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Posts posted by Fylaki


    It looks like Laura might get some blowback thanks to Liz

    There is no need for any one to yell and scream at Laura, there is a much more efficient and devastating way to give her her due for her part in this.. Either Tracy or Monica needs to walk up to her and say one simple line, no more no less "Lila always loved you. She would be disappointed in what you have done." and then walk out as Laura crumbles to the floor sobbing.


    In soaps as in life sometimes less is more  

    • Love 2

    I'm starting to wonder, if this out of nowhere Franco /Liz friendship is them simply erasing Patrick's name and putting in Franco's with a few tweeks.

    You know if they bring Fasion on for like ten minutes with Heather and he goes "Eh Your Mother had me hypnotize you and all the staff at your prison for reasons. You have never been Franco, Franco was killed by Jason Morgan. You are Steven Lars. Now stop kissing your sister that is disgusting even in my eyes"   I could live with it.

    • Love 1

    Okay, this sounds hugely cheesy. What's more Romeo and Juliet is my least favorite Shakespearean play because they are such teenaged wanks... and people do not seem to get that this isn't really a romantic story and, thus, we get different versions of it every other year on every soap imaginable as well as any 'nighttime soap' worth its salt as well.



    My big problem with this is that Robin and Stone already did this scene at a Nurses' Ball. It was awesome on a lot of levels not the least because Edward was their acting coach and if I recall correctly John Inge was actually giving the two acting pointers in real life.  As much as I am glad that Scrubs gets a HEA the throwback to one of GH's greatest love stories could have been skipped

    • Love 2

    I still don't think that's Franco. It's some Helena con/Dr. O experiment. That's why Dr. O keeps hiring "Franco". She's keeping an eye on him and like continuing the manipulation. If we had decent writers, that'd be a very dark, twisted good story.

    This and so much more I wonder sometimes if the writers or TIIC actually think that the viewers are stupid and could not keep up with a good story line and so they do this Disney JR crap story lines instead of something deep. I was watching Dr. McSnuffins with my granddaughter yesterday and realized that Doc was a more compelling character than half the cast of GH

    • Love 2

    Franco and Liz. If that's for real they're impossibly stupid and even more blinded by their ego about these hires than I thought. If this was an outsider we'd say they were deliberately trying to get the show cancelled.

    I fear that Frank's love for Roger, which seems to be as obsessive as Ron's for the Spencer kid is going to destroy what could be a great story. The person who needs to over hear the Carly/Liz confrontation is Ric. The redeeming arch is Ric and Liz both saving each other.  Shoe horning Franco in there because you are enamored with Roger's acting ability (which face it peaked during the Marty gang rape years ago  and then has drifted slowly but surely down hill ever since) does a disservice to the show, BH as an actor (not to mention RH) and the viewers. The problem with Frank (and Ron) is that from the get go he saw GH as his personal playground, instead of realizing that his role is caretaker of a 50 year legacy that many folks have decades invested in

    • Love 6

    and ends up going to Diane to get custody of NotDeadJake.

    No No No a thousand times no. Jason/Jake whatever his name is is not notdeadjake's father he cannot sue to get custody. Jason is not on the birth certificate. Lucky is Jake's legal father and the idiots writing this soap seriously need to understand parental law and rights. You cannot go in and sue for  custody of a kid that you have no legal right to. Jason gave up his rights to Jake. It is why Carly had to go to Lucky to get notnotdeadjake's kidney. Jason suing for custody of Jake is like me suing for custody of Frank's son (if he has one), I have no legal right. If Liz is declared an unfit mother than: Lucky, Laura, Sarah, Steve, Lulu, Audrey, Nicholas and even Luke, Bobbie, Carly and Michael have better legal claims then Jason. (as much as I would like to see Monica end up with Jake, Jason put a fork in that for her)

    • Love 12



    Dante is a Jets fan?!? Sonny should have killed him when he had .




    Dante is a Jets fan?!? Sonny should have killed him when he had .


    The Nets didn't come to Brooklyn until the last few years. Before that they were in New Jersey. No way would Dante have chosen the Nets over the Knicks as his team while growing up. Ditto for the Jets. As for the Yankees, he probably did become a fan as kid when the Yankees kept winning in the 90s and early 2000s.


    I cannot explain why Sonny became a Yankees fan or the Quatermaines.

    As a Yankee Fan Dante Should be a Giants, Rangers and Knicks fan it is how it runs.


    Sonny being from Brooklyn in the era right after the Dodgers left should be a Mets fan since that is where they gravitated in Brooklyn at the time


    The Q's are Yankee fans because God is a Yankee fan and they wish to be closer to Him

    • Love 3
  8. Danny, Jake, Adien, Cam, Joss , Emma and Spencer. GH has far to many kids. Jake should have never been brought back, in fact one or two more being shipped off to boarding school would be a good idea.


    I understand why people are asking where Can and Adien are at the Q dinner but the likely answer is that the show did not want to pay for them to appear I have always been opposed to too many rugrats on a soap, I hate SOARS and I think that they become unmanageable. Robin worked because she was mostly the only kid on the screen. Same with Lucky. Even Emily at the Q's was an only since Jason and AJ were grown. By the time the 4 Musketeers came around Em, Lucky, Nik and Liz were teens. When the kid is by themselves the process works,when there are a pack of them they need to be not seen and not heard. 


    Was RC's firing just personal instead of a response to his shitty storytelling? why is all of his terrible crap still happening?

    Because they did not fire Frank. TIIC seemed to think that Frank would abandoned his long time partner's story lines  (and didn't they have a personal relationship as well?)  For the show to really turn around both sets of the pair have to leave

    • Love 1

    There was a time, back when RC was still there, when I seriously considered having tshirts made with all the amazing slogans and then having us take a picture of ourselves wearing them and tweet them en masse at RC. It would've been hilarious!

    Maybe we could just photoshop shirts and keep posting ourselves in them on the GH Facebook page for some reason it seems TIIC pay more attention to that page than anything else

    • Love 2

    I thought Alcazar had Stan killed? Or do you mean he was killed because he worked for Sonny?

    Yep, I meant because he worked for Sonny ("Got my son killed" as opposed to "Killed my Son) either way  always remember


    Sonny ruins everything

    • Love 5

    Pip is probably the only person in town who couldn't care less who Sonny is.

    PIp :   "yes  I know who you are you are the son of a bitch that got my son killed"


    Flips Sonny out of his wheelchair kicks him in the groin and leaves


    Now that I would watch

    • Love 12

    Sonny can't help search for Morgan because of his bipolar.

    Oh fu@k that. Maurice I am disgusted by you. You use to be one of the most outspoken and articulate bipolar sufferers. You made all our lives better by standing up and speaking out. I tolerated Sonny for more than a 15 years (the first five Sonny years were decent) because of my personal respect for you. But this is just wrong. Worrying about passing on bipolar I agree with and an exploration of if it is genetic or not would be interesting. But unless you were in the midst of a bipolar depression that was actually crippling your movements, where you were laying in bed not doing anything, where your hygiene and health were suffering, you could go and look.


    Now the fact that your character is in a wheelchair may prevent you from looking, hell it may even trigger a depression. But that is not the way you have played Sonny the past few weeks


    For Christ Sake Maurice have some dignity, you don't need the paycheck so badly as to make a mockery of the rest of us

    • Love 5

    Carly: Can't you--can't you still hear us? I mean, I can. I can hear the yelling, and things breaking. I can hear you calling me a faithless whore, screaming at the top of your lings that I'm worthless. I've never seen anyone get as angry as you, and your rage, Sonny. Your rage is overwhelming. You zero in on what's weak in someone and you hammer away. You dismantle it, piece by piece, and I look back and I'm horrified at myself. Horrified that I put up with it, that I rationalized it, and that I participated in it. But that was my illness. I stayed with you and I let it happen over and over again, the vicious cycle, and you know what, Sonny? It's called abuse.

    Really? I am so mad I missed this. This is how Sonny's bipolar should be played. This is what we do, what I do (or did before meds and therapy...why doesn't Sonny go to Therapy?)  "You zero in on what's weak....and you hammer away".


    I teared up reading this for all the years I was Sonny. Maurice knows better , I like him less for not having the acting guts to play this all the time 24/7 cause the truth is as a bipolar sufferer he is playing it 24/7.

    • Love 3

    This may be a dumb question, but is there any possibility of Jason remembering everything?  I mean his childhood, his parents, his brother, growing up the in the Q mansion and his time as Jason Morgan?  Jake Doe seems way more emotionally accessiblle than Jason Morgan.

    If the writers have any common sense this is where they will go. Truth is BM is just never going to be believable as a Stone Cold Killing Machine anyway

    • Love 4

    Ric Hearst on contract

    This so much. I keep saying the real Soap story now is Liz and Ric, two people who have done awful awful things, trying to redeem themselves in the eyes of not only the town but the face in the mirror and who know some how that there own moral failings could rear up again at any moment and destroy all they are trying to build. Flawed, damaged people trying to find salvation and love.  You know what they keep trying to shove down our throats with Nina and Franco, except we don't care about them, they have no chemistry, no ties to the canvas, nothing. The RH's have always had chemistry, despite what they have done there are still people who love them and want them to be better: Audrey, Laura, Molly maybe even Alexis. There are bad creepy people who still in some ways would want better for them (How interesting would it be to see Sonny try to mentor Ric, away from being like him, not out of rivalry but actual concern for his little brother, Same for Nik with Liz) 


    This would be a soap story any one would watch, so alas we will never see in on GH, instead we get serial killer and we never cared

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