line about "stabbing your father in the back!" made me roll my eyes because no asshole, you shot his father in the chest! You killed him!

    So much whatever with Joss.  Saying she couldn't handle going through what Trina is going through, and then "I hadn't thought of that." Well duh, you're not that bright. Dex is rather pathetic - first his girlfriend's mother saves him and now his girlfriend is off to save him from Sonny. But I knew as soon as I heard Joss yelling outside the door that Sonny already went to Dex.


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  11. 34 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    ITA but I got anvils today and it doesn’t help matters that Dante/Sam have gotten so little storyline wise than they’ve gotten together that I don’t buy that TPTB care about them one way or another outside of a place to park them because there was no one else available. 

    True, but it makes me wonder if there's a "wake up Lulu" storyline in the works. Charlotte is a mess, emotionally speaking, and the only consistent adult in her family who has taken care of her is Laura - who has been stretched thin with the Spencer, Nikolas, Esme and baby Ace drama. Laura makes comments about the size of her family, like yesterday appreciating Elizabeth + kids because it helps to feel she and Kevin "aren't alone in this" i.e. taking care of her grandson.

    I don't doubt Sam misses the "ride or die" days with Jason, when she didn't need to be concerned about having someone to take care of her inconvenient children that she once wanted so badly until reality set in. Too bad she didn't get to be in the car when Jason told Sonny he never should have agreed with Sam about having kids.

    It seems more likely Jason would want Elizabeth back, at a time IMO when Finn will become less available and committed to her as he's focused on Gregory. Jake, who had more of a relationship with Jason than his brother Danny did, is now a teenager living without Franco in his life and without big brother Cameron living at home anymore. He's clearly not in a good place when you add in dating troubled Charlotte, his younger brother Aiden's cousin.  Then there's the fact that Aiden's father/Jason's former rival, Lucky, has been out of the picture for a long time now. 


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  12. 10 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    All of the happy Valentine’s Day couple on today are dull.

    Sam suddenly wanting to get back into motorcycle riding 

    Carly is never beating the allegations that Nina’s not on her mind 24/7 despite her saying over and over that she doesn’t care or think about her. She was quick to blame Nina today for shit that had nothing to do with her. 

     I assume it was supposed to look really hot and romantic that these couples were having sex to end the Valentine's Day episode - but my reaction is meh, aside from Brooklyn and Chase. Michael touching Willow's bare thigh and them being done in under 5 min(?) was only a smidge better than when they stopped painting Wiley's playroom to have sex the first time, under paint clothes ... Dante would have liked to know 'wild' Sam? Dude, she's been a felon and married to a criminal who had a motorcycle in the time you've known her....Curtis thinks he and Jordan are built to last (now that they've had sex)? This coming from the guy who tried to kiss his ex-wife because he was pissed off at his new wife. 

    I laughed at Carly saying, "Nina couldn't be trusted" and Sonny yelling at her that she and Michael betrayed him. I also smirked at the Michael and Sonny preview. I wonder - will Willow find out Michael didn't quite tell Sonny the truth as he claimed to her he did?


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  13. 18 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    Also, the adoption is probably a non issue because either Nikolas get out of prison and reclaim his kid, Esme will come back and/or this baby is being retconned into not being a Cassadine but why is Laura the only option for keeping the baby?

    I saw today's episode and I don't understand why Laura and Kevin would feel they need/want to adopt Laura's grandson. She didn't adopt her grandson Spencer after Spencer's mother was deceased and Nikolas was presumed dead. She became Spencer's legal guardian. So why wouldn't Nikolas, Laura and the court agree that Laura would become Ace's guardian? This baby has already lived with Laura and Kevin in their home for most of his short life. 

    I liked Elizabeth reminding Laura that they're family. Laura looked surprised that Elizabeth said Aiden could babysit. Does Laura not remember that Ace and Aiden are cousins? In fact Spencer, Ace, Aiden, Rocco and Charlotte are all cousins/Laura's bio grandchildren. 

    I turned it off when Carly squealed and hugged creepy gross Brick. Or fine, Brick can hit on Carly and leave Jordan alone. 

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  14. 5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    "School is meaningless now." Oh, for god's sake, Trina. You aren't ready to go back to school; fine. Take a semester off. But you're going to throw away the rest of your life over some dipshit 21-year-old boy? What happened to the young woman who had big plans for her life, regardless of how aimless Spencer was? I miss that Trina.

    Alley Mills was OTT with Heather's grief, I thought. 

    I had the same reaction to Trina saying she can never go back to Paris and school has no meaning. I think the grief is more about the future they won't have in Paris, than their brief relationship. Yes, I know, they were in love - but they spent very little time together being a couple without dramaaa. Elizabeth was younger than Trina is now when she thought Lucky died in a fire and didn't try to refuse to go to school after they spent a lot of time together, in love, and talking about their future. 

    I agree, Heather's ranting and getting in the dirt made me roll my eyes. Why did that guard let her get so close to Kevin? She could have hurt him if she managed to get a weapon on her person while walking to the cemetery. Screaming at Kevin about how awful his actions have been and her line "They say I'm a criminal?" really turned me off. Um yeah, lady, you murdered their GH colleague not to mention a PCPD officer and Brando (Sonny's cousin). 

    William Lipton/Cam was the highlight of the episode for me. His moment with GF/Laura was touching. It was nice of Finn and Gregory to be there to support Elizabeth, Cam and Alexis, but all I could think was Lucky should be there. I also don't understand why Charlotte didn't make an appearance, or Molly. I remember Spencer mentioning coordinating with Charlotte to get Laura and Kevin's home ready for Ace, and Laura told Spencer on-screen when Charlotte got shot. 

    Has anyone told Taggert that his daughter is devastated thinking her boyfriend is dead?  I'm really annoyed that Hat Daddy came to the memorial with Curtis and Portia, but Taggert isn't there to comfort Trina. UGH...

    ETA: The other highlight of the episode was the gut wrenching but sweet father/son scene, ending with Gregory hugging Finn. 

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  15. 14 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

     Lucky's absence for both Bobbie and Spencer's funerals is pretty gross honestly. He should be there for Laura. 

    Absolutely. He had a relationship with Aunt Bobbie and her family, not to mention that Bobbie babysat Cam and Jake when they were little kids. Spencer is Lucky's nephew, and there was a time briefly (when Elizabeth was pregnant with Aiden) that the boys lived with their mom and Uncle Nikolas and cousin Spencer at Wyndemere. At a time when Laura is not in a position to lean on Nikolas or Lulu for love and support, she needs Lucky to be there for her more than ever. 

    Also, what is the deal with Robert not even acknowledging Bobbie's death? His lines to poor re-cast John/Jagger reminded me the Show has never had Robin appear with Emma and Noah (he's what, 6 years old, how can be captain of a soccer team?!) Robert's everything-is-rainbows summary means we don't know if Robin has any knowledge of or reaction to Bobbie's death - and now Spencer's assumed death as well. I was hoping for "Robin's career is going great, although she's struggling a bit with mourning Bobbie." 

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  16. 2 hours ago, KittyQ said:

     Cyrus is Laura's brother (even if he's a criminal and probably sociopath), while Carly is just Sonny's ex-wife and Drew is no relation at all to him that I know of. While Laura gave Sonny a dose of truth, she really should have slammed the door in his face (literally as well as metaphorically) the way Sonny shut Nina out for a far less egregious act.

    Laura knows that Cyrus ordered Julian to place the bomb, which killed Lulu's boyfriend and injured Lulu so badly she's been in a coma for ... 2+ years now? Laura and Sonny's mutual grandson is without a mother as a direct result. Laura's granddaughter is also without her mother and is an emotional mess. Laura does not have any fond feelings toward Cyrus. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I nearly had a stroke when Alexis and Sam laughed off Spencer's vote tampering, WHICH IS A FEDERAL CRIME. And that whole, "What a scamp he was as Phantom of the Opera at the Nurse's Ball that one year." Okay, they don't want to speak ill of the dead, but their cavalier attitude toward his worst behavior is aggravating.

    I didn't get the sense that Alexis was laughing as she mentioned Spencer's driver and the ballots in the water - more like remembering with amazement that his actions (the boat/saving Trina from Esme was the last) have been dramatic and OTT from the time he was a child.  It was Sam who was smirking that little Spencer tried for a public takedown of Cameron during the Nurse's Ball. Typical of Sam to shrug off dangerous actions.

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  18. 32 minutes ago, JMO said:

      Ditto for Genie Francis, who was genuinely moving in showing us Laura’s grief, despite the ridiculous storyline. 

    ITA! She rocks the scenes showing Laura's range of emotions. I get the (IRL) reasoning for Laura to accept that Spencer is dead, but the writing should show Laura refusing to accept - for now - word from authorities that Spencer couldn't have survived given that her own sons Nikolas and Lucky have both been presumed dead in the past and they came back. Not to mention Robin Scorpio (whom Laura has known since she was a kid), Robin's dad/Luke's best friend, Anna Devane, Luke's second best friend Sonny, etc.

    All of this "Spencer and Esme are presumed dead" drama could have been avoided if Spencer and Trina used a little brain power and tied unconscious Esme up and/or locked her in the state room. It's as dumb as Robert and Anna being locked up/outsmarted by Faison for, what a week? to draw out the Patrick/Sabrina engagement drama while Robin was in hiding and trying to "save the parents."

    Don't even get me started on Portia and Curtis declaring they're going with Laura to "'save our daughter."  Did anyone even inform Trina's actual father for life, the police officer, about what's going on? Taggert, not Curtis, should be the one going with Laura!!

    NLG did a great job with Alexis trying to be a professional and then breaking down at the end of writing the obit. On the other hand, I have no words for Sam talking like Spencer was some neighborhood kid her mother had cared about instead of a family member she really loved. 

    There was no reason that this new police officer in scenes with Anna and Jordan has to be a recast Jagger Cates. The actor looks nothing like the actors who played Jagger, or Stone, or their sister Gina (?). 

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  19. On 1/25/2024 at 3:20 PM, statsgirl said:

    What did Jordan do to be forced into a relationship with Brick? Ick x 1000.

    Seriously. I was grossed out at him flirting with Jordan. 

    I had almost the same reaction to Valentin flirting with Nina. I guess he's over being upset about Charlotte and mourning the end of his relationship with the supposed great love of his life? Meanwhile she's still acting traumatized that she shot Charlotte even though she knows it happened because Valentin lied.

    Also, Ick x 1000 = Sonny staring at Valentin with Nina while suggesting to Ava he can get her settled in on his island. The audience does not deserve to watch him attempt to seduce Ava to get revenge on "legal" (I 🙄when he said that to Brick) wife Nina. The crypt sex that resulted in Avery was disgusting enough, thanks. 

    Also eye-roll worthy: Diane's court room dramatic speaking, and Sam breathlessly making a beeline to Martin, Finn and Elizabeth with the info about the couple's finances was crucial to preventing Finn from being sentenced to lethal injection in a murder trial. 

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  20. 10 hours ago, Blackie said:


     And does Sonny really want to set Joss's boyfriend up as a murderer?

    Sonny cares about getting what he wants. He quite deliberately manipulated Dex by mentioning Joss on the list of people in danger. He doesn't care about Josslyn's relationship. He probably thinks she better get used to the idea that being with someone in the biz means being with a killer. After all, her mother made the choice and knew and accepted the reality without blinking.

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  21. 31 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Good! Let this be the end of any kind of relationship between them.

    I just laughed and laughed because Diane pouted, then thought she was clever in her good-bye to him and her decision to walk away. Then Robert's reaction: a WTF just happened look. He knows he's being himself, telling the truth and making a point that she'll have more time/space in her life without Sonny. 

    Diane thinks waaayyy too highly of herself and her client. LOL.

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  22. Did anyone else laugh today that:

    a) Diane decides she doesn't want a romance with Robert because he's too anti-Sonny for her taste? Not being taken in by your smug about your boss and pointing out facts about Sonny versus Cyrus is just Robert being Robert. So-called tough Diane doesn't have much of a spine. 

    b) Dex says ILY and always will for the first time by leaving a VM message for Josslyn, right before he goes to kill Cyrus on Sonny's orders, to prove his loyalty. What an unromantic dumbass. Which is exactly the type of boyfriend Josslyn deserves.

    I'll give the writers credit that the scenes of Spencer realizing that Esme remembers, were well done. And I was genuinely surprised at the cliffhanger.

    Speaking of Spencer, can someone with a better memory than mine remember whether child Spencer (NB or the other kid actors in the role) ever personally interacted with Bobbie? Or did he just know of her as Uncle Lucky and Aunt Lulu's aunt?

    I was thinking about it because I found it ironic that Nikolas once said to Lucky, "I named my firstborn child after you" and yet Lucky, Elizabeth/Lucky's kid(s), and the two Spencer grandkids Luke has from Lulu were all missing from the funeral while Lucky's Cassadine nephew and both Lulu's and Lucky's ex-spouses attended. Wonder how Luke would react to knowing "spawn's" son showed up for his beloved sister Bobbie's funeral whereas "Cowboy" and the Spencer grandchildren did not. 

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  23. 2 hours ago, DanaK said:

    Was Lucas on the show when BJ died? That storyline was so long ago now I can't recall many of the details

    Not actor Ryan Carnes, but the Lucas character yes. Little Maxie finds out from her mom (with Kevin sitting next to them on the couch) that BJ died because Maxie says I want Lucas and BJ to come to my b-day party. Felicia explains that BJ can't come because she was in the hospital recently at the same time you were. Her head was very badly hurt in an accident, and she gave you a very special gift - her heart - before she went to Heaven. The child actress, Robin, did a fantastic job in that scene. (I watched the old clip again last night; can't recall the last time I watched it.)

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  24. 4 hours ago, CeChase said:

    Today was amazing.  I don't like seeing Carly's big face everywhere, nor do I like the rewriting to make her everyone's best friend and some kind of angel, but I know who bigfoot is behind the scenes, and if I want to watch GH, I have to deal with that.  

    I think there's an important distinction here in that I thought it was clear that the "everyone's best friend" type dialogue comes from Carly's state of narcissism and self-delusion. I laughed a lot because it seemed to me that there were several moments of subtle shading of this character. Felicia's dig about Carly not being invited to parties at the Brownstone after Bobbie and Tony split up, and Carly acknowledging she never even knew about the parties. Carly being all, 'huh, wow there are aspects of my mom I never knew about'.  She seemed truly, genuinely surprised to realize there was more to Bobbie than the title of nurse and being mother or loving grandmother to the kids when she was in need.  With the exception of about six GH cast members in that church, everyone knew and loved or respected Bobbie more and for much longer than Carly had. 

    The self-delusion concluded with her hugging Lucas and saying ILY, please be in touch. Lady, you have all but ignored your brother's existence since the day he was forced to break his own heart by handing baby/toddler Wiley off to your son Michael.  I give RC credit that Lucas's obligatory ILY response was the most underwhelming and unenthusiastic ILY I have ever heard during a TV character's death storyline.  That was well played since during the funeral RC had to be a scene partner with LW and CD for the first time since that awful giving up Wiley scene. LOL - good for you, RC!!

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  25. 6 hours ago, Nique said:

     I didn't appreciate them having Carly throw that in Felicia face. Not because it wasn't true but because she has no right. The only people allowed to throw it in her face are Maxie Mac Georgie Bobbie and Tony & it's been done already. It was also the audacity cause Carly took Mykill from AJ to raise him with a violent mobster & he got a cap in his head cause of it. So she is the last person to talk about anyone parenting. 

    Anyways your post is spot on 💯

    Why thank you! 

    You are absolutely correct that Carly has no right, but it's totally in character for her. Felicia makes a point about the past that she was angry at Carly's actions hurting Carly's now deceased mother and Tony; Carly attempts to deflect by bringing up Felicia's actions that hurt her daughter but had nothing to do with Carly's life. Although I can absolutely believe Carly would judge Felicia (without knowledge gained from being directly involved in the situation) as an abandoning mother whereas she has considered herself to be a devoted mother to all her spawn. She genuinely thinks well, Michael recovered and Sonny and I did not cause Morgan's death - the horrible Jerome family did.

    Re-writing her own history as "close to Maxie" in this episode is very similar to what she did in a scene with MC when he started in the role of Nikolas. She saw him and said that she and Laura had become "close", so she was upset with Nikolas for keeping his not-dead status a secret from his mother.  She tried to demand that he reveal himself to Laura soon. 

    Carly and Laura were not then, nor have they ever been, "close." Laura was historically definitely not fond of Carly, but she also never seriously got into it with Carly out of love and respect for Bobbie and Lucas, esp. considering Laura knew they had suffered so much due to losing B.J. 

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