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Everything posted by Marigny

  1. I would love to read this but I refuse to honor this fool with my web traffic.
  2. After that display Meghan put on yesterday, I can't refer to her as Elsa anymore. Elsa has her faults but manages to act like an adult. What we saw yesterday was more in line with how a three-year-old behaves, not a thirty-something professional. From here on out, I shall refer to her as Angelica Pickles from Rugrats. She's blonde, entitled, throws tantrums, and they both have a high pitched shriek. For those who aren't familiar with the greatness that is Rugrats, behold: 18 Times Angelica Pickles Was The Realest Bitch Who Ever Lived
  3. The only way ABC is going to pay attention is to hit them in the pockets. Handle them like many have handled some of the folks on Fox. Write to the advertisers.
  4. This video sums up my thoughts as I watched Joy get disrespected today.
  5. I don't think she was scolded at all.
  6. The cacophony of it all! *Meghan voice*
  7. Her whole delivery is textbook Fox News, from the cadence to the comments.
  8. Anna must have handed her a$$ to her during the morning meeting. She came out pissed.
  9. Did they give this much attention to Meh's wedding last year?
  10. Two things... First, I'm so glad Sunny brought up the "I have a black friend" defense. I also notice that Meghan sat there with her mouth shut. She's one of the biggest offenders when it comes to the "I have a (fill in the minority) friend" argument. Second, Meghan is definitely trying to revamp her image. She's trying to appear more buttoned up and less raging lunatic. She knows there is a possibility that she'll get the boot so she's basically auditioning for another job.
  11. Because many major artists including Beyonce boycotted the show and this was their way of trying to garner ratings. They were only thinking about the fact that she has a huge fan base.
  12. I agree completely. Something tells me Ivanka wouldn't agree to do the interview unless Ah-bee was the one conducting it. Anyone else would have held her feet to the fire, including Meghan.
  13. I doubt that this is ABC as much as its probably the work of a PR firm that she hired following the attention she received from the eulogy. She's selling herself, not the show. To me, she knows there's a possibility that she will be replaced when her contract is done and this is her way of rehabbing her image and lobbying for a new gig.
  14. Ah-bee's interview with Ivanka was so softball.
  15. Is it just me or do any of you wonder what the real state of Mr. & Mrs Blue Cards' marriage is considering she practically runs for the hills when anything personal is being discussed? Her reaction to the thermostat discussion was beyond strange. As my grandmother would say, "Something in the milk ain't clean."
  16. I love Sunny and think she's been a fabulous addition to the show. While there are moments where she comes across naive and works my nerves, I appreciate her authenticity.
  17. And that exchange will be the one that gets replayed and written about by other outlets. She tried to get a gotcha moment and ended up getting got.
  18. Something I've observed after watching today's show: Meghan grabbing the cup to take a sip is the "tell." That cup is the first thing she goes for when her card has been pulled, been proven wrong, and feels embarrassed. It's her security blanket. When Sen. Booker so eloquently disassembled her "I am Spartacus" argument, her body language completely changed and she went straight for the cup. Her posture changes and you can literally see her shrink.
  19. Blue cards or it didn't happen, dang it!
  20. Because she is beyond insecure and she's always looking to others to give her validation. It's the reason why she's doing grief countdown social media posts and has created an instagram account for a damned cactus.
  21. Somebody's daughter must have read all the comments about her tantrum yesterday because she was extra pouty today. The potato was quite salty.
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