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Everything posted by vims

  1. If the ST show were actually launching this year I'd consider paying for All Access. One show isn't worth it. My hope is that they recognize that this is a good show that's wasted by being online only and shift it over to broadcast. All Access would have to really tank for that to happen though.
  2. As did I, and I thiiiiink? what might be happening is that I was conflating the I choose me with Kelly and Brandon mutually calling it off at the altar in a few seasons? Either way, I was kinda shocked when I watching this ep a few weeks ago and realized I choose me was such a comparatively small and casual moment compared to my memory of it. That, or years down the road when she wants to get married, he says there's no NEED because they already married in a past life, so what's the point of a piece of paper in the here and now? I could swear there were beach scenes involved. They played that "Damn, I Wish I were your Lover" song soooo many times.
  3. Piper is nearly as self-centered as she was at the beginning of the show. She may rationalize it as being about "saving" Alex but that's not all it is. She doesn't want to be alone and this is a way to get Alex back into her life. And let's face it, it's also a bit of payback. Those two take turns betraying each other.
  4. Thanks for this; I couldn't remember the term. I think it's likely the actress speaks German and they worked it into Poussey's backstory because it was interesting and a way to surprise the audience. I'd wager money they hadn't worked out the backstory in S1. But there's a theme with all of the characters that they all want to be loved for who they are but are not necessarily free to be that person. To differing degrees they're all wearing masks to survive.
  5. This was the first episode that didn't work for me. I think they actually undid some of the beautiful Suzanne character work from S1. I've told people that for S1 you come for Crazy Eyes and stay for Suzanne but this episode is just all Crazy Eyes. It's the first time I've felt that the flashbacks got in the way of the character development. There's nothing in them that we hadn't already inferred and I still don't feel like I know Suzanne. The small exception that it more explicitly says that part of Suzanne's mommy issues have to do with lacking a black mother figure, which of course sets her up to be seduced by Vee. On one hand I think Jenji Kohan is being smart by not giving us what we've come to expect from the flashbacks. There's no redemptive backstory; there's just crazy. But on the other I think it's a shame to reduce Suzanne to that and by attributing some of her problems to her white family, the focus is not on Suzanne but on her mother. I'm still thinking about this and it feels like a disservice to the character.
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