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Posts posted by Fylaki

  1. Quote

    Why would they kill off one of their one note villains when they can kill off a legacy character instead?  (In other words, nope, she's not dead.  Not even a little bit.) 

    But she's not COS anymore? I can settle for that since it means we have stopped shitting on Steve Hardy's memory. (See how little it takes...abusive I tell that is what it is)

    • Love 2
  2. Quote

    I bet, now that Monica's COS

    Wait Monica is COS again!!!!  No body told us here on the barge. Is Dr O Dead as Dead can be?  "Captain, Can you dock immediately? I need to give this Awful awful show one more try.  No no I'll keep my drink thank you"

    (Sometimes I feel like I am in a 50 year abusive relationship with GH, I walk away and then all it has to do is so very little to lure be back.....is it 2PM yet?)

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    Amy is a recurring role of a high-energy nurse named Amy. Amy is up on all the latest hospital gossip and is all too willing to share it.

    So we have Dr. O to shit on John's memory and now this to shit on Shell's?  Hell no.  This is why I am staying on the barge. it is not that Frank ignores  GH history it is that he actively gives a big old FU to it.

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    Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

    Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed

    Tom Hardy (along with son Tommy) shows up with a paper declaring that any Hardy heir must be appointed COS walks into the COS office and says to Dr O: "Get the Hell out of my father's office, it's going to take me months to get the smell out of here"


    Then I could tolerate Franco and Nina, put up with Sonny again and all the rest because Show will have stopped shitting on the memory of John Beradino/Steve Hardy. I'd like to get off the barge before the Show sets sail forever

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  5. Dr O Really is the main thing keeping me on the barge now a days. I just can't live with the shitting on the memory of Steve Hardy. Even Sonny and Carly never shit on Steve. It's like Frank is just deaf to the idea that Dr. O may (big may) work as a character but not as COS. Alan and Steve deserve better

    • Love 3

    If that happens, then I want Corbin Bleu to come on as the unknown love child of AJ and Keesha because he's pretty and can act. And I want the guy who played Matthew to replace RPW as Dillion. And a pony.

    and a Heroic Lucky, even if he has to ride in on the Pony.

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  7. f they change Jake's paternity can he be AJ's kid.? See Aj and Haley hooked up while AJ was in Switzerland. NotDeadJake is thier kid. AJ never knew about him and Haley gave him to Helena for money (This is the secret about her that Tracy knows) It then lets Monica keep her grandson and ties Haley to the Q canvas, such as it is without having to wedge her in as an actual Q..

  8. Okay here is my take on the Easton matter. He does not need to play a new character. Rather he should be a re-cast Steven Lars or Tom Hardy Sr., especially with the later no one has seen him in years so the fact that he looks like Silas could almost be played as a joke.  If he is Tom comes on as a good guy with a hard edge. He wants the COS of staff position because it is a family legacy. He hates Franco for being related to him and disgracing the Hardy-Baldwin name. He bounds with Scotty, his cousin. He becomes the moral center of the show and puts the hospital back in play. Yes he and Sam fall in love because the chemistry between ME and KeMo is awesome


    If however he is some new character then I am afraid I am on the barge for good. Frank has no intention of ever letting us have General Hospital, he is still trying to remake OLTL. Here is a news flash Frank it was canceled. Get over it.  I am at the point where I would rather Guza back. I may have hated the  unholy three but at least two of them were grounded in GH history and the third was an organic GH character that grew to what he was and is over time.

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    So apparently, in SID, there's some stuff about this new doctor and he apparently has a "troubled past" that Sonny understands and creates a bond between them.


    ...well, there goes any interest I had in that character!

    Just because over the years we have done every other Mafia riff in the person of Sonny I have just two words: Vito Spatafore


    I think turning him into the weary mob boss who's tired of fighting can give MB some very good material, but of course the writers would have to commit to it. It could also be interesting to see Sonny fight to keep Morgan out of the mob—Morgan sees his chance to finally show his father what he can do, even if it's terribly wrong.

    If I ever see a scene where MB/Sonny puts an orange quarter in his  mouth and runs around the garden with Rocco I will hurt some one. Just so people know

    • Love 6

    But General Hospital has always been the epicenter of sorts, even when the show focused on other things and doctors have been introduced as dynamic and interesting characters. Steve Hardy (who would have been horrified by Liz's behavior and would have dressed her down) was considered the bedrock of GH until the day he died.

    And there is the problem, not the lack of doctors, the lack of The Doctor, and I don't mean who, I mean Steve. Steve was the moral epicenter of the show. For Guza or Ron or now Frank (since I am not at all convinced the writers are doing anything and I secretly think Frank is funneling scripts to his buddy Ron) to return the focus of the show to a Doctor, they would need to deal with Steve. Since his passing the show has not had a true moral center...there have been some near misses: Mac primarily, Alan, Robin, oddly enough near the end Edward, more recently Anna, but no one has emerged as the moral epicenter because that would mean an acknowledgement that Sonny, Carly, Jason, Dr. O and Franco are not moral people.  Remember Sonny, Franco and the rest are not hard to watch because they are bad guys, that are actually vaguely interesting as bad guys they are hard to watch because we are suppose to believe they are heroes and good guys, in other words the moral center. We are suppose to believe that Dr. O is on the same medical level as Steve Hardy, and while she may be a better doctor she is not a better person and therein lies the problem with a return to the hospital, A doctor needs to be a good person, even with flaws. Rick, Monica, Alan and Jeff all had flaws but were all in the end "good" people. For all of Alan's "trying" to kill Rick and Monica there was the Alan who became like a father to  Stone as he died. For all of Monica;s infidelity there was the Monica who took in orphan Emily and made her her daughter. Genuinely moral people who took real action in terms of being moral. We are suppose to believe Sonny is moral because we are told, we never see it.  And please do not get me started on Tony, who should have become the shows moral epicenter after the death of Steve but instead was destroyed by Guza to build Jason.  Once you have a moral epicenter the others characters have a "go to" person to ground them in their actions: In was no small piece of good writing that had Luke and Laura sneak into the Hospital and meet Steve Hardy when they first returned to PC. The first thing they did was "check-in" with the heart of the show.


    GH needs heart. So yes it does need doctors: A returned Steven Lars, recommitted to being the man his Grandfather would have wanted him to be, A returned Tom Hardy determined to claim his Father's position, a New Matt Hunter , coming back out of his brother's shadow. But it also needs a moral center. And while I want Robert on Contract the adventurer cannot be the moral center. But his brother can. It is past time JJY is put back on contract and Mac becomes the moral center of the show. Do some flim flaming or what not and instead of Flea, Mac becomes mayor.  The city then takes control of a nearly bankrupt GH making it  a city hospital, Mac fires Dr. O, makes Monica COS again, makes Jordan Chief of Detectives and Anna Commissioner, reins in Scotty's excesses and viola a show with a moral center, without once touching the favorites of Sonny and his disgusting crew

    • Love 12
  12. To me the problem has always been that TIIC, writers and producers see soaps as TV Shows, where the truth is they are much closer to stage plays. Yes, some actors can be interchanged and replaced pretty easily (i.e. Kiki, and Kristina on GH, and any chorus Gypsy  on Stage) some can be replaced but you kind of always miss the iconic player (Lucky and AJ on GH or say Bernadette Peters in the Original Cast of Into the Woods) and others just cannot be played by any one else (Sonny and Luke or on Stage Yul Brenner as the King, though here they keep trying for unknown reasons) but weather replaceable or not there needs to be an acceptance that the actor is collaborating on the role, they are bringing something to it. JJ's Lucky was very different than GV's but each added a layer to an important character. And even though I am convinced that Guza was intentionally destroying Lucky to build up Jason, GV, not the world's best actor by any means, still managed to give Lucky a layer of sweetness that JJ's did not have, which is odd since GV was the bigger more imposing guy. Soap actors bring something to the character. that is not always so at night. By the time he passed Larry Hagman was JR, but if you watch him as Tony Nelson on I Dream of Jeannie that is an entirely different guy. So was Hagman JR? Or did he become JR as JR was written and fleshed out?


    When soaps are at the best they allow the actor to shape at least part of the character while keeping him in check. 90's Luke, though TG now hates him, is the best example. The writers knew that what was best for show and character was to ground Luke in Laura and Lucky, Geary wanted a different route. Somewhere they meet in the middle, the "family man" who ran a Blues Club and whose friends were mobsters, the "Good Dad" who pierced his son's ear with a knife while on a camping trip with a Strip Club owner (MB's best time as Sonny as well BTW) .


    Guza made the mistake of allowing SB, MB and TG too much control over there character and the threesome, along with Carly became  not watchable. It seems the opposite goes on now. RH is far to good a soap actor to really want to play this Franco shit. I would suspect he would love a scene where he goes home takes out a book and goes though page after page of his serial killer victims, we can wait weeks to find out if he does this to gloat or does it in tears as he punishes himself. Either way it does not matter what matters is that the writers allow a good actor to develop something in the character  A Becky scene where Liz is on the phone talking ranting as it builds to her father, blaming him for not being there, saying that he is responsible for all her bad choices in men, and ending with her screaming "I was raped and you never even came to see me" and she holds the phone out we hear the dial tone...Jeff was never even on the line. Would say more about the character of Liz then we have learned in 20 years. Let the actors skill build the character.


    But alas writers egos are bigger than actors and so..we have this wreck

    • Love 8

    Franco and Nina have to go. I don't get why these new writers can't make that happen

    Because of Frank's ego and the fact that I am convinced no one at ABC/Disney is actually watching this show, they Hear RH and MS and assume that they are good for hte show and truthfully they might be but not as Franco and Nina.


    Not sure what could be done at this point. Franco has been re conned so often his origins are more confusing that Hawkman (obscure DC comics references )

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    I saw the preview for tomorrow and it just grossed me out: Robin asking that psychotic, Obrecht for her job back. We all know it won't happen, because Robin, Patrick and Emma will be leaving, but she shouldn't even disgrace herself by even doing so. UGH.


    And aside from the fact that Cujo is actually there, her smiling as if she's happy for Robin is just a disconnect for me.  If the smile had been a smug one, I could rationalize it and see it as Robin won't be able to "get her hooks" into Jason, since she's marrying Patrick again. But it's not. Blech.

    Dr O is a character like Franco and Nina that TIIC keep trying to make work because of the actors but they keep doing so without any real effort to redeem the characters. Dr O is actually in some ways the easiest, there is some small sympathy for her due to her obsession with Fasion and she is a good doctor if a hard person. All they need to do is recast either Steven Lars or Tom Hardy Jr and have either of them fight for Steve Hardys COS seat since it is a family legacy. At first Dr O fights hard and unfair and then slowly while learning about the Man Stave Hardy was she realizes she is not worthy of the spot and steps down, vowing to become the kind of doctor that would make Dr. Hardy proud. She takes a staff position and becomes GH's "House"  brilliant but not too nice. It gives her a story and redemption arch and it gives long time fans one last round of Steve Hardy saving the day due to his innate goodness and kindness even decades after his death. There would not be a dry eye in the house. Instead though TIIC keep shoving her down our throats and shitting on the memory of Steve (and Alan) and making us older fans sick

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    I totally thought Kristina and Michael were going to kiss.

    1) The Actors have always had chemisty

    2) The Characters are not really related

    3) Even if they were she is a Cassadine


    So go for it. If just to watch Carly wet her pants

    • Love 8

    Lila was also an enabler who allowed Edward to abuse her children and (most of her) grandchildren

    Lila often called Edward on his behavior. Nor would I agree that Edward Abused his children and grandchildren. We never saw him lay a hand on them, nor was he verbally abusive, since the Q's all acted at the top of their lungs and most times Edward got as good as he gave. What he was was like many men of his generation, hard, hard on himself and hard on his children. He molded them into strong and capable human beings. In fact we could do with more fathers like Edward now a days, who take no gruff, whose place as head of the family is secure and who act, as best they can in the best interest of their families weather the family likes it or not. Being a father is not nor should it ever be a popularity contest,

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