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Posts posted by Yokosmom

  1. Quote

    What was the point of Stevenson not killing the female hostage? Why pretend to stab her, and for whose benefit?

    I think that he did kill her and that Vanessa (or someone) went back and changed the outcome.  She had a weird look on her face whilst explaining that.  It seems pretty obvious that she is not saying all that she knows. 


    I agree. They got used to modern times awfully quickly. That could have used more explanation.

    Way, way, way too quickly for the both of them. They should both be much more disoriented. Hell, people from other parts of the country get disoriented by New York and they already know the technology. I call foul on the Ripper immediately knowing how to work a cell phone, if only just for calls.  And how the hell did he know enough about technology to realize that he needed a burner phone?  

    Things that they did do right:  The Ripper's face when the hotel clerk mentioned the airline losing his luggage; his astonishment at being told that he's the most famous killer of all time; Wells having to constantly ask where/how far any location in New York is from his present position.

    • Love 4
  2. Yes.  It is very weird.   Of course, he's perfectly within his rights to just drop out, but to do it with not a single word of explanation?  Not one farewell statement? Not even a "I need to spend time on ME for once"?  So sad to hear him say in interviews that he has no personal life.  Did he have a nervous breakdown?  If he didn't want all this attention, then he should have planned his retirement/withdrawal a bit better.  Of course, everyone is going to wonder if he is being drugged/mind controlled/manipulated.

  3. Saw this film a few days ago. Enjoyed the film (and the scenery!) but didn't have much hope for the ending.  The daughter is obviously a religious fanatic now.  Perhaps the mother will be able to visit the grandkids though.  I couldn't believe that the mother didn't have her daughter come home right away when her father died.  She even scattered his ashes before letting the daughter know.  Totally bizarre, even if she didn't know how to tell her.

  4. Quote

    So how did Dylan's dad die if the safe and watch were designed the same?  presumably, the father could have started picking the safe lock immediately, whereas Dylan had to figure it out first.

    The safe that he used had substandard metal--the door warped.

  5. Quote

    I do believe the better-late-than-never witness.  He's hauling hay for a living, working hard and likely not following the news that closely.   

    Sorry, a bit behind on responding to this.  I live down the road from Owego, NY, and outside of the massive flood that swamped the town a few years back, the Cal Harris story is the biggest thing to ever hit that place.  It is inconceivable to me that anyone in that area wouldn't have heard about it.

    • Love 5
  6. Quote

    let Whit intern with the Abby Lee Miller (dance moms) equivalent in Greensboro.

    Now that is a crossover show that I would watch.  


    and why is a dance major wanting to be an intern at a radio station, in the first place? 

    She used to work at a radio station.  In a real job, no less.

    • Love 2
  7. Quote

    Even with some disposable income, that's just way too much for a couple of hours of entertainment.

    Yes, and it gets even more expensive if you live in an area that rarely gets the type of acts that you want to see.  My area gets mostly country.  Soooo, in order to see a concert I have to pony up money for gas and an overnight hotel as well.  That said, I have done that on rare occasion for a special act.


    We were saying it was so much easier in our misspent youths to see every band that came to town.  And me, being the theatre geek, said it was also easy to see every show I wanted in NY and here in DC. 

    Yes, it is a shame that the ticket prices are now out of sight.  Are the artists greedy?  Are shows so expensive to put on now that the ticket prices have to be so high?  Is it the fact that, due to changes in the music industry, concerts are about the only way for bands to make money now?  I suspect that it is a mixture of all of the above.  Sad, whatever the reason.

  8. I'm immensely jealous of your lists!

    George Harrison (my first concert and the one where his voice was shot--didn't matter--it was George!)

    Arlo Guthrie

    The Who

    David Bowie


    Tom Petty

    Bob Dylan (3 times)

    Ringo and his All Star Band

    Rusted Root

    Gogol Bordello (twice)

    Pink Martini (who are ummm not rockers at all)

    The Police

    Wish list 

    Paul McCartney before he retires

  9. I believe that he's guilty.  This is totally separate from whether I think that there is enough evidence to convict him.  

    It is down to either him or Jay.  Adnan had a motive--Jay did not.  I think that some of Jay's stories are to cover up the fact that he was an accessory, and not necessarily after the fact.   I agree that the timeline is out of whack.

    Jay may be a liar, but his description of Adnan's words "How dare she do this to me" or something to that effect had the sound of truth to me.

    So, so convenient that he loaned his car and cell phone to Jay that day.  How coincidental that Jay could have butt dialed someone that only Adnan knew.

    Adnan lied about not knowing where the park was (where Hae's body was found).

    Adnan was not over the breakup.  Hae was hiding from him in school.  There's the "I will kill" message. 

    Don?  He only dated her for 8? days.   How did Jay know where Hae's car was located if Don killed her?

    I actually think that Serial is more biased in favor of Adnan than against.  It left some damning details out.  The other main podcast on the case, which of course I can't remember now, is blatantly pro-Adnan, so it isn't exactly unbiased either.

    One of the cops said it was a simple domestic violence case--I believe that too.  

    YMMV--I have no problem with people believing that he's innocent.  There's evidence for both opinions.

    • Love 4
  10. I think that the Beatles were a prime example of this--still exhibiting pettiness and affection for each other (sometimes simultaneously) decades after they broke up.

    Van Halen is another example of a group disintegrating (dumping vocalists, dumping long time players without even telling them....)

    There really should be a sub-specialty of counseling, just for musical groups.

  11. Quote


    so it could take me a while to read the Beatles' book.


    No worries.  Volume 2 won't be out until 2020! The interesting thing about the book is that you have a real feel for their personalities and what they were up against.  All that I knew about George, for example, was that he was working class and his father was a bus driver.  Turns out, he was extremely strong willed at a very young age (quite frankly, they all were).

    Sorry for all of the book talk.

  12. I am in the middle of reading Tune In, a real doorstopper of a book and the first of a projected 3 volume set on the Beatles.  It goes up to the end of 1962 (I'm at the point where they're on their way to Hamburg.)  If you have an interest in the Beatles, it is pretty informative and a bit eye-opening.  At any rate, although the Beatles have always been a fave of mine, I hadn't really listened to them intently in years, so it has been fun to go back and go through, album by album. Looking forward to revisiting some of the solo work too.

    It's also a break from listening to Hamilton, which I have done for about a solid year now.

    I'm loving this thread, as there are mentions of all sorts of artists that I'm unfamiliar with.  

  13. I'm still a little fuzzy as to why law enforcement was on his property to begin with.  Did they get a tip?  Were they specifically looking for the young couple?

    I'm not blaming the mother for birthing a serial killer, but yeah, she's pretty flip about the fact that he murders people when he gets angry.  I was rather astonished at her conversations in the show.

  14. Quote

    I should probably be embarrassed by this, but I actually do find the owl theory halfway plausible.

    You aren't the only one.  It isn't just the owl feather found in her hair, it is the description of injuries from other victims of owl attacks.  I can easily come up with motives for him killing her, but I can't think of one for the earlier woman.  He supposedly wasn't having a relationship with her.  

    • Love 1
  15. Quote

    I thought it was alright but I have to admit that I just wasn't feeling this movie.  I don't know what it is but I was disappointed. 

    I was too, though part of it was that the film was just so damn dark, I felt like I had to peer at the screen really intently to see what was going on.  I don't know if it was the 3D or the theater not projecting the film correctly.

    I think that they needed to have a few more small scenes between the characters to build relationships, rather than just running from one crisis to the next. Also, Tina and the Salem whatever woman just looked so alike to me.  Same face, same hairstyle--it was distracting.  Also, Redmayne really does need to stop mumbling--I know that his character is socially awkward, but he could enunciate a bit better.

    The beasts were the best part of the movie.  Loved the niffler and bowtruckle, as well as the amorous beastie whose name I cannot remember. I liked the ending with Jacob.


     It is possible for him to get together with Queenie.  They will have to move to England though, where their marriage and his knowledge of the wizarding world won't be such a problem. English wizards don't seem to have a problem with muggle spouses.

    For those of you holding off on seeing this film because of Depp, he is really only in about 15 seconds of it.  I'm withholding judgement on what he'll do with Grindelwald until I see the next films.  Because, despite not loving this film, I did like it enough to see the others.  I'm just hoping that there is a bit more character interplay in the next one.  I'm also hoping that Jacob, Queenie and Tina will be a part of it, though if it does take place in another country, I'm not sure how that would work.

    • Love 3
  16. Matt posted on his Facebook page that he is quitting the show.  He has young children and spends much of his time on the road.  He was careful to say that the show itself hasn't been cancelled.  I think that they are working on next season.

    • Love 1
  17. Quote


    Huh? I would say Lucifer turned against Dad millennia ago. We don't know what happened that got him cast out but he got cast out because he rebelled against Dad which basically means he defied Dad and ever since the show started he's been shown as being fed up and angry with Dad. He's also blamed Dad for making him the devil, so I don't think any turning is needed.

    I have no idea how Amenadiel feels about Dad. He seemed to be the loyal soldier in S1 then started to bond with Lucifer more. He seems to be the "I don't question anything, I just follow orders" kind of guy, at least, he was until he realized he'd gone too far. So far, I'd say he's rather indifferent about Dad.


    True enough, re Lucifer.  However, I'm wondering if Uriel was right about Mom's endgame.  Lucifer rebelled against Dad, but he hasn't tried to actually kill him (not that he actually could, if he tried.)  Amenadiel didn't seem indifferent to Dad at the end of the episode--he was deeply angry.  If she wants to make a power play, she'll need some help.

  18. Quote

    I wonder if mom is also trying to turn the kids against each other?

    I think that she is trying to turn them against "Dad".  And if they can take out troublesome Dad-obeying brother angels like Uriel, then all the better.  I am wondering why Amandiel is being so naive--he knows that mom is bad news, and her manipulations are (to viewers, at least), pretty obvious.  Losing his wings has obviously thrown him for a bit of a loop, but his sudden lack of suspicion regarding mom's motives doesn't speak much to his smarts. (Thinking further...) I suppose that I can understand it a little bit--he has spent his whole existence with surety and rules, and now those rules have changed.  That supposedly more cynical Lucifer is allowing himself to be taken in by her is a little disappointing.  Hopefully he will be the one to unmask her at some point.  And what do you want to bet that the whole "I was sent to hell because Dad wanted to destroy you" is a total lie?

    Thanks to everyone who pointed out Dad's possible help/thoughts that were scattered through the episode.  The great shaft of sunlight by the tree/Urial's grave was possibly another one.

    • Love 1
  19. Quote

    I agree that Chloe was upset because Lucifer wouldn't talk to her, but I don't think it showed any romantic interest on Chloe's part.

    Not to mention that she had just seen him attempt suicide by taunting the gunman.

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