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Posts posted by Toonces464

  1. Do you believe the entire relationship was faked for the cameras, that there were no genuine feelings between Meryl and Maks?



    Yes. They're friends, just like he's friends with a lot of his former partners. They developed a bond dancing together, just like he developed a bond with a lot of his former partners dancing together. Everything else is typical Maks/Lizzie PR 101 from the Kate Upton pic to last night's dinner pic to today's interrupted interview.

  2. I think Lizzy Grubman seems to be pretty sketchy and that interruption was handled unprofessionally, but considering that Maks posted this pic of him with Meryl last night in NYC, maybe it was in reaction to off-limits questions about Mak's private life.



    If Maks's private life is off limits, then he shouldn't post pictures like that which do nothing but stir it all up again. But Maks knows that very well. And so does Lizzie.

    • Love 1
  3. If not and they go their separate ways, so be it but they will always be remembered as having the best "romantic" chemistry that DWTS has ever seen.



    Remembered that way by some. Remembered by others as the biggest showmance in the history of DWTS so the pro could win his mirrorball.

    • Love 1
  4. I've seen many celebrity partners "change" Maks, but I am actually astonished by the real change that seems to have happened.  I suspect the acting lessons were therapeutic for him.  He seems to be genuinely reflected in his face now, vulnerable and really masculine, rather than closed off and pseudo macho. As I've said somewhere before (this thread?), Meryl allowed that change to shine, but I have zero belief that she caused it in any way.



    I think claiming the change is because of her is a disservice to Maks. I'm not convinced he's changed, but if he has, I would think it's got a lot more to do with taking the past year off from the show and changes he made to and for himself long before he knew who Meryl Davis was. And, like you said, considering how many partners we've seen "change" him in the past, what's so special about another one doing it? We've seen it before and we've also seen what happens after those partnerships are done.


    Show me Maks dancing with a crappy partner and still keeping his cool rather than acting like a 2 year old and I might believe he's changed. Until then, I think Maks wanted this win bad and knew exactly what he needed to do, and what role he needed to play, to get it.

    • Love 3
  5. Okay, I didn't know any of this about Lizzie Grubman and I honestly appreciate the insight. I'm just struck by Maks' high profile at the moment as compared with Meryl who was technically the winner and seems in his shadow except where it comes to questions about whether they are or aren't romantically involved.



    My response to your comment about his publicist being my laugh of the year was never in regards to Maks. It was regarding Lizzie. I think Maks's high profile right now is because this is his first win. Such a big deal has been made for years about him never winning. That's what I mean when I said it has nothing to do with Lizzie, but rather is because these places are coming to him. Why doesn't he find someone else? People have been asking that question for years. :)

  6. Whoa, uhhh, yeah. That sounds pretty bad. Do they go way back or something?


    She started repping Maks shortly after his season with Erin and then became his manager as well as his publicist. I believe he hooked up with her through his former friend the porn king. Before that, Teddy and Nicole's mother was handling his career.


    For everything I hate about the way Maks conducts himself lately, I think he's extremely talented, handsome and charismatic. He should be much further along in his career than he is. Lizzie and her lousy representation holds him back. She's pretty much seen as a joke in the industry and hasn't done much for him other than get him into the tabloids. She certainly hasn't gotten him any meaningful work or publicity. 


    There's a reason all her other clients dump her after a few months. Bella is right - she's toxic.

  7. So what's the deal with his publicist then? I'm not familiar so these comments make no sense to me.


    Well, there's her jail stint for intentionally running a crowd of people over with her SUV because she was asked to move her car out of a fire lane at a club in the Hamptons.


    There was the night Maks and Cheryl were caught by photographers making out at a club in Vegas and she tried to pass it off as Maks whispering in a fan's ear.


    There's her tweets about Maks's TV appearances - only he rarely ends up being on whatever it is she's tweeted about. 


    The list just goes on and on.


    She's basically the National Enquirer of PR. Val finally appears to have wised up and dumped her. I wish Maks would do the same.

    • Love 1
  8. I am. I think she's keeping her client in the news which is her job. Apparently you disagree.



    Maks is in the news because there's interest in him right now for finally winning. They're seeking him out. I'm not saying he's not deserving of some publicity right now. I'm saying it has nothing to do with his publicist doing her job. Unless you count the story about Peta still being hung up on him as good publicity.

  9. Maks is person if the week at ABC News. Enough said. I like Maks but really? This week has been a bonanza of publicity for Maks. I think his publicist is doing her job.


    You are obviously not familiar with his publicist, Lizzie Grubman. 

  10. They didn't have to go on the show if they didn't like want to deal with what would be coming. Wendy was Tony's partner. Maks certainly knows enough about her and her show that if he didn't want any part of that he could have turned her down. I don't believe I've seen many winners on there before and I don't think there's a contractual obligation like GMA.

  11. Is this really happening though?  I don't follow Meryl or Charlie all that much, but the only people I see turning on Charlie so to speak are the people that ship Meryl/Maks romantically and feel the need to put Charlie down in that capacity.   From my experience, many of those people weren't Meryl fans prior to DWTS.  They were either Maks fans or fans that just grew to love them together on DWTS, so I don't think they have much loyalty to Charlie or even a feel for Meryl outside the context of DWTS.

    All I can go by is what I read. I don't follow skating or Meryl & Charlie. It just seems to be a lot of what I'm seeing.


    If it's anything like how Tony won, Tony and Val parading Maks around is going to be disgusting.  But Meryl won't be left alone on the ground.  Charlie will run right over and pick her up.


    I don't expect Maks to abandon Meryl at all. He's still in showmance mode. ;)

  12. And I know some people don't like Erin, but she's grown on me all season and I definitely prefer her to Brooke. She's certainly better at the ad-libbing part.


    I think she's improved as the season's gone on (with a few backslide weeks) but she still has a ways to go. 


    I've also found most of her interactions with Maks to be incredibly awkward and uncomfortable to watch. It's been like a jealous ex who's trying to act like they're not jealous. What's been stranger for me is how awkward Maks has been with her because I think that train left the station for him a long time ago. 

  13. Then perhaps explode isn't the right word, but I'd like them to win for the sole purpose of the number of broken records on the topic. If I found Derek even remotely likable then I'd have the same feeling about Amy winning but I don't so I won't. And there's been quite a bit of bitching and moaning about Maks and Meryl, even here, so yeah, I'd say there'll be some reactions.



    I'd be surprised if there was any kind of reaction other than "Yeah, that wasn't obvious" except maybe on PureDWTS. :)

    • Love 1
  14. Evan's presence was particuarly odd since he's been endorising Amy for the win. I suppose they just wanted every famous figure skater they could get into Meryl's package.



    I thought the same thing. Very hypocritical of him. But I think he's very creepy to begin with. I never understood his friendship with Erin, aside from the fact they both seem to have the maturity level of 6 year olds.

    • Love 1
  15. I've been aware of Annie from her EW days and she's never hidden her Maks love and it was even a little cute at times. But this was just borderline embarrassing. What exactly did she call this season - his personal awakening or whatever? Like is she for real with this?



    And not even a mention of Tony or Anna or Louis or Kym who were all big parts of Conrad's run on the show, which is what I thought this interview was supposed to be about. 

    • Love 1
  16. That interview proved what I always thought -- Conrad Green is in love with Maks.  That mirror ball that Maks will be getting tomorrow is just a little going away present from him.  Seriously, this interview is straight up biased with Conrad Green and Annie Barrett just gushing over Maks.



    Thank you for saving my typing fingers. What crap. Other than tossing out Karina and Cheryl's name once with theirs, it was all about Maks and Derek.

  17. Question guys: Can you guys just quote what you are replying to or are you having trouble with the reply to quoted post function? I'm seeing a lot of giant blocks of text in a few topics and if there are issues let me know so I can take it up with our resident gurus! :)


    It's not consistent. Sometimes I can just quote the part I want, sometimes it quotes the whole post. In the past week it's also been double quoting what I'm responding to and my response.

  18. Also to the hair and wardrobe people.  I mean seriously, they must have an army of people sewing and beading and designing until the wee hours for ten or eleven solid weeks.  They don't get nearly enough credit.


    I've wondered all season why Erin hasn't used the makeup, hair and wardrobe people from the show. I think they've done a great job this year and for such a pretty girl, I think Erin's team has generally been awful.

  19. But it's posts like this one that just really aggravate me because, although it may not have been your intent, the underlying message seems to me to be that if Maks and Meryl win, it won't be deserved because they didn't win on merit.  Maks didn't choreograph great routines, Meryl didn't dance them beautifully, and neither one is a worthy winner.  If they win it will be because the producers manipulated everyone into thinking they were great by overscoring and overpraising them and overpimping them, and Maks manipulated all the romantics in the audience into voting for them because of their "true love." But they won't win because Maks is capable of choreographing a great routine that plays to Meryl's strength and is a good enough teacher .to get Meryl to dance well.  If they win, it will be because the fix was in from the beginning.



    Sorry if it aggravates you but that's how I feel. I don't think Maks choreographed great routines - I think he choreographed simple routines that he knew Meryl could do cleanly and make look good without challenging her level of talent and ability the way Val did. And I don't think he was able to get Meryl to dance well - she already danced well coming into this because she's an ice dancer (and no I am not getting into a debate about floor vs. ice). I think if they won Meryl would be a worthy winner - or as worthy as a ringer could be winning this show. I don't think Maks would be a worthy winner with how he's handled this season.

    • Love 2
  20. Moved from another folder.

    I don't understand this comment at all.  I can only recall one partner with which  Maks might have been thought to have a "showmance," and that was Erin Andrews.  Only in that case, it wasn't a showmance but an actual pairing for a while.  I can't think of any other time.  There were rumors of a pairing with Willa Ford, but there was nothing played up on the show.  His partnerships with Tia, Brandy, Laila Ali, Mel B., Melissa seemed good but not a "showmance."  There certainly was no "showmance" with Hope.  Or with Kirstie.  That one time they kissed in the dance was not planned, and Kirstie admitted in an interview that she kissed Maks, and he had no idea it was coming.  They had some fun with it in other dances, but no one in their right mind (imo anyway) would have seriously thought for even a second that we were supposed to think they were romantically involved.  <lol>  I don't even see a "showmance" with Meryl.  They have a great partnership and some terrific chemistry, but I have seen nothing that makes me think it is anything more than that.  Some people have a need to pair up everyone around them like animals on the ark (and I absolutely agree with you that shippers ruin everything - drives me crazy), but that doesn't mean that Maks is instigating it.  He may play along with it in interviews by being coy and not flatly stating they're just friends, but unless you happen to be someone who frequents message boards or follows the pairs outside of the show (which most viewers don't), you wouldn't even know about that.  All you'd know is what you see on the show, and there's nothing there.  Now if Maks made stupid comments like, "we're trying to keep it platonic," then I'd think there was some basis for saying he's trying to push a showmance, but all he's ever said on the show is that they have a great friendship and he hopes it continues after the show.  He's not really feeding it, and Meryl certainly isn't.  I just think it's really unfair to claim that Maks can't do choreography so he just goes for showmance.  I don't know where that's coming from.  Maks has come up with some really wonderful choreography through the seasons.  The first person to actually kiss a partner during a performance was Derek.  And when asked, he was very coy about whether it was planned as part of the choreography or "just happened." 


    I really feel bad for Maks this season.  The guy can't win no matter what he does.  When Derek plays to his partner's strengths, he's a genius and the best choreographer/teacher on the show.  When Maks does it, he's just copying Derek.  And if Maks went a different route for the freestyle and they lost, then it would be all "Maks sucks at the freestyle, and he cost Meryl the trophy."  Win or lose, Maks will get no credit for doing anything right with some people.



    For me, the term showmance is not only what's going on between the two but the perception of the fans and how the showmancees play it. Obviously what he had with Erin was beyond a showmance. But since then it seems Maks has played it to varying degrees based on the fans in an attempt to get votes. 


    Was there anything going on with him and Brandy? Hell no. I never even thought they liked each other very much. But boy, they had some pretty hardcore shippers. I cringed my way through that fake date package, which was one of the most awkward things I've ever watched. But the shippers ate that up just as was meant to happen.


    Obviously there was nothing going on with him and Kirstie. But their shippers were even more hardcore than Brandy's. And they played to that with the kisses which felt like they got to be done in every single dance. And more than once I felt they both said things that could have been perceived as them being in a relationship - the key words being could have and perceived. And the shippers ate up every second of it. There was a huge meltdown on Twitter the night he was caught "cheating" on her with Cheryl in Las Vegas. 


    Even in the beginning with Hope - despite her having a boyfriend who was traveling with them, there were a few things Maks said early in the season that were just coy enough to get them some shippers. Obviously that whole thing blew up.


    Melissa's not even worth mentioning since she had the French boyfriend. And by the time Kirstie came back for the All Stars, Maks had taken up with Peta.


    The problem I have with Maks is the coy games he plays with the fans and the media. It started with Erin and I got it with them since they obviously did have something going on beyond the show. But then he played them every season after that. Sure there was a half-hearted denial by Maks, usually early in the season - but he and Erin did that as well. After that it became suggestive comments and implications and refusals to just come out and say no we're not dating and put a stop to them. I found it ironic that Val did that this season because I had no idea anyone was shipping him and Danica or thought they were involved. I'd love to see Maks do something like that.


    Believe it or not, I was actually excited to have Maks back this season. What's turned me off is the overpimping and the overscoring and the showmance. I think Maks is extremely talented and doesn't get nearly enough credit for what he does on the dance floor. He has the biggest ringer in the show's history and I think he could have easily won this season on talent. Instead we've gotten them overpimped, overscored, overpraised and manipulated. We've had Charlie thrown under the bus. And we've had Maks feeding the showmance with some of his comments and social media posts and his behavior. Yes he's a touchy feely kind of guy but the best way to play down a showmance is not to feed into it by draping yourself all over your partner to the extent Maks does it. And Meryl as well - she may not feed it on social media or in interviews the way Maks does, but a big part of what seems to be fueling the showmance is the way she behaves with him after the dances and in their interviews. And what's funny is that's exactly why I don't think anything is going on between them. Since Karina, Maks seems to keep his relationships fairly low key unless they're strictly for publicity (hello Kate Upton).


    And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the fact that you've got four women he's been involved with running around the set with him. Meryl seems a bit too level-headed to fall into some great "romance" on the set of a reality tv program surrounded by women he's slept with. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't wonder if that also is pushing Maks's behavior. He's got the once fiercely private Erin making a public spectacle of having an athlete boyfriend. He's got Peta playing out her own showmance with a guy she obviously had something with coming on the heels of another showmance with Brant. And I've read Karina is dating someone now. For a guy who says he wants to find someone and settle down, it can't be easy to have all these exes right in your face with other relationships.


    Sorry to go on so long but I was bothered by the comments in the other folder about people coming here just to tear Maks down. I wanted to enjoy Maks this season. I wanted to see him finally win on his talent. Instead I feel whatever work he's done has been overshadowed by producer manipulation and that he didn't have enough faith in his own talent and abilities so he had to go the showmance route. I'm disappointed in that more than anything.

    • Love 1
  21. I don't understand this comment at all.  I can only recall one partner with which  Maks might have been thought to have a "showmance," and that was Erin Andrews.  Only in that case, it wasn't a showmance but an actual pairing for a while.  I can't think of any other time.  There were rumors of a pairing with Willa Ford, but there was nothing played up on the show.  His partnerships with Tia, Brandy, Laila Ali, Mel B., Melissa seemed good but not a "showmance."  There certainly was no "showmance" with Hope.  Or with Kirstie.  That one time they kissed in the dance was not planned, and Kirstie admitted in an interview that she kissed Maks, and he had no idea it was coming.  They had some fun with it in other dances, but no one in their right mind (imo anyway) would have seriously thought for even a second that we were supposed to think they were romantically involved.  <lol>  I don't even see a "showmance" with Meryl.  They have a great partnership and some terrific chemistry, but I have seen nothing that makes me think it is anything more than that.  Some people have a need to pair up everyone around them like animals on the ark (and I absolutely agree with you that shippers ruin everything - drives me crazy), but that doesn't mean that Maks is instigating it.  He may play along with it in interviews by being coy and not flatly stating they're just friends, but unless you happen to be someone who frequents message boards or follows the pairs outside of the show (which most viewers don't), you wouldn't even know about that.  All you'd know is what you see on the show, and there's nothing there.  Now if Maks made stupid comments like, "we're trying to keep it platonic," then I'd think there was some basis for saying he's trying to push a showmance, but all he's ever said on the show is that they have a great friendship and he hopes it continues after the show.  He's not really feeding it, and Meryl certainly isn't.  I just think it's really unfair to claim that Maks can't do choreography so he just goes for showmance.  I don't know where that's coming from.  Maks has come up with some really wonderful choreography through the seasons.  The first person to actually kiss a partner during a performance was Derek.  And when asked, he was very coy about whether it was planned as part of the choreography or "just happened."  


    I really feel bad for Maks this season.  The guy can't win no matter what he does.  When Derek plays to his partner's strengths, he's a genius and the best choreographer/teacher on the show.  When Maks does it, he's just copying Derek.  And if Maks went a different route for the freestyle and they lost, then it would be all "Maks sucks at the freestyle, and he cost Meryl the trophy."  Win or lose, Maks will get no credit for doing anything right with some people. 


    Taking my response over to Maks's folder.

  22. I didn't expect anything different.  Having a showmance and playing up to the shippers is what Maks does.  It's what he's good at.  He can't go for the choreography so he goes for the showmance.  I'm sure there will be a kiss in there.  They might even full on make out.  That would really drive the shippers crazy.  I've always said that shippers ruin everything.  Boy, was that point proven this season.




    What a shame he already played the kissing for votes card with Kirstie. Several times. But I'm sure "this is obviously different". LOL

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