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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. Catelynn and Tyler making that sign...did they really throw themselves a shower??????


    I didn't see the whole show.  I'm hoping maybe one of their guests gave them an apostrophe.

    • Love 7
  2. That scene of him laying down in the chair with no neck and that thin 'beard' thing going around his small fat round head and just his eyes and mouth basically telling us that we're looking at a face there , it was all so Jabba the Hut I could not believe it.


    I have to hand it to him on the placement of the beard thing, though.  There's nothing even remotely resembling a jawline to follow; it has to be just kind of arbitrarily perched there between face and neck, and it looks like it's pretty close to where it should be.

    • Love 2
  3. [Maci] probably has it on speaker because MTV requires it while filming.


    Regardless, it seems to me that she is still choosing to let Bentley hear Ryan calling her names.  She could tell MTV she refuses to expose Bentley to the name calling.  They might fire her, but if it's such a big deal that Bentley hears it, it might be the price she has to pay to protect him.


    It's probably not fair that she would have to choose between the two, but sometimes them's the breaks.

    • Love 1

    Do you mean when she was talking to her friend in the bridal store? She actually said, "I'm late sometimes, I get it. But I'm not also telling you that you're a dumb-ass on the phone in front of your son. You can't be 45 minutes late and then call me and tell me that I'm stupid." I think the point she was trying to make it that people run late sometimes and she understands but you probably shouldn't go insulting the person who's waiting on you.


    Well, it's on Maci if Bentley hears Ryan insult her on the phone.  Knowing he does this, has always done it and shows no sign of stopping, there's no excuse for having Ryan on speaker when Bentley is around. 


    I'm also finding some significance in her admitting that she's late sometimes.  If you take away Ryan's berating her, which she can prevent Bentley from hearing, she's just as guilty as Ryan.  Ryan seemed to be expecting a call, regardless of what time they'd set for meeting, so I wonder if she's late often enough that this is standard operating procedure.


    I don't know if she does it all the time or if this one was for the show, but she seemed to be setting everything up for Ryan to fail.  Not a herculean task, obviously, but this didn't have to be the big disaster that it was. 

    • Love 3
  5. Maybe we're in a well-managed area because any time I've ordered a cherry limeade or a diet coke with lime I actually get fruit in the drink & I've never had a "misc" charge.


    Right.  There's fruit in the drink.  But the base is Slice, with the fruit added.  To me, a special cherry limeade is one made with lime juice and cherries.



    And if we still have any, we're down to, like, 1 Long John Silver's restaurant. I used to love most of their fish, shrimp, & chicken dishes, but was really pissed when they got rid of the chicken peg legs (mini drumsticks) years ago, in favor of the chicken "planks" (tenders). And when they changed their hush puppies recipe.

    And I'd pretty much *kill* for a Five Guys Little Cheeseburger with Ketchup only & some regular fries, calorie counts be damned! But I agree, they send way too many fries in an order, although I love their fries.



    I used to work in an office where a couple of the guys would go to Long John Silver's for lunch every once in a while.  You could always tell because they tracked the smell in with them, and it lingered all day.


    Five Guys now has a "little fries" in addition to regular and large.  I'm extremely pleased because when I'd go there by myself, I just couldn't order fries knowing how many would go to waste.



    I went to an In & Out in CA while on a business trip and found them to be nowhere near the greatest thing ever that they are proclaimed as. Maybe it is just me. I found them to be on par with Steak n Shake and Culvers.


    One thing about In-N-Out is that it's cheap.  I like it vastly more than either McDonald's or Burger King.



    I do not understand the love for In & Out at all, to me they are mediocre at best, & their fries plain old suck. It's 5 Guys for me.


    A lot of people complain about the fries at In-N-Out but I like them.  They're just potatoes that somebody standing there puts through a slicer and throws them into the fryer.  I like that they taste like potatoes.  I can't stand curly fries because they don't taste like potatoes.


    I also eat a lot of Five Guys fries, but with fry sauce that I make up myself.  At In-N-Out, I'm happy eating the fries without anything on them, but I think most people want seasoning or something.

  6. Sonic used to have a steak sandwich thing--a chicken fried steak on buttered Texas toast with mayonnaise and lettuce.  Talk about not healthy but really tasty.  But I haven't seen it on the menu for a while.


    I think their cherry limeades and similar drinks are just Slice with flavorings added, which I don't think is all that special.  They have a drink called Ocean Water, which is fluorescent blue and tastes like coconut and is pretty good, if you like unnaturally sweet coconut.  I have no idea what it's made of.  And the slushes are always good but be careful about freezing your throat--the straw points the icy concoction right at the top of your throat.  I once tried to counteract it by throwing tater tots down after it and it didn't work.


    But I don't go often because they earned my ire when I noticed a 10-cent "misc" charge on the receipt.  WTF?

  7. This here forum is for discussing the divorcing of wife #1 (Meri) to legally marry wife #4 (Robyn). 


    I haven't been watching the show lately but cruised by here for some snark, and somehow misread this to be that Meri was divorcing Cody so SHE could marry Robyn!  Then I realized my error and returned to my uninterested state.

    • Love 13
  8. I agree the husband was loving and caring, but his question about whether orange juice was healthy or unhealthy kind broke my heart a little. He was clearly trying--what's wrong with orange juice, right? It's basically fruit, after all--and reminded me that having solid nutritional information is so important and yet so out of reach.


    That's the thing.  We can all laugh when certain teen moms put Mountain Dew in their baby's bottle because, well, duh.  But orange juice is not necessarily any better, but i'd guarantee that the vast majority of people don't know that.  It was only the other day that I found out what "fresh (not from concentrate)" orange juice is, and that was only after I did some real digging around on the internet. And I'm pretty smart.  And that's just one item on the grocery shelves--usually on the perimeter shelves, at that.  You know, the ones where you're supposed to be shopping from. 


    Never mind the conflicting information out there.  What's the real culprit?  It used to be calories.  Then it was fat.  Then it was carbs, and now it's sugar.  If you really think about what "average" intelligence is, it's unrealistic to expect people in that range (never mind well below average) to figure all this out. 


    But, really, if someone is addicted to food, I'm not sure how much nutrition education would help.  People know meth is bad for you, but they use it anyway.  And they don't even have big conglomerates paying billions of dollars to convince them that it's good.



    I also thought Angel's body looked frail. The way she was walking seemed painful, and she couldn't bend or straighten her knees properly. I wonder what that's about.


    Some posters have said it has to do with not knowing how to walk while carrying 300 pounds less.  Which might be part of it, because she lost that first 165 so fast.


    But what I noticed was that, unlike the other two I saw back-to-back with this one (never a good idea--too confusing), even months into her "journey," she still could barely make it out to the gazebo.  The other two were hitting the gym and moving, and what Angel did was lie around and starve herself.


    I wouldn't be surprised if her knees are shot even from limited time spent holding up that amount of weight, but I know someone who never weighed anywhere near what she did, but who lost weight eventually and always walked kind of like she does.  It's as if they can't naturally swing a leg forward to take a step, and I think it has something to do with muscle flexibility--all those years of inactivity have made it so the hamstring can't stretch enough to easily straighten the leg, so the knees always stay bent a ltitle. 

    • Love 2
  9. Farrah called Sophia a different pet name every time she talked about her. It was creepy. "Awww, she's my little poopy nugget".


    That really bugged me.  It seemed like she "knows" people are supposed to have pet names for loved ones, and was trying to conform.  But it just came off as forced and weird.  I don't think she has much of a true attachment to her daughter.  Not surprising--she would have learned that from an expert.


    i got a little of the same vibe from Amber--she kept calling Leah by some weird names/words and it didn't strike me as natural.

    • Love 2
  10. I thought Maci's new boyfriend was okay.  While watching videos at the end, he asked, "Where are her eyebrows?"  and it made me laugh.  And at least she had real friends, unlike Farah, who had to drag her poor old neighbor over for the festivities.


    What happened with Kahl?  Maci said something about how he got famous and changed???  Seriously?


    Farah and her family just leave me speechless.  I'm in the Debra-looked-like-shit camp, and I always kind of felt sorry for Michael being in with this bunch, but there's something seriously off about him.  Every time unpleasantness came up (which was often), he'd la-di-dah it away, saying how that's in the past and things are good now.  Only they're obviously not, given the way Farah talks to them, what she's doing to her body, plus Debra's usual out-to-lunch demeanor.  Farah saying she's so stressed at watching the videos that she's going to start her period?  Sheeeesh.

    • Love 1
  11. I could be mistaken, but I thought that was her Mother.  Either way, I liked them all too.


    It was his mother, although he called her "Jeannie-Beanie" at one point. 


    But I found the episode almost unwatchable because the realtor said "actually" constantly, which drives me insane.

  12. This also was news to me.  Are you sure there isn't wiggle room by (Chinese or other) dialect or something?


    No wiggle room.


    I posted based on personal knowledge, and have since done some internetting and was reminded that pinyin, which is the way spoken Chinese is represented in "regular" letters, is based on the sound that's made when words are pronounced.  So J is J.


    Also, Chinese is a tonal language, in which the same "sound" can mean something different depending on the inflection.  And those tones are pretty hard for non-native speakers to perfect.  One website entry pointed out that if your tone is likely to be off, then it's especially important to be accurate on the consonant and vowel sounds. 


    Of course, for a word like "Beijing" there's not likely to be a misunderstanding, but at the same time, there's no reason to mispronounce it.  It rhymes with "paging," which we seem to handle okay without going into zhing.



    This is the first time I ever heard anyone objecting to that pronunciation.  And then I went to dictionary.com and they say it's day-is.  So consider me surprised, and informed.


    But look at the word.  Dais.  There's no way it could be DIE-iss.  Even if the AI is pronounced as a long I, you'd get DICE--there aren't any letters available for a second syllable.


    I'm incredibly relieved to hear, however, that the dictionary hasn't thrown in the towel on this one.  Which means they don't just roll over based on how common something is because this one is almost always (as in pushing 100%) pronounced inaccurately.  Which makes me even more irritated about some they DO roll over on, citing common usage.

  13. I hear "I seen" a little too much both on the news and people in general. It really bugs me. I am in Iowa. I make mistakes as we all do, this just grates.


    Also, does anyone remember David Letterman's show that was on in the morning?  It was short-lived. 


    I agree about the increasing prevalence of "I seen."  So is it going to become "accepted" just because it's common?  Please no.


    Also, in "short-lived," I'm a long I all the way.  It's a lonely existence.  I just avoid saying the word "forte" altogether.



    I've heard ["primmer" for primer], but I think it was from a Brit, or maybe an old movie where people spoke Posh.  :-) 


    It was pronounced "primmer" by my fourth grade teacher in Texas, where nobody spoke Posh.



    I have a question for anyone here who is British.  I have a friend visiting me and she pronounces Nicaragua  "nick-er-ag-you-ah."  Is this a common British pronunciation? 


    Upthread, we discussed the pronunciation of "jaguar" and I pointed out that on the British show Top Gear, the presenters all pronounce it jag-yoo-arr, and your pronunciation of Nicaragua fits that.  One good thing about it is that it makes it harder to engage in the clumsy R-rolling that English speakers sometimes try.  I still remember Beavis and Butt-head's hippie teacher rolling the Rs on bunch of Latin American countries--El Salvadorrrrrrrr--and that's been over 20 years.


    My pet peeve mispronunciation on the TV news is "dais."  Why does everyone pronounce it DIE-iss? 


    And unfortunately I didn't see it, but a newsreader in India pronounced Chinese president XI JINPING's surname as "Eleven"!  Oops.


    Oh, which also reminds me of the soft J that people insist on putting in Beijing.  It's a hard J, and the rate of accuracy is about the same as it is for "dais." 


    Same syndrome drove me crazy when JonBenet Ramsey was in the news (murdered beauty pageant kid in Colorado)--everybody used a soft J, like it was French or something.  Well, everybody except her own parents, that is.  What do they know?

    • Love 2
  14. For your thesis. ;>)


    I don't find Chris attractive but I think Britt is pretty.   Robert Mitchum was a handsome guy.  


    Well, at least I won't have to bother preparing that grant application.

    • Love 3
  15. I think Chris is one of the best-looking bachelors to come down the pike in awhile, and noticed him pretty much immediately during Andi's first cocktail party. He reminds me sort of a poor man's Robert Mitchum. Not in Mitchum's league by any stretch, but even a single-A Mitchum is pretty damn good in my book. Anyway, to each his or her own. :)


    So true.  I don't find anything appealing about either Chris or Robert Mitchum.  Maybe it's the hooded eyes.  But I also don't find anything particularly appealing about Britt, and wonder if there's a correlation--if people who find Britt attractive also find Chris attractive, and vice versa.  Might be an interesting insight into perceptions of male and female beauty.


    Britt has a nice smile, but she kind of reminds me of a Bratz doll. Big round head and a narrow body. Definitely not the most beautiful girl on this show ever or even this season.


    Her photo



    reminded me of the Ralph Lauren photoshop disaster


    • Love 2
  16. I was kinda shocked that we got not one, but two guys working for Maaco with records. Judging by the time they served, I would guess felony records. And while I know it's completely illegal to not hire those with a felony record, out side of certain positions, most companies don't. It's easy to skip that application in the stack, at least it was when I hired for retail stores. So I do give them props for giving those guys a second chance, but yeah, it must really suck to be an employee without a record who busts their ass and watching the guys with a record get prizes because it makes a better story line. 


    I was actually impressed that Maaco was hiring people with a record, except, of course, the poor s.o.b.s are having to work for Maaco and we now all know what that's like. 


    A felony conviction might be worrying in retail, but if all you let the guy do is man a spray gun, I don't see a reason, per se, that his record should disqualify him.  Or, well, you should probably inventory the tools every night--I don't know about in a shop but they sure do go missing from trucks a lot.


    Anyway, the job prospects for convicted felons are miserable, and a job is a good first step in avoiding returning to prison.  So good for Maaco for hiring them, bad for Maaco for being a terrible place to work.  But, hey, felons, I said you deserve a job; I never said you deserve a good job.  You're a felon.  Take what you can get.  I guess.


    I particularly despise (and therefore generally skip) the big rewards for having a hard-luck story.  I object just because of basic fairness--why does the fuck up get rewarded?  But mainly because people's situations are all so nuanced, and I understand that nuance is not a big draw in reality TV.  (Your wife got cancer and you went bankrupt.  That's terrible.  But wait, she smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years, and chose to buy cigarettes instead of health insurance?  Hmmm...) 


    But as a person who lives cautiously in order to avoid being a hard-luck story, it's annoying to know nobody is ever going to say, "Hey, thanks for being a net asset to society--here's $20,000." 



    I was literally screaming at the TV, "Does he not realize he's being filmed?" when cutting-corners guy was spilling his guts.  Apparently he has absolutely no filter.  My husband said that's the reputation Maaco has though.  What do the higher-ups expect when someone's compensation is totally commission-based in a job like that? 


    I wouldn't say he has no filter.  Like I don't have a filter when I say, "It's nice weather out today."  I think the Maaco way of painting a car is about as obvious as the weather.  That's what Mr. Outlier pointed out--Maaco paint jobs are less expensive than fancy paint jobs for a reason, and it's crazy to think you're going to get anything more than an "okay at best" paint job for that kind of money.  That doesn't make Maaco an evil company--there are plenty of dollar stores satisfying customers with their cheap shit.  But the CEO didn't want to acknowledge that Maaco's niche is providing paint jobs that reflect what they cost.


    In a prior life, I was a hearing officer for unemployment claims cases.  I'll never forget looking at a car body shop employee's records, which showed him working like 140 hours a week, or something literally impossible.  They explained that the "book" time for a job is what the employee gets paid.  So if the book, which all body shops use, shows 2.3 hours for repair and repaint of a given body part, the employee gets paid for 2.3 hours regardless of how long it actually takes him.  The scales fell from my young eyes.

    • Love 2
  17. I always thought the contestants should wear name tags.


    I think everyone should wear name tags, period. It'd be weird at first, but really useful once everyone gets used to it.


    But for this show, it's a particularly good idea.  Give them an adhesive sticker and some markers and stickers and glitter and say, "Make yourself memorable, and knock off the cringe-inducing crap.  You're embarrassing yourself enough just being on the show." 



    Mackenzie looks like Beavis. Thank you.


    You know who looks just like Beavis?  Jim Lampley.



    Back to the show, Tara reminds me of Carly the lesbian on Burning Love.

  18. I've always thought the superpower I'd like to have would be invisibility, but now that I know it's possible, I'm thinking immunity to baby vocal fry might be a superior choice.  You people have no idea the torment the rest of us are suffering.

    • Love 3
  19. I didn't mind Whitney's voice, but she seemed lacking in personality (of course, difficult to "meet" in a group "date" on television). I pretty much couldn't stand Kaitlyn (dislike joke-tellers since they're rarely the ones who see actual -humor- in real life situations and I dislike unfunny crude jokes, and apparently she's got a million of them.)


    I'm being perfectly serious here--how could you not mind Whitney's voice?  I can see disagreeing on something like looks (I'm in the minority in thinking Britt isn't particularly beautiful; people's tastes do vary) but that voice?  Are you around the baby vocal fry all the time and have become immune?  Or maybe it's like fingernails on a chalkboard--are there people whom it doesn't affect for some reason?  Actually, that makes me wonder what her parents think about it.  I'm all over loving your child after a hideously disfiguring accident, but if my child developed that voice?  That would be tough.


    Kaitlyn's joke was awful.  As you said, unfunny and crude--a lethal combination.  Want to tell a joke that won't offend and will be over before people can think, "Oh no, here comes a joke"?  Horse walks into a bar.  Bartender says, "Why the long face?"

    • Love 2
  20. But a Dumb and Dumber haircut is solid along the bangs, right?  (I just saw previews, I swear.)  Germy's is a more meticulous coif, and I'm not really sure how he did it.  Lots of product?  I'm just picturing him working on it in the mirror, arranging those individual pieces, and finally saying, "Yes, that's perfect." 

    • Love 1
  21. Did anyone see the episode a couple of nights ago with the single dad and four kids looking for a vacation home in Telluride, CO? They were from Indiana.


    I happened upon this one by accident because I tuned in to see the HHI on Zurich and caught the end of the HH before it.  They had a view from a mining road down into a valley, and I thought, "That's Telluride."  Then the guy said something about how expensive the properties there were, and I thought, "That's definitely Telluride."  So I caught the rerun.  I used to live there, and it's a tiny town, so I knew exactly which both of the in-town houses were.


    I noticed the HHs (as well as faux-Whang) called the town on the other side of the ski area "Mountain Village."  The realtor called it "the Mountain Village," which is what locals have always called it.  In case any of you go there, you'll know how not to sound like a tourist.  :-)


    I love the guest house in the mining shed at the house with the picket fence.  I found some photos that show it has a sleeping loft and a private patio.




    They can keep the mansion--I'll happily take the shed.


    And the realtor said they had to dismantle the shed to remodel it, and were required to put all the original wood back on the outside.  So good luck getting permission to build a garage back there. 

  22. To be fair, I think 'they' has its place. I use it, primarily with my online friends, because there's a couple of cases where I don't know if the person I'm talking to is male or female.


    I just rearrange the sentence to not use the pronoun in those cases. (And the fact that split infinitives don't bother me shows that I'm not simply the biggest pedant in the world.)


    In fact, this was one of the first things I noticed about Facebook--it uses "they" everywhere, like "Bob updated their profile."  It drove me insane, and now that we know that FB knows everything there is to know about its users, it bugs me even more.  In fact, that's probably why it's becoming more accepted--people see it on FB constantly and are getting used to it.  Doesn't make it right, in my book.


    One thing I have noticed when watching Top Gear U.K. (I'm in the U.S.) is that all three presenters use the plural when referring to companies.  "Jaguar have made a beautiful car this time around."  Over here, it's singular; in fact, Ford's slogan used to be "Ford has a better idea." 

    • Love 1
  23. I work at Taco Bell and surprisingly it didn't ruin it for me. 


    An insider!  Please beg the appropriate person to bring back the Bellbeefer. 



    I have a hard time justifying why I won't patronize some places because I have a feeling I wouldn't like any big chain's board of directors' politics or policies, so, on principle, I should be growing my own sprouts and drinking rainwater, but nonetheless, like others, I won't go to Chik Fil A (tried it once and wasn't that impressed anyway), Domino's, Cracker Barrel, Denny's (no matter how many blue drinks I've had now), or JImmy John's. 


    Hadn't heard about Jimmy John's, so I checked into it.  Dang.  Every once in a while their roast beef would actually be kind of medium rare, which made me overlook my pre-existing ire at JJ's.  Mr. Outlier and I have had a beef, so to speak, with Jimmy John's for years.  Every time we think about the place, we chant, "Jimmy don't care."


    Their menu said on the Italian Club, you could get hot peppers, "you just hafta ask."  Groaning aside, yes, all you had to do was ask, and on the receipt you'd notice a separate charge for them.  Not only that, the charge varied depending on the location.  Sometimes 35 cents, sometimes 50.  Not a big deal, but you can get pretty much anything on any sandwich, you just hafta ask.  But the way this one was singled out, you'd never think there would be a charge.


    Also, the menu said you could get chips and a drink for "about 2 bucks."  I can't remember now, but it was something like $2.60, which is more "about 3 bucks" if you adhere to arithmetic principles.  And it was a whopping 10 cents less than getting chips and a drink separately.


    I sent emails discussing their misleading menu, but of course never heard anything back.  (On the other hand, I've gotten actual replies from both Chipotle and Rubio's (fish taco place out west) that indicated the person had actually read what I said.)  But I noticed recently that we haven't been charged for hot peppers on the Italian Club, and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a mention of a chips-and-drink add-on on the menu.  But I still think Jimmy don't care.


    Oh, which reminds me--many years ago I noticed that at a Schlotzsky's in Austin, the "combo" was actually more expensive than getting the items separately.  That's pretty foul.

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