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Posts posted by Fylaki

  1. My first trip to the barge. Been with this show since I was a child on my grandmother's knee. Watched Mark Hamill when he was on here, went on the run with Luke and Laura, Spied with Robert and Holly. I cried over BJ and cheered when Luke and Laura jumped from the helicopter, got in the pink Cadillac and had the class and respect to make sure that Steve Hardy was the first person they saw when them came back to town. I put with a decade of mob wars and a couple of years now of Ron. But I can't any more


    I am sorry and I am sorry if people do not like to hear it, but IMHO (Of which I am entitled) what Ron and Frank are doing with the young man who plays Spencer is wrong and creepy and would get any school teacher in America fired from his job. It is borderline criminally wrong, having him walk out with scantily clad women and be involved in adult story lines is abusive.


    If the show lasts, till they tire of this child, and if they do not grab another one, be it Emma or Cam or a SOAR's Avery,  I am on the barge GH is no longer soap is it a creep show

    • Love 4

    I hated the mob uner guza and I sure havent had a change of heart about loving the mob

    I hate to say this, I really do, but the mob under Guza was better. It made more sense in some ways. The people who were suppose to be worse then Sonny and Jason, and thereby make them "the good mobsters" were in many cases worse then Sonny and Jason. Faith, Manny, The Balkan, Trevor Lansing, The Russians, Poppa Z were all actually much worse then Sonny and Jason. Even the not so bad mobsters: Alcazar, both of them, Claudia and Johnny were more developed.


    Now the "Bad" mobster is Julian, who is so much better than Sonny, Ava who was abused by Nina and will in my book always have sympathy points for that and Luke, who is mentally ill. These people are not worse than Sonny


    And no amount of contortions would have me believe that Michael is worse then Sonny.


    The only player on the stage that would make me root for Sonny was if he was up against Franco, cause hell he's a serial killer.

    • Love 3

    The previews have Spencer demanding Cameron's arrest

    And I am on the barge. I put up with a lot from this show over the years. But the continual exploitation of a child by an obsessed writer is creepy beyond what I can tolerate in good faith. Yet another adult story line for the kiddes. It is sick and twisted and I only hope some one at Disney sees it soon. Me I need a break

    • Love 4

    I can see Sabrina wringing her hands -- "I don't want the baby going to Sonny, but... I saw what I saw!  Oh, whatever will I dooooooooo?"

    Why would the baby go to Sonny? Michael becoming a drunk, drug addict, serial killer, bunny stealer would not make Sonny any less dangerous. The premises is flawed. Avery could, and maybe should go to Delia at this point, I bet her and Roger and what remains of the Ryan clan would easily make a better home then almost anywhere in Port Charles   (Plus the idea of Jack Fanelli looking at Sonny and laughing would be so worth it)


    As is if Kiki and Morgan do get the baby taken from Mike Q, then Avery is headed for Social Services

    • Love 1

    There's a lot of willing suspension of belief involved in watching a daytime soap.  But this show has raced right past that into so-stupid-you-want-to-bang-your-head-on-a-table territory.  When every character must be stupid to the point of dementia to make your stories work, you have failed.

    Exactly. willful suspension of belief is needed, but Ron fails to see that there still must be some internal logic in the whole mess. It is silly that eye glasses and a hair curl prevent people from seeing that Clark is Superman, but as long as they appear smart in other areas, and all characters are equally oblivious in the one it works. Here we have characters acting so far out of character and behaving in ways that are stupid past their own internal logic.  For Patrick and Anna to believe that Robin died in an explosion, when the DNA on the brunt body should have told them it was not her, but hell they found her wedding ring, is a willful suspension, but for Patrick and Anna to believe that Robin would race off to Paris and forget Emma is stupid.

    • Love 4

    Duke always wears an overcoat and a scarf.

    In the show in my head this is because after twenty years in a hot Turkish Prison, Duke is always cold. Of course in the show in my head he has PTSD which explains his behavior. Oh and Robin has the same condition and some day Duke will snap out of it and be like "Robin's in Paris? Away from her child? This does not sound like Robin." He will then grab Mac who will of course agree with him and they along with a suddenly appearing Robert will rescue not only Robin from the Cassadines, but the real Luke, the one in PC being a clone.


    The show in my head is just so good

    • Love 9

    If this isn't enough it also bothers me that Tracy is all buddies with him now like another mother figure when he stole running ELQ from her. Edward would be really disappointed in her just letting go of running the company like that.

    See this works for me and I think that at the moment Edward would be pleased, he may want the wars between the Q's to begin again soon but Edward always seems to preach that old Eastern European mantra "My cousins and I against the world, my brothers and I against my cousins" when it came to the Q's. It was fine to fight with each other but when a threat came to the family they pull together, think the Ewings on Dallas. So Tracy at Michael's side right now makes so much more sense then a few months ago when she tried to tank ELQ just to get at AJ

    • Love 9

    If I can't have Anna & Robert, or Anna & Dante, I want Anna & Jordan.

    Anna and Kevin. With Mac and Flea as matchmakers, and the four of them become friends.  Kevin and Anna would be interesting in that like his play off of Lucy, Anna would be the more dynamic of the two but they are both cerebral characters as well. It would be nice to see them bouncing ideas off of each other, discussing the personalities of the people of PC and maybe even becoming along with Mac and Flea the anchor couple(s) that this show so desperately needs.


    And I still want a dolphin.

    • Love 10

    I've wanted to say something about the actor who plays Spencer for a long time. When I see people comment on his speech impediment,

    Does he? If he does then I feel sorry for the little chap and wish Ron would stop exploiting him. I also wonder if it is an affection that Ron and Frank like as they recreate Nathan Lane.  But I do agree wholeheartedly that age appropriate story lines would go a long way. Remember when Lucky and Sly sold worms? Give Spencer a dog, some big Mastiff that scares everyone else but is a gentle giant with him, stuff like that

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    I thought about this, but I just don't see Anna being the Queen to someone's King



    Which is how this show should be centered


    and I want a Dolphin (I never get the friggin pony so what the hell)

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    But he was arrested for shooting Ava, which is what he's out on bail for.

    No one saw him shoot Ava. She told Sonny he did when she was hanging from the tracks, but there are no witnesses because everyone thinks Ava is dead. So Carlos was arrested Because two escaped convicts Julian and Sonny said he did?  How is there word worth anything?  ARRRGGG

    • Love 1

    I'll die before ever watching Twilight

    Marry me



    He was almost Robin's baby daddy!!

    Why did you need to remind us of that? Do you hate Christmas as well?



    Of course Spinelli sees Jake in Jason friendly attire from behind and immediately shrieks about his precious "Stone Cold" being back from the dead. Oy. I knew their scenes would be annoying but this is going to be unbearable, I can already tell.

    Remind me again: Lucas and Brad are the show's homosexual couple right? (and darned if they aren't the best couple on the show right now) How are they going to feel about Spin and Jason, will Spin and Jason come between Lucas and Brad,what if Brad the lab tech and Spin the Computer Geek have things in common....what...no!  Really? Spin and Jason aren't gay? Could have fooled the hell out of me

    • Love 3

    I want, nay need a Jordan/Jake hookup. I have reasons.

    Because Jordan is Keshia Ward, having had to change her name in for her under cover operations? And then we get TJ as A.J.'s and Jason back with his first love?


    I'm there for this no matter how tortuous the Jordan recon

    • Love 8

    How can TPTB honestly think Carly/Sonny/Morgan/Kiki don't come off disgusting as hell? I mean it boggles my mind that they're writing them this way when it's obvious to me that we're supposed to root for them. It's just, I feel like Morgan trying to decipher a simple addition problem right now.

    As much as I hate to admit it, I think Ron might be on to something here. I think he is writing this so that the legion of Sonny fans who populated Facebook and other places, and who seem to have the ears of  The REAL Powers that Be for years and years now are kept happy thinking that Sonny is the hero, while in the meantime those of us who hate Sonny are also getting the awesome MWOP. This is as many layers as I have ever seen Ron write, and while like much of his work it is rushed (and I am no longer sure if that is Ron's fault or the short attention span of today's generation) it is better then most anything else he has written in a long time


    I am getting the same vibe from Maxie-Nathan-Spin, while the vocal Spixe fans can cheer for the little weasel, others can cheer on Nathan, Would I have preferred Ron to play this in classic soap fashion using Johnny as the third leg in order to do the Good Boy-Bad Boy-Torn Girl rift that goes all the way back though Scotty-Luke-Laura and Jason Q-Jagger-Karen (and maybe longer)  ? You bet but as long as this stays layered (which is hard with RP's limited acting skills and the unfortunate continuance of ditzy Maxie that KSt has to play) then it may not be too bad

    • Love 9

    It's not like Jason Morgan cared about AJ. I don't remember him being too broken up when AJ was murdered the first time.

    In fairness the first time Aj Died (What a Soap Sentence that is LOL) He had helped  kidnapped Morgan, Kristina and Micheal and had faked Micheal's death Np one, except apparently Monica and Steve (Steve wtf?) were on his side. Jason however always wanted to give AJ the benefit of the doubt and if he heard that AJ had changed and reformed from Michael who he would believe over any one else except maybe Robin (sorry Sam, he never threatened to Kill Robin) then he would be pissed indeed that Sonny killed him.

    • Love 6

    I've watched RoHo's antics for the last year and have reached the point that I no longer know if what he's saying onscreen is what's been scripted for the Franco character, if he's ad libbing because he thinks he's more clever than the writers, or if he's playing Todd. Since he doesn't appear to care too much about investing in his character, I don't see a reason for me to care either. He could be lifted out today and no plots would go wanting. The same thing has happened to Nina. If she disappeared forever in her upcoming escape with Luke, I don't think a lot of people would miss her. The fact that these two accomplished, long-time schemers/manipulators would immediately ally themselves with Luke strains one's credulity a bit, too.

    THIS!  As a long time Luke/TG fan I never thought I would reach the point where I would want him gone. The same for RoHo, whose Todd was a seminal character on daytime. But it is time for Luke and Franckentodd to ride off into the sunset, I feel like I am watching a great ball player who has played past his prime and who now is a shadow of his former self. I wish Geary had been more Derek Jeter and Less Wade Boggs.

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    He is just not credible at all as Jason Morgan.  I see Billy Abbott.  That's all I see.

    I have never seen him on YnR (I left that show when Snapper did) but I agree he is not credible as either Jason M or Jason Q. And if I thought that Ron could pull off a third personality I would not mind seeing it, but what I am afraid of is that Ron will say "oh no this is Jason M" and we will all be like No, No it's not.  I am almost ready for this Jason to honor his birth mother and refer to himself as Jason Moore (while still loving Monica as his Mom) just to make it clear to every one he is not either of the two men they knew

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    He's already got a wife--Tracy. Crying is not in Tracy's repertoire. The Show is diving for a deeper reason for Luke's current predicament. And Tracy's character and personality are much more suited to it, whatever the denouement.

    It has taken me a long time to come to accept that Tracy is at least right now the wife Luke needs and I can live without Laura in this storyline (Though she should be on the show....I had come to kind of like her latest marriage to Scott and could have grown to like them as an anchor couple)  Ethan and Lucky, especially Lucky, who since the divorce from Laura has been Luke's moral compass (and SHOULD be the moral compass for the show) do need to be there even if both roles need to be recast.  I know lots of folks resent Ethan but he exists and Luke not having his Sons there is stupid

    • Love 3

    Speaking of Empire, it's interesting that the show is receiving a lot of praise for its portrayal of bi-polar, while this show has been laughed at for its portrayal of it. Now I don't know anyone who is bi-polar, or rather if someone I know is I don't know about it. So I can't comment as to whether one portrayal is accurate and the other is not. But, I think would daytime with the ability to hit every story beat would be the perfect venue for a bi-polar story.

    In fact, the daytime medium should be and used to be the perfect venue for relevant social issues in general. I do not understand why the modern batch of writers and producers seem to fail epically whenever any social issue is touched upon. They either rush through the story in days and skip nearly all the beats, or its written so sloppily that it comes across as an acme cartoon. What makes it worse is that the time that could have been used to flesh out those beats, or at least hit them, is spent re-basing the same plot and dialogue over and over and over again.

    This has been one of my complaints as a fan of the show and a bipolar sufferer. I have my ups and downs with MB/Sonny and how he plays his bipolar in the character, but my biggest objection and criticism has always been to all the enablers  and the fact that none of the doctors: Not Robin, who actually cared for Sonny at one point, or Patrick, or KEVIN or any of them have ever called Carly and Alexis and others to task for enabling Sonny


    If my support system allowed me to act the way Sonny acts I would either be King of the World or living on a cell block.

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    And how is it disrespectful to Robin? Sabrina's not with Patrick anymore. She's got nothing to do with Robin.

    Because Ron is always disrespectful to Robin. It is not so much Sabrina at this point but any one in what should be Robin's place at the Nurses Ball, especially knowing she is being held hostage again. And if we can't have Robin working with Lucy at the Ball, then it should at least be her cousin Maxie or her friend Liz. And of course Ron will not even bother to explain why some one does not call Robin in "Paris" and ask her to attend


    It may be hard for newer fans to understand but Ron's disrespect for Robin by having her always be a hostage and by writing her out of character, is right up there with his shitting on the memory of Steve Hardy/John Bernardino by having Dr. O be Chief of Staff. Robin and Steve meant something to older fans and Ron should show some respect.

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