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Dr. Pimple Popper - General Discussion
mizkat replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Dr. Pimple Popper
I haven't been on this site in forever. Thanks Dr. Pimple Popper for bringing me back. Re: procedures in the office--unfortunately I've got quite a bit of experience with this. I've had two melanomas removed plus a basal cell carcinoma. The basal cell was on my back, along with one of the melanomas. The other was on my arm. They all cropped up at different times so I didn't have to have them removed at once, thankfully. The only one that was done in a hospital was the one on my arm. The other two were in the office. The melanoma on my back took over ninety minutes to remove and sew up. That was an absolute PIA and took an entire summer to heal. Wear your sunscreen, please. You do NOT want to deal with skin cancer. I go every six months and have a full body check, aka check my dignity at the door. Re: the woman who was nervous/anxious/nauseous/shaking--she might have what I have, which is vasovagal syncope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflex_syncope I don't pass out every time, but for my procedures I've had all the symptoms she had at one time or another. The problem is that you don't really know how you're going to react until you have the procedure. For my back melanoma I was fine, but for the basal one my body started trembling. I've reacted badly to enough procedures that now I just tell the doc I have syncope ahead of time and they can put me under some type of sedation. I think with the woman there wasn't anything the doctor could do except hurry up and finish in case she did throw up or pass out. I don't think it was either of their faults; it's just something that can happen in reaction to physical stress that's perceived by the body as an attack. I'm also a longtime DPP watcher on YT and I have to say, her videos have helped me get over my squeamishness for some gross stuff. -
I guess any demon soul? Which then leads us to ask if Sam and Dean's souls are corrupted--Sam's been in cage and Dean was a demon. Or is the slate wiped clean for them? Or will the slate be wiped clean for them eventually?
I'm so glad someone explained Bob, because I spent this whole thread wondering who the hell Bob was and how did I miss such an important character? Mark Sheppard I love you, but you are way past your expiration date on this show. Dean should have knifed you. Or you should have atomized him like you threatened. The Dean/Crowley relationship has replaced Sam/Dean as the most dysfunctional on the show. Congrats, I guess. The angels can go now, unless Gabriel, Michael, and Lucy are coming back (with original actors, please). Although the actor who played Hannah did a good job of channeling the actress's mannerisms. But I'm so done with the angel crap. The torture was pointless and unoriginal. Same. I also liked Jared's work here. I think Sam has shifted to the younger brother/supporting role to Dean now and is content with it. Before it was a source of conflict, but that was also ego driven. I dunno, Sam seems different to me and in a good way. As far as the cure--seems pointless for him to be infected if he's going to be cured so quickly. But at least he wasn't tied up this time. I feel like Amara is Lilith 2.0 and I don't like it. Also, do demons have a soul? I'm completely confused by canon here. If they do then why wouldn't Amara eat Crowley's asap? Or is she stupid because she's so young? Seems like the king of hell's soul would be extra special. Then again, I have no idea. I think I have to rewatch these two shows again, because I feel like I'm missing some things. Although I keep thinking in the back of my mind that this whole thing is leading up to a huge reset at the end of the season where Jessica is alive, Mom is alive, Sam is a lawyer, and Dean marries his fantasy girl. Only this time it's for reals and not a Djinn dream.
They're not talking about heaven's "gate". You don't have to fight to get into heaven. Jesus already fought that battle and won. Admittedly I don't know much about the Quiverfull movement other than the goal is to have all these children to show how God has "blessed" you. Children are not "arrows" and they are not "warriors". They are not an "army". They are humans with free will. The human control aspect of this whole thing is ridiculous.
Having a driver's license gives you freedom, so if I was a Duggar kid I'd be camping outside the DMV on the eve of my 14th birthday to be the first one to take the test. I also know from experience (both with myself and my kids) that it's not an easy test to pass. The writing test in OH is a breeze compared to the AR one. You can also get a hardship license at 15 in AR so you can drive on your own. Arkansas is still plenty rural, although there are parts of Little Rock and surrounding areas that are congested. I don't know about NW AR, I imagine around Springdale and Fayetteville it would be the same thing. Still, I think getting driver's permits and licenses are a good thing for these sheltered kids. They probably fight over who gets to run to Starbucks for mom. I know Derick's in deep doo doo for all this faux mission stuff, but it is nice to see him helping out James.
I have to say that this is the one exception that the Kardashians have a right to make it all about them. I'm not a fan at. all. but this is so tragic.
I'm not sure that's the case here. I'm from Arkansas and grew up as a Razorback fan (I still am, although it's hard this year since they're tanking so bad) but I never went to U of A. My parents couldn't afford it. But even as a kid I was a fan; that's how it is there. AR doesn't have any pro sports teams and U of A is the only school that has football and basketball teams in major conferences. So everyone is a fan, even if you went to a Christian college. It's hard to explain Razorback madness unless you live there. So in this case I don't think Ben is co-opting anything--he's a football fan rooting for his favorite team. I still have my Razorback sweatshirt from 20+ years ago, and the only way I'll get rid of it is when it's pried from my cold, dead hands. Even then I might not let it go. As far as the religious postings go--being religious is now the Duggar's "brand", and I have to wonder if faith starts to lose it's meaning when its used as identity. If the goal is to proselytize, constantly shouting "I'm a Christian" and "Go Jesus!" dilutes the message. Plus people have to see you acting out your faith, not just posting quotes and wearing t-shirts and writing mini-sermons. A thousand times this. I will never understand putting women on blast for wearing pants and bikinis and tank tops, yet it's perfectly fine to wear nearly transparent, skin tight shirts when you're bursting with child.
Posting my thoughts before I read the rest of the thread. I decided this year to watch the show with no expectations. I've become so jaded over the last few years that it's clouded my viewing. I think that helped me not to dislike this episode as much, but I still didn't care for it. The flashback scenes at the beginning were okay at first, but overused (and not used in an interesting way). Of course The Darkness is a woman, although I like the actress from what little I saw of her. Other random thoughts: I kept thinking about Jus in Bello, maybe because the set seemed similar, as did the argument with Dean and Sam, although the roles were reversed this time. I really liked Jared and Jensen's acting in the scene where Sam is trying to convince Dean that they need to change. Well done by both of them. When Sam said "I have to do what I do" I immediately thought he'd be tied to a chair in the next scene. Also, Sam you're an idiot for not checking the storeroom before locking yourself in there. The mark on Amara--didn't see that coming. Nice surprise. Crowley stuff was pointless. Direction was lackluster--I thought Singer was retiring this year? Overall, meh for a season opener, but I'm intrigued to see where the season is going. Hopefully the brothers will change, if only to avoid the constant wash/rinse/repeat cycle they've been in for the past five to seven years.
I think the thing to keep uppermost in mind about both Ben and Dereck is that Jim Bob is the ultimate salesman. Gifted salespeople can confuse you and make your head spin so fast you fall down from dizziness. They also have a way of spinning things into making you think you're stupid, it's your fault, that mistakes they've made aren't mistakes and your misinterpreting them because you're stupid, and they'll say this in such a way that they're smiling and making you feel like they are thinking only of you and your best interests. That can make even the strongest person confused and wondering which way is up. Add money and a network into the mix and I'm surprised Derick's not wearing a straight jacket by now. The kids are used to this kind of manipulation. Ben isn't in a position for it to really matter (yet). But Derick is. I can't help but think that all he wanted was a mentor, fell in love with Jill, and just wanted a regular life with his wife and children. Jim Bob sold him a bill of goods, probably saying that he can live a "regular" life but with extra perks that will help him serve the kingdom in a way that would be pleasing to God. I imagine all Duggar spouses will sooner or later lose themselves in the vortex of Jim Bob's ego.
I think she was going through the motions. Or taking too much of whatever she's been taking, because she seemed to have distance from the material, and I didn't get a sense of her being nervous or not giving a crap. It was like she was only half there. It's because of Hammond that Trump will forever be "The Onion Loaf" to me--one of many, many reasons I don't see him as a viable candidate. I thought they did a similar sketch with Dakota Johnson--bored office millenials who couldn't be bothered to help their co-worker Aidy, who had both arms broken. Didn't she fall out the window at the end of that sketch? Or maybe I'm confusing it with something else. Either way, both sketches were similar to me. I guess when you have a millenial guest host it's required to parody their generation.
Same. I'll never get tired of it. Sasheer is still very generic to me. There have been few times that's she's really done something special. I kinda feel that same way about Vanessa, but she does play a good straight man. Sasheer does too, now that I think about it. And Beck. It's definitely him. He hasn't worked for me since day one. I get weary of SNL's democrat bias, and the best thing about Hillary and Kate was that Kate was flawless. I can't imagine trying to do an impression of a person while interacting with them, much less someone like Hillary Clinton. It also showed that Kate has Hillary's mannerisms down, but she can't nail the voice as far as pitch and timbre. I think that's the only thing lacking in her impression. I never thought Amy's Hillary was a true impression--more like a comical satirization, while it seems to me Kate is really trying to be Hillary. Anyway--back to political bias. Like I said, I'm over it, but this year the republican party is handing them ammunition on a silver platter with a red bow on top. Oh Miley. If you hadn't spent the last couple of years acting like a clown (and now looking like one) you might have had a serious career, both as an actress and a singer. Unfortunately all your incarnations are overshadowing the talent you have.