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Everything posted by Dccfan126

  1. I will preface this all by saying I am not so worry about DCC that I am losing sleep. bit I straight up lol'd at Shelly's "I am sorry if you feel like you were lied to". Um, you guys announced group leaders all over the place, big shock KaShara still has thing about being a second leader on social media and nobody could clean up her feed yet again, and then a show which you guys partly produce just used the world's worst editing job to try and cover it up. You did actually lie, but you sucked at trying to do it.
  2. I feel like this super obvious. We all know that Kelly et all have producer rights and how much they blather on about the brand. sorry, but DCC are the idiots for putting group leaders out in social media and then changing things. You look dumb, unprofessional and like the brand is getting away from you. I have 100 issues with Alexandria's nails. I get now what Kelly saw in her. That Boston suburbs look is very similar to that Dallas look. Different accent, same nails and highlights.
  3. This hip hop choreography is dumb. The DCC never do this. It is a funny thing for TV but has nothing to do with their performance value. also, Kelly, if you guys have so much money, maybe pay for a new song instead of the one we all know you used last year.
  4. I give Briana credit for being the most intelligent in the room. Repeating Jerry's dumb catch phrase will absolutely give you more airtime.
  5. Guys, this stuff in the floor with Kitty. They look like strippers doing this on the floor.
  6. "I want you to take a Kitty workshop" aka I want you to pay more money to someone who affiliated with us for a nondescript reason I can not verbilize
  7. Exactky. I said this about the Holly too thing. If Kelly gave any fucks, that shot never gets out there. Kelly gets paid in part on revenue from the cheerleaders. And she wIll whore them out for ratings on this show. i have next level rag about this Selina fuckery.
  8. They aren't going to show Erica if the scenario looks bad for them. Cutting a popular three year vet looks super bad for them. my guest is K&J have bought way too much into creating drama for the show and are losing sight of their actual job. Shit up bitching about Selina's weight. For the love of god you have vet willing to show up, be grateful for it.
  9. This video -- Lacey really looks great and I love her. But when you have her up front -- in a basically unattainable perfect DCC figure, Rachel looks just flat out large. I am sure she is not, but I am shocked K&J consider her "uniform ready". I think this was a good year to be a bubble girl with all those late departing vets. is that Rachel? I don't even know. Whoever that is -- I am just surprised.
  10. This. I have done corporate icebreaker crap like this a million times.
  11. Yes yes yes!!!!! Management, you have a talent retention problem on your hands. I mean these rookie, bless their hearts, but just no to some of them. And let's be real, if you are going to bend over backwards to accommodate Jeff Heath of all people, you will do more for more important players. Point being, I think Dak could have said something in passing in all of two seconds that in reality meant nothing to him, cost him zero collateral, and people would have been tripping all over themselves to do it. Because they are moving damn mountains for Jeff Heath who is NBD whatsoever. Yeah, I feel like Cowboys or Bills PR had to be in on that with CBS. Why else would they keep a long shot on him after the touchdown -- normally they would have cut away. And they had the graphic ready to go with her name.
  12. Exactly. Like, as long as you as they aren't assaulting anyone, do your little tricks.
  13. Well, except for the one who managed to basically live with a cheerleader, is now marrying her, and she someone still has a job at The Star working for the Cowboys:) or Jenna or Holly who people claim have done this multiple times. Or Jasmine who was photographed with one. i mean, clearly some of them interact. Isn't the whole crux of this drama? And that is my point -- Dak telling someone to make sure Jenna keeps her job (if such scenario even happened) is hardly a favor. It's a Cheerleader, not a wide receiver. Sure, Dak, whatever you say. It's a throwaway because it is inconsequential -- he's not wasting a favor or anything.
  14. He would never be kicked off, and I also doubt he would quit. I am sure it was more like him doing a hook up a solid and making sure she didn't get fired, if it was anything at all. I doubt he would risk unemployment for her, but I think it's certainly plausible he told someone to make a call and not have her cut -- in theory. I am sure lesser players have requested more and it has been granted. I always figured if the Dak/Jenna stuff was actually true, someone outside on the DCC had to be the one who saved Jenna. Because I think they would leave a cheerleader to die in the fields if it kept a player like Dak last year happy. Not that he saved her in some grand romantic gesture. More like they hooked up, she got in trouble, and maybe he threw her a bone because he could and it was easy and no risk for him.
  15. We need to stop pretending this is regular professional environment.
  16. FWIW, does anyone really know that was Cassie? Because given the way all of those Alumni talked during that last episode, it could have been anyone.
  17. I might buy this scenario IF Jenna wasn't busted with Dak last year. It doesn't seem so much that Jenna's bahvior has changed over the years, just that as she became for visible, so has her behavior. I mean, Paige was basically living with a player of a year and no one knew. But Paige also wasn't a group leader or point or show group or otherwise super visible. Point being, I think lots of these girls can do this stuff and just fly under the radar -- so I don't think Jenna was just suddenly corrupted.
  18. This just kills me because the show will never show what really happened if it does not look favorably on DCC, and by extension Jenna. so really, insiders, just tell us already lol.
  19. I looked at that was wondering -- I am assuming not all that much thinking went into it outside of "You are a cheerleader and this is what you have to do", but it is weird to have non-citizens do that.
  20. The thing is, Holly does probably have a decent post DCC career. The truth is lots of other places will not care, at all, what went down with DCC. It's like saying you broke a rule in your sorority -- grown ups in the real world do not care. We have all known Jenna was kind of pathetic for a while -- she probably doesn't have options past DCC. She has been one since she was 18. It's been six years. She clearly hasn't finished school in that time, and she doesn't seem to have other options. As an organization, DCC thrives when it has good soldiers who don't have other options for whom DCC is the end all be all, so they do not ask questions and do as they are told. It is just as simple as that being Jenna and that not being holly.
  21. Thank you -- you can't argue it's a "real job" when some of the stuff kashara has put on social media would get you fired from a "real job". My guess is in reality she is just a moron. I am sure if someone sat her down and explained to her the issue with the Group Quarto picture, and explained to her what "dog whistle" means and how some of the politicians she has endorsed and RTd use it, she could maybe learn. Hell, I would like to see someone like Jacie pull her aside and explain this to her in a simple, slow way she could process -- there is an Alumni scene for you CMT! Otherwise, when you tweet and RT stuff like that from your WORK account, you create the assumption that you and your employer support those views. Which, maybe they do.
  22. You know, I was pleasantly surprised by Christina. If she had mistakes, she sold them well. Good for her. Tess/Bess/Whatever her name is and Jinelle are just built to be DCCs. They look great. Victoria's smile is as gummy and horsey as Chandler's if not more so. Some of these girls I think are "Dallas pretty". With enough garish make-up and big hair they pass for what is considered attractive in some circles down there - that kind of overdone Dallas look. Victoria is that. Someone like Kelli Q is that. Beautiful is reserved for someone like Brianna. No make up, not tarted up, just beautiful.
  23. See I can see a lot of them willing to go through just about anything on camera if it means they keep their spot.
  24. They have definitely said they aren't going to bring vets with weight issues into camp, and they always do. Personally, I think it is because they know things will be fine in the long run, that the weight issues aren't real concerns to the overwhelming majority of fans, and this way they have a dramatic storyline for the show. There is no universe where any Cowboys fan thought Schram had a weight issue -- but she made a great spokesperson for whatever that pre-package meal plan nonsense was they were partnered with.
  25. I bet M is for makeover. Because they are right -- Briana looks like a high fashion model. And high fashion model is not the DCC look at all.
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