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Posts posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. Boy, what an unfortunate end to the Peng/Wozniacki match.  I hope Peng will be ok.  That was really hard to watch, and it was a really enjoyable match to watch up till that point.

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  2. I think we already did clothes, but by doing adjectives I thought people would have a little more choice and creativity.  For example, instead of having to pick one specific item for A, like Rose's Airplane Sweater, you could choose anything you thought was awful, awesome, antiquated, amphibian-like, angular, etc.


    I dunno, maybe that's too fine a line.  If anybody else has an idea, that's fine.  I'm just easily entertained by rants/raves about their clothes. 

  3. Z is for Madame Zelda who predicted that anyone who moved into Blanche's house would die an agonizing death, which would certainly be a problem. 


    For the next round, how about we do adjectives that describe the girls' clothes/accessories/wardrobes?  This could get really creative! :)

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