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Posts posted by Yokosmom

  1. Quote

    If they truly want to amp up the drama, the ponytail twin would get aufed first. Holy crapshow what a scene that could be!

    Yes, casting the twins was a producer's dream.  If one of them get's aufed--Drama!  If they get put on different teams--Drama!  If Whiny Twin needs so much support from Ponytail, that Ponytail can't finish her own garment--Drama!  Another team challenge where no one wants to work with either of them--Drama!

    It is pretty much win-win with those two.  I get the feeling that Ponytail has been propping up delicate flower Whiny their whole lives.  

    And  I really wish that someone in that workroom had pointed out to her that most of them had "curvey girl" models and to suck it up.  Or mention Katy Perry, who definitely has curves.

    • Love 4
  2. Quote

     Usual drama, and apparently the different materials challenge has gone downscale - newspaper, vinyl are not that interesting. But I did like the winning team's collection, would have given the winning look to the newspaper dress, but ok overall. I'm in for the season!

    Yes, they usually have much more interesting materials to work with--and ones that don't smell, as well.  That workroom must have been pretty rank.  I felt sorry for Samantha having to use her asthma inhaler.

    Normally I would point to the powers that be regarding the non-aufing of CryBaby Twin, but the other dress was truly hideous and Sentelle deserved to go. The judges caught a little of her act on the runway, but they were unaware of her awful behaviour in the workroom. I was surprised at the CryBaby Twin's emotional meltdown--I wonder if she has ever been in a position where people haven't told her she is fabulous.  I'm hoping that there will be another team challenge later in the season in which the team members or leader get to pick who they want to work with.  If she's still around, she'll be dead last.  Oh, wait, I forgot her sister....  I don't hate the twins, as they don't (so far) seem to be actually viciously nasty.  I enjoy watching their affectations and ridiculousness.  Of course, if I actually had to work around them I'd go crazy.

    Yes, the judges were hypocrites for calling her out on the "curves" thing, but I thoroughly enjoyed it anyway.

    They shouldn't have allowed Sentelle on the show--two years in fashion isn't anywhere near long enough.

    I was happy enough with the team order, with Ballin winning first place.  Plan to rewatch tonight to remind myself of the middle team's designs.


     It also means "living the good life" or "living in luxury". I'm pretty sure that's how they meant it.

    Thank goodness!  I only knew the other definition and had a WTF question mark in my mind every time that they mentioned it.  Judging from Tim's expression, he did too.


    I was curious as to why they didn't separate the twins. It seems like they have an emotional competitive advantage being on the same team

    I would love, love, love the drama if they ever end up on different teams.  Even if it is producer-engineered.


    Once again Brandon has put his model in a shapeless crop top. I think he really has no clue how to design for women. But I give him credit for creating that print by simply painting white rectangles on vinyl. That went a long way towards taking away the flat look of the fug brown vinyl.

    Brandon is doing surprisingly well so far, but I agree with you--the real test will be when he has to do a non-crop for his model.  

    • Love 4
  3. Quote

    So agree about Ashley!  All that cheap see through fabric hanging around the models' legs, and those flowerpot headpieces. 

    I hated Ashley's designs even more than Gretchen's and that's saying something. And for someone who grew up in Hawaii, she had no sense of color at all.

    Random thoughts: Back to this episode, I'm liking some of the designers so far, though I'm sure that the editing monkeys will turn them all into Hannibal Lecter by the end of the season.  At this point, I'm putting the twins into the "fun to snark on" box, rather than the "annoying as hell" box, though if I had to share a workroom with them, it would definitely start to grate.  Their mutual lovefest is pretty annoying.  I'm very interested in what Amy comes up with and how far she will go.  It must have been a real relief not to be aufed in the first challenge--how would that have looked to her students?  Though perhaps teaching fashion doesn't necessarily mean that she will be a shoe-in this season.  I can't, for example, imagine Tim making it far if he ever competed.  I'm also looking forward to see how Margarita does as well.

    Brandon seems very introverted and/or shy.  



    This season's gimmick of various-sized models could backfire. In past Real Woman challenges, the designer with the tallest, thinnest, closest-to-runway-stats client usually wins. Unless the powers that be get super crafty with model & designer pairings, they could end up with all of the non-traditional sized models getting eliminated fairly quickly.


    It wasn't that way in the first episode.  We'll have to see if the judges revert to form.  I think that they are going to focus much more closely this season on fit and whether it actually looks good on the model, but their subconscious biases could favor the thin models again if they aren't careful.

  4. Yes, watching the show.  I didn't know when I started watching that they were going to go down the "alternative theories" path.  I did find it interesting that there were so many people who claimed that they saw Laci walking the dog that morning.  The reporter's comment that the burglary day switch didn't match what he knew to be true, was also something that I had never heard before.  (Though, if he really believed that the dates were so wrong, did he testify at the burglar's trial to that effect?--I suspect not.)

    However, to believe that he's innocent, you would have to believe that someone would take the risk of transporting Laci's body all the way to SF Bay and dumping it there.  I mean, it is a large bay, but after a few days, as the story started to grow and grow, there were a lot of eyeballs on that body of water.

    I am finding it rather fascinating to get the discussions of the media coverage of the case as it unfolded.  Not really a fan of Nancy Grace but I enjoyed her admission that Scott Petersen just simply gave her the creeps.  Although I think that Scott is guilty as all get out, his defense lawyer was right--the police feeding little snippets of information to the media, some of which were disproved later, put the defense at a real disadvantage.  (Of course, their real disadvantage was that their client was a sociopath who couldn't even fake any concern for his wife.)

    Can't wait until the oh-so OJ Simpson-like arrest and the news interview  that made him look guilty as hell.

    Despite the "alternative theories", I think that I'm in for the long haul.

    • Love 3
  5. Quote

     But it got me to thinking that maybe having a level playing field is one reason why there's a standard size for a model, so the designs can be judged (on PR or on the real runway) equally against each other.

    I agree that it would be easier to judge with an even playing field.  But, on the other hand, as a plus sized woman myself, I think that I will enjoy seeing what they come up with for the bigger models.  Because, up to this point, if there is a wonderful outfit, I can admire it, but always think "that's beautiful--but I can't wear it and it will look like crap on me"


    The fashion will EVENTUALLY be applied to everyone

    No, most definitely not everone.  Perhaps it is a lack of imagination on my part that I can't imagine most of these clothes being adapted to my shape.

    I actually thought that the first runway wasn't that bad.  Yes, there were some atrocious outfits, but, compared to the last few seasons, it seemed like a better runway overall.  Or maybe I have just blotted the last five seasons of first runways out, which is highly possible.

    Cha-Cha's outfit was ridiculous and deserved to go, but then, so did the designer of the gold Star Trek dress.  I think that Brandon just got extremely lucky this challenge and his lack of knowledge of women's wear will probably do him in rather quickly, but who knows? 

    I don't think that those tacky shorts belonged on any red carpet.  I think that the twins spend too much time reinforcing to each other how fabulous they are.

    • Love 11
  6. Quote

    I''m now wondering if Deyonte's dress would have been judged differently if it hadn't been on a black woman with straight hair who reminded people of Michelle Obama.  The judges said something like, "I could see Michelle Obama wearing that"--would they have said the same thing if that same dress had been on a short (can I say short?) white woman with frizzy red hair?  Did that affect their feelings about it?

    I'm assuming that if Deyonte had been given a short, red frizzy-haired model that he may have picked a different fabric/colors/pattern.  Didn't they meet their models before going to Mood?

    • Love 3
  7. Quote

     I think the term just means a group of boys where there's more than one vocalist and who are mainly popular with young girls.

    Oh, we have different definitions then.  That is far broader than mine.  I view boy bands as "manufactured" and put together for looks more than music.   Whereas, the Beatles, Stones, etc. were working bands long before they had massive fanbases of young girls. 

    • Love 4
  8. Quote

    I've long thought that Littlefinger started the rumor that Rhaegar forciably kidnapped Lyanna in order to get hot-blooded Brandon Stark to do exactly what he did.  

    I've always assumed that it was Varys, but that Littlefinger knew the truth.  Both had motives to start such a rumor, though.

  9. Quote

    I really enjoyed this episode right up until the last few seconds.   Everything about Bronn saving Jaime doesn't work for me. It doesn't ring true for Bronn's selfish character. 

    I assume that he saved Jamie because he is his only hope of getting that castle.  That said, he is perfectly capable of turning on Jamie whenever it proves to be opportune.  He is definitely getting frustrated with the lack of follow through on the promises that have been made to him.

    • Love 1
  10. Well trained cadaver dogs are not "junk science".  Dogs have a sense of smell that is probably a thousand times stronger than ours.  If you want a real eye-opening account on dogs' sense of smell, try reading Being a Dog: Following the Dog into a World of Smell. I'm suspicious of a number of forensic techniques, bite marks for one (unless the teeth are greatly misshapen), but not cadaver dogs.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 5
  11. My only problem with the film is the "a woman is nothing without a man" trope that it embraces fully.  Definitely of it's time, but still annoying.  Other than that gripe, fabulous film.  Very well written and acted.  So many memorable scenes.

    • Love 1
  12. Yes, I'm not opposed to having cancer cases on the show, if they are interesting and not run of the mill, show-wise.  (I'm not making light of cancer, which is horrible--I just mean that show-wise, it needs something extra to involve an hour long episode with a coroner). Steve McQueen's use of laetrile and Steve Jobs idiotic refusal to seek help for his treatable illness (or too late in actually listening to his doctors) made them good candidates. Speaking of Jobs, his episode was pretty interesting.  Had heard of his strange diets, but had no idea that fruitarianism is a possible cause of pancreatic cancer.  But I think that the real cause of his death was simple hubris.  He couldn't accept that someone else (who spent every working day treating cancer) might possibly know more about it than he did. He won a trifecta--pancreatic cancer that has a high treatment success rate, discovered early, and the money to get the best medical care in the world, and he threw it all away.

    • Love 8
  13. Two scenes I would like covered--the Royal Variety Performance with the Beatles (Princess Margaret & the Queen Mother attended) and the break-in at the palace when Elizabeth awoke to find a deranged (but non-violent, thankfully) man in her bedroom.  I doubt that they will cover the former but can't imagine them not covering the latter, if only for the impact on the household staff (surely, heads rolled, figuratively speaking).

    • Love 5
  14. Missed the Patrick Swayze one, though, I'm wondering if they are stretching a bit there--he died of cancer, right? Not sure how that makes him a subject for this show.  Steve Jobs, though--that one I am looking forward too, as I think that his own hubris did him in (regarding his treatment for his cancer).

    • Love 3
  15. I saw it over the weekend.  While I don't think it is anywhere near as awful as the critics made it sound, it did feel tired a lot of the time.  I felt Depp's performance as Jack seemed "off" somehow and not as effortless as before, though this feeling wore off by the middle of the film.  I think that Depp's personal life and (possible?) drinking took a toll.  Agree that they didn't make him as cunning as in the other films.  That said, I still thought that the film was ok.  Would have liked a little more background with Barbossa and whatshername.   I'm going to miss Barbossa--in his way, he was a much more interesting pirate than Jack. I love the supernatural element to the films, what with spooky islands disappearing (and appearing) out of nowhere. Enjoyed the young Jack Sparrow scenes, brief as they were. The new young couple were ok and not too obnoxious, but of course, will never equal Will and Elizabeth. Overall, my 4th favorite of the five film series.  I liked it much more than the last one.

    • Love 1
  16. Quote

    Found out Tinariwen put out a new album this year.  Tuareg music with a strong blues-rock influence.

    Never heard of Tinariwen.  Thanks for posting the video of his music!  Immediately bought the latest album.

    • Love 1
  17. I've only made it through episode 3 so far and I have a question regarding the red boxes that the Queen reviews every day.  I can remember reading biographies of Queen Victoria and that she dutifully went through the boxes as well.  However, since the Queen has no real power, and is mostly a figurehead, what is the purpose of her going through the boxes?  Is this just a courtesy from the government, so she'll know what's going on in the country?  It's not as though she can do much with the information....

    • Love 3
  18. Quote

    The jury in the Stairway to Heaven plagiarism case has cleared Led Zeppelin.


    I don't think it's outright theft because they are different. At best you can say Page was inspired by it.

    The video comparison that I saw/heard, the lengthy opening was virtually identical--way beyond "inspired by" status. LZ should have lost the case as far as I'm concerned.

  19. From what I've read, the girl was in her bedroom and the boys were in another.  It is conjectured that she left her room to see what was going on during the attack.  One of the boys doing an overnight with the victim's young sons that night was related to the main suspect--that may have been what saved them.

    Agree, sadly, that the girl was probably sexually assaulted and then killed.  The oldest girl was fortunate to not be home that night. The main rage was against the mother, and the older son and his friend came home at the wrong time and had to be taken out too.  They may have cooled down a bit when the younger girl came out of her room.  

    This case could have been easily solved when it occurred, but there was something hinky going on with the law enforcement in that town at the time.  It sounds like the attack happened simply because the mother rebuffed one of the men--her son and his friend were collateral damage.

  20. Quote

      Here it's the opposite - the females were killed and the boys were taken.. but for what purpose? 

    Comanche men had a high mortality rate due to their warlike nature and supposedly, Comanche women had a low fertility rate.  Eli was rather on the old side to be taken captive, but such things did happen.  The Comanche took captives from whites, Mexicans and other tribes. I believe in the book, that Eli had been observed for a number of days and was considered to be a possible addition to the tribe due to his hardiness and hunting skills.  

    • Love 1
  21. Quote

    I think she was taken by someone she knew a little bit. Enough to trust them and to maybe go somewhere with them but not well enough to know they were trouble. It could have been a creeper from her apartment complex, a guy she worked with or maybe someone else, like a cashier at a mini mart she went to. Although she was 26 which is a little old to fall for that and she seemed used to rebuffing guys.

    Yes,  I think that she was grabbed by someone, though not necessarily someone she knew.  She seemed to be very cautious and careful of who she associated with (re first roommates).  She was a very beautiful girl and was probably walking alone.


    I'm still interested in the Ray Gricar case.  He was a DA in Penna. and dropped off the face of the earth about 5 years ago.  His car was found, later his computer was found and then the hard drive.  He was last seen at an antique store and then...nothing. I Wiki'd but according to them he was still missing.  Anyone know anything further?

    It's actually been nearly 12 years! I'd go with suicide, but that doesn't explain the whole laptop scenario.  The tie with the Paterno case seems far fetched, but that would explain the laptop.  Wasn't there some sighting of Gricar in Eastern Europe fairly early on, or am I getting that mixed up with another case?

    Re Bear and Sky--I think Bear was definitely murdered by one of his "friends".   He was young, sickly, frail, and obviously had a lot of money.  He wasn't old enough or savvy enough to know that he should have been more circumspect about his income.  Regarding Sky, he is probably also dead--someone was pulling a con on him, that's for sure.  I suppose that there is a chance that he's with a cult somewhere, but I really fear that he fell in with the type of people who may have just killed him for kicks.  Bear was physically weak and Sky was apparently having some emotional problems, so they were both vulnerable.

    • Love 4
  22. Quote


    All you you blow me out of the water when going to live concerts. I have been to 2 in my almost 18 years of life. 

    Colbie Caillat- 2015

    Tori Kelly- 2016


    You've got plenty of time, Irish Lass.  Many of those posting are, I'm guessing, somewhat to the far north of 18.

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