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Everything posted by zoemom

  1. Metabolic changes good or bad can affect hair loss/growth. Not sure if Diana had other underlying health conditions (polycystic ovary syndrome or thyroid issues) but those could be reasons for hair loss. Haven't seen her family - could be hereditary too.
  2. I'm not the "touchy-feely type, but I'm so proud of Diana!!!!! Considering what she looked like when she started and has fought through the pain without complaint, she has nothing to be ashamed about. Wish I could give her a hug! (did I say that????)
  3. Come on Diana, you can do it! Go see your family. Don't like to hear that strange music behind her though......
  4. @zoemom raising her hand for Ashley, I'll take you to see Dr. Paradise!
  5. Bad foreshadowing - nasty side eye.......nine more pounds! Told her to lose the make-up.
  6. Little people - Roloff's - PLEASE MAKE IT STOP TLC!!!!!! NOBODY cares!!!!! Sorry for the outburst, I feel better now!
  7. She best take that off before she weighs in. Her pores are holding at least a couple of pounds of foundation, add another pound or two for the mascara!
  8. It's amazing how a little exercise coupled with a stubborn/firm Dr. Now can make that happen!
  9. Don't tell me that Dr. Now does knee replacements too. I figure after getting skin removed she'd be near her target weight. Based on her progress, I wish he'd let her start.
  10. NO SKIN SURGERY FOR YOU!!! the way Dr. Now said this reminded me of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. She really doesn't get it does she????
  11. Dr. Now is taking no bs from her. Good for him!!!!!
  12. I do love me some Dr. Paradise. Not enough to gain 400+ lbs., but he would make me actually want to go to therapy. Zoemom climbing over empty Noosa Pumpkin Yogurt cups in order to see how long it would take for her to get from her house to Houston.......;)!! Seventeen hours, its do-able! How many fast food stops will I have to make though?
  13. @CouchTater so glad to hear that your surgery went well. Take small sips and continue on your journey. Your fan club is here, keep us updated on your progress/journey. Understand why you don't want to watch the entire episode, its probably like been there done that for you. Make sure you get plenty of rest and hang in there we'll be here rooting for you!!!!!
  14. Why don't these folks wear shoes???? Ashley looks like Lupe to me. Where was I when these were on? In a coma??? Don't answer that!
  15. Indeed @Giant Misfit....it is my new "bad" food. They've also come out with smaller salted caramel (130 kcal). I'm sure that Dr. Now won't approve, so I'll just hide them when the dietician comes in to do the "clean out" of my fridge! I'm confused.....did Diana stay in Houston to work/journey forward? Are those her relatives? Kids? Sorry don't remember her.....
  16. My eating habit has been two containers of pumpkin yogurt (full fat)......I know not sticking to the plan.
  17. How long ago were these people on? I don't remember Diana....nasty, crusty legs!
  18. Agree with both of you. A couple of weeks ago when Carrie Underwood was mentoring, I was actually confused when Gabby came out to sing, initially thought it was Carrie. Her hair, dress, the way she stomped around on the stage were pure Carrie. I'm hoping tonight will be the end of her run and she can go back home to Pittsburgh and get some more practice in the local karaoke bars.
  19. @Ladyrain (hi BTW!) ITA. I was really squicked out when Gabby told Bobby Bones that she wanted to take her "daddy" with her to Nashville? I think when she told him that, he even looked shocked for a second. I know she's young, (but nowadays everyone seems younger than me) but its been my experience that most kids her age are looking forward to getting out of the house and away from their parents. Agree 100% that her family sees Gabby as their "meal ticket" out of Pittsburgh. (Dad's already schilling Gabby Barrett branded merchandise.) I sent 10 votes to Maddie, figured every little vote counts. I didn't plan on watching any of it live, but after listening to Caleb and Gabby botch their songs and then "knock me down with a feather" hearing Katy FINALLY give some honest criticism of each, I got sucked in. I'll DVR it tonight -not interested in watching Lionel, Katy and Luke et al. perform to an audience of "arm wavers" for two hours. Like the Academy Awards/Oscars I'll just FFW to the last couple minutes to find out who wins. I'd love to see Maddie get it, but know that more than likely Caleb will. If Gabby wins, I'm over it.......
  20. JMO, but with this judging panel ABC (thinks) it's reaching across all potential demographics. Katy's there to capture the teen/pop-rock crowd, Luke is there for the country demo and they're hoping (more like grasping at straws) with Lionel to reach to the Boomer population. Where I work the majority of our staff are millennials. Our office is located in a more "rural" part of the state and country music is the only music around here. As a Boomer I enjoy listening to their opinions on everything from clothing styles to music. When AI started with the auditions I asked my co-workers if any of them had watched and who they liked. The few that had (two out of thirty) liked the contestants that "surprise" sang country music. They did ask me why that "old guy with the Afro" was there. They had no clue who Lionel Ritchie (or the Commodores) were. Yep, it's time for me to officially stamp my "old" card I guess.
  21. I finally got around to watching AI this a.m. I don't know how anyone has the patience to watch this show live. Last night, except for the semi-interesting "mom" interviews, the show was its usual mix of clips with the contestants with mentor of the week; Carrie Underwood this time, who just happens to have a new album (shameless plug after each of her performances)/commercials/seeing how outrageous KP looked/more commercials/Luke being left speechless/more commercials/crowds waving their arms/more commercials just rinse and repeat more of the same for two excruciating hours. I was ready to bail after the first ten minutes, this was before any of the contestants had been on stage. I'm not counting the opening bit where they "sang" with Carrie Underwood (did I mention she has a new album???). Like @TeeMo mentioned, I'm curious at this late stage, why Katy "call me Cher" said they were going to be "really tough" with their critiques. What I heard were the same old same, mushy (Papa Lionel, really?) bland non-critiques that we've heard all season. I'm glad I DVR this show, like others, I only fully watched the performances of Gabby, Caleb and Maddie. I knew Michael was done after listening to him sing just a couple bars in his first song. It's a shame that he was given a place in the final five, when there were others, like Jurnee, who I feel has true talent (not to mention sing on key). I know many found her distant, I'm not sure if this was partially do to nerves, not to mention being thrust into the "machine" that AI has become. I was pleasantly surprised that Cade got the axe (another one who shouldn't have made it as far as he did). So next week is the big finale? I'm fine with the final three but again will be viewing via DVR. I can't imagine how many commercials/fluff/useless judge comments they'll have trying to fill up two more hours, when due to the new voting process the "winner" will be decided more than likely by mid-show. I probably FF through this, but is AI coming back next season? Will they have the same spineless judges? Hoping that if ABC does bring it back that they revert back to their original format. Otherwise I probably won't find it interesting enough for it to take up space on my DVR. .
  22. After watching many seasons of watching folks on My 600 lb. Life I think most of the participants go in, want to see Dr. Now (regardless of their weight) have him do the surgery and they'll magically lose all of their weight instantly. Food addiction as we've seen can be just as hard to beat just like drugs, gambling or smoking. I quit smoking 25 years ago, it was the hardest thing I ever did. Sometimes, after a particularly hard day, when I get in my car I still get a craving to have one. I thought smoking relaxed me/made me feel better. Sound familiar??? I am sure that food addiction is more difficult, since eating is something you have to do to survive; in this country that offers so many temptations (fast food restaurants, food delivery, grocery stores stocked with unhealthy food, commercials on TV) that are food based. Those foods often what the participants used to eat for comfort or relieve stress. To be successful in breaking the cycle they have to adopt a whole new attitude/lifestyle which is major change in mindset. I agree with you @Kelley, I don't understand why after all of these years, Dr. Now doesn't put his patients in therapy before they start. There always is some underlying reason why they put on weight.....I don't think anyone thinks as a kid "I want to grow up and weight 600 lbs." I know that's what Roshanda was thinking. I was really surprised at the end of the show she had lost some weight and was sticking to the diet. Hopefully we'll see more progress next week, but I wouldn't count on it. I hope they surprise us.
  23. Oh Fonfereksglen I'm so sorry. Glad we could add a little levity to what had to be a very difficult week for you. I know how hard it can be, my dad passed away on my birthday two years ago. Sending you virtual hugs!
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