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Everything posted by Fylaki

  1. If I was Serena I would stay out of town, Scott's children have a bad habit of dieing for no good reason
  2. I have totally lost interest in this story. It could have been good. We could have had a real mystery about Fluke. We could have had real plot development. Some of this was lost because of AG's illness and for that he cannot be blamed. But both he and Ron and Frank can be blamed for dragging this out. Fake Luke could have been exposed as Damian Smith (The only LOGICAL Candidate: Bill Echart has no reason to hate Sonny and was never this creepy only a Smith or a Sully would want revenge on both Luke and Sonny) and an actor brought on to play the exposed Damian (maybe even the same guy who is playing Mickey if Leigh McClosuky (sic) was not available) and the story could have kept moving. Instead we have this unending story with no real point. All that is going on now is that Tracy, Lulu, Dante, Anna and dozens of other who KNOW Luke are being made to be stupid by not figuring this shit out (I would even include Sonny in that list as the Sonny/Luke friendship is one of the few times the actors shine now a days.....how sad that when TR was around we did not get a "Robert and Sonny must work together to save Luke even though they hate each other rift) When AG returns I expect this mess to get worse instead of better since I would bet that Ron still has not decided who Fluke is despite Geary saying that they had.
  3. Just saw the promo of the men removing their shirts it did not seem that any of them were removing them for romance, just removing them: I guess for the same reason that when I was six and in a playground if we saw a little girls panties we giggled: immaturity. Isn't any one at Disney watching?
  4. Please tell me like I am Sonny, why again does Patrick care that he has been fired from a hospital he wanted to RESIGN from just a few months ago?
  5. This is so true, it is hard to believe that Guza, who hated women, wrote Carly, Sam and sometimes Liz as stronger then Ron writes Anna and Tracy. This is too bad as the core of soap viewers are still women, so to disrespect them the way Ron is doing is not good for the long term health of the show.
  6. It is probably not a good thing about me that i agree in a way with this "Snitches get Stitches" should be a life rule. However this would have been a great thing to remind us about. You know maybe Sam having a conversation with Alexis or Molly or even Liz about how she just can't reconcile the idea of some one telling, how she finds it wrong. This would have been a great moment to get a glimpse into Sam as a person and would have made the break up with Silas make more sense, instead the whole break up was just a plot point to move Sam to Patrick for the return of Robin and Jason. No real debt and no real meaning just the Ron check off of points I wonder if sometimes he writes his end game and then plays connect the dots instead of allowing for a natural flow. It seems to be that part of Soap writing should be to treat the characters as "real people" in "unreal circumstances" in much the same way comic books writers have to
  7. Yep. And really troubling is that I am beginning to think that nine-year-old Spencer is his alt. Many writers have a character, sometimes major al la Robert Parker's Spencer, sometimes supporting as with Doyle's Watson and sometimes minor as with Clive Cussler appearing as Clive Cussler in the Dirk Pitt books, who speaks as them. I am truly sickened by the thought but more and more I think Spencer is Ron's voice on the show.
  8. MSquared can I be on staff? I just want the Spencer Clan. That's all. Oh and of course a Pony It would be nice on this show, or really any soap (day/night) for a widow of any age to simply say "I loved my wife/husband I'm not looking for anyone" And while Tony and Bobbie were not married when he died, this should be Bobbie's opinion, as my Mom says about my Dad "I had the best why try the rest." (And man I sure hope Mrs. Fylaki feels the same way when the time comes..ahhh)
  9. So he is almost acknowledging that the bitching is so much that he would rather be out of work? Great some one call Disney, there must be some one who needs a job.
  10. It does save money at Christmas though. Sorry i live near West Virginia.
  11. In the hands of a good writer while a character can turn it takes time and effort. Luke's journey to hero took a while, and he always retained the rough edge. His crimes were even revisited powerfully when Lucky found out about the rape. Fictional people are at the command of the writer, but they have lives of their own so to speak, anything very jarring is visible (Such as Tracy to an idiot). With Ron he thinks that he can turn characters on a dime to suit his whims of the moment. I fully expect for Patrick and Silas to be the endgame of the Silas/Sam/Patrick triangle and for us to be told by Ron that Pat and Silas were always secretly burning for one and another off screen (like Franco and Scott becoming buds)
  12. What does a world class surgeon like Patrick care if he is fired from a hospital in a city in upstate NY, I am sure major hospitals all over the world would grab him up and wait for the litigation to be cleareed. Plus wasn't he about to quit when Dr O first became COS? Now he has his wish. Once again horrible writing
  13. I can see her as his favorite after all Dominique, her mother (Lucy is her surrogate mother) was the love of his life. Not Laura, Not Bobbie and Not Lucy. Did anyone give Ron the shows history before he took over.
  14. Exactly. If Ron was determined to turn Spencer gay, and let's face it that is the implication how much more compelling to SOAR's the quad (him/Joss/Cam and Emma) bring back Helena and play out a tortured love story Helena demanding that as the daughter of a Scorpio at least Emma is worthy (she felt that way about Robin with Nic if I recall). Spencer trying to hid his feelings for...some new male teen character, maybe the son of Sly Echart. Cam in love with Emma who wants the Prince, and Joss as the bad girl set to spoil it all. Spencer's very real angst at being gay but having the demands of the Royal Line Thrust Upon him would be awesome as we watch the agony of his dilemma turn him more and more evil until finally Cam Spencer, grandson of the upstart Luke Spencer (and now very much like his grandfather was before he got old and ruined) and Emma Drake granddaughter of Robert Scorpio must go on the run, as Spencer grows each day more and more like the royal Russian/Princes of old, his only confident his older cousin Molly whom he loves dearly and who knows all his darkest secrets. Instead welcome to today's addition of Ron's unhealthy nine year old obsession.
  15. Yes and what a shame to not allow that to be Spencer's Character, especially if he then gets Fasions daughter as a step-mother, this kid could be come the ultimate GH bad guy when SOAR's , Now thanks to Ron no one will be able to take him seriously, he is not evil he is just Flamboyant (Snaps Fingers a la in Living Color) Count Chocula. The best we can hope for now is that he grows up to be a funnier version of Vito Spatafore. We can also hope that when Robin revives Helena her first step is to snap Spencer's neck turn calmly to Nicholas and say "Try again." All the while Victor, Stravos and even Stephan stand around and shake their heads in agreement.
  16. I am seriously considering contacting Disney, this story line is more than OTT....far more
  17. I could deal with it if Spencer were a Brat but it is the flamboyant over the top George Hamilton in Love at First Bite and almost Liberace way that character is being written that makes me queasy
  18. It may very well be average for shirtless men. But the point is the gratuity of it. We are way below average on women in bathing suits, bras and panties and many of the times we see Shirtless men it is for no reason, I mean just as a show of hands how many men walk around their apartment on a daily bases shirtless? For that matter how many of us work out in very small cramped living rooms, even if I am to believe that the PCPD does not have a gym wouldn't Nathan do that stuff in his bedroom or join Gold's? Hell Sonny owns a boxing club. And for me there is still the very very creepy having 16 year old TJ (it is irrelevant how old the actor is the character is 16) appear as a male stripper. Not to mention the silliness of a classy event like the Nurses Ball where people are in Tux's and Evening Gowns having a strip act any way. Between 16 years olds stripping and the entire character of Count Chocula I wonder if anyone from Disney is actually paying attention to this show, it kind of goes against the image
  19. Yes and Yes, especially since Ron went to Law School, this is beyond fan fiction this is a writer who no longer cares about the characters or the show, unless it involves the kiddie set. I stand by the statement of creeping me out
  20. Mac. You would be surprised what idiocy Step-fathers get talked into concerning their daughters BF, even if he is a dud......ooops a little too personal there LOL
  21. In a really weird way that actually makes the whole thing make sense. Thanks TeeVee329 for burning that little piece of unreality into my retinas. :)
  22. More and more Ron's writing of little Count Chocula: Spencer is beginning to creep me out. It is beginning to make the hairs on the back of my neck tingle. No one wants to see this. And there go my neck hairs again. We are venturing close to sick
  23. Seconded. Again Ron is writing a soap for himself,he takes the clothes off the people he wants to see naked, even if there is no plot reason. I had that feeling as well, plus the "icky girls" feeling that seems to go on a lot. It is as if they have no frame of reference for how women act and are therefore projecting there own feelings about women. Guza was accused of disliking women and it is hard to disagree with that. Ron on the other hand goes beyond disliking women, he does not believe they need to exist. Carly, SWNBM, Sam and other women were a big part of Guza's writing. Maxie and Spin (even if you hate him) along with Lulu were central to the show. Now Carly and Maxie are dumber than sin, Sam is a prop for Silas/Patrick, Lulu only wants babies. The whole writing of this show is now designed to make women look stupid. I am at the point where I miss slut-shaming cause at least a slut is doing something. Ron's women are just dumb
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