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Posts posted by Fylaki


    In a few year Nicolas Bechtel is going to be really embarrassed at that very strange ending.

    My fear is that he won't. Instead in a few years Ron will have molded him into the Freak he is clearly trying to make him. That poor kid needs to run and fast.

    • Love 1

    So Anna has now shot a man in cold blood for vengence

    If this would lead Anna to the realization that "I'm not a cop. I'm a Spy, with a license to kill from the WSB"  and she goes and kills Sonny, Julian, Ava, Nik, Franco (serial killer) Nina and Dr. O before smiling and kissing Emma good bye with "Now I am off to find your Mommy and God Help who ever has her this time." I could easily live with it and GH would be a better show for it


    (And if she throws Spencer off a parapet on her way out with "better safe than sorry" I'll get off the barge)

    • Love 9
  3. Liz has always had questionable morals and bad some bad choices, but this turns her into an out and out villain. Why does Ron insist on turning all characters bad? Has he ever done an interview where he explained his problem with heroes/good people?  Is there some hated family relative who was a firefighter or something that turned Ron against nice people?

    • Love 4
  4. This is Ron once again trying to supplant Robin with Sabrina. It is Robin's reaction, even over the phone to Duke's death that matters not Sabrina's. Ron just does not get this show. Which is sad. 

    • Love 4

    Lawd, reading the spoilers make me sooo happy that I dropped this mess last year. Ron actually blocked me in Twitter for calling his ass out for the lazy, awful shit he peddles as a plot. How could the show go from really hitting a stride when Cartini first came on to the turd it is now?! I don't get it!

    Once Ron found out that he could not continue to write One Life to Live, and he had to give up Mcbain, Starr and Todd, he lost interest in most of GH. Further he developed a very unhealthy attachment to characters like Franco Nina and Dr. O and his obsession with Spencer consumed his good judgement

    • Love 8

    What Big Bad has Sonny ever killed? Karpov? Big whoop. Sonny shot him for the wrong reason. Adrienne Barbeau slit the Balkan's throat; Alcazar was killed by the Foley guy (so AFAIC, he's still alive somewhere); Papa Z was killed by Johnny. Sonny's been extraordinarily lucky that someone else has always gotten there first. I suppose that's one way they kept him "clean."

    Yep that is why I said Confronted. But in either case at least the "badder" guy got what was coming to him. Ron's sick idea of letting evil always win. Capped with Franco and Nina and the disgusting Dr. O in Steve Hardy's seat is gross beyond words

    • Love 4
  7. It bugs me that the Jerome's finally killed Duke. Coming on top of Sonny finally killing AJ I am just sick of the bad guys winning. I like WDv but Julian needs to go down for this. No out clause. At some point Ron has to learn that evil has to pay. Guza was bad enough but at lest the bad-bad guys that Sonny confronted all eventually paid the piper. Franco, Nina, Sloan, the Mayor, Sonny, Julian, Ava, Kiki, Morgan, even Nik  and Ric have got to pay. It's just sick and twisted

    • Love 8
  8. if Dr O were just a Doctor at GH I could stand her, but the fact that she is COS, and disgraces Alan and Steve every time she is on makes me sick. It is why I refuse to listen to the propaganda that Ron loves GH and Soaps and their history. Dr O is his big F U to all those who remember the class act that was Steve/John and Alan/Stuart

    • Love 6
  9. It's sad that they won't give Luke the kind of iconic exit that the character deserves. Not the "current" Luke but the Luke who was. I personally would like to see GF come back and some how either Laura or Luke is accused of Killing some one big and important (I'm looking at you Sonny) The last we see them they take off on the run once more forever...stopping only at Wyndems (sic) Department Store for one last dance.

    • Love 8
  10. If Sonny could be the new Luke Spencer that was: The Luke who first meet Sonny, the one who loves his family, his children, his wife. The great Dad, the better friend, the calm in the eye of the storm. That Luke. Well then that would be a vast improvement over everything that Sonny has ever been.


    I for one once TG exits am going to remember Luke as he was up until 10 or 15 years ago. That Luke.

    • Love 6
  11. and as the sunsets on Luke Spencer, I am going to choose to remember the good times: The days when he saved the world, the exctiment of finding Laura alive, the joy as He and She raced though the streets in the Pink Cadalliac, the Good Husband to Laura, the Great father to Lucky, the best friend to Robert, The man who stood with Stone when he bungeed off the bridge. Those days. That Luke. Him. Him I will miss. I spent a good part of my youth kidding that I wanted to be Luke Spencer when I grew up, and much to my wonder and shame, I kind of did.  So for that, and for all the adventure Good Luck and God Speed Lucas Lorenzo Spencer.

    • Love 14
  12. In the GH in my head Duke meets with Anna and says

    "Something is wrong Robin would not disappear like that. I am going to fake my own death and try to find her."

    Anna smiles and says

    "Robert said the same thing I know between the two of you, you'll find her. I will stay here and pretend all is well"


    Then when they shoot Duke I will not feel so bad

    • Love 15

    I know that VMG has basically talked until she's blue in the face that she believes that Sonny and Brenda MUST end up together, that that is the only way their story can possibly end...

    I think sometimes when actors leave a show they forget that the show moves on. Certainly when Vanessa left the first time and maybe even the second time, at that moment Brenda and Sonny HAD to end up together. But time has moved on and Sonny has changed for the worse and I no longer see him s the same man he was when he was with Brenda. Much the same can be said for Luke and Laura. That ship has sailed.

    • Love 4

    Just a note, if you watch GH on the Boston affiliate, the jury in the Marathon Bombing trial has reached a verdict which is scheduled to be read at 1:45pm, Eastern. I expect the whole show will be preempted in Boston, for legal analysis, after the reading.

    Thinking this could be nation wide at 1:45 EST

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