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  1. I think the only logical reason to recruit Joss for the WSB would be to lure (a recast) Jax back to the U.S. for some reason and to try to lure Jerry Jax out of hiding if they suspected he's still alive. It's still ridiculous that devoted dad Jax has not been a part of Josslyn's life since before she started dating Cameron. Hey nuBrennan, you need Carly like the audience needs a migraine. Spare me. BLQ being smug to nuLulu that Dante had sex with her once and lied to/withheld that information from Lulu is not a good look. It serves Sonny right that he collapsed while yelling at Ava. It's nice to see Elizabeth, Lucas, attorney Ric, etc. having conversations at the hospital when they're not worried about patients being murdered. I look forward to seeing Tracy and Stella have a scene together tomorrow!
  2. Yes! They agreed when he was in that hospital bed that they "have a lot to talk about" but they haven't talked about Lucky officially moving in/talking to Aiden about being a family under one roof/a long-term relationship.
  3. I doubt that would be enough for Willow to turn against him because he can easily manipulate her into believing he was never really attracted to Nina, but she threw herself at him in the aftermath of losing her marriage and he told her a relationship wouldn't work out. It will take some in-your-face disgusting proof or witnessed behavior for her to dump Drew. Dr. Randolph's real co-COS got murdered by Heather while saving Carly's mini-me. I think Portia was the only other on-screen doctor (actress on contract) at the time who wasn't leaving in the foreseeable future? (e.g. Finn)
  4. She has always expected Jason to come running when she is in trouble (or one of her kids might be in trouble), regardless of which man she's involved with at the time. The difference is Jason is strongly opposed to her dating Brennan.
  5. Maybe I missed something - when were Sam and Maxie best friends? I remember them bonding over their dislike/jealousy of Elizabeth back when young Maxie wanted GV's Lucky to leave Elizabeth for her and Sam resented the long-time friendship/attraction between Elizabeth and Jason. They've also had a bond through their relationships with Spinelli and Jason and I remember Sam showed up for support once after Nathan was killed, but I don't recall them having a consistent friendship separate from the men in their lives. I don't think this (adult version) of Maxie would bring up Georgie. Her sister has been deceased for a long time now and she got married as a teenager because she was ill, expecting to die. That's not really comparable to adult relationships/marriages with children involved.
  6. @GHScorpiosRule They got to have a few minutes of happiness. I think Brook Lynn feels tormented now because of what she's going through with Chase, but a woman who felt truly tormented regarding her child doesn't turn around and fake a pregnancy for the sole purpose of manipulating a man she knows is a devoted father, because she screwed up with her family and wants to redeem herself. I don't even like Valentin and I thought that was cruel.
  7. Except she just admitted to Chase this week that she did think about it (when AL's Brook Lynn was trying to break up Dante and Lulu) and had the opportunity to do so but decided not to because Dante was in love with Lulu and not interested in her. For me, that makes all of this much worse. He and Lulu are solid? Well fine, I'm moving on with my life and Dante never gets to know and nobody ever gets to hold me accountable for my actions or I'll lash out. Hmm, no wonder she gets along great with "Uncle" Sonny and Carly. As for today, I loved seeing Elizabeth in green soon after St. Patrick's Day and seeing Lucky with an Eckert's box, which for me is a nod to his history with cousin Sly. The flirting and chaste kisses were sweet, but "a lot to talk about" still hasn't happened weeks after that episode. Yet the Show gives him time to hear Kristina worry and complain about Sonny and Ava. Grrrr! The preview scene of Alexis and Valentin could be interesting.
  8. Yes, no argument there. The quotes were because he kept emphasizing that Brook Lynn is his wife and he's determined to protect her from the harassment of Lulu the bully. Lulu and Brook Lynn had one nasty confrontation. Chase is acting like Lulu has taken multiple opportunities to pressure and/or threaten Brook Lynn that she better tell Dante the truth very soon or else. You would think Brook Lynn is sitting at home in tears because Lulu has just been so horrible to her for weeks. If Brook Lynn had put on her big girl pants and told Dante the truth during one of the numerous times they've seen each other as adults - knowing he's a good man who wouldn't just blow a kid's world apart for selfish reasons (he's not her beloved Uncle Sonny!!) - there wouldn't be an issue now. And I say this as someone who has only ever liked Lulu in a few scenes, like when JMB's Lulu raged at Sonny/Jason for shooting Dante and some emotional scenes between AH's Lulu and Laura or Dante.
  9. It is funny when you put it that way! I just really dislike how Chase demands that Lulu stop "harassing my wife" as if Brook Lynn is a defenseless teenager while Lulu is an adult trying to ruin her life, that this secret is nobody's business but Brooklyn's because she has convinced him at least temporarily that his best friend shouldn't know he fathered a child prior to Rocco. He's in denial that his wife has been a coddled, self-absorbed liar and schemer since long before he knew her. Brook Lynn hates that Lulu knows this about her and that the truth about her own behavior and decisions could jeopardize her marriage. I personally hate that Brook Lynn's attempt to rape Dante after drugging him - and Lulu witnessing it - has been glossed over because "it's in the past" and Brook Lynn is supposedly a new/different person since she's married to Chase. That doesn't mean Lulu was any less hurt or traumatized by what she witnessed yet Brook Lynn still has no remorse for what Lulu witnessed. Fast forward to now and we find out that she also decided as an adult to never tell Dante they had a son together because he didn't want to cheat on his girlfriend with her?! With "friends" like her, Dante doesn't need any enemies. Though I definitely think Lulu was wrong to let herself in to Martin's room and go through his files, I absolutely understand her feelings toward/attitude about Chase's "wife." I lost respect for Chase when he said he would arrest her for crimes if she didn't back off poor put-upon Brook Lynn (as opposed to arresting her and building a case because he's a cop who thinks the law is the law and she belongs in jail).
  10. I think Chase already knows that keeping this secret is wrong - that Dante would want to know - because Dante just flat out said to him Lulu would not be better off if Charlotte hadn't come into her life and it's the right thing to "step up" when/if you know you're a parent. He's just mad that big, bad Lulu is making his wife upset. The comparison to Sonny and Dante is not fair because Dante thought Sonny was a creep/thug long before he knew Sonny was his father. He came to Port Charles as an undercover cop for that reason. The father/son intro was Dante recovering from a gunshot wound. Dante, on the other hand, is not a dangerous guy and has been a devoted dad
  11. Not so far. I've got to give JPS credit that Valentin's appalled reaction to realizing that New!Brennan thinks he's in love with Carly "Spencer" was hilarious. How many times can two men call each other "old friend" while one was holding a gun? Ridiculous. Also, Anna with all her skills could easily have left Jason on the ground instead of yelling let go. Her character has really been destroyed. Ugh. Was that supposed to be Jason's pouty face that Anna won't just let Brennan kill Valentin? The only reason it would ever be okay for Sonny to ask Laura to come to his place at night, immediately, is for an emergency concerning Rocco and/or Dante. I'm appalled at Laura telling him she's proud of him. Hey Laura, a friendship with Sonny should not be an option for you because a) you're the mayor and b) you have a different husband now who is not a part of Sonny's world! Her desire to be friends like the old day is naive and ludicrous! Chase, dear, you deciding you need to protect Brook Lynn by scolding Lulu and trying to tell her what's what just makes your wife look weak. Lulu made good points. Hey Felicia, you didn't get the chance with Maxie and Georgie because Georgie was murdered. I can't with Felicia acting like Brennan is worse for her than Sonny was. So far, Felicia, none of Carly's kids are dead or critically injured because of Brennan. Hey Jason, do you remember when Sonny shot Carly in the head? What a hypocrite. Can this Gio secret finalllllyyy be revealed to Dante?!
  12. I'm all for this happening since her voice killed Aunt Pat (Spencer) and thus made Bobbie sad. It makes total sense Bobbie and Luke's elder sister preferred death over meeting her niece.
  13. IMO you can dismiss what Robin said to Carly when Robin and Patrick re-married and left the Show, because Billy Miller was in the role of Jason-soon-to-be-Drew at the time. So, Carly being all gleeful around Robin about having her Jason back didn't really count. KMcC/Robin didn't see SB/Jason again until Robin and Patrick had Noah off-screen in California, and Sam and Jason/Drew had Scout.
  14. Did I hear correctly that off-screen Robin worked with WSB to save Carly's miserable life? I call it now: Carly's going to say she went into cardiac arrest because she sensed that Jason had decided not to tell her something very important. I was really waiting for lightning to strike Sonny, who has had one son critically wounded in childhood and adulthood, one son dead, a daughter nearly killed by a car bomb he set, and children kidnapped, for telling Valentin "you don't deserve to be a father." BLQ, your husband doesn't want to go along with you keeping this secret because your reasoning sounds like bullshit to him just as much as it does to the audience. She wants to believe she is doing this to protect the adult child, but it sounds more like she doesn't want to wreck her friendship with Dante and have the family furious with/hurt by her and Lois. Telling Chase that she didn't tell Dante the truth as an adult because she realized he didn't have "lingering feelings" for her, makes this retconned secret even more gross. Her ego was hurt because he wasn't interested in sex with her a second time, so she resorted to trying to rape him while he was under the influence?! (That's what I got out of her talk with Chase; he just doesn't know specifically that Lulu actually caught Brook Lynn in Dante's lap after she slipped something in his drink.) Basically, she wanted $ from Carly, to have the ego trip of Dante wanting her, and to stick it to Lulu. Girl, you were not a teenager at the time as an excuse for bad behavior and that is not friendship. If the situations were reversed and Dante was telling this story about withholding a very important truth from BLQ because she was not willing to cheat on her boyfriend with him, this would cause outrage.
  15. Maybe he's been poisoned before? Regardless, unconscious Carly is the very best Carly so good job, Valentin. Tracy having Martin arrested in Laura's home is ... a choice.
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