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Posts posted by Toonces464

  1. 2 hours ago, luvthepros said:

    This is the first time this season I'm watching the show live. I don't see the "All Access" link on the ABC website. Has ABC done away with All Access during the live show?

    Yes and I miss it so much. I loved watching the sky box and red room and all the interactions.

    Four weeks is about how long you'd be out with a Grade 1 strain Maks, so I'm not sure what Dr. Magic Fingers really did for you.  I guess all those top athletes who have been hearing about these treatment from some mysterious source can stop trying to book flights to Ohio and go back to using their own doctors. 

    Even if Maks could have returned this week, no way would he have done so with Heather having jazz. It's not ballroom and can anyone remember him ever doing anything that wasn't ballroom other than Erin's contemporary freestyle? Also there was no way he was going to let his celebrity look like more of a pro than he is. His ego is too big. Thus why he choreographed a lot of running around and "characters" rather than letting her (or Alan for that matter) have a hand in choreographing an actual jazz routine. And why I have no idea what on earth he was trying to say when Erin asked him about the judges comments.

    All along I've thought David will make the semi-finals but now I'm not so sure. I think he has huge support from the Cubs fans and baseball fans in general but we've seen this before --- the celeb who can't dance well but is so endearing, such as Bill Engvall and Ty Murray. They usually go a week or two before the semi-finals and I think David will end up going after Nick, Bonner and Heather, leaving a final four of Rashad, Simone, Normani and Nancy.

    10 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

    Heather was totally underwhelming but that was mostly Maks' fault. I wonder if Heather is actually happy to have Maks back next week or not. That aside to Erin that she knew there wasn't a lot of dancing in the routine was a bit of a dig. I am here for some rehearsal package drama. 

    As soon as she said that I thought now she's on Maks list. He'll put on a happy face for the camera while privately hating on her and having no use for her when the season is over. Which is really no different than most of his other partners.

    • Love 4
  2. 50 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

    I regularly forget that Normani is even on the show until she is actually dancing so clearly the extra screen time is not doing anything to sway me. ? 

    Funny that Pure opted to start measuring this kind of thing now when they noticed it about Normani but not during the season that we should have just renamed "Dancing with Bindi." ?

    I'm no fan of Pure, but I think they started noticing it because at least two or three contestants each week are not getting an interview with Erin, but rather are staying at the judges table with Tom. This is something I've noticed as well that's only been happening since last season. At first I chalked it up to lack of time but enough contestants are gone now that it shouldn't be a problem. 

  3. 1 hour ago, RedFiat said:

    They put her on to cause controversy, nothing else.  

    I think they also put her on the get Maks back after he refused to travel with Normani. They needed a "sure thing" to get him back in order to play out the Chmerkovskiy fam storyline they wanted and it wasn't until after Maks accepted that they all realized this wasn't sitting well with the audience and, when added to Heather's personality and lack of connecting with the audience, she likely wasn't going to win.

  4. 1 hour ago, shantown said:

    RedFiat, I'm genuinely curious as to why you care so much? The majority of your posts are about how much you hate Heather Morris and her being on this show. I'm assuming you're not being forced to watch the show, so why the obsession over it?

    I admit I am new to this show within the last couple seasons. I didn't watch 11 years ago when Emmitt Smith won. I didn't watch in those early few seasons when it was apparently focused much more on being a strictly ballroom-based dance competition versus now (based on discussions with other posters). But it's reality TV, and you seem incredibly affronted by the show. Just wondering why.

    ETA: Getting paid is a big reason why they're all doing it. David and Rashad included. 

    I think you'll find very few people who have watched the show longer than just the last couple seasons who are okay with a professional dancer being cast as a contestant. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, Beatrice said:

    There have been so many contestants with dance experience and a couple that even had ballroom experience. 

    There is a huge difference between having dance experience and being a professional dancer. I don't know why people keep making excuses for Heather by saying others have had dance experience or she's not trained in ballroom to justify her being on the show. She danced backup for Beyonce and got paid for it. She's a professional dancer. She should not be on the show as a contestant. The end.

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  6. 1 hour ago, calipiano81 said:

    I don't agree that it has always been that way. Prior to Season 18, there were many instances where the winner wasn't obvious from the first week: Kellie Pickler, Melissa Rycroft, Donald Driver, Shawn Johnson, Apolo Ohno, even all the way back to Season 1's Kelly Monaco.

    Producer manipulation (e.g. in running order, dance assignments, video package edits) only started to become really obvious within the past few years. Also, the introduction of jazz/contemporary and the increased use of production and troupe every week has lessened the impact of the freestyle round, which used to be much more of a game-changer.

    I think it all started to change during Season 12 when they brought in the troupe.

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  7. 8 hours ago, katha said:

    Maks is older, so he doesn't make as much promo for himself on social media as Alan does

    Maks' middle name is self promotion.

    8 hours ago, katha said:

    It's been confirmed that he was actively involved in both teaching and choreo this last week

    Where has this been confirmed? I haven't seen anything confirming that he was actively involved in either last week.

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  8. 29 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    I really don't like Max but I think this is unfair.  I've seen many sports stars get injured, look like they've returned to normal but still can't get cleared to play.  There's a difference between sitting and walking and the physicality needed to jump and kick in a dance. Going back to work too soon after an injury could make it worse. 

    However, I do understand the complaints that he should be spending more time in LA for rehearsal.  It does feel like he has just handed off his partner. 

    Actually that's what I was getting at. I find it strange that a doctor who's treating a patient for what's been described as a serious leg injury would ask that patient to fly across the country to speak at a conference. But I have more of an issue with Maks agreeing to do it when he had just spent a week in Ohio. His partner is supposed to be his priority this season, not shilling for Dr. Seeds.

    It also makes me question if this appearance was pre-planned or not, because if it was, what was Maks doing scheduling something like this at a time he should have been teaching his partner. If it wasn't, then again I question his priorities and his dedication that he chose to blow off more time at rehearsals to do this.

    • Love 3
  9. 36 minutes ago, RedFiat said:

    Truly that site just spits with sarcasm against Val and Maks.  Particularly Val, so I see their comments as very cynical. But Maks used to be so passionate.  Those days are gone, and maybe he's just tired of the bs with the showrunners.  But it's hard not to notice the change in him.. 

    I think Maks' passion depends on whether or not he clicks with his partner AND whether or not he thinks he can win with them. He just used to hide it better when he didn't.

  10. If Maks doesn't return this season, or even if he does after weeks of Alan dancing with Heather, he has a ready made excuse for why he couldn't win with a professional dancer as his partner. Which I personally think became his plan one he realized Heather wasn't going to win.

    I'm not saying he's not hurt. I'm just not at all sure this injury is what he's making it out to be, especially after seeing him fly across the country to speak at a medical convention last week.

    • Love 3
  11. 8 minutes ago, Emily-D said:

    Agreed, publicity and good pay go hand in hand. Since Maks quit after S18 I've never heard of any of his projects which means he probably struggled for work. I don't think he appreciated just how good a gig DWTS is. I mean it must be the best gig a dancer can possibly get, performing for over 10 million viewers every week, getting to work with celebrities, you gain a huge fan following, get to go on a sold out tour and being on television so often on such a well known well loved show opens yourself up for many other job opportunities and ways to make money in the post seasons. Their's a reason why hardly any pros leave the show of their own accord these days and I bet those pros in the past who did leave regret it now.

    The only successful work Maks has gotten since he originally left the show after All Stars were the Forever Tango job that Karina got him and the tour last summer with Val. Even the little things he's done like General Hospital, directing Zendaya's music video and filling in for Tamar on her talk show have come from Val's former partners and connections. I know Meryl had gotten him a couple of jobs in the ice dancing community and he blew one off and showed up for the other looking like a homeless bum so I don't think that will be happening anymore. At this point I think Maks has finally accepted that he needs DWTS because without it, his options for remaining relevant in Hollywood are very limited.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Emily-D said:

    Personally I know you can't blame an injury, but I've been disappointed in Maks' behaviour this season. You can tell the only reason he came back was the paycheck and he probably forced the producers to give him a star who could dance so that they'd last long into the competition and maximise his paycheck. Now he's injured, he's done the bare minimum other than show up on Monday nights, look supportive and collect his pro dancers paycheck whilst Alan collects a troupe dancers paycheck despite doing the vast majority of the work. He's not stupid, he probably knows by now that Heather isn't going to win or probably even make the final so he's not really as invested in coming back and working hard for Heather while he's still getting paid. I'd never vote for her because she shouldn't be on the show in the first place, but it's hard not to feel sorry for Heather. She's been royally screwed over due to all of this, her experience of the show has been a bad one and to make things worse it's impossible for the audience to get to know her personally as she's been completely overshadowed by this Maks drama. Maks should never have come back this season, but he needed the money and as a result has screwed Heather over. She would have had a much better chance if Alan had been her partner from the start, or if they'd brought Mark back to partner her. They could have even given her to Artem, brought Tony back to partner Nancy and I think she'd have had a better chance. As for everyone else, right now there is a clear top 6, if there is any justice then Erika, the Bachelor and the Cowboy will be the next three out. Unfortunately this is DWTS and justice is rarely done on this show. For me that spells bad news for Heather and Nancy.

    ITA but it's not just this season. His "I'm Having A Baby" drama totally overshadowed Amber last season and the season before, when he wasn't even on, it was all about him basically being a second pro to Nyle. I also don't think it was just the paycheck. Maks has an insatiable need for tabloid publicity and being on the show keeps him relevant enough for that level of coverage. I also believe that's a big part of the reason he went back to Peta, but that's another story for another post.

    Back in the old days, Maks used to always say the best thing about being part of the show was the relationships he formed with his partners that lasted long after the show was over. But the only one who seems to still have any kind of relationship with him is Erin. Even Meryl Davis has quit following him on social media. It's quite a difference from pros like Mark, Karina, Tony, Kym and even Val who genuinely build lasting relationships on the show.

    • Love 5
  13. 1 hour ago, tessaforever said:

    Erin specifically mentioned Nancy's use of the words "failure" and "shame" and I got the feeling that they bonded over that, not the miscarriages per se (as I don't think Erin has been pregnant). I think that in Erin's life, the invasive video that was taken of her and all the subsequent publicity of that brought her shame (she testified as much in court) and I think she and Nancy could relate on that level. Sorry for the therapist-speak, but it can really be healing to talk with someone who has had similar emotions (even if the situation was different) and triumphed over it. Amazing for Erin & Nancy to be vulnerable together. 

    Now that she's gotten a ring from her druggie boyfriend, I think Erin is trying to jump right into having kids. She does like to make things all about her, so after the cervical cancer thing I can see her "bonding" to Nancy's situation. I'm sorry if that sounds callous but it's one of the things that drives me absolutely batty about her.

    Speaking of Erin, is it me or is she particularly awful this season? It usually takes her a week or two with the new contestants to feel comfortable but we're on week 4 and she's been excruciating to watch with attempts at humor that fall flat and just some really awkward things coming out of her mouth. I generally like her as the co-host but this season has been painful to watch her.

    • Love 3
  14. 10 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

    I agree on this. Once upon a time I was a big Maks fan. The bloom has been off that rose for me for a while but I do still enjoy watching him dance because I think he has a captivating dance presence. I am no fan of Heather's this season but I think he has done her a huge disservice.

    Alan has essentially taken over for the past 2 weeks which makes this different from past seasons when the pro was injured for a week or two but jumped back in later. Both Sharna and Derek still came up with the concept and created the choreography when they were unable to dance due to injury. Maks got on a plane to Ohio, stayed there for a week for treatment, skyped in once so the cameras could catch it and then showed up for show night. Then the following week despite apparently being back in LA he still let Alan do everything. Then he flew off to Florida midweek to speak at some medical conference about treatment he previously received from his Ohio based doctor. It's a very blasé attitude about the whole thing and if I were Heather I'd b asking the producers to let me keep Alan for the rest of the season since he actually seems invested. 

    I had heard somewhere that Maks had indicated he'd be back dancing this week but he seemed pretty noncommittal in that post dance interview with Erin last night. If he misses another week the show should step in and just say it is Alan the rest of the way. 

    Yes to both of you regarding his lack of involvement since his injury. I remember the days when Maks was totally dedicated to his partner - more so when he liked them but even when he didn't care for them as much, he wasn't off giving pep talks to other teams! Although I admit, I would have paid money to see him give Kate Gosselin a pep talk. LOL

    I also think he did a huge disservice to Amber last season. She wasn't a great dancer, but he knew she wasn't going to win and he checked out on her pretty early. If you watched All Access last season, he spent more time in the backstage area with Erin and the producers than he did in the sky box with his partner. I wasn't a huge fan of Amber, but I'd feel bad for her when the other couples were up there practicing their routines and she was just standing at the railing alone while he was back there having a gay old time with his former partner. 

    15 minutes ago, Emily-D said:

    Alam definitely didn't choreograph that cha cha. When you watch DWTS for an extended period of time you get to know the pros and the signature moves and styles they incorporate into their routine. That cha cha had Maks' choreography written all over it.

    If Maks had choreographed it, it would have included his partner pushing him and/or him pretending to fall down. LOL

    • Love 1
  15. I know this won't be popular but I'm not buying Maks' declaration that Alan should be a pro came from the goodness of his heart. Maks doesn't do anything for anyone not named Val Chmerkovskiy without some ulterior motive or there being something in it for him. Maybe he thinks bringing in a new male pro keeps pros like Derek and Mark away, thus making it easier for him to stand out. Because contrary to popular opinion, I think Maks is here to stay. We've already seen he can't get any other meaningful work (at least not without an assist from Karina or Val) which pretty much makes him dependent on DWTS to keep his name in the tabloids, which seems to have become his main career path.

    You know what else I miss from the old days? When each couple had their own fan base that pulled for them as long as they were in the competition. I am so sick and tired of this fam mentality of "Well, I'm a Val fan so that means I have to like and root for Maks and Peta and Sharna because they're fam." Sure there was crossover before -- Maks' fans liked Tony and vice versa, Mark's fans liked Derek and vice versa -- but it didn't overtake the fan bases. Personally, I wish Peta and Sharna would worry more about their own partners and less about giving Maks health updates to the press. Let Heather and Maks worry about updating everyone about Maks. And I can really do without Maks giving pep talks to Normani or Nick every week. Let their own partners do that. If I was Heather, I'd be pissed that his full attention isn't on me and that he's pumping up the people I'm competing against. 

    Like I said, not a popular opinion but I'm just getting so tired of the direction this show has gone.

    • Love 4
  16. 2 hours ago, Uke said:

    I didn't like Nyle's dancing either - he never progressed from week 1 and I don't think he learned anything.  I believe the reason Maks was in rehearsal so much was so Nyle could just mimic Maks + Peta doing each dance.  IMO he was just trying to get famous by being on a bunch of reality shows and did not deserve to be awarded the MBT.   

    That was what made his win even more annoying --- he was being trained by two pros and then you look at people like Amy and Noah and how far they went with just one pro teaching them. It was so unfair.

  17. 11 hours ago, TeeMo said:

    And this will be an unpopular opinion but I also think he is a better natural mover than Nyle whose dancing I never really enjoyed. Peta's partners often seem to end up with a rather stompy style with poor posture that I don't really like (I did not enjoy James Maslow's dancing either for the same reasons) so it may be her training style that I just don't like.

    I thought I was the only one who didn't care for Nyle's dancing and wondered why no one ever called him out on all the stomping and his horrible posture.

    • Love 4
  18. 59 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

    I don't understand how Len gave Heather a freaking 6 because of a hip hop breakdown? It was two seconds out of the dance.

    The same way he gave Erin a 7 for her Samba because Maks took his shirt off (something Len now seems to love). It's Len being Len.

    • Love 2
  19. 3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I see your point. I do think that Heather has a distinct advantage, but how about other ringers? Don't figure skaters such as Nancy or even Meryl and Charlie have some dance training themselves? They may not be professional dancers, but they certainly have to be graceful and know balance and movement when they competed on the ice. Normani has some dance training because of her singing group as well, right?


    There's a difference in having some training in something and having it be something you studied for your whole life and have made into your career. For the record, I was not happy with Meryl and Charlie being on the show, especially right after the Olympics. Derek helped choreograph one of their routines for Pete's sake!

    1 hour ago, dcubed said:

    A technical writer knows proper grammar, spelling and punctuation but I probably wouldn't want to read their writing for entertainment :)

    True but they'd still have better writing basic skills than a scientist.

    • Love 2
  20. A fiction author may not know how to write poetry, but they know proper grammar, spelling and punctuation and they know how to construct a sentence. A sitcom actor may not know how to perform for  live stage, but they know how to emote and memorize dialogue. So I'm sorry but I don't buy all this Heather isn't trained in ballroom stuff. She's a dancer so she has a huge advantage. But I think the producers' ploy of making her look sympathetic and out of her element with some nudging by the judges is working. Personally I wouldn't vote for her whether she was dancing with Maks, Alan or Yogi Bear. She's a professional dancer and doesn't belong on this show.

    8 minutes ago, vibeology said:

    I'm assuming they didn't want to have Maks do stairs so they left him in the skybox. I suppose Tom could have just interviewed them and done the scores on the floor but sometimes this show makes choices I don't get.

    They needed Maks upstairs so Erin could interview him about the injury (though he really didn't say much). They handled it the same way when Alan filled in for Mark with Paige.

    • Love 9
  21. 11 hours ago, rcc said:

    I don't like Erin on this show at all. I feel bad for her because she's been through hard times. She is very good with the sports reporting but this show just doesn't suit her. She should stick to the sports.

    Leah Remini was very good in her short stint. She would be a good hire.

    I would honestly stop watching if Leah Remini were ever hired permanently. I find her annoying, obnoxious and she makes everything about herself. I would rather see Brooke Burke, who I couldn't stand, back before they ever put Leah near the ballroom again.

    8 hours ago, vibeology said:

    I love Erin. I do think she gets better the farther we get into each season because by then she knows the cast and is able to connect with them. The first week or two never is her best work. 

    She's always visibly comfortable right off the bat with the athletes, Maks and Val. The others it takes her a few weeks to get going with.

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