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Posts posted by Yokosmom

  1. Well, I knew that Luci would show his true form to someone close to him sooner or later (not counting Chloe's brief glimpse), but I didn't think that it would be Dr. Linda.  She's going to take a while to process it, I think, but I hope that she is able to continue as his therapist.  I really love her character. Of course, she's now going to realize that Amendiel (sp?) is also an angel.  Did he ever tell her that?  He did tell her that Lucifer was his brother, right?


     I just have to shout out that IMO we heard from Dad!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, I was playing games on my phone--what was the Dad shout out?  Agree that Mom is a master manipulator.  She wants to turn her children against Dad.


    However... I don't understand Uriel having a body at all. What?!

    Don't they all have physical bodies while on earth?  He didn't vanish in a puff of smoke when he died.

    Lucifer and the other angels aren't used to death (of each other), so this is a new experience for them, perhaps.  And the fact that Uriel even had his soul destroyed as well makes it particularly horrible.  I'm assuming that if mom doesn't end up back in hell, that she may well get the pointy end of that sooner or later.

    • Love 4
  2. I think that Brick's outfit would have worked with a plain, longish top in a vibrant, but darker color.  Agree that they auffed him because he had been in the bottom so much.  But it was more than that, I think.  They like to see a consistent style develop on the show, and his was all over the place. Cornelius is the one that should have gone home IMHO.  His whole outfit was a hot mess. Hated the Mickey Mouse ears on Dexter's outfit--just ridiculous--who wears that off of a runway? (now prepared to be slammed with dozens of commentators saying that this is their everyday look). Thought it was hilarious when the judges told him he wasn't really all that out of the box.  And I actually like Dexter, but he does get a little full of himself. Laurence's pants were a nightmare---of course I hate "poopy pants" to begin with, but if you are going to do them, do them well.  No way did she deserve the win.  It would be nice to see her do a design without the leather. Both she and Erin are running the risk of the "one trick pony" designation.  Erin's obsession with embroidery is going to do her in--not only does it not always fit the challenge, but she spends so much time on that aspect that the rest of her outfit suffers.

    • Love 10
  3. No love for Rick's leather dress?  I loved the color (yeah, I like orange) and the fit, though I agree that the zipper was overwrought. Laurence's dress was her usual beautiful work, but yeah, the all black style kind of brought it down a little for me.  

    Re Tasha--This is one of those cases where the designer would have better ignoring Tim's advice and just showing their original design.  He was right, it wasn't a cocktail dress, but it had more imagination and work put into it than the sad garment that she sent down the runway.

    I thought all through the episode that the editing monkeys were setting Erin up for a fall.  Both she and Dexter should know from watching earlier seasons of the show that feathers and fringe are very dicey when it comes to the judging.

    • Love 9
  4. I haven't read the book either and I enjoyed the film, though thought that it dragged a little in the middle section.  I'm not sure why it is getting such bad reviews. Realized that the killer was Tom about 2/3 of the way through, because really, who else was left at that point?


     I did like the twist (or should say I was surprised by the twist) that Tom was gas-lighting Rachel about her behavior while she was drinking.

    Me too.  That was the biggest surprise of the film for me. 


     and the reason for her being killed was that she was pregnant (which I assume is a flaw of the book as well so it hard to blame the film for being faithful to the book).

    Calling him impotent didn't help her much either.  By the way, she was incredibly foolish to take her married lover into a secluded spot and drop that on him--that's what crowded, noisy cafes are for.


    Anna is a sociopath and I don't think this was clear in the movie.  

    It wasn't clear at all--her behavior made no sense to me.  I guess that I could see her ditching Megan's phone because she wanted to preserve the marriage and what looked to be a great lifestyle.  I thought at the end that she wouldn't help Rachel.  She didn't do anything until Rachel was outside and it was obvious that the jig was up.

    Also, book readers--was the father of Megan's first baby her own brother?  I was confused on that point.  I think that I'm going to have to read the book now...

    • Love 2
  5. Liked the episode, but am unsure why Kiefer couldn't just order the National Guard to arrest that governor for treason or something.  Or at least just send the guard in to take over security from the totally out of control cops.  And hey, Michigan governor, way to make people who aren't terrorists into future terrorists.  Kiefer should have reminded him that the Muslim population of Michigan are "his citizens" too. Harrumph.

    I don't see the designated Republican becoming VP--isn't she a different party?  Bomb attack or no, that would make a difference. And I call foul on her being the only surviving member of Congress (outside of mystery guy pulled from the rubble).  State of the Union or not, there would have been at least a few people stuck in traffic, sick, or dealing with a family emergency at home.  Not that 5 members are much better than one...

    Agree that First Son is deeply annoying and will soon be caught dealing by the Secret Service.

    No way that the Secret Service would allow PresKiefer to go back to the bomb site that night with ONLY ONE AGENT to protect him.  A ballcap isn't that great of a disguise, though probably no one in the country, speech or no, probably could pick him out of a crowd right now.

    Hoping to see more scenes with the support staff.  Kal Pen has always been a favorite of mine, so I'm glad that they are focusing on his character.

    Next week, they really need to focus on the work of getting Congress reconstituted, as there is only so much he can get done otherwise, without declaring martial law.

    • Love 3
  6. I saw it last night and benefited, no doubt, by having virtually no memory of the original.  As SeanC said, it is a middle of the road shoot 'em up. As many of the professional critics said, it never really takes off.  However, it did surprise me who the survivors were who made to the end of the film, so there's that.  I would have preferred a few more character moments--they did have some, but just scratched the surface.  Also the elephant in the room was there wasn't much apparent racism towards Denzel's character (riding across the countryside with a white woman in that era would have been more than dangerous).  So it wasn't awful and it wasn't great, but I was more happy to have seen it than not.  Washington, Pratt, Hawke and Saarsgard were the standouts I thought.

    And the western scenery was beautiful.  

    • Love 1
  7. Quote

     Only Congress has the power to declare war. 

    True, but since (probably) 95% of the Congress just got blowed up real good, I don't think that they'd necessarily pay attention to that rule.  It might take weeks to reconstitute a Congress.  I'm handwaving that they were using some sort of assumed general "emergency powers" in that situation.  If I was Kiefer, I'd be wondering how the Iranians miraculously got their fleet up and running into Gulf of Hormuz within an hour or so of the attack.  Almost as if they knew ahead of time....  However, I'm sure that the show will ignore that totally and it will be domestic terrorism and not something coordinated with the Iranians or another nation.

    It could be a domestic terrorist that just hates the government in general.  Or an anarchist.  Can't imagine either of the two political parties in power wanting to destroy their own politicians, but who knows.

    Re "Scott", I was assuming that he was another law enforcement agent, but, of course, he could be in the government.

    • Love 2
  8. Quote

    I hope this new President stops moping around and starts making decisions.  

    For goodness sake, the show covered only about 2-3 hours in real time, lol.  Give the guy a break!  Imagine how utterly unreal the whole situation would feel.  And the decisions that he makes initially can't necessarily be rolled back later.

    We should at least give him until, I dunno, breakfast the next day...

    Presumably he'll go into non-mopy mode when he discovers First Son is now dealing, though I suspect that Mom is the disciplinarian with the kids in that family.

    Agree with everyone that seeing the Capitol blow up was...very disturbing.

    • Love 7
  9. Quote


    I'm watching the Barbara Walters interview with the Ramseys from a few years after the murder.  Something that seemed strange to me:  When John brought her up from the basement, he put her body on the floor in the living room.  It seems to me that if I had found my child's body, (1) I would not let it go for anything, or (2) I would put her on a couch or something - NOT on the floor.

    Does anyone else find that strange?


    I don't find it strange at all, but then, I'm not a parent, so maybe I'm not a good person to judge.  From what I vaguely remember, there were a number of people in that living room and I assume that they were sitting on the couch.  The girl was in full rigor at that point. Such a horrible scene.


    The ransom note that pretty much was an identical match to the moms handwriting?

    Except it wasn't.  I see this repeated all of the time.  6 experts looked at that note and none could definitely say that she wrote it or that her handwriting was even close.  However, none said that she definitely wasn't the writer either.... Is it possible to do such a masterful handwriting job when you are under duress and presumably in a highly emotional state?



    From what I understand about touch-DNA, the DNA found on clothing or rope or anything else manufactured can come from the person who makes it or even packages it.

    Touch-DNA is not a good way to include suspects, but rather a way to exclude. 


    Yes, except that it was found on both pieces of her clothing, not just one--which kind of excludes the manufacturer.  However, it doesn't exclude members of the Boulder police department who may have handled both.  I mean, they said that they ran DNA against everyone in the dept. who had handled the clothes, but I'm not sure that anything they say at this point can be believed.  I may be being unfair at that comment, if only because many of the people involved with the original case must have left the department after so many years.

    I know that I sound like I think that the parents didn't do it, but the truth is, I'm on the fence.  Trouble is, you can play devil's advocate with almost all of the evidence.  Like the pineapple--were the parents so distracted that they didn't notice that she managed to grab some pineapple that night, or are they lying?

    Did some adult tell JonBenet that they were going to pay her a "secret" visit on the 26th, or was that just some random remark on her part?

    Why didn't the Ramsey's react when the call deadline passed?  Did they know that one wasn't coming or were they just in shock?  And on and on...

    And to reiterate, as so many have done, people respond to grief and trauma differently.  When my mother, to whom I was very close, died, I didn't cry.  I still haven't.  I think about her every day and grieve her deeply, but didn't show it much at the time.  I'd hate to be accused of a murder and have that held against me, because I didn't grieve outwardly the way people expect.

    • Love 11
  10. Quote

    The stun gun doesn't prove they didn't do it. It just proves whoever did it wanted her silent.

    See, I have the opposite reaction--I think that the (supposed) stun gun actually points away from the parents.  


    How much DNA was found? If the intruder was in the house for hours - walking around the house - wouldn't there be quite a bit? And if the intruder was smart enough to make certain to not leave a finger print or more than one hair -- but then leave his DNA on her underwear -- why would he make such a stupid mistake?

    Did the police extensively fingerprint the house? I'm really asking, because I don't know.  The fact that they let hundreds of people tromp through their house in an annual "Christmas Homes Display" would possibly make random fingerprinting rather moot.

    If there was an intruder, I don't think that he was a criminal genius--I think that he got lucky.  And, if he did exist, he probably intended to take JB with him.  And, they found only a tiny amount of (non-touch) DNA on him (touch DNA was unheard of back then)--he may not have realized that he left any DNA there, especially since whatever caused the blow to the head plus the duct tape was missing.

    Re Patsy Ramsey and the bonus--according to John Ramsey (yeah, I know) he never even told her the exact amount of the check.  In fact he claims that very few people knew the amount.

    ETA--You beat me to it, TattleTeeny!

    • Love 5
  11. I believe that the party was at a friend's house, not the Ramsey's.  

    I'm a true crime junkie--this case drives me nuts.  One thing that this special really brought home was the utter brutality of that poor little girl's death.  To think that she was alive and staring at her killer as he garrotted her gives me the willies.  Total psychopath and another thing that points away from the parents.  FBI profilers said later that they didn't really have anything in their files on parents killing their children that way.  Every other horrible way, mind you, but not that one.

    Court, almost anything is better than housework!

    • Love 8
  12. Ack, I've got to stop or I'll spend all day on this (though it is more interesting than work at the moment).


    To break into the house, find their way around, grab things to be used to duck tape, go get the girl duck tape and kill her either in her room or the room she was found, then write out a really long ransom note. Wouldn't that take a long time to do all of that? And while there were still people in the house?

    Smit's theory was that the intruder actually broke in while they were at the Christmas party and wrote the note ahead of time.  Plenty of time to scope out the layout of the house.  The note was written because the intruder truly did intend to kidnap her and only killed her when he was A) caught up in a killing frenzy or B) realized that getting her into the suitcase and out of the window would be easier said than done.  The Ramsey's had an alarm on the front door, which may have made the intruder (assuming there even was one) leery of leaving that way.

    • Love 5
  13. Quote

    Also, how did no one hear this happen? I guess I'm just a light sleeper and wake up to any sound when my kids are in the house. My house is also small.

    A neighbor heard a child scream around 2:30 in the morning (may be wrong on the time).  She told the police this before the time of death was known--it was pretty close to then.  The police had someone give a short scream in the basement--it could not be heard from the parent's bedroom, which was (3?) floors up and on the other side of the house.  


    Joe Kenda: “I had just retired from the CSPD when this crime occurred in Boulder, Colorado. I was approached and consulted with well after the event by the Boulder Police Department, so I am quite familiar with facts not known to the public. In my opinion, gross deficiencies occurred during the initial stages of this investigation by the Boulder Police Department. These deficiencies were so great they produced fatal errors and preclude any possibility of this matter ever being presented in court. ..

    Anyone else wish that they knew what the facts are that aren't known to the public?

    I swear, I just go back and forth on this case.  I've gone from mostly supporting the parents' innocence, to believing in their guilt, to wondering if they covered up for the young son. Things that I've read on various forums (which may not be true)  that they didn't mention in the documentary:

    Supposedly there was a book on sibling incest in one of the rooms of the house (according to the "Burke did it" camp.) That's why I was especially interested in the experts' deduction that his toy did not make the marks on her face.

    A few weeks prior to the murder, JonBenet told an adult that Santa Claus comes on December 26th.  When the adult told her, no, that Santa Claus comes on the 25th, she supposedly said, "oh, I'm not supposed to tell--it's a secret"--ties into a friend of the family doing it

    6 weeks or so after the killings a woman in a different upper middle class neighborhood of Boulder woke up in the middle of the night, thinking that she heard a noise.  She called out to her 12 year old daughter and heard her make a small sound.  Disturbed, she went into the daughter's bedroom and discovered a man, dressed all in black, standing next to her daughter's bed (with the daughter sitting up, terrified).  Fortunately, the intruder ran away.  The daughter went to the same dance school as JonBenet.  Off course, pedophiles tend to go for a specific age range, but still.....Ties into the intruder theory

    In addition to the ransom amount being the same as John Ramsey's bonus, the letter mentioned the initials of a submarine base that he served at many years ago.--Points to the Ramsey's since he talked about the place to virtually no one (and it could be a handy, mysterious initial to pull up for one of them frantically writing the letter.)

    Yikes what a rabbit hole.  That said, I still think that the case has a chance of being solved.  Trouble is, they would need a whole new team with fresh eyes, (not from Boulder) and unlimited funds for DNA testing, more witness interviews, etc. etc. and I don't see Boulder, or much of anyone else being able to cough up the extra money for that.  Not a federal crime, but it is the sort of thing that the FBI could possibly solve.

    • Love 3
  14. The documentary didn't really cover the incriminating evidence in the ransom note and it didn't mention the pineapple in JonBenet's stomach either, I think.  The experts who dismissed the toy as the source of the marks on her neck got me thinking.  I go back and forth on the guilt of the Ramseys.  I really have a hard time picturing them garroting their own (apparently much-loved) child, but there are many things that point to it being someone who lived in that house.  Have they ever really explained the pineapple in her stomach?  Because I can stretch my belief to it being an intruder, as some of the physical evidence leans that way, but I simply can't picture said intruder fixing the girl a bowl of pineapple.

    It's just as well that this crime didn't take place in Kenda's town.  He would have had a breakdown over it.

    • Love 5
  15. I've just started yoga, which may or may not help so much with weight loss but is helping me to feel much better.  It is also helping with my plantar fascitis, which makes me willing to walk more.  I'm at the beginning of my weight loss journey (well, the 500th beginning) and am hoping to really turn it around this time.  

    Is anyone else an "all or nothing" sort of person? It seems that either I am eating right and exercising or I'm a couch potato and eating terribly.  There is no in-between.

    • Love 5
  16. Has Dateline ever covered the Keddie (Cabin 28) murders?  It's a very cold case (1981), but they have recently reopened it and found some new evidence (possibly one of the murder weapons).  The two main suspects are dead, but there were undoubtably some accessories after the fact.  The case could have been solved at the time but the local sheriff's department bungled it to such an extent that it was widely thought that some of the officers were involved in the cover-up.

    • Love 4
  17. Quote

     I also think it is none of her business what Whitney or anyone else looks like or what their deep dark issues may be. She is not a mental health professional nor a friend or family member of Whitney's so she should mind her own business. I don't think she should be called names but she is the epitome of someone who can throw it out but not take it. 

    I doubt that TLC hired her to hold her tongue. Why else is she on the show?  I suspect that she is supposed to make comments that perhaps that Whitney is not used to hearing. Whitney is a public figure, (well, she isn't Lady Gaga, but still...a public figure).  If a member of the public finds her hypocritical, she has a right to tell her so.  Now, if Whitney was not on television, just someone that she saw around town, then, yes, Karryn would have no right to comment on her appearance, work habits, health, etc.

    • Love 17
  18. I'm sure that Karryn knew what she was in for--she is also being paid by TLC and certainly must have expected the denial/enabling/ridiculous comments (though perhaps not the use of the "C" word).  So I don't really think that any of the reactions must have come as a surprise or that she was broadsided in any way.  I would have loved an extended conversation, more than just the few comments that were shown, about Twitney's state of health, her inability to put on her own shoes (when she can even find any to put on), her lack of employment, and her denial of all of the above. In fact, I could have skipped the highly icky and extended sequences on Whitney's love life (or lack thereof) for more conversation with Karryn.

    And I've never seen any human being more resemble a pet rock than Lennie.  They were both well rid of each other.

    Does Whitney really think that she has a chance with Roy, (cuz she's certainly delusional in other ways) or is that simply a TLC script that she feels the need to follow?  And ewwww to her discussion of whether they could figure out ways to physically do the act.

    • Love 5
  19. Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering what that meant.

    I found the reunion show very hard to watch, as I really want to slap some common sense into her, but I suppose that I'll watch part 2 too. I assume that the comic will say what everyone here has been thinking, and will then be shouted down as a "hater". I wish that part two would be without Twitney, and just feature her friend/family/enablers. I'd love to hear whether they have fallen down the rabbit hole too, or whether they spend all their time with her biting their tongues.

    • Love 6
  20. Quote

    But I'm more inclined to believe the reason she didn't go running to the cops is because she knew the other family members were gonna come after her.

    Not to mention, that when she initially fled, she was unable to take her daughter with her, and thus, was unlikely to say anything. I have no idea how much she knew ahead of time--she may indeed thought it was just a robbery or another creepy crawlie mission. 



    My book picks are Helter Skelter by Bugliosi and The Family by Ed Sanders.   Sanders book will give those who are interested in the feel of what it was like back then your best description. He also has a great writing style and dug very deep for information.

    Guinn comes along decades later after so many others before him did all the work.   He did the same thing with his Bonnie and Clyde book. I am not impressed.


    Agree that the Sanders book gives you a real feel for the times, but really, he throws every wild theory out there no matter how nuts. I quite liked the Guinn book. His in depth section on Manson's childhood and family background hadn't really been covered much by others.  He was pretty good at describing the development of the Family and Manson's musical attempts.



    I think Manson returned to the Cielo Drive property that night.   It would make a sick sense that he would want to see how well his minions followed his orders. It must have been gratifying to him.   There is no absolute proof other than the fact that blood types matching Jay Sebring and Sharon Tate were found outside on the front porch and neither of them left the living room area.   I think it's highly likely that if Manson did indeed return to the crime scene, he did not do so alone and he and his partner moved the bodies.


    I think that he did too, although it isn't definitive. The blood on Sharon Tate's body was smeared all over her--the police and the coroner both mentioned that, I believe. Due to the geography of the canyon, he would have been able to see the lights of emergency vehicles well before he got there.There was a kid across the canyon who heard several men arguing around 3-4 a.m. that night. Their voices frightened him so much that he turned out his lights and went to bed. If he did go back, then William Garrison was doubly lucky that night. I'd love to hear an interview with that (now grown) kid, but, as far as I know, no one has ever tracked him down.


    All life is precious, but a murder that is brutal enough to get national attention is a different deal to me than someone being released after serving time for a local homicide. 

    There's no difference to me. Sometimes it is totally random which cases that the national press gloms on to. 

    I have mixed feelings re the parole. Other people who have been convicted of awful crimes have eventually been paroled. I just wish that they would stop wasting everyone's time--the parole boards, the families, the governor, and even the prisoners themselves and just say"we don't care what the parole board says--it will be political suicide for any governor to parole you and it is not going to ever happen." I don't think that she is a danger after 40+ years (unlike Manson).


     Sometimes you have to use the term music lightly, as The Byrds sang a little bit,  but were not even close to be considered  musicians.  All of their tracks, along with probably 60% of all the other bands were actually a group of studio musicians called The Wrecking Crew.

    I was under the impression that the Wrecking Crew played on only one Byrd's track, "Mr. Tambourine Man". And I guess that we'll have to disagree on the "sang a little bit" part.

    • Love 1
  21. OK, I have to admit that I watch this show while doing other things.  Did she say "bullied as a kid" or just bullied?  Because I can see (not condone) people making fun of her in her twenties as she gained the weight. 

    I wonder if her obnoxious braying is truly her, or does she just think that this is a way of proving that she is happy and fabulous.

    • Love 3
  22. Lennie was obviously lying.  That said, if I was dating someone that had a meltdown because I was incommunicado for 13 hours and then proceeded to demand that I apologize for that fact, the relationship would be instantly over.  And also, if the genders were switched, if it was a man acting that way because his girlfriend was offline for half a day, many people would slap the Stalker label on him. Of course, texting wasn't around when I was dating, so there's that.

    No sympathy for Whitney with Will.  I just wish he had called her on her shit after her crying fit in the bathroom and that she's fooling no one--it's just a way to avoid unpleasant conversations.  Part of my irritation in that scene was that I would LOVE to be able to afford a personal trainer to whip my butt into shape.

    It is possible to have ranch dressing while dieting.  Don't put it on the salad--simply dip your fork in the dressing once in a while.  That said, iceberg lettuce has almost no nutritional value.  For someone who has supposedly tried every diet out there, she seems to have absolutely no idea of how to eat right.  Personally, I think that she does know, but doesn't want to bother about it.  She seems to believe that changing her diet=eating disorder, and uses that as an excuse.


    Finally, was it just me, or was TLC taking a shot at Whitney with those repeated underwater shots of her treading water in the pool?

     Oh yes, they totally were.

    Nice that she was able to talk to someone who has had much more severe struggles to go through in life, though I doubt that it will have much effect on her.

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