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Posts posted by Fylaki


    And this is supposed to be just amnesia, not brain damage

    I am not sure. I wonder if, if we get good writing, they will play the idea that between being "dead", frozen and run over this is a new set of 'damage" to a brain that was actually already destroyed. I hate when I have to hear that Jason was in love with Sam or Liz or even Robin or SWNBN, his frontal lobes were blown in the car accident, his ability to deal in higher emotions was destroyed. Anything Jason Morgan felt was mimicked from people around him, he loved Robin because she loved him and he copied those emotions. Jason Morgan would have remained a much more interesting character if they had continued to play this. Taggert's anger Boy was a lot of fun. Now maybe between the freezing and car crash some how his lobes have been jarred and he can feel again, but if he does those feelings along with his memories will be more towards those he knew in the past, Robin, Monica, Tracy, Ned, even Dillion and Paul not those whose emotions he learned ot copy. Basically what he should "remember" is that he loves Monica and that Sam loves him, a stuble difference that in the hands of a good writer would be gold.


    Oh wait...good writer...this is GH...I keep forgetting

    • Love 4

    No, but she lives almost across the country from a little girl that Maxie claims to love more than anything.

    As do a lot of folks. Sometimes life takes you away from those who love most in the world. Maxie for all her faults seems to be one of the better parents on the show. Caring for Georgie while leaving her in a stable environment (hatred of Spin aside). Mac seems to have been the right influence on Maxie, you do what is right for your kids even if it is not right for you

    • Love 4

    Lucky isn't working overseas, he's not working with doctors without borders, or in the military. Lucky isn't with those boys day to day because he's choosing not to be. He left them at Christmas, because he couldn't handle his life, and decided that his kids weren't worth sticking around for. This skyping BS is a rewrite by RC because up until then, we knew that Lucky hadn't been communicating with the boys. Lucky is a shitty deadbeat dad, and I'm pretty sure its been established as well that Lucky doesn't pay child support. I mean, Jake is found alive, and Lucky can't even stick around for him.

    All of Ron's re-writes have been shitty but they are now canon. We cannot as soap fans pick and choose what parts of a the writers stuff we lke. Ron established that Lucky was skyping therefore he has been skping Ron also established that he was in China helping orphans, therefore working over seas. So therefore Lucky was working overseas. Many people choose to leave thier children because they feel a "darkness" inside them, they believe deep in thier hearts that what drives them makes them bad for thier kids, this was how Lucky felt that Christmas and apparently still does. Again it does not make him a bad father, in fact it could be argued that it makes him a better parent than those who stick around and wreck havoc in thier childs lives. I know that it is a hard reality for a child or an adult, but some times the best things we can do for those we love is leave them.  The child support debate is likely meaningless as I doubt either Guza or Ron had the inclination to say one way or the other. We do know that Lucky risked his life, and the life of his brother and parents to save his son, Jake.  And we do know he has been in communication with the boys.


    Again I do not like most of Ron's re-writes, hell I don't like most of Guza's and many of them are over 20 years old. But we have to accept what the writers say, we can't base it on a character favorite or not. Personally I have always liked the character of Liz, but now I have to accept that she is a lying cheating shank, thanks to Niz and Jakiz ? (Jake and Liz as oppose to Liason)  The same applies to the Lucky Skping no amount of wishing it otherwise changes anything

    • Love 12

    Lucky skyping does not make him a father, or absolve him from being a deadbeat.

    We will tell that to the thousands of men who work overseas, from the miltary to doctors with out borders, to missionaries or those on humantiary missions (as Lucky was in China) or even those who are working oil fields in the middle east or Alaska, or teaching in Europe or a thosand and one other things which pull you from home. Not every one is meant for a white picket fence and a job which brings you home each night.


    It may not absolve him from being a bad father, but bad fathers, and most of us are(just like most women are bad moms, humans suck at rasing thier young IMHO) are still fathers, and most still have children whom love them and whom they love. And deadbeats are people, men or women, who walk away and never look back.


    Lucky, like Luke before him may not always be a good Dad, but he is very clearly Aiden and Jake's Father and certianly along with Ric the most consistent father figure in Cam's life. Therefore Liz has no right to attempt to foster her kids off on Jake and if he were half the man that the show wants us to believe he is he would tell her so. Jake may be a wonderful Step-Father (and God knows that it is hard enough role) but he is not Liz's sons father and never will be

    • Love 8

    Is Ric still in town? Have he and Elizabeth shared any scenes since the Ball where Carly exposed his scheme?

    If he is still around, I hope he is present when Liz is exposed. She'll need at least one person to try to shield her, especially from Carly.

    This could be interesting if done well. Two very very damaged people dragging themselves up when no one around them cares. Ric and Liz could be what Ron wanted us to think Franco and Nina were. The RH's have always had chemistry and have as characters always been "one second away" from being good or bad. Done right his is soap stuff I would watch

    • Love 6
  6. If we have to accept that Franco had a brain tumor or that Anna would feel guilty for one second over killing pond scum like Carlos, or that Sonny can get a pardon from a murder he confessed to  for "saving" the life of the governors daughter even though Michael really saved her or that little Jake is a alive and that no one gives two sh%ts about the little kid who died in his place so that Joss could get a kidney or any of a thousand and one other stupid things that Ron shoved down our throats, then we HAVE to accept that Lucky has been skyping with Cam and Aiden and that he has been writing and calling and all those things other long distance parents do. We must also then assume he has been when it has been available sending money. There fore Lucky is not a dead beat dad. A fu*king moron yes, but a dead beat no.


    One of the conventions of soaps is that we have to accept what the writers put in front of us as character development. So just as we had to tolerate Guza wanting us to think that Lucky had spent years in an Irish  graveyard talking to rocks, we need to accept Ron and Skpying Lucky (and Robin)

    • Love 7

    Did Lucky adopt Cam when he was married to Liz the first time?  No.  Did Lucky adopt Cam when he was married to Liz the second time and before Jake was born?  No.  Lucky tried to take Cam and Jake when LnL2 divorced the second time and Diane whooped his butt because he never adopted Cam.  Cam was born in 2004 and Lucky has had plenty of time to adopt that boy even when he found out that Aiden is his son.  Lucky would rather spend his time crying, staring at pills on the floor or off helping orphans.

    The fact that Lucky did not adopt Cam is due to the Glorification of Jason at the expense of Lucky that went on while Guza was writing. Ron never really had the chance to play with Lucky so this cannot be laid at his doorstep. But Guza systematically took the character who should have grown into the shows lead (all of Luke's skills, all of Laura's Heart, trainned by Mac and Robert, with Scotty's legal knowledge (Scott and JJ/Lucky had a complex relationship), and all of Sonny's connections) and destroyed him while poor GV played him in order to build up St Jasus


    That said, adoption and biology have nothing to do with Fatherhood. I have never adopted my step daughter but she will tell you she knows no other Dad and one kid I took under my wing years ago when his family neglected him changed his last name to mine when he became an adult.

    • Love 12
  8. Liz gets a sign that says freaking Mr. and Mrs. Doe and her freaking home address and I'm supposed to believe this is in character? It's shameful what they've done to her character.



    This ultimately was the most destructive part of Ron's writing. Characters acting so far from the norm that they become impossible to redeem. Couple this with the fact that Ron had tapped the DID/Brian Tumor trope so often that it is now not viable in the GH universe and we are left with several characters in bad positions


    Mac/Patrick/Anna/Robert not looking for or missing Robin can be fixed strangely enough most easily. A good smack down by Robin and some mea culpas and there is an out for everyone


    Paul suddenly becoming a murderer can be fixed if Susan (who may or may not be Hayden) is suddenly again in danger from the "Cartel" or some other Organization, it was clear that the old Paul while boring would kill to protect his child, so the development of a personality along with the desire to protect his loved ones works (maybe they even have Jenny and the child he and Jenny had together, or even Sly) 


    Laura is harder but perhaps guilt over abandoning Nik can be played in, or even revulsion for what Jason Q had become. Laura is nothing if not occasionally self-righteous and allowing Jason to remain Jake may work if she feels that Jake is simply the kind of person Alan and Monica would rather Jason M had been


    Nik is easy he is just finally becoming a Cassadine no further explanation is needed. He is evil in the genes and those around him will just need to deal with it.


    Lucky is off screen and unless they recast we are not going to need to deal with this anytime soon so perhaps the less said the better


    And then there is Liz. For whom it seems all hope is lost. We cannot go the DID breakdown route. I think maybe the only way to deal with this is to have Liz rush off after the reveal she races to Wyndemere and down to the catacombs. Chained to a wall is ....Liz. The first Liz smiles and says "Oh well that was fun while it lasted. They found out. I am going to release you now... and go away, you deal with the fall out."  She throws Liz the key to her chains and walks offs...as she reaches the top of the stairs she turns and smiles and says "Till next time Sister"


    And we are then left with a clean slate Liz who know one believes or even thinks is sane trying to prove that Sarah or someone else had replaced her.

    • Love 4
  9. I have long maintianed that the mistake with Anna's character was ever making her a cop. She was a spy, a double agent in fact and even a PI. Both of those roles would act under a different code then that of a cop. Robert for some reason could easily make the tranistion but for Anna I have always felt it was different and should have remained different. I think of her excution of Carlos or her treatment of Fasion the same way I think of all the bad guys James Bond has put down. Anna the WSB agent has a licsence to kill. She does not use it wontonly, But in her state after seeing Duke killed she reverted to what she had always been at heart...a spy..not a cop...I would rather this story line play out in that matter...Anna coming to grips with who she has always been...a hero..yes...but a very different hero than Robert. As much as the Anna Luke romance was replusive...in the hands of a compenent writer a story line following the three view points of three very different heroic archtypes in Anna, Robert and Luke would be interesting...especially as all three came to grips with thier aging bodies and a changing world. Alas Good writers and GH do not seem to go hand in hand

    • Love 8

    Um, wouldn't that be the place you'd mention your other dead son, the baby's grandfather?  Are we really just pretending AJ never existed?  And then she expresses her hopes that Sonny and Carly were happy about the news?  UGH.

    Could it be because Monica knows that AJ is still alive....again? and she wants Sonny and Carly to be happy so that when AJ returns he can pull the rug out from under both of them? I know we have sworm of masks...but I would love for SK to return in a mask...as a new character...steal Carly from Sonny and then pull the mask off at the wedding of said new character and Carly, hi-five Monica and stick his tounge out at Jason.

    • Love 9
  11. I can live with Nik as the Dark Prince, and even can spin a way for him to get away with it all: (The writers revive the nation of Malcout where David Gray was from and it is revealed that the Cassadines are actually the ancestral rulers of the land, ta-da Nik has diplomatic immunity) I have a bigger problem with Paul being a cold blooded killer. Unless Nik is holding Jenny or her and Paul's son. I can also deal with "Darby" being a code name for Paul's daughter, whose real name escapes me.


    Still the show will be out of balance, with Sonny and Nik representing evil and no one capable on the side of good. Lucky is badly needed here and I hope he is who the recast is for. I can even live with some Lucky/Jason bromance as they take on  Sonny and Nik. Note it is always take on, they defeat the schemes but not the men, which keeps all sides on the canvas...al la the Dimera's over at DOOL

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