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  1. Catching the Will and Sonny scenes today just...I can't take it, I just cannot with them. I was reminded of their supposed "romance" from way back when and just thinking about all the uncomfortable, imho, scenes lacking any real form of intimate closeness or true love. No, I am not at all on board for round what, three or four of that dribble. I will admit, personally, I am sick and tired of watching Chandler and Freddie and their consistent hangups playing gay characters. It's like their cringe oozes through the screen most of the time. The way they hardly show any skin in love making scenes, or never actually film a real tussle in the sheets. If they aren't comfortable with intimacy between two men then why have agreed to play the roles they do? I have tried to overlook it and forgive it but I am just plain fed up with it at this point and I would be more than glad if they put Will and Sonny back together so they can play old, boring, useless prudes who keep the lights on and their shirts during sex and let the others actually have freedom of genuine expression. I think back to Guy and Christopher and how open and sexy they were; no fear, no panic, just full on and realistic. I would honestly love to see Guy recast somehow and have Chris, Paul, free from both Will and Sonny for good and he and Guy's new character could rekindle their magic on screen. That for me would be just wonderful and make up for all the other bs going on. I still don't know what to make of Greg, Leo, here. I just don't care about the character's motives, especially since he's been paired with Sonny who I can't stand on a good day, plus the hair is...a choice. Maybe I might get on board with Leo if I saw him outside of the terrible story-line he's currently apart of. Maybe if Leo and Paul were a thing I could get behind it, obviously Greg isn't one to push a sexy man away. I just think any potential that might be there is, as usual thanks to Ron, being wasted. The one and only good thing about today's episode, I thought, was Chad pummeling that disgusting wretch Stefan. I wanted him to just keep going and going like an ass kicking energizer bunny. I am not sure if Tyler knew what Ron had planned for the character, but if he was totally on board with Stefan turning out to be an inhuman monster, hopefully this means a gratefully short shelf life for Stefan and sooner than later he'll kick rocks for good straight out of town.
  2. This is so typical of Ron's pacing and writing, I feel, because he often would do this on OLTL and GH. He has characters suddenly acting like they're best friends or romantically interested in each other and we see nothing happening that would explain why or how or even when. Imo, he's so lazy and he loves to basically excuse it all and hand wave it away as everything happened off screen and we, the viewers, should use our imaginations to come to the proper conclusions without him needing to actually do his job of director and producer and writer. It's not a him problem, it never is, it's an us problem. Based on that I would assume that we are meant to assume that Paul and Will have had so many interactions off-screen while they have been following John and investigating the Steve poisoning. Presuming that everything didn't just go down in less than 24 hours from start to finish, they have spent days and nights playing detectives and Paul's old feelings for Will, which he was starting to have way back when before the affair was discovered, have resurfaced and he's now looking at Will in a new light since their "near death" experience. The thought of losing Will caused Paul's buried feelings to resurface. Of course I am merely guessing based off of Ron's track record. But since I have no other gay couple on anywhere else that actually interests me, I am trying to hang on to what's going on with Will and Paul, since I like the chemistry spark Christopher and Chandler share in my eyes. The writing is trash but these two could prove to be diamonds in the rough, fingers crossed.
  3. Deliciously smirky Paul returned today and I have missed him. Personally I enjoy watching a confident Paul acting suave and flirty. He knows how to bring all the boys to his yard. Will was stuttering up a storm, which I also get is just something Chandler does often, but it worked in the moment showing Will being surprised and thrown off his game that Paul, finally, was in the role of instigator and teasing him instead of it being the other way around. I still feel as if the whole Steve mess was rushed and dumb and didn't make any sense and it just ,made so many characters unnecessary look stupid. But if they intend to use it to help Paul and Will grow closer then so be it, heh. I can and will ignore all of that if they would just go ahead and grab dinner together or a drink. I want them in a social setting, talking and having some fun, it's obvious to me Christopher and Chandler naturalyl get along and have a friendship so I am more than ready to see them start having more moments like today.
  4. I keep forgetting that Wyatt Halliwell is on the show now, but the dots really do connect if you think about how he's been with Lulu, driving her to look into the background of Drew and Jason's switch and how Faison is connected. Plus, as you say, he has carried himself in a very pompous, know it all, sort of way so that would fit with a child who, at the very least, was aware of his father and even went so far as to partner with him at some point. Though I also like the idea of Andre being the first born son because it would have been quite a twist and opportunity to keep that actor around. Alas, with this current writing tea,m I would hate to see what they might come up with in regards to such a turn of events. Why should Drew, or anyone else, care about his past and memories because Sam will LOVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT!. It's one of the dumbest bits to this story-line for me.l Drew learned that his brother found out that there is a piece of equipment out there which could unlock his entire life, literally, before he was taken. He know he has at least a good 35 years, give or take, of a life that he could remember, that he could reclaim, and basically he would rather get Sam to constantly declare her love for him in-spite of everything else than just figuring his shit out like a grown up. It's ridiculous that they have just dropped that angle, for now, and prefer to have Sam and Drew discuss what his life might have been like, or what it might take for him to remember, etc, and yet this glaring chunk of subplot is just hanging out, not getting any further attention. Is it because they decided to claim the drive was hidden in a Christmas ornament and since Christmas is over we will have to wait until the holiday season next year before anyone bothers to go after it again? Where are Brad and Lucas (who?)? I know that it was thanks to Ron, for once, that they were pretty much front and center for a good while when he was in charge, but I feel as if this show just doesn't want to deal with them anymore. They're both doctors who work at GH, they both have generous ties to PC history, especially Lucas, and they made a cute, sexy, couple, but god forbid they get a single scene in how many months now? No, instead I get Detective Bark having his birthright rewritten for no damn good reason and Ava's mini scar must be gotten rid of or else she'll lose her will to live... What fun.
  5. YMMV but watching Sam and Drew constantly trying to convince themselves that they are going to make it and their love can conquer all and blah blah blah, I find it anything but exciting or moving or must see TV. Most of the the time I feel as if Billy and Kelly are just going through the motions themselves. I see no heat there, no real fire or passion, no real love, and I chalk it up to lazy acting and lazy writing. Sam and Jason were written similarly, Kelly and Steve basically played their scenes without much conviction nine times out of ten and the writing was horrendous. Drew may not be Jason but I don't think he's an improvement either and Sam is unchanged, so to me neither is better than the other, both couplings leave me cold and disinterested.
  6. So Detective Driftwood is now Faison's son for no reason I can grasp other than the show didn't care enough to be original or believable as usual. This show hasn't given out reasonable paternity results in quite some time now. Is there some reason they're acting like he has some sort of genetic defect/s that he could pass on to the baby? Sure he's an evil sack of unstable terror, but both his kids, while not perfect, aren't exactly out there hunting young damsels in the dark of night to feast upon their supple flesh so...perhaps chill out a bit and just chalk this unwanted but unimportant news up to having a crappy sperm donor who has absolutely no affect on your real life and offspring? Oh sorry, I was thinking logically for a minute there, gotta stop doing that with this show. How many times are Sam and Drew going to drag out their bland "ILY"s over and over again? Do they fall asleep every time so they forget they've already had this same tired ass conversation? They are so lethargic and boring and pathetically repetitive in all their scenes it seems. Drew is on repeat constantly feeling the need/desperation to ask Sam if she's happy/does she truly love him/want him/ and oh my god he can't remember WHO HE IS! and Sam blinks and smiles and/or gets teary and offers him the most basic and frankly pointless reassurances because he doesn't appear to be listening for she has repeated the same pitiful lines countless times already. They bore me immensely. And of course Sam wants to rush off and get married now, after letting Jason kiss her without resistance and then failing to tell Drew, because of course. I see a shit-storm of stupid on the horizon. Also, Sam, Jason is still your legal husband because he never actuay divorced you himself so maybe get on top of that first before you and Drew skip out to the courthouse. The stupid...it burns. And speaking of stupid...Sonny. And Jason. And Spin who will never apparently evolve into a real human being. I would call them the Three Stooges but that's giving them far more credit than they deserve because at least the Three Stooges were entertaining and funny. Too bad Ava's gallery didn't have a giant stone statue that Nelle could have pushed over onto Carly.
  7. Absolutely. Michael may be a Q in name, sort of, but he is every bit the son those two wretches raised and even through it all, even with Sonny without question guilty of A.J.'s coldblooded murder, Michael still hails them as his loving parents who sacrificed so much for him (I suppose one could say that A.J. certainly served as their sacrificial lamb on a meat hook) and gave him everything he could ever want and if he was only half the father to his own kid as Sonny was/is to him, and blah blah bullshit and it's vile. I have always found Michael to be one of the worst evil spawns this show ever came up with, but I actually found him less annoying when he was just Sonny and Carly's stupid little brat. He made more sense as the long neglected, poorly and terribly raised offspring of two people who together shouldn't have been given permission to own a cactus. Michael was bound to be a troubled, complicated, dumb, whiny, ridiculous mess of a human being because of who raised him. But when they tried to make him a Q again and "fix" what happened in the past, what with his kidnapping, keeping him away from the only fit and lovable family he really had, and the destruction of his real father and such, I knew it wouldn't pan out. And now with this end result of him still being a Corinthos, annoying, dumb, and worthless on a good day and yet he's somehow pitted against a true Q, such as Ned, and Ned's on the losing end to this little punk ass nobody who not too long ago was wagging a big boy gun in the faces of his father's enemies because they didn't show Sonny "the proper respect"? But now he's supposed to be some sort of economic wizard and creative genius who can crunch the numbers and keep a handle on the DOW with the best of them? Give me a break, show, it's just ludicrous to watch for me. Hah, true enough. I swear though if I ever see a scene with Michael taking Oscar on a tour of ELQ as he tells the "young one" about the "good ol' days" of the Q family business my blood pressure will not be happy. I guess the show just wants us all to accept that Michael is the magical unicorn of a Q who doesn't need silly diplomas from schools (higher learning? what rubbish!) or actual training in a legitimate business field that doesn't rely on threats of cement shoes or being buried alive in coffee bean containers. No, he's just that good because he was born that good and Edward left him a "How to Run My Shit" for dummies book and viola, CEO Michael was born. I will always be team real Q against that little idiot. Michael will always in my mind be a Corinthos more than anything else because most of the time he acts like it, until he wants to use the Q name to get his way. Since he couldn't even stay mad at Sonny for killing his innocent, tortured father, I have no use for him. Not only did this show wreck my precious Tracy (how I miss her...) but now they've moved on to her son, who literally has every right and reason logically be head of ELQ without question or contest from anyone else right now. But no, he's being told to kiss Prince Michael's ring or else he gets the boot? It's pathetic and patronizing. Michael should be leaning from Ned, taught by him, if anything, not giving Ned the business about how he somehow knows what Edward would want over the man that Edward bloody helped to raise as his own and trained from the start. It's just...maddening, it truly is.
  8. I want to give you a hug and a cookie right now. I could not have put it any better myself. When I heard Michael start name slinging Edward around, as if that kid barely shared a meal with the man, barely acknowledged him, hardly knew him, and he sure as hell didn't learn Business 101 sitting at Great Granddaddy's feet as a youngster. I thought the same thing about the book when Michael went off, had he read a particularly inspiring passage that morning? It was just beyond bizarre for them to have Michael acting like he's suddenly 20 odd years older than he is and he was pretty much Edward's closest confidante. At this rate Oscar will show up in a few weeks demanding he be made CFO in the company because he can quote the book by heart and obviously that makes him the most skilled Q of all to run the financial workings of the business because Grandpa E's spirit lives within those scarred pages. It's maddening that the show is trying to make this all seem real, when anyone watching during Edward's years would know otherwise without even having to try. I think what also irked me the most about their scenes were the names and faces of the men that came to my mind who all rightly so should have been standing where Michael was, sparring off with Ned. A.J. for starters, or how about Justus? Or Dillon, at least old Dillon that I actually liked. But this whole "let's have Michael take charge and rule over the family as the chosen son" story-line is utter and total tripe imho.
  9. Out of the three guys, I have always liked Sonny the least. I am not a fan of the actor, especially when it comes to him showing his co-stars intimacy in a scene, I can feel his cringe through the screen sometimes. Sonny has always been a hit or miss the way he's written, and mainly he misses. I find him annoying, entitled, and a jerk for the most part. Will can be much the same, but I give him a bit more slack because he comes from families I like more than Sonny's. I think Chandler is a little better than Freddie, sometimes, and I can tolerate him more, even though he too can have such a big problem showing affection and getting over his hangups during certain scenes. The reason I am coming down harder on Sonny after yesterday is how he's acting about Paul. Will didn't have the history nor declarations of love for Paul that Sonny has, and yet from how Sonny so coldly dumped Paul, without even allowing Paul any time for adjustment or acceptance, and now he wants to make Paul the villain of sorts in this flawed fairy-tale, I am just over him and his deplorable behavior. Paul, to me, is one of the few reasons I am still keeping up with the show. I just like the actor and I like the character, for the most part. I just wish they would let Christopher add more life to him like he used to, when he was grabbing and snogging the hell out of Guy, heh.
  10. I had the exact same thought, because intentions matter, and Will really was out of line to imply, even a little bit, that Paul had anything to do with that kiss besides having it laid on him. Will did Paul no favors, and of course Sonny just had to run with that bit of info even though it was completely wrong. In fact, during the whole scene Sonny's assumptions bout Paul, somehow, being at fault for any of Will's behavior or his decisions was really off-putting. Not only was he making it seem as if Paul was a lowlife for trying to be so manipulative (as if Paul would need to manipulate anyone with his natural good looks and charm, get real Sonny) but Sonny also implied that Will, apparently, is like a small child who, if left alone, would get into all sorts of trouble and won't know any better. Will doesn't have his old memories but he isn't a five year old child, he is a grown man more than capable of turning away from someone who is doing something he doesn't like or want. Or even better yet, he's a grown man who is more than capable of making the first move. What a way to discredit both of the men you claim/ed to love, Sonny. Amen. I really found it telling that Sonny could go from someone who loved Paul first, to having spent the past two years with Paul building back up their relationship, asking Paul even to marry him, yet again, and nearly sealing the deal, yet now Sonny acts as if Paul is this despicable leech who is taking advantage of poor, confused, ,misguided Will. It's beyond horrendous to me. Sonny isn't getting his way, Will isn't just magically falling back in love with him and wants to pledge himself to Sonny all over again, promising to forsake all others and be Sonny's one and only forever and ever so of course Sonny wants to lash out at Paul whose only crime is being a decent human being to Will, showing him understanding and sympathy for what he's going through. Sonny fails to see that Paul's generosity is what he is missing most of all, and that's why Will is making a runner. Sonny failed to see past his own desperate wants and needs and desires and it has now cost him big time. I hate to even think it, but I wouldn't be surprised that the next Paul scene will involve a run-in with Sonny where Sonny attacks or accuses Paul for Will leaving, and the whole kiss business, just as he did in the mansion when Brady spilled the beans about the first kiss. I hope I am wrong and the writers will prove more original but...it's Ron so, who knows.
  11. I don't disagree with you. My point was that imho Ron is a terrible director, and sure more experienced, crafty actresses can do what they can with what he gives them, but a younger kid would struggle mightily. Does that mean the kid is as bad as the writing and direction,? I don't think there's a way to tell when inexperience meets poor direction. Now I haven't seen the actress in anything else so I have no idea, but I would dare say that having Ron headline Ciara is not going to do anything for what little talent she might possess. It's a lot harder to kill a fully grown tree than a mere sapling, but that's just how I see it. Ciara's development, actress aside, just seems to have fallen off a cliff. The way she is written is just awful, imo, and wholly unlikable.
  12. I feel exactly the same about them. They hold no interest for me and the more the show tries to keep them front and center the more annoyed I get. I think Drew tries to play things off, until he's faced with a situation like on the boat, seeing Sam and Jason together, just standing near each other, alone, and suddenly he flies off the handle and has a tantrum. It's just irksome to me that they keep this line of nonsense going, for all of them, not just Drew. But with Drew he keeps going back and forth on how confident he truly is to be Drew instead of Jason. And as I mentioned before, I get why he would feel that way, but I already watched this when he was John Doe, and it wasn't interesting or appealing to me then and it isn't now. I have already seen him rant and rage against the machine as he "figures out who he really is", and I am way past over it. I fully admit though that if I liked him at all I might be more forgiving, but I just don't. And in that way it is like he's still the "real" Jason to me, because I can't stand him either, heh.
  13. Under the direction of another director, I might say yes, however I have seen what Ron did when he had some of the best in the business to write for, some of the true dames on OLTL and GH, and he can turn gold into a turd like no one else I've ever seen. If I am being honest I think the girl is fairly average, not so bad I have to change the channel but also not all that great. I do think that she could get by a lot better if the writing was somewhat decent, as you said, and I think that's the biggest hurdle for the whole show right now. The direction and writing just leaves so much to be deserved imho. Which brings me around to today and...Brady, you couldn't have stopped for five seconds to put on a bathrobe? His feet should have frozen to the front stoop. I actually will give credit where credit is due to Chandler for today. He finally showed some range, it was nice. Will standing up for himself and his mature decision to not try and force what he just doesn't feel was good. Will is not in the right place if he feels trapped by the past and if his current feelings would lead him to cheat and be someone he doesn't want to be. A fresh do-over can only help him right now. Freddie just...I can't. When he tries to do the emotional thing all I can see are all the acting tricks they teach in high-school drama class. It just doesn't feel real or natural to me at all. Sonny's inability to see that everything he's doing is exactly what has pushed Will away is just an utter lack of self-awareness. Sonny wants to control the situation until he knows for sure he has his Will back, and that just isn't how life works. And I thought it was pretty low-ball for him to throw their daughter into the ring in hopes of manipulating Will to stay.
  14. Other than Carly, no one is actively trying to do anything in regards to Drew. Diane is not Drew's lawyer, she's Jason's lawyer, so when Jason returned she went back to her real client, and Diane never was one for subtlety. Pretty much everyone feels sorry for Drew it looks like to me, some are sorry he isn't really Jason, some are sorry he lost whoever he used to be, and some are sorry they have to deal with it at all. Drew's biggest problem is that he isn't Jason, not being Jason meant he was bound to lose a lot more than he had gained by being Jason. But no one is out to get him because he isn't Jason, except for Carly but she's evil and selfish so that isn't surprising.
  15. Not so much forgotten I think but they don't care. Ron wants to keep up the whole Stefano line, he is terrible when it comes to getting obsessed with one subject and everything else just falls away. He is so good, which I find terrible, at shrinking everything down to a few select people he wants to play with, and everyone else has to wait a turn if they get one at all. It's not really about the true history that the show has, it's about the history Ron wants to play with and put his own stamp on and I would much rather he just keep messing with the Dimeras we already have, like Andree and Chad, than trying to resurrect old faces that he won't do justice to, jmho.
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