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Posts posted by Fylaki

  1. I really liked Mac, Flea, Lucy and Kevin. And I like the idea of Flea as mayor. It would give us three vets in key positions in town and would enable some fun bits as perky Flea referees between DA Scott and Commission Anna.

    I loved the Annie Logan call out and Scott's "The Virgin": Shades of Dan Aykroyd in Dragnet.

    AJ is not Dead. Sorry I think it was ll in Monica's mind just like the shifting Carly's were all in Sonny's head.

  2. Even with the staircase I am still not believing AJ is Dead. I can't see how any writer, even one as thick as Ron, can figure away for his lead character, and whether we like it or not that is what Sonny is, to come back from the cold bloodied killing of some one.  They almost have to have a backdoor way for AJ to come back. Even if this turns out not to have been AJ but some long lost double or something. It just does not make any sense to have Sonny get away with murder. Of all the things he has done I don't think this is a line he has ever crossed before has he? The death of some one outside the mob?

  3. I am still not thinking AJ is really dead. In fact I would bank on the idea that he is not. MB has a contract coming up and having the "Dead" AJ return in a few months would give them an easy out if MB wants to jump ship to Y&R. Even if he does not a re-cast AJ along with a re-cast Jason lets Ron play out the Cain and Able story that he wanted to when SK first signed.

    I think we have six months to a year before AJ returns.

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