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Posts posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. Z is for the Zipper King, Mel Bushman.  I never bought his love story with Blanche.  (But then again, apparently neither did they.)


    We've done the girls in other roles.  How about we do guest stars in other roles?


    A is for Arrested Development, which featured Jeffrey Tambor, aka one of the doctors who blew off Dorothy's chronic fatigue symptoms.

  2. Okay, I didn't watch because I need to save what little self-respect I have left...where the hell did the "courting the fifth wife" come in?


    The title was misleading.  It wasn't about the Browns courting a fifth wife, it was about the Colliers courting a third wife.  All those ladies in Las Vegas who are throwing themselves at Kody will have to keep biding their time.

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  3. If they really wanted to make money they should have opened a party supply store.  There's this one huge family in Las Vegas who will splash out on a fully decorated theme party about anything at the drop of a hat.  Seriously - apart from a million birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations, there are 60's hippie parties, Casino Night parties, heck, even Hanukkah parties!  Any inventory they could think of to stock, this family would buy!


    Oh, wait...

    • LOL 1
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  4. Those idiot "moms" rearranging everything in Maddie's apartment was not cute or fun. 


    I guess it just goes to show that victims of kitchen abuse often go on to abuse others' kitchens.


    (I'm poking fun at this bunch of thoughtless maroons who can't keep their stories straight, not at any survivors of legitimate abuse.)

    • Love 15
  5. I kind of understand Christine, but I still fault Kody.  There's no reason he should have shared that text. 


    Bingo.  Christine's response was over the top in my opinion, but I lay the fault for Ken-gate at Kody's door.  He seems to greatly enjoy stirring the pot, and I can just imagine him chuckling with glee as he passed that text around to all his wives.  We saw in this same episode how he doesn't hesitate to cater to his own whims at the expense of others, (switching up the nightly rotation schedule), but heaven forbid anybody try to interfere with his bromance time!

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  6. Along those lines, U is for Re-Using character names.  Obviously it happens all the time in real life, but I like my shows to have a bit more creativity.  Becky was both Blanche's daughter and Lily's dog.  Angela was both Sophia's sister and Phil's wife.  Katherine was both Stan's wife and Gloria's daughter.  Gloria and Phil were both Dorothy's siblings and the names of the characters at the Maltese Falcon Club.  Etc etc....

    • Love 1
  7. I don't like when Sophia pretends to be Rose's dead husband talking to her through the fruit salad...all just to get a few dollars out of Rose. What a weird writing decision. I didn't like the moments when Sophia went from feisty and irreverent older lady to a straight-up sociopath.

    I agree that that was a particularly low point. I dislike most of Sophia's money-making schemes, particularly the time she rented out the house while Blanche and Dorothy were away at Big Daddy's funeral.  Even brief mentions of Sophia taking money or a credit card out of Dorothy's purse make me squirm.

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