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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. OMG, Friday's episode in Columbia, SC.  She goes from a 2500 square foot house to a 32-foot travel trailer, thinking it would be "convenient" because she's an army brat and used to traveling BUT she hasn't traveled in the trailer since she picked it up (and apparently set it down in somebody's back yard).  "Gas is really high right now and so it almost costs $60 to go a mile."  What's she using as a tow vehicle--the space shuttle?

    And then we get, "Another reason why I would not recommend going tiny is because you have to dump poo.  You have to dump your black tanks into a portable container and then put that portable container in your vehicle and take it to somewhere where you can dump the sewage."  No you don't.  Get a macerator and dump it into the toilet or sewer cleanout at the house you're parked 15 feet behind. 

    Then in one house she's in the bathroom and says, "But, you know, the good thing is, it's plumbing, it's running water.  I do not have that in the RV."  Really?  She doesn't have running water in the trailer?  How is she using the toilet and taking a shower?

    She seems like one of those 4 trillion Americans who spent the pandemic watching youtube videos pimping easy breezy RV living and ran out and bought one without knowing anything, and she apparently didn't learn anything after getting it, either.  The only good thing I can say about her is that she wasn't one of those who have made finding RV spaces impossible these days.

    Something else that bugged me was she was looking at a cutout in a wall between the kitchen and some other room, saying she can put some bar stools there.  But there's no overhang of the counter.  Where are people supposed to put their legs at this "bar"? 

    And you know when the HHs are driving to a house and they show their conversation?  Usually it's talking about the size or price of the house or whatever.  What we got was this, on the way to House #2:

    Sister HH:  Have you talked to Mom?

    HH:  No, I haven't talked to her today.  Have you?

    Sister HH:  No, I talked to her last night.

    End of conversation. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, Leeds said:

    That is weird that they'd have no "give" and would thus, I suppose, be purely decorative.

    They actually held the skirt up.  Think of the images of a man wearing a barrel or a sandwich board--the straps that go over his shoulders to hold it up. 

    IIRC, it was only little girls who had suspenders, and the littlest ones had ones that had a crossbar in back, shaped kind of like an H.  When you got older you'd have two separate suspenders and cross them in the back if you didn't want them falling off your shoulders.  And older girls than that didn't wear suspenders at all.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Leeds said:

    Where I'm from, these are suspenders (the torture item that masochists attach stockings to) - probably  not suitable for grade school.

    You never know what's going on under that pleated skirt.

    I would guess you're from England, where suspenders are called braces, but you didn't call out "jumpers," which are sweaters in England, so I'm not sure.  And I'm not even sure what we had would be called suspenders because they didn't have elastic.  The were made of the same wool as the skirt and they attached to the skirt with a button.

  4. 4 hours ago, WI GIRL56 said:

    Last summer our septic system failed.  We have to replace it. 

    What are you doing in the meantime?  Can you still use it?  😮

    That friend of mine who accidentally killed the septic system at a private school now lives in a house with city plumbing that was constantly getting clogged.  Her plumber told her to use 1-ply Scott and she hasn't had a problem since, and it's been several years.

    4 hours ago, buttersister said:

    Mr. Industiral Cement Floors

    The wife said she didn't like concrete floors because she remembered her grandma(?) constantly sweeping them because of all the dust.  But I think it was more the dust than the floors, right?  Wouldn't you need to sweep hardwood floors just as much as concrete floors in a similar environment?  Or do concrete floors shed?

    10 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    and the second bedroom is all open area.  

    So I've heard that a room must have a closet to be considered a bedroom, and a room must have an egress window to be considered a bedroom, but now I learn that a room doesn't even have to have walls to be considered a bedroom.

    • LOL 6
  5. I went to Catholic school for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.  Our uniform was a white blouse, navy blue pleated skirt (suspenders optional), and a little red bow tie.  To this day I will always gravitate to an outfit that is white on top and navy blue on the bottom.

    The first day of fourth grade the teacher asked a question and I raised my hand and got called on to answer, and I stood up to give my answer.  My next door neighbor was sitting behind me and she whispered, "We don't stand up in public school."  😄

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  6. 3 hours ago, HyeChaps said:

    I use a spoon on the seam to open those biscuit tubes.

    That's how the directions on the tube say to do it.  Which makes me wonder if the official directions used to be whack it on the edge of the counter, or if that's just what people did despite the directions.

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  7. 21 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

    I hate to say it because I like Alex and Geoffrey just fine, but both of those acts just reek of snobbery.

    I don't know...neither one really acted like it was beneath them, although in Alex's case, everybody else jokingly kind of jumped on that bandwagon.

    And Zakarian really was sifting incorrectly, I think.  If you whack on the end of the handle, the energy has to pass through the length of the handle before it gets to the strainer, plus it's just awkward positioning.  (I'm no expert, though--the only sifting I've ever done was with one of those things that looks like a coffee can with a handle on the side.)

    I confess I thought it was kind of funny when he admitted he stopped because he was bored, and he didn't realize Katie Lee would need all of the flour.  Even I know that baking requires a lot of precision in measuring ingredients, and I know the one she was "making" was going to be swapped out, and they don't actually say how much they're using of any ingredients (to drive traffic to the website, I assume), but still--baking is not where you can short an ingredient just because you got bored.

    Also, some tidbits.  Katie Lee went to a high school that had a fancy new cooking department (she took a course called something like creative baking) and one of her teachers told her she'd never make it in the business.  Zakarian majored in economics in college.

    • Mind Blown 1
  8. 7 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    Is this streaming anywhere for free yet? I don’t think the theater in my one horse town is going to carry it.

    I was just about to say "going to carry it?" because it was released last April and if they haven't shown it yet they're not going to.  FWIW, it didn't get a super wide release--I had to go to a suburb of Atlanta to see it.

    However, it turns out it's currently showing in Tempe, Arizona, and Leawood (Kansas City), Kansas.  So you never know.

    Here's a handy site that shows where movies are showing all over the country.  It's not comprehensive (I've found a couple of theaters that aren't included), but it's the best I've found for finding out what's showing somewhere beyond the end of your nose.  (I travel fulltime and it's a bitch trying to coordinate my moviegoing.)


    Click on showtimes and it lists all states that are showing that movie, and then you can click on the city. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Sweedish Fish said:

    Anyhows.  One other person came in.  Empty seats.  He (big tall guy) sat down directly in front of me.  😔

    I was once in a theater with a friend, back when theaters had lots of rows and no recliners.  We were the only ones there, sitting in the middle of the theater.  A guy came in and sat directly behind us.  I'll never understand why people sit behind other people when there's any other seat available, but I also hate having people sitting behind me because they kick my seat.

    So my friend and I got up and moved a row forward, and the guy moved a row forward, too, once again sitting right behind us.  I stood up and turned around and said, "Are you following us?" and he said, "Not that I know of."  Huh???

    My friend and I split up and I sat one row behind the weird guy, off to the side, and intentionally kicked the back of his row as often as I could remember.

    BTW, there's a thread about movie-going experiences. 


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  10. Y'all remember when Alex was confounded by the can of biscuits or whatever that she didn't know you open by whacking it on the counter and was apparently too embarrassed to ask? 

    Shades of that the other day, when Katie Lee was making a Texas funeral cake and tasked Zakarian with sifting the flour.  The flour was in a mesh strainer and I noticed he was tapping it on the end of the handle instead of the side of the strainer, because his way seems less efficient/effective.  And I actually thought "Gosh, have I been doing it wrong?"  So he's sifting and sifting and eventually just stopped, leaving some in the strainer.

    Katie Lee goes to get it and points out he hadn't sifted all of it and he goes, "You need all of it?"  And she's like yes, I need all of it.  Zakarian said he stopped because he got bored!  He said he does the same thing when he pumps gas--stops before it's full because he's tired of holding the handle.  (In another thread here there was a discussion about pumping your own gas and I think New York doesn't have the kind of pumps with the little lever to pump without holding onto it, and I think he lives in New York--during the quarantine weren't they at a house he has near Niagara Falls?)

    Anyway, he may have started sifting again (I can't remember) but Katie took over and she was whacking the strainer on the side, and Sunny noted that she's always whacked it on the side, too.

    Then at the end, Zakarian says, "I've never sifted flour before."  So instead of asking how to do it, he chose to try to fake it. 

    Interesting that the two real chefs couldn't bring themselves to ask how to do something when confronted with an unfamiliar task.  Shoot--Alex should be proud she doesn't know how to open a can of biscuits.  And Zakarian--I still remember he thought you could use wax paper in an oven if you didn't have any parchment paper, so he obviously doesn't bake, so I don't understand why it would be embarrassing to admit he doesn't know how to sift flour; no shame involved if something isn't in your wheelhouse.

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  11. On 6/30/2023 at 1:33 PM, luna1122again said:

    Tom Hanks, playing Bill Murray,

    Mr. Outlier thought it was Bill Murray.  Or didn't really think it was, but accepted that it was.  After the movie he said something about Bill Murray as the grandfather and I said, "That was Tom Hanks" and he was like, "Whaaaat?"

    It took some effort, but I (obviously) saw it.  A theater 30 miles away was holding it over this week so I was thinking maybe Wednesday, but for some reason I checked the schedule for later this week and found out the last day is today (Monday) (not Wednesday or Thursday, like most movies), apparently to make way for the Mission Impossible movie, which is opening on a Tuesday just to fuck with people who assume movies generally stick around until Wednesday or Thursday, I guess.  Anyway, I went last night; it's been forever since I left the house at 9:00 at night, so it was kind of exciting.  😀

    On 6/30/2023 at 1:33 PM, luna1122again said:

    I loved it. I'm a sucker for all things WA, so I knew I would.

    Same here.  One nice thing is that I know I'm not going to get it all on the first viewing, so I just relax and go along for the ride, and Wes Anderson always provides a great ride.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    EtoT, can you direct me to the Reddit thread with a link? I'm not conversant with Reddit but I'd like to take a look at this conversation.

    Since you're new to Reddit, you lucky thing, I'll point out that I find the discussions on Reddit maddeningly impossible to navigate.  I recently discovered "Old Reddit," which arranges the comments like they used to do in the olden days.  (I'm on a computer, not a phone or tablet.)

    Also, the default sort at Reddit is "best" and I've always changed it to "oldest first" or sometimes "newest first."  The other day I noticed that in order to change the sort, Reddit now requires you to log in to an account.  Grrrr.  But Old Reddit does let you change the sort without logging in.

    To change any Reddit thread to Old Reddit, replace the "www" in the URL with "old" and leave everything else the same.  The ones EtoT linked to are:






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  13. On 7/4/2023 at 11:44 AM, SoMuchTV said:

    Are you wearing a red shirt, and shopping in Target?  I made that mistake once, lol. 

    Me too!

    And at H-E-B grocery store once--I happened to be wearing their uniform, a light blue button-down shirt and navy blue chinos, and a woman came up and was asking me where something was.  She was super apologetic when she realized I wasn't an employee BUT it turned out I'd just seen whatever it was she was looking for so I knew the answer.

    I came up in the days of disco and singles bars, and also used to hang out at country western dance halls, and almost never got asked to dance by strangers.  I remember one guy who started calling me "Solemn."  😀

    But people wanting directions?  I was always the person they'd pick out of a crowd, and it became a joke because I was usually a tourist too but almost always knew the answer anyway.  Whenever I couldn't answer somebody's question I'd be so disappointed in myself and Mr. Outlier would remind me I don't live there. 

    Given my unapproachable nature in mating venues, I've been trying to think of where I've met men just by being out and about.  Once I got to talking to a guy in a bookstore, and we went out to dinner a couple of nights later.  I lived in another town so it didn't go anywhere but it still amazes me that it happened.

    I also met a guy at a movie--we were the only two people in the audience and he sat in the back of the theater and as I came up the aisle after the credits, he asked me what I thought about it.  It was some art film, so just by being there we had something in common.  We ended up talking in the lobby for like an hour, and became friends. 

    But the "best" one was back in the 90s, when Austin was still a small liberal city.  I was at Scholz Garden (historic German beer hall place popular with UT people and government employees) waiting for a date (I wouldn't normally go alone) and got to talking to this random guy who was also alone.  We went out dancing the next Saturday at the Broken Spoke, another Austin institution.  And he was telling me how he hangs out at Les Amis, a cafe next to UT where people would sit around and have philosophical discussions or read books or go wild.  It's featured in the movie Slacker

    After dancing, we went back to my apartment and were talking and somehow the Holocaust came up and he was saying some strange stuff about it and I countered that I'd been to Dachau and had seen the gas chambers and he said, stridently, "You saw showers."  It was long before Holocaust denial was made easy via the internet--people had to seek that shit out. 

    I told him it was time for him to leave and never saw him again, and just thought, "Boy, if the people at Les Amis knew this is what you're like..."

    At least he revealed his character early, but I like to think online dating would have weeded him out.

    But speaking of, when Mr. Outlier and I met online 25 years ago, it was a novelty and actually a little bit embarrassing to admit.  These days it's obviously not a novelty but the whole landscape has turned into something that is so different from what I experienced it's like it's not even the same thing. 

    You had to be savvy enough to be on the internet in the first place, and then figure out that dating sites even existed and be willing to be doing something only a very few people were doing, and then how to work the site, and possibly scan and upload a photo, which I think for me involved a trip to Kinko's and a floppy.  But that effort was worth it--it was much kinder and gentler place than it is now.

    So I'm thinking of adding "back in the dial-up days" when someone asks how we met because I don't think I would survive online dating the way it is these days.

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  14. 3 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    Well, that’s what I meant or should I say, that’s what the manufacturers mean by “flushable”.  . You can ostensibly flush many items, toys, wigs, paper towels, kitty litter, the list is endless, down a good toilet.

    Wigs!  I was trying to think of something that would make it down fine but has no business being flushed and the only thing that came to mind was marbles, for some reason.  But wigs!  Yes!

    It really is a crime that the manufacturers put "flushable" right there on the label.  I feel so bad for the sewer management personnel trying to fight that disinformation.  They must feel helpless.

    Can't a Kardashian or somebody tell people not to do it?

    3 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    4 people using one bathroom is an “unthinkable sacrifice and hardship”?

    According to the HHs on this show it is.

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  15. 1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

    When is the last time you took a new job? I got a written offer for my very first corporate job which was in the early 2000s.

    Before the early 2000s.  😀

    The last major job I had was general counsel for a small state agency in the early 1990s, and I'm sure there was no written offer.  But maybe that's because it was a state agency, and the salary for the position was set, and benefits were the same for all employees, so there's nothing really to pin down in an offer? 

  16. That's another way the job market has changed--I never got a job offer in writing.  Or maybe the time I got an offer for a judicial clerkship in another city--that may have been by letter.  But for sure all other jobs they just told me I was hired (I can't remember whether at the interview or subsequent phone call) and what day to show up.

    Talent acquisition.  Onboarding.  Teams.  Direct reports.  I don't think I'd even know how to have a job any more.  😀

    • LOL 2
  17. On 7/6/2023 at 5:07 PM, chediavolo said:

    No one no matter what kind of  system you have  septic or municipal, no one  should ever put anything down the toilet but toilet paper. Flushable wipes are not flushable. I don’t know how they get away with selling them, but they need to stop these companies from listing these things as flushable.

    Well, they are flushable...in that they'll usually successfully go down the pipes.  It's after that the problems occur, and nobody thinks about that.  Look up fatberg.

    I saw a show the other day about the municipal sewer system in New York City and of course they bemoaned "flushable" wipes, and said how many millions of dollars they spend every year dealing with them.  I guess they need to hire the same marketing firm the wipe companies use to get the word out.  Wipes not only shouldn't be flushed--it costs you money when you do it.

    I have a friend who moved into a house on the campus of a private school when she got a job there.  The previous tenant had been a coach, and in trying to get the place clean enough for her to live in, she used so much bleach she killed the septic tank she didn't even know was there.  Oops.

    Then again, she and her husband raised two boys in a house with one bathroom, and given that absolutely unthinkable sacrifice and hardship, I'd say she earned forgiveness for an unintentional septic tank mishap.

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  18. 1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

    I’ll have to try that! I just put the new roll on top of the toilet tank for the short time it SHOULD be there. 

    Doh!  I just this minute realized the reason I don't have any place to put the to-be-deployed roll of toilet paper is that my toilet doesn't have a tank!  Necessity is the mother of invention.

    Please report back if SOMEONE takes the bait or not. 

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  19. 4 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

    Maybe they should have rendered it as "wah" instead.

    Good catch.  It definitely sounds like what they were saying, and very definitely makes sense in the context.

    But if they'd subtitled it "wah," that wouldn't help English speakers understand the meaning of what they were saying, because it would just be a sound to us--more like a transliteration than a translation.  Sometimes subtitles can be literal and work okay, but sometimes not.  I've seen a lot of Asian cinema and I know I miss a lot because all I have is subtitles, e.g. Stephen Chow movies are famously very different if you can understand the language as opposed to relying on subtitles. 

    I remember many years ago an episode of I Love Lucy had Ricky saying "Igual Pascual," which was obviously his way of saying "even Steven" in Spanish.  And I remember thinking "I thought Esteban was Spanish for Steven, not Pascual."  I put it in the "whatever..." category at the time, but a light went off in my head many years later after I'd watched many many subtitled movies.

    "Whoa" in this case is kinda sorta like wah.  I think it's close enough to the meaning, and benefits from being very close to the sound so it's not distracting.  And I do think it is better than "wah" because to us, that wouldn't have any meaning other than its sound, which is actually not a terrible description of the emotion, but I think "whoa" does add something.  Nowhere near enough to explain the concept of wah, but that's not really its job.

    Speaking of subtitles, I watched the "wah" video with captions on and the bot needs to brush up on its Korean--it called it "wall" once and "war" once ("nobody does war like we do" 😮 ).

    And BTW, I noticed the second time I saw the movie that they did subtitle it "whoa" one time.  Which might be even more maddening than getting it wrong every time.

    Anyway, thanks for pointing out the Korean concept of wah.  It's one of those things that shows that everything is more complicated than it ever seems at first glance.  And it also made me watch the trailer again and be reminded how much I love this movie.


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