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Posts posted by Yokosmom

  1. Of the later (1990s) episodes, I've always liked "Columbo Goes to College".  The actors playing the students were a bit old, but that's ok.  They were so arrogant through the whole thing, and so transparently trying to steer Columbo in the wrong direction that it was wonderful when they got their comeuppance. And Robert Culp was in it, though he wasn't the murderer for once.

    • Love 8
  2. Re Brian Histand, I just caught the tail end of that episode and they have updated it with a blurb at the end saying that his body had been found around a mile and a half from where he was last seen and that foul play was not suspected. 

  3. Saw it this weekend and really enjoyed it.  It's a fun popcorn movie.  I thought it was just as good as the first one and don't understand the mostly negative reviews.  Instead of simply remaking the first film, they actually moved the story forward in important ways--the reveal about Thaddeus, the unmasking of Dylan, the coming together of the team, etc.  And yes, Thaddeus may be now considered a good guy, but I still think that the whole thing with Dylan and the safe was a dick move that could have easily backfired.  I agree that the Chase character was a flaw in the film.  Way too over the top and should have been played by someone else--in fact, I would have preferred that the character be a former partner but not his brother.


    Which reminds me:  When did they figure out that he was Shriker's son?  

    I'm handwaving that sometime over the course of the year that they were in hiding that Dylan told them his real name. His motives would be much more understandable to them if they knew that he was the son of a famous magician.

    It was also nice (and a rare bit of realism) to see that not all of the Horsemen can duplicate each others' skills--Merritt is lousy at card throwing--Jack is still learning hypnotism. Not that I watch these films for realism.... 

    Nice setting in Macau--not a place that is seen in films very much.

    I liked Daniel Radcliffe more than I expected.  His expression at the end when his "dad" basically disowned him was priceless.

    This sequel is doing well enough, but it isn't going to make the box office of the first one.  They started working on a third film several months ago (not filming but planning out another sequel).  Hope that the less than expected box office doesn't put the kibosh on that--I wouldn't mind the series turning into a trilogy.

    • Love 1
  4. For one terrifying moment, I thought that Shaw was going to offer Root's killer John's slot on a new team.  Thank god that she lived up to her murderous self.

    I hope that at some point Finch lets Fusco know that he's alive but out of the numbers business. Is Fusco off the force?  I thought that he was back at work.  I think that Shaw is going to need partners if she's working the numbers again.

    Really pleasantly surprised that everyone made it out (even the machine) except John, whose death was not unexpected.  Loved that he came back to save Harold.  Finch would have noticed the lack of antenna on his building sooner if he hadn't been shot.

    Glad that Finch decided to use his second chance to grab at some happiness.

    • Love 7
  5. Yes, Elias looked wan and depressed, but this is fairly realistic.  And kudos to the show for indicating, even 4 months later, that he doesn't appear to be totally recovered from a gunshot wound to the chest.  Much more realistic than the shows where someone is shot one week and then seemingly well the next.  It would have been bizarre if he wasn't depressed.  He can't go outside, his main role in life is gone and he probably has no idea what in the world he can do with himself or any future for him at all.  As far as helping Team Machine, he's not a superhacker, and, though he is no doubt good with a gun, he isn't on the assassin level of Reese and Shaw. What he does have is cunning and wiliness.  Maybe that will come into play somehow.  I'm hoping that they brought him back so that he can do something great and not just so he'll be shot down by a Samaritan minion.

    Two scenes that I want to see--Finch and Elias playing chess again (even though Finch hates chess) and any interaction at all of Elias with Bear.

    • Love 2
  6. Agree with everyone's comments re Fusco.  They aren't protecting him at this point, they are actually hurting him.  I think that they are treating Fusco the same way that they've always treated him and don't realize that their relationship with him needs to change.

    Loved that Elias is back, and am glad that he is in the safe house. I'm just going to handwave how Fusco managed to save him. It's got to feel like a bit of a cage at this point, but I'm sure that they have impressed upon Elias that he can't ever show his face outside again.  I'm not sure how he can be an asset at this point, but hopefully he will prove useful.  I'm a bit surprised that Fusco actually saved him--I could see one of the others doing that more than Fusco.

    I didn't see Elias being alive (oh those lying showrunners), but was getting irritated that I hadn't gotten my Elias flashback when there was only 5 minutes left to air.


    Finch is driving me up the wall with his stance on The Machine. I understand and appreciate caution, but there's caution and then there's illogicality. What's the definition of insanity? Building the same Machine that's not equipped to fight Samaritan over and over and expecting a different outcome? 

    Finch is between a rock and a hard place.  He can't make the Machine too much like Samaritan.  He doesn't want it to defeat Samaritan, only to have the Machine turn around and turn into Samaritan2.

    I found the whole number of the week case rather confusing.  I kept expecting that the ShockSeeker guy was just a ruse by Samaritan to draw our heroes out in the open.  I wonder what Samaritan is up to with the powdered food?

  7. Enrico Colantoni is in the credits, so we'll get to see Elias, if only in flashbacks.  I so wish he wasn't really dead, but I really don't know what they would do with his character in the limited number of episodes that are left.  Nice to know that he inspired loyalty in folks besides Scarface.  Glad to see Fusco is back, too.

    And no, I shouldn't feel sentimental about a stone cold organized crime guy, but hey, charm and wit make up for a lot.  Can't wait for tonight.

    • Love 1
  8. ITA with the kwnyc  speculations above and will add


    Will the resurrected Machine be the same as the first Machine?  (I'm assuming that there will, indeed, be a resurrected Machine--I'm taking that as a given.) Presumably, Harold will program some fighting abilities into it? Will Harold still be it's Daddy?


    Will Samaritan kill off Greer now that he isn't needed anymore?


    If the Machine is able to defeat Samaritan, will it become Samaritan redux?


    How many of our heroes will survive the end of the series?  I'm afraid that Finch and Reese may be goners, but perhaps Fusco will make it out alive?


    I'll be taking a month long trip in the middle of the last episodes.  Stupid network, waiting a whole year to show us the series windup.


    And Leslie C. Odom, for sure for the Tony :)

  9. This is yet another example of how critics can be useless.

    I thought it was good. Not GREAT, but nowhere near the POS that some people are THIRSTY for it to be.


    ITA  I actually thought that the movie was fine.  Not the greatest, maybe, but fine. I liked the acting, even surprisingly, Jesse Eisenberg (he did the best he could with the character as written). Affleck was a great, somewhat older Batman. Gal Gadot gave me hope for the Wonder Woman movie. The script was what kept it from getting from a B to an A+.  It was choppy, had too many flashbacks, and some plot points (Batman's sudden change of heart re Superman, Lex Luther's motivations) were not given the proper attention. And the ending was rather strange, I thought.


    I like Batman and many of the other superhero characters but am not a fangirl and don't understand the whole Marvel vs DC mindset, as I like both. I think that a lot of people are panning the film because they REALLY hate Snyder and, to a lesser extent, the casting of Affleck and/Eisenberg. Look, it wasn't great, but it's getting reviewed as though its the worst superhero movie EVER, and it isn't anywhere near as bad as that, in my opinion. I think that a lot of folks were actively hoping it would fail before it even came out.

  10. Speaking of which, Lupe is the 2nd woman to make me shake my head at the Universe this season. Lupe finds a husband at 500+ and bed bound, another one this season found a husband at 500 lbs with a severely disabled child, and I'm a college educated woman who runs her own business and bupkis. Where's my yellow brick road? ;)


    It's called "having standards".   Seriously, would you want one of the enablers, oops, I mean caregivers, oops, I mean husbands from this show?


    I have to admit, I've had the same thought, though. :)

    • Love 14
  11. I found this to be one of the most depressing episodes of the series.  For some reason, I didn't find Lupe to be as snarkable, as, say, Sean. I just felt sorry for her, and for Gilbert too.


    They never really said if Gilbert was doing anything more than talking to other women.  I couldn't blame him for wanting to have a conversation with someone who wasn't asking for a pee pad change


    .I agree.  In fact, quite frankly, I give Gilbert major props for not walking out on her constant whining and neediness a long time ago.  That said, he is part of the problem for constantly bringing her food.


    There are people on this show who weigh over 500 pounds who can still walk somewhat and get around, so I didn't have a lot of sympathy for her refusal to walk.  Didn't she say at the beginning that she had been bed bound for 10 years?  If so, her leg muscles may have atrophied a great deal.  I was surprised that she had rather thin legs for someone of her weight, and seemingly no lymphedemas. In fact, I feel rather bitter by her not-so-fat legs, as I weigh just under 200 pounds and my legs are the same size or larger.  I'd check, but I'm not sure that I can sit through this episode again.


    I don't know how she broke the toilet--I'm assuming that if it was in Dr. Now's office, that it was specifically made for morbidly obese people?  If it was a regular toilet, I can see it breaking.  Regardless, how utterly humiliating.  Nobody deserves to have to go through that.

    • Love 6
  12. Seems like before starting a romantic relationship with her would be the time to tell her. This affects her whether she knows or not.


    I totally disagree. They are interested in each other. They are not actually dating (yet). They've known each other for what, 6 months or so? (not sure of show's timeline). If they start to get serious, then he can drop the bombshell.  He is a criminal, he's breaking the law, and this isn't a secret that he can just confess to just anyone.  Not to mention that knowing the secret puts her in danger. (Of course, not knowing puts her in some danger too--it's a fine line.) If she had known him for years, then I can see him telling her.

    • Love 3
  13. I think that the show has lost so many viewers that few even realized that the whole key subplot has been revived.  And  while I know that many people get enraged by the whole Nick/Adalind relationship, there are probably equal numbers who aren't bothered by it at all.  I don't think that it can be blamed on Hexensex.  It is the utterly poor writing that is dooming the show.  The first season was really magical, to use a bad pun.  Writing was all right, and the cinematography  brought some real atmosphere. Most of the Wesen were really interesting. About the only things that I have liked since then is the addition of Rosalee and the fact that Hank and Wu are now in on the secret. The whole Royals plot--a disaster.  The multiple preganancies--idiotic. (Well, ok, I did like Adalind's expressions during those ridiculous rites.)  Subplots dropped and forgotten, Monroe and Nick's relationship allowed to become stale, the list goes on and on.  Even most of the new Wesen, when they bother to introduce one anymore, aren't all that interesting.

    • Love 4
  14. If Nona ends up on Dateline as a suspect in her sister's "disappearance", I would not be surprised.  (Nor would I blame her.)  I'm a bit confused by the house being designated as unliveable, because, I swear, we've seen houses even worse than this (Augustine, anyone?), sailcats and all, that were not viewed as unliveable.


    I have a friend who bought a house for her brother to live in (she felt sorry for his kids) and is now kicking him out.  (Kids are almost grown now). Holes in the walls, non-working appliances, didn't pay rent, etc.  And he isn't even a hoarder.  I wonder if there is some sort of passive aggressive behavior that goes on when relatives try to help out in that way.


    I don't have great hopes for Len without intensive therapy, but at least he has some god-relatives in his life.  He needs some serious treatment for his depression and lack of self worth.  Poor man seemed so shut down--not the totally flat affect of some hoarders, just Depressed with a Capital D. So glad that Dorothy gave him a hug.

    • Love 1
  15. So what was up with Ron's "son"? A grown person freaked the fuck out completely irrationally over a single caged snake to the point where he had to immediately run to his car and drive away without even being able to discuss it or anything. He never even returns to help clean and it was just kinda glossed over and forgotten about about for the rest of the episode. That's just really weird.


    Being generous here, I assume that the son must be phobic about snakes.  It seemed more than the average "skeeved out by reptiles" response.  I have a friend who won't even say the word "snake".  It's the "S" word for her. She certainly wouldn't be able to be in the same room as a snake, caged or not.

    • Love 1
  16. Bit late to comment on season 1, but just started a binge watch.


    I like Bruce, but his behavior towards Jim was unconscionable, and Alfred showed terrible judgement in not calling him out on it. Alfred or Jim should have ripped the kid a new one, and along the way let him know that:


    A) As one of the few honest police officers in Gotham, he would have investigated the case regardless of any promise to the great Bruce Wayne

    B) Some murders with much more evidence than this one take YEARS to solve, and not due to lack of trying

    C) Keeping Bruce in the loop was a favor/courtesy on Jim's part, but not to worry--Jim won't make that mistake again

    D) A reminder that as brilliant and focused as Bruce is, he is still just 12 (or 13?) years old, and that maybe, just maybe, an adult homicide detective just might have more skill and life experience when it comes to crime
    E) Dismissing Jim as though he was an underling or servant was flat out rude

    F) Treating other people with contempt/arrogance is not a great way to go through life-it does take people skills as well 


    Alfred is apparently only skilled at toughening Bruce up and doesn't seem aware that there are there are other areas where he could use some work.   Of course, I am only up to episode 14, so perhaps their relationship changes in future episodes.


    Harvey's crush on the phobia doctor was rather endearing.

    Penguin's nickname should be cockroach--I firmly believe that he could survive a nuclear holocaust.

    Where is Butch?

    Agree with everyone that there is no real need for Barbara to come back.

  17. I really liked this episode. Re the whole Adalind set up--they are either making her really nice so she can turn Hexenbeast at the end of the season OR Eve will turn back into Juliette just as Adalind and Nick start to get cozy. I know these writers!

    I was ridiculously excited to see the new set of Grimm books and gear. I'm easy, I know.

    It was funny to see Monroe's traits mirrored in his Uncle. His relatives are always a hoot.

    How does Wu know about the keys? Was he told in an earlier episode?

    Wish that Portland would just elect a mayor already. Talk about unnecessarily dragging out a subplot... Reynard has horrible taste in women so you know that isn't going to turn out well.

    • Love 6
  18. I was surprised how much they ended up getting done in both houses.


    Yes, it seemed that they skipped a couple of steps.  I'm wondering about the thrift shop allowing cameras in to film Ellen shoplifting.  I assume that she may end up banned from some of her usual stores.


    I'm usually extremely sympathetic to the children of hoarders, but I found several of Gloria's daughters to be major pains.

    • Love 1
  19. Kudos to Sandy to deciding to split up and sticking with it.  So rare to see on this show.  Too bad that the house was a total loss, but she should, at least, be able to sell the lot.  Her retirement will be a lot easier if she is just paying for an apartment and not 9 (?) storage units.  I think that realizing that the house was a total loss was the final straw, though his choice of the stuff over her obviously pushed her to the edge.

    • Love 3
  20. At least Blonde Lizzie is gone -- and she seems to have recovered from the asskicking she got at the end of last episode rather quickly.


    I think Lizzie looks so much better as a blond, so was not a fan of her going back to her natural color.


    Is it unrealistic to think that she'll make it through the next 6 months or so unscathed? Yes.  However, I think that she really wants the baby and having it, but letting it go on to (hopefully) safer parents probably seems like a good compromise.


    I notice that despite all of Red's offers to help, he hasn't ever suggested that he could make Lizzie disappear with a new identity where she could start life anew.  Seems like that is what he'd do if he really cared about her.  I think that he'd still have an in at the FBI without her--not quite sure why he wants her around.  I mean, he SEEMS to genuinely care about her, but he's been using her since day one.


    Red was pretty sadistic in the scene where he made the couple play and sing.  I'm glad that Dembe called him on it.

    • Love 3
  21. I so thought this episode was about to turn into Penny 2.0.


    My thoughts exactly.  She was in obvious denial and knew her condition so much more than Dr. Now.  I'm glad that the counseling helped and that she was able to rededicate herself to her weight loss.  200 pounds in a year is nothing to sneer at.  Losing a child is devastating and I can see how it could lead her to spiral out of control.


    I see a lot of similarities between this show and Hoarders in that, in many cases, the underlying cause of the condition is often abuse or unexpressed grief.

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