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FWIW, scheduling is a non-issue if you stream it through the CBS website. We've totally switched to watching it whenever we have time, rather than when it airs. If we feel like watching it on Sunday at 9:09, we can do that. The commercial breaks are shorter too. Recommended.
1. North Dakota has Mount Rushmore, and I'll bet that's where he went. 2. Some infections are problematic at school, because it's hard to actually get children to not touch each other. In this girls case, I'm sure they said "don't touch her." It costs a lot of money to get these people all the way out there and onto the beach, and they don't have understudies, so I figure they aren't going to pull the trigger for anything short of sepsis (last season) or a Heart Attack (previews.) 3. Not only did Rachel fail at the puzzle, she was talking too much and looking like she was pushing people around in the game. Easy first boot. 4. Why did they vote for Cici? Did I miss something?
The thing is, the final task almost always involves difficult instructions and thinking. If they both have to contribute, it should be interesting. Oh, and walking the plank is totally made up. Real pirates just took anyone they didn't want and kicked them overboard.
Point taken, you are probably right there, which leads me to this... to which I agree. They are just reaching for two-idol play drama, ala Parvati's great gambit. It's just another case of "this isn't a game, it's a show," which, whatever.
More to the point, they are still individual Hidden Immunity Idols, which cannot be transferred after the votes are read. We know that two HIIs can be joined into one SuperIdol, and we know that a SuperIdol can be played after the votes are read, but it's not stated when an HII can be transferred in order to effect a SuperIdol, and every rule we do know about says that an HII cannot be transferred after the reading of the vote. One thing about the "Yul and before" idol is that although it certainly could save you for one vote, it was difficult to use it to keep an alliance safe because, again, it could not be transferred at the time of use. You could play it after the votes were read, but you could not TRANSFER it at that time. You had to be already holding it to play it, so you had to know who the vote was going to be for in order for it to keep an alliance safe. (Yul actually faced this problem, but he flipped Penner and from then on it was a march to the finish and he kept the idol in his pocket.) Thus, I believe the existing rules clearly state when an HII can be transferred, and the players are *assuming* that playing the SuperIdol post-vote means that a post-vote transfer of the HII is possible. We don't know if they've been told that this is the case. Maybe, maybe not. The show doesn't always reveal rules until it's to their dramatic advantage. What we saw was Scott asking Tai for his HII. Tai refused the request. What we don't know is that if Tai had begun to transfer his HII to Scott, would Peachy have then said "ah, no, sorry, shoulda done that sooner." I doubt we'll know now, since the other traditional rule of thumb is one HII per tribe, and currently there is only one tribe. Only once, recently, have they re-hidden a second idol after the merge. Perhaps the possibility of a SuperIdol play would prompt them to do so again. The true goat is Joe, and Aubry has him firmly in her corner. It is not unusual for one of the F3 to be that sort of invisible player. To me, Debbie looks like a rotisserie chicken leg that's been lost behind the couch for a month. No thanks.
If you watched the balloon / wedding sequences carefully, you could see security in tan uniforms from time to time, and on the bike they were following a motorcycle with security on it. Based on how I saw the cheerleaders approached while they were doing the lights task and the balloon task, it certainly seems like it was warranted. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/27/world/asia/gang-rape-in-india-routine-and-invisible.html Ugh.
Heck, as far as Dan was considered at that point Dan was still going to the final 3 and Mike would be eliminated one way or another. Dan should have been cultivating Mike for a jury vote. These people really need to examine Parvati's play. In her 2nd and 3rd appearances she was nice to everyone, even if she had to grit her teeth to do it.
At that point I think you have more to gain by working with the other person than not. It's true they're taking a chance on their opponent acing the final task, but enhancing the possibility that you will actually reach the final task makes up for it. Consider also that they both thought they were playing for 2nd place, as they both say Blair/Haley leaving as they arrived. It's important to the show to get multiple teams to the final challenge at the same time so as to have some suspense. If one team reaches and essentially finishes the final challenge before the others, there goes any chance of suspense. For that to be the case, the challenges along the way need to be pretty easy, with the only differentiator the speed that they're done in.
Probably because Dan / Tyler actually played the game, to one degree or another. Joe? Not so much.
The cochran interview: http://www.cbs.com/shows/survivor/news/1004219/survivor-s-dan-foley-is-snuffed-after-two-vote-advantage-works-against-him-to-have-fun-to-be-remembered-and-to-win-/
he still thinks that "flippers don't win" even after confronted with several examples of flippers who had won He's a bombastic twit, but I'll back him up here. While flippers HAVE won, in general, they don't. Many many more players flip on their alliance and disappear shortly thereafter. He didn't say "never" win, he said "don't" win. Dan is another reason I'm not watching the reunion, right after Shirin.
Right now you have Rodney / Sierra / Will remaining as an alliance, each thinking the other two are their goats. (and really, who can argue with them about that?) They will not defect to Mike / Carolyn, as that would be a losing move in their eyes. I predict Mike wins IC and Carolyn goes. Then you have 4. If Mike also wins that IC (which is what I assume as well) then it's a tossup for him. Which goat is the lesser of the three? Then it's over. I usually don't watch the reunion, but I'm definitely making sure I don't even catch a whiff of this one.
Assuming you can get it to work, all this season's episodes are easily streamed from cbs.com. That's how I watch the show. I can watch it whenever I want, starting at whatever time I want. For various reasons it's more convenient for me to watch on Friday night after, say, 10pm. The latest episode is usually posted right after it airs on the West coast. My wife & I skipped last week's episode and watched it before the current (as of this thread) episode, both a day late and 2 hours later. You don't have to be a slave to the TV.
At this point in the game the rewards are vital, because they include food. The food often makes the difference when it comes to competing in the following immunity challenge. What Rodney was asking for wasn't just someone being nice to him, he was asking for a significant advantage near the end of the game. That's unreasonable. There's only one player left who can plausibly be said to have played hard the whole way through, and that's Mike. I'm fully expecting to see him win ICs right up to the end. The other players have done what they had to do when faced with a dominant opponent - they stuck together, regardless of their relative position within the shrinking alliance. Allying with Mike would mean automatic loss at this point -- he has too many jury votes already, and every person who gets put on the jury has no reason to blame him for their elimination. Oh, and Boards on Boards (as it used to be known) -- could the moderators be bothered to lock the thread until the episode is over? The first page of posts from people who are posting while watching are awful to have to slog through after the fact. That's what twitter is for.
The producers have to look at the votes even before the end of FTC, in case of ties. There was some speculation that a relatively recent season had an FTC vote that resulted in a tie and they all had to go through the vote again, but it was only barely alluded to in a few after the fact interviews. The idea that they don't know who the winner is is naive. First and foremost, this is a television show.