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  1. Perfect, tragic ending. I knew that Romero would die and was expecting it, but the way it happened...trying to avenge Norma, crawling away from Norman in the snow, his body just being left out there in the middle of the woods (not to mention the final twist of the knife reveal of Norma and Norman getting buried next to each other!)...oof that was hard to watch. I'm so, so happy that Dylan and Emma got a happy ending. If anyone deserved a happy ending, it was those two. Hopefully poor Dylan is getting some lengthy and intense therapy. Boy went through A LOT. It was devastating, but fitting that Dylan was the one to finally end it all. I was sick to my stomach during the whole dinner sequence. Everyone on this show deserves nominations. The acting has always been great, but this final season has been spectacular. What a great show.
  2. oof what an episode. I'm devastated for every character in the show. I am so glad they spared Dylan - I can't even begin to imagine what he must have been thinking during that kitchen sink. Freddie has been absolutely fantastic this season and I love that he wrote this episode. Also Max Thieriot was great this episode. The scene of him breaking down in Norma's bedroom was heartbreaking. Max and Freddie have great sibling chemistry and their relationship has always been one of the more moving aspects of the show.
  3. I forgot to mention in my original comment how much I loved "At Last" playing while Norman and Mother got rid of the hitman's body. Hee!
  4. Really liked this episode! I'm loving what they decided to do with Norma and Vera Farmiga. It's so, so creepy. I agree with those guessing that Romero tried to get Norman killed. That certainly won't end well for him. Yikes! As great as it was to see Dylan and Emma happy (with a baby no less!) - I ultimately feel dread. I'm worried that it will somehow end tragically for Dylan. He'll no doubt get dragged back to the White Pine Bay/Norman drama somehow.
  5. Agree with your list. I would also add Dina's reaction to Amy's pink suit. "Who is the terrorist, Dina?" "That suit you're wearing."
  6. This was a really good season premiere. They set up a lot of really cool stuff, and I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season. Gordon has me slightly worried. I'm assuming a coke problem will be one of his main storylines this season. Loved, loved, loved Donna and Cameron working together. Drunk Donna was hilarious.
  7. According to Kerry Ehrin (exec producer and writer on the show), the writers start working on season 4 next month, so it sounds like the renewal is just a matter of being officially announced? Not sure why A&E is being so quiet though. I was TERRIFIED for Dylan when he went down to the basement. I just wanted him to get out of there.I'm officially joining the "Please Let Dylan and Emma Escape Together" club. We all know how this will all eventually end, but I need someone to have at least somewhat of a happy ending for my own sanity.However, I did like that they didn't treat Emma getting the lung transplant as a 'this will make everything better!' type of thing. It's still a very risky thing, and her fear was totally understandable both in terms of the literal medical risks (her body rejecting the lung) and also realizing that she's gonna have to potentially live for a long time after preparing to die at a young age. Norma knocking Norman out was hilariously fucked up. Also that conversation Norma and Norman had while he was packing sounded like a break up: "We've been horrible for each other. I love you, but I don't think we're good together, we're not healthy for each other. It would be for the best that we separate." Yikes! I kind of laughed at Dylan literally saying, "uh...Bradley isn't dead..." Speaking of which, her (actual) death was brutal. It was pretty cool creatively how they switched between Vera and Freddie for that scene, but seeing Bradley trying to crawl away from Mother/Norman was really hard to watch. Also Mother popping up to call Bradley a mess after Norman pushed the car into the water was awful, but in a good way? I don't know how to describe it, but Vera is amaaaazing with her delivery.
  8. ooof I can see it now...Chick goes to the site to get revenge for the beat down he got last time, some kind of fight happens, and poor Emma ends up being the innocent bystander.Though I do remember reading that Carlton Cuse said that Dylemma fans would be happy with future episodes about a week or two ago...but I suppose it's possible that he was excluding the season finale when he said that lol. Now I'M nervous!
  9. So Entertaiment Weekly revealed that the season finale's body count will be between 1-3. Yikes! Also, here are 10 teasers/hints about the finale. They're a little more specific (but not very detailed) than other information we've gotten, so I'm going to just link it just in case.
  10. ooof @ that basement scene between James and Norman. So many different levels of disturbing. I'm going to need Dylan and Emma to just get into Emma's VW and get out of that place. Gosh this show. I keep hoping that everything will be okay for everyone in the end, but then I remember that it won't. Good job, show. Drunk Romero is something I didn't know I wanted. Hee! The moment of the episode for me is a toss up between this and Romero and Norma taking a moment out of their bickering to acknowledge the stupidity of the name Gunner.
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