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Posts posted by taanja

  1. So. The final ep? 

    I am with whoever said I miss the American 22-24 eps per season. This 6 ep a season crap is --- well! crap!

    The opening scene with Eliza and Nash during the shootout was cute -- my only sorrow is it wasn't Eliza and William doing the cutesy thing together.

    See. In my vision of the show -- that's how I picture Eliza and William being --solving cases together/working together/ living together.


    I did like that things came full circle. Eliza is back in her old office with a new sign.

    Without William it's like the show is lacking something. 

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  2. On 1/28/2024 at 4:31 PM, Souris said:


    I thought Stuart Martin being absent for several episodes last season was a blip for some personal reason. But now it’s a regular occurrence? Or did they just write off one of the title characters? What is going on?

    Welp, my interest in the rest of the season/series just plummeted like a rock to be honest. I was already missing Moses. Nash is an extremely poor substitute for either. 

    I am not happy.



    I was going to ask the same thing!

    Did they change the name of the show? Cuz how can it be Miss Scarlett and THE DUKE without the Duke??? I ask? Is the actor not available?

    Nash is a smarmy dude. he and Eliza have zero chemistry.

    • Like 3
  3. 12 hours ago, chaifan said:

    I actually thought the same thing about the actress who played young Eliza. 

    This was an ok episode, but it was just filler.  It really didn't tell us anything new, or move forward any plot.  I'm ok with filler/flashback episodes when we have the good old-fashioned US season of 22+ episodes.  But when we only have 6 or 8, it seems like a waste of time.  I think something like this would have been more interesting if you had Eliza narrating the story to Fitzroy, with Fitzroy interjecting questions and observations, etc. 

    For me, the biggest revelation is that Eliza is 28!  I always thought she was older, maybe early/mid-thirties. 

    That ^^^ just kills me on these (PBS and other) shows! 6 eps -- maybe 6??--- and it's like whew! we have to go on hiatus now for a year or two!

    It was most deff a filler ep. So Eliza is 28 and William is 30? They both look older. But people in the olden days DID look older! The two little actors did a great job though. 

    It was sort of a let down when William woke up. It could have been anyone sitting there with him. it was sort of meh. Eliza was weirdly chill. Oh you're awake William. Cool. Gotta go!

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  4. 2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:


    I hadn't realized what an integral part of the show this character was until he wasn't there.  It's like it's a different show.  I'm not looking forward to next week's show.  The 'will they, won't they' aspect of the show is its worst aspect.  I'll be tuning out if they become a couple. I like my detectives to be single (Sherlock, Poirot, Marple, Vera, Endeavour, Morse, Jessica Fletcher, Rockford, Marlowe and Spade.)

    See - I am completely opposite. I watch this show first and foremost for the Eliza/William relationship and the great potential I see!

    The mystery of the week is just an after thought.

    • Like 7
  5. 17 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    I’m optimistic about the cliffhanger considering the title of the series!

    Me too!


    There is NO WAY they are killing William! I mean -- NO way! (I actually thought it was going to be Fitzroy who was a gonner - especially when he mentioned earlier in ep about wanting to go to NY City.) So when all the cops went into that building I figured it was his last episode!

    Looks like we get a flashback next week. The how did William enter Eliza's life episode.

    I knew right away that the sister of dead dude was somehow involved in his murder.

    2 hours ago, Daff said:

    Anyone catch the “preview” for next week? Looks like we’ll be treated to a flashback to Eliza’s and William’s childhood, with a much younger actor playing Eliza’s father (a police officer at that time). Probably a depiction of William’s anesthesia induced, recovery stupor.

    Morphine was the "anesthesia" of the time. So -Morphine induced dreams! good times!

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  6. 20 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

    If you support your local PBS station, you probably do have Passport.

    Big snowstorm heading my way so I might treat myself to a full season watch while trapped indoors.

    Yup! big snow and what a perfect idea!

    if I have passport ??? (I do support my local PBS) Miss Scarlet and The Duke sounds like a nice way to pass the time.

  7. On 1/8/2024 at 4:49 PM, chaifan said:

    I think the problem is, they've never really given any reason as to why these two are not together.  Yes, there is friction, but there's also obvious attraction on both sides.  In the real world, those two would have been matched up for marriage by the time she was 15.  William has had the occasional girlfriend, but there's never been a real reason as to what is keeping them apart.  Eliza likes her independence, but has never made an outright declaration that she will never marry. 

    What I do wish they would do, is give Eliza another love interest, someone who is a true rival for William, someone with whom there's a chance Eliza could keep her detective business going.  (William's character, as written, would not allow his wife to work.)  I thought that was going to be Nash, it still could, I guess.  But I'd rather it be someone new. 

    I think the dynamic would change far too much if they did get together.  And, as I said before, I can't see William allowing Eliza to work, so there goes the show.  I suppose they could get together mid-way through the last season, and the show ends with their wedding. 

    Personally I do NOT want another love interest for Eliza - or William for that matter! I like them working together and obviously knowing one another so well. They know each other's quirks and foibles. 

    I think the showrunners (don't quote me! I very rarely if ever see or read behind the scenes stuff) have said that it is William who will have to change his attitude. Every time they work together he sees how brilliant Eliza is and he admires that.

    They can become the unconventional couple -- ahead of their time -- married and solving mysteries together.

    Surely the showrunners can think outside the box! They do NOT have to drag the will they won't they out until the bitter end.

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  8. 3 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

    Good to have the show back.  It was a hoot seeing "Leonard" as the culprit.  My companion saw him and said,  "We see this guy a lot - I think he's a 2nd banana in a show..."  LOL.  

    I'm not invested in the Miss Scarlett/Duke relationship.  To me, it's like poop or get off the pot already.  I keep thinking that this is going to wind up as "Moonlighting" in Victorian garb.   I do love how they have interesting side characters and keep adding to the stories of the ones who return like Ivy. 

    Eliza and William already kind of act like a married couple. They could have them as a married couple that works together. it wouldn't even have to change the structure of the show - much.

    My wish would be that the PTB do not keep playing the will they won't they crap. But for some reason the showrunners always think that's cute.

    I have stopped watching more shows than I can count because of that kind of nonsense.

    • Like 8
  9. I enjoyed it - but maybe I'm easy?


    I rewatched S 3 and saw the ep where Arabella (William's GF and Eliza's old nemesis) dumped William because she saw clearly that he is in love with Eliza.

    So the new season seems to start some weeks/months after that? They made it clear that Eliza and William had NOT seen much of one another in that time.

    I did miss Moses. I assume the actor is otherwise engaged. 

    I literally watch this show for the Eliza/Duke relationship. The cases and whatnot are just icing on the cake.

    I figure it will be fun when Nash comes back and finds what Eliza has done or hasn't done with his London office. Time will tell!

    • Like 10
  10. On 12/30/2023 at 1:49 PM, zapper said:

    season 10 started on PBS, I've watched episodes 1 and 2, but with nothing in this forum, it would seem I am the only one :)

    Wait! What? ugh! I missed it

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Affogato said:

    I assume she reads newspapers. 

    All I know is I learned more about baseball (the history!) than I ever knew before or even cared to know! Ken Burns, of course, can make anything interesting.

    and by the 1880's -- baseball was THE THING! A truly American sport! Even the elite had knowledge of baseball. 

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  12. 15 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

    Had baseball been that popular in 1880s and had it been properly codified that the term 'three strikes' was part of the vocabulary?

    And all that Mrs. Astor stood too lose, she said coup de 'grah'? Grace is pronounced 'grass', of course. A top socialite should have known that.

    Ken Burns (I believe?) has a lovely documentary on baseball. and YES! by the 1880's baseball lingo would most deff be a thing!

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  13. 15 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

    She was the only daughter of the Vanderbilt railroad tycoon and was forced by her mother to marry the Duke of Marlborough. She was the first of what was termed by the British as "dollar princesses" - American heiresses who married British aristocrats. Consuelo brought with her a huge dowery and was told by her husband that this was the only reason that he married her - in order to save his ancestral home. Her mother basically traded her daughter and a boatload of money for an aristocratic title, and it was not a happy marriage. 

    Interestingly, she does look a bit like the actress playing Gladys...


    Very interesting!

    I would be OK if that was Gladys's fate. It would sure be fun to watch!!!! Especially if it creates full blown DRAMA between George and Bertha!


    • Like 5
  14. 4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

     The one good thing that came out of her marriage was d. 

     Which means that Gladys is going to be in for a miserable time if they are going to follow Consuelo Vanderbilt's life for the story. 


    I guess Oscar isn't considered a good thing to come from the marriage?

    I understand where Agnes is coming from -- she values money and status ABOVE all else =-- ever her own son/flesh and blood.



    I don't know who that is? Has How do we know the show is portraying that person's life?

  15. 11 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    What a happy ending to season two! I’m glad Marian came to her senses and I’m still shipping her and Larry. Gladys is too feisty to put up with Bertha and her match making, her and the Duke won’t happen.

    Kudos to whoever called Luke having money put aside for Ada and the day is saved. I love that Ada is now richer than Agnes. 
    I’m glad Opera wars is over. That was the most boring part of this season. 
    I want to see Jack become rich.  Bring on season three! 


    Hm? To me Gladys comes across as milquetoast. Bertha (Mother!) say jump and Gladys says -- how high? To be honest Gladys is one of my least favorite characters. She is just there. And that purple/lavender dress was atrocious!

    Otherwise - I loved loved most of the dresses/costumes at the opera! Even the one Turner wore with the roses or whatever sewn into the bodice was attractive. Or the color was becoming on her. And the actress has a pretty face.

    Oh my! A Jane Austin ending! happily ever after for the 3 ladies who went from "destitute" to WE HAVE A FORTUNE! I can already see the dynamics changing in that household. For sure!

    I actually felt sorry for Oscar (I Know! - right!) but the way Agnes was berating him was not just harsh -- it was degrading and petty and mean. I was like whoa babe! you're gonna drive him to suicide!

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  16. 12 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Um, not trying to gross anyone out, but was the slit deliberately wide enough so women could do a #2?  If yes, might as well just have a giant cut out instead of a slit.  
    ps…add me to the ranks of women soooo glad I live in a time period of more forgiving womens’ clothing.

    You also have to remember -- this was normal.

    No indoor plumbing yet. You can't miss what doesn't even exist!!!

    This is all they would know. The more privileged women perhaps had an easier time? They had maids to empty the chamber pots and to clean garments (and wash out the rags!)

    • Like 5
  17. 14 hours ago, MBayGal said:


    They certainly are incredible!!  But I always wonder how women dressed like that were ever able to go to the bathroom!  And even now, the actresses would have the same problem.  Maybe they wear Depends😉

    I don't find the plots so predictable as many of you do.  Perhaps this is because I have no interest in or fondness for British royalty, so I never watched Upstairs, Downstairs, or any JF shows.  Tho I did quickly realize Ada's new life would end tragically.  I thought it was super cheesy to kill him off almost immediately.

     The costumes (dresses especially!) are simply amazing. The actual day to day grunt life is never portrayed. Think about when the women have their periods!

    My grandmother -- born at the turn of the last century -- had some pretty disgusting stories about that female function!  rags anyone????

    The bolded part^^^^ I think I only watched a season? maybe? of Downtown Abby. I never watched anything else by JF. 

    • Like 3
  18. 18 hours ago, Charlemagne said:

    The difference is that the deal is done (or so he thinks.)

    It's the difference between knowing a hot stock tip before you secure your position and keeping that tip secret so no one else invests and then telling people that you invested after the fact.

    The thing that changed was this: at one point he wasn't an investor... and then at another point he thought that he was an investor.

    A big enough investor that he saw himself as approaching the same level as George Russell (or on the way to it.) This was about Oscar's pride as much as his greed.

    And, yes, all those things that you mentioned are, indeed, red flags. Con artists deliberately look for people who ignore red flags - for whatever reason. Cons don't work on everyone. They just need to work on someone.

    Thank you.

    You have actually stated quite succinctly 'the con" That is exactly what happened and Oscar was the perfect "mark"

    They have said Oscar works at the bank --but not ONCE has he been shown to work in any way shape or form. (They show other people working -- George Russell for one) they even showed dead preacher preaching that one time.

    Like you said -- he is a "gentleman banker" - Meaning he does nothing . All the grunts do the work. He just has the title.

    Maude herself was just a figure of rumor and innuendo.


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  19. 5 hours ago, Trillian said:

    Small nitpick about the scene where Marion meets Larry and she’s all decked out in pretty pastels:  there’s been a death in the family and there’s a dead body in the house. Shouldn’t there be a mourning wreath on the door and the inhabitants wearing black?  That felt jarring to me. 

    It literally only just happened. Within a day they will all be in black.

    • Like 4
  20. 13 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Well everyone who predicted Oscar would lose all of Agnes's money was either very prescient or privy to spoilers. This strikes me as a rather stupid plot twist that makes Oscar look like an idiot. I could see someone like Larry making such a foolish mistake given his lack of experience in the business world, but Oscar is supposed to be a banker. To invest all of his family's money in some sham business without doing the least due diligence on the alleged company and their odds of getting a good return is just laughable.

    I am never spoiled. It takes the fun out of watching as far as I am concerned.

    The scam itself was just screaming -- look at me! -- EVERY single detail of Maude Beaton's existence was literally garnered from gossip. I saw it coming a mile away.

    I guess I didn't really care about Ada and new hubby and their doomed marriage. I feel we barely got to know him so I am not mourning his death. I don't even recognize the actor so I have no affection for the character either way.

    But I do hope it turns out that he had money and it ALL of it goes to Ada! haha! I will laugh!

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