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  1. Crazy; i was just about to say Just Surviving Sucks. How about Just Stop Stalling----which would answer the question of who's blowing the horn:
  2. pete didn't mean to kill reg; no he meant to kill rick. He went into their house and stole michonnes' katana and if Carl and Judith had been there who knows what that drunken asshole might have done. A guy in real life who gets fired and takes a gun to his workplace may only intend to kill the management who fired him; but that doesn't make it an accident to all the other people killed
  3. Oh I think Carl and Enid "went in the house" if you know what I mean.
  4. So the resident finks are Carter Olivia Spencer Tobin and Francine?
  5. Rather go Darwin than go Dolphin smooth!
  6. Dear God I hope they aren't going to do this flashback trickeration every week.
  7. Thank you! I missed everybody! Cannot wait till Season 6 begins; not long now...
  8. PunkyMouse: My sympathies for your loss sending virtual hugs we miss you !
  9. https://instagram.com/p/2J847PBUkk/?taken-by=dailydoseofdead
  10. Abraham just asked me: " WHO'S PROMISE PHAN? "
  11. See if you can thump this out for your cat (perfect for assholes!): http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2o3elq
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