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I thought order was restored in my universe when Amazing Race was on after Survivor and not later. 😊
Ryan was bad at most of that challenge, but he was hefting those pieces up to the platform like they didn't weigh anything, when everyone else was really straining.
I missed some of the speeches (Annie's I guess) because of an Amber alert in my area. Seemed ironic somehow. I have a sister who is on her third marriage - and he is the love of her life. He is also on his third marriage and loves my sister dearly - but his first wife and mother of his children is still his "life love", although she died of cancer. So I think that for whatever reasons, there can be multiple loves of your life. I don't think we need to rate them. And I think after death there be so much love to go around that we will laugh about who loves who "more". I agree with those that think that, yes, Mandy Moore is beautiful, but she looked weird on the train to me. Pretty dress. But weirdly tart-ish makeup. And yes, oddly wide-eyed. But I am amazed with the casting people Not only very close in looks, but mannerisms and attitude. Good job, people. PS Has anyone EVER played Pin the Tail on the Donkey when NOT at a party?
I like these challenges. I love that the puzzle-maker is getting the props they deserve.
It would now be smart of MaryAnne to stop saying her phrase UNLESS someone else said something strange. She doesn't need the other teams hear her say it again. I guarantee that if the third idol is found and anyone reads the clue they are going to immediately know what she has been doing and try to join her. ALTHOUGH, its very close to the merge and didn't the note say that it turns into a regular HII after the merge, sayings or not? Maybe should just hold out for that.
I really want to know what would happen with that screwy Not-an-idol thing if someone else found it in Mike's super secret spot. I mean, that could seriously be where its hidden. Would production step in and say - Already taken? or what? And, Jeff, I understand you narrating the challenge normally, but here, it would have been nice to hear or try to hear what the actual contestants were yelling. Sheesh. I think if I were Johnathan I would have yelled at Jeff first to shut his pie hole. I mean, isn't he miked? So that we could hear it but the contestants wouldn't have to yell over him?
I would think the way to solve the triangle puzzle is to draw it out on the ultimate whiteboard - the sand -- and label all the intersections with numbers or letters and then start listing them. Have a few people do it and keep comparing notes.
D/R doorknob. The other doorknobs were not painted and I am not sure why they should have had to do theirs. The things that shone through for me with K/P were: - They were considerate of everyone, including each other. - When they couldn't figure out a task the normal way - counting columns - they resorted to a different way. Didn't just stand around griping about how impossible it was. - Figuring out on the last one to put up everything they were quite sure about and only changing out the unsure ones. I am sure in the moment its tempting to rethink everything, but your first instinct on MOST things is almost always the correct one. (LIke the boat, Kim picked the right one first and then rethought it.) - They were self-aware and seemed to always be kid-aware, as in: How will I feel when my kids see this? Can you imagine Nichole and Travis from a few seasons back watching with their kids and seeing their dad so disappointed and vocal about it with their mom? Kim and Penn have nothing like that to be worried about. I have been watching older episodes and shouting out to the camera team was way overdue. I am finally noticing the camera people in the shots and the one I saw had them running behind their team but ducking behind trees and bushes to stay out of sight of other cameras. They are truly the AMAZING ones!
Also and I understand if this gets edited, but the Weavers said "God must have not spent any time creating Utah." while driving through Monument Valley and the mountains, and the salt flats and the city. Just because it doesn't look like Florida doesn't mean its not beautiful. And who are you to judge God, for heaven's sake?
I will love Amazing Race no matter what. I don't mind a needle in a haystack challenge now and then. I always think there should be more tasks where less fit people (such as myself) could do well. I like when well-rounded teams win - like the candy scientists: they weren't ripped or geniuses or super competitive. They just held it together and kept going.
I don't doubt that Rob and Amber were the producers favs, but the Globetrotters waited out their penalty at the Franz? thing.
Pretty sure it was 4 lbs of meat - maybe some of the weight was bone but still. And BR didn't cheat, he took a penalty. I thought it was really smart. Can you imagine how sick you'd feel for the next - however, one to 12 hours or more? - after eating all that? While still trying to get good rest and run the race? That little 3 bites of cheese was nothing (I mean dry is hard because of swallowing) but I thought Kim wasn't doing it she was so matter-of-face and just DONE. Penn's thing with the glasses was really funny and while sometime they are annoying it is usually genuinely fun to see people so comfortable with cameras that they can come up with stuff like this. Corsica looks fantastic. I need to travel. The end.
That is some of the worst navigation I have ever seen. Just mind blowing when that is a big part of the race. I feel we are all expected to not be as clever or as competitive any more. Both those watching and those running the race. Help each other out, give each other directions, get on the bus and go where it takes you, etc.
I was a bit surprised that DeShawn got a vote and Xander got none. Which makes DeShawn the first runner up, I guess. But no one votes for 2nd place and I would like to think that most of them thought Xander outplayed DeShawn, but Erika outplayed them both. I was more impressed with Xander in the last few episodes than in all the rest of the season. I think the fire challenge is fair in that they ALL know its coming. Its not a surprise to anyone. They should all know how to make fire pretty easily by day 20 or so. It was a fun challenge to watch for sure! This is what Survivor looks like when gamers play and know its a game and that no one is actually walking the plank to their deaths or anything. I could do without all the "look how woke we are" talk though.