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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. Jace will be lucky to see Jenelle's mug once a month now that there's another kid in the picture.


    I agree, sort of.  Jace will be lucky if he sees Jenelle's mug only once a month. 


    I found it interesting that Nathan was working in the kitchen in jail while he's on disability.  After the show, I happened to surf by Nightline and they were doing a show on prosecuting people who were on worker's comp or disability (started by the beauty pageant contestant who was on worker's comp, I think, because she broke her toe and couldn't stand, walk, or put on a shoe, yet somehow was able to compete in the pageant).  Are there different rules for military disability?  I assume his disability has something to do with PTSD, which is invisible and insidious and nothing like having a broken toe, but if he's able to work in a kitchen in order to get days shaved off his sentence (kitchen work is HARD), it seems to me he could be matched with some sort of job in order to shave some dollars off his burden on the taxpayers.

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  2. Does anyone have a Schlotzsky's anymore?


    Schlotzsky's, which started in Austin, went public and expanded like crazy, and then imploded.  It's back to privately owned and they're spotty around the country (both corporate-owned and franchised).  I once found Schlotzsky's brand potato chips in a Publix supermarket in Florida.  WTF?


    I love the sandwiches and actively seek them out (I travel around full time).  But the one in Grand Junction, Colorado?  Avoid it unless you're really jonesing.  It literally has the highest prices, by far, of any Schlotzsky's I've ever been to.  What costs us about $15 today at any other location was over $20 at that one several years ago.  Even the Yelp reviews all bitch about how expensive it is.  And the one in La Jolla, California, used cabbage instead of lettuce on the sandwich.  Another WTF?  My love for Schlotzsky's is tested regularly, but I persevere.  I do love the Cheese Original Style sandwich.

  3. LEAH Word mispronunciations of the week:  Sim-YOU-Lurr for similar and FILLY-YING for Feeling.


    But Jeremy used the subjunctive tense when discussing whether Goggles was excited, saying something like, "She wouldn't tell you if she were."  Yeah, I know it was probably an accident but my heart gave a little leap.


    Yay Chelsea! I'm proud of her. She's going to be just fine. She's turned her MTV money over to her dad to invest instead of blowing through it,


    It looks like he's blowing it on chicken wings and beer.  Has he always been that big around the middle?  He looked like a sausage sitting on the couch.

  4. Can I just point out that the icy fruit drinks at Sonic are called slushes?  I was at Sonic two days ago, after a long absence.  I was chagrined that they have only cheeseburgers, not hamburgers.  You can get it without cheese, but you'll pay full price.  That sucks.


    Smashburger does the same thing, but at least you can get cheddar cheese, which I find edible, unlike the usual fast-food hamburger cheese.


    Whataburger was a life-saver when I used to go to work at around 10:30 a.m.  I could get a hamburger and fries at 9:30 in the morning.


    As for the nutrition information on Five Guys' fries, a large order will feed an army so it's deceptive to use that.  In fact, in the last year or so they've added a "little fries" to the menu, which is a much more reasonable portion for one person than even a "regular fries"--one of the reasons I didn't like going there alone was that I would waste too many fries if I ordered them.


    I, too, don't patronize Chick-Fil-A or Domino's, and I quit going to Fuddrucker's when they changed their french fries to "freedom fries."  I don't research companies and generally try to engage in a news blackout, so if I somehow find out about a company's political views, it means they want them out there front and center.  And I make exceptions.  In-N-Out has a bible verse printed on its french fry containers, and I eat there sometimes.  I like their fries.


    And speaking of fries, I've started always getting a side of mayonnaise to mix with ketchup, and make my own Utah fry sauce.  It's particularly good with fries from the Habit.  And the Habit, like In-N-Out, is CHEAP, 

    • Love 1
  5. Oooh, one of Jenelle's leg humpers responded to a nasty comment I made on MTV's FB page! And I quote:


    "whachu expect her to do? she prenant and bye herself! she got lot to deal with cuz her man bein lock up and she have Jace."


    Jellus hater, when I first read "leg humpers," I thought you were talking about one of Jenelle's dogs.  Then I realized either of them would probably string a comment together better than the presumed human who wrote this, even typing on a phone keyboard with overgrown dog toenails.

    • Love 1
  6. As soon as Jenelle let those dogs go, I was like YES! They're better off, geez.


    I'm just sad that Jace didn't follow them.  And maybe even baby Kaiser, ripping himself out of the womb a la Alien to join the flight.

    • Love 3
  7. There are plenty of medical professions where recent grads have the ability to work full scope (as far as I know) under their employer's license while getting their own licensing in order. Does the state of North Dakota really think that Chelsea giving a facial without a license is more dangerous in comparison???


    If they've seen her makeup they might.

    • Love 5
  8. I'll admit it--I'm an old fogey, and a cranky one at that.  Don't the youths these days have mad computer skillz that could turn these ridiculous mirror photos into something kind of normal?  Like the hair one.  She could just crop the damn thing to get that stupid camera out of it, and make it look like a regular picture instead of something so creepy.  Those hands look like claws, and somehow the mirror effect makes me feel like a voyeur.


    And, for god's sake--she's looking in the mirror as she clicks the camera so she chose that deranged look.  What is wrong with people?

    • Love 1
  9. Melissa seems okay with playing a bubble-headed driver who just can't keep from crashing the car. The guy at the dealership was a jerk, but I don't think she minded.


    Besides, the whole thing is made up.  I'm assuming they have collision insurance on the Bentley--don't you have to carry it unless you own the car outright?  So I call bullshit on them spending $100,000 in the last year on bodywork.  (Well, auto bodywork, anyway.)  The dealership guy said he's their best customer, which I can believe, but that money is bound to be coming from the insurance company, not from the Gorgas.  Hell, I bet he even waives their deductible, so they're probably not out a dime.  But Joe Go clearly made it sound like they are personally ponying up the cash, and I think that's simply untrue.

    • Love 4
  10. I loved it when Leah was whining to Jurmy about the effects of the meds, and she said, "I don't want to look like that."  With that hair, and that makeup, and those nails, and those clothes--looking sleepy is where she draws the line.


    And THIS is why it's not safe on the roads.  Leah nodding off at work but presumably driving herself back and forth (because she has no support, you know), Chelsea seemingly unable to put a foot on the accelerator without talking on the phone about things that are upsetting her, Jenelle having Nathan clean her glasses for her while she's driving, Adam and his DUIs, Nathan and his DUIs,  Frankly, I don't care if they want to kill themselves and their children, but stop imperiling everybody else on the road.



    I'm so over Nathan and his collared shirts. You're not fooling anyone into thinking you're some classy, upstanding citizen.


    He always reminds me of these kids who moved down the street from us when I was little.  The two brothers came over and introduced themselves to my parents, and shook hands, and my parents were so impressed.  Well.  They turned out to be thugs to all the other kids, and in fact were the ones who told me a joke about Johnny Fuckerfaster, which to this day, almost 50 years later, i still can't forget.  Nathan and his collared shirts = the Minton kids.  You're not fooling me.



    Adumb seems very aware of the cameras to me. If they weren't being filmed, he may just have pinched her very hard and told her to "shut up".


    So how's this for an idea?  We all pitch in and pay someone to follow Adam around with a fake camera 24/7.  Adam behaves, and we don't have to see any footage.  Sounds like a win-win to me.

    • Love 1
  11. I'm sorry … you heard incorrectly.  The college she got accepted to was SALVE REGINA … a Catholic school in Newport, R.I.


    Aah, the ONE time I'm not watching the captions.  I, and my alter ego Roseanne Roseannadanna, thank you.


    Actually, that could explain Dina's sister's reaction--what's a salve regina?  Knowing these clowns, it's likely she thought it was some sort of vulgar term, and thought Lexi is too young to need to be getting it worked on.

  12. The scene with Lexi and college was weird.  Dina told Lexi to make her big announcement, which was she'd gotten accepted to Southern Virginia University.  My reaction was, "Where?"  And apparently so was Dina's sister's (I don't remember exactly what she said), but she added that her reaction was because she doesn't know much about college.  I think she was covering because really, how much does someone have to know about college in general to know the appropriate reaction to "I got accepted to X" is, "Congratulations!"  No, I think she also thought, "Where??"


    And then Lexi talked about NYU.


    For one, I don't think those two schools are comparable.  So I looked up SVU and it's a Mormon school. I'm all for being open to different choices, but to be seriously considering either a Mormon school in a town of about 6,000 people in rural Virginia or NYU seems crazy.


    For another, she said she was looking into NYU because she can design her own major.  SVU offers 13 majors.  That's all.  Either she wants to be able to design her own major at NYU, or she'll just pick from among the 13 offered at SVU.


    It just didn't make any sense.  Then again, should I expect college discussions to be any less scripted and unbelievable than anything else on the show?  Remember, we have Joe Gui referring to his possible prison term as "going to college." 

  13. Watching the show though, I get the impression that Ali's biggest challenge might be being so much smarter than everyone who's supposed to be caring for her. And I say that as a Cory fan.


    They all seem like ignorant hicks to me.  And sometimes it's hard to differentiate between ignorance and stupidity, so I try to give them a little benefit of the doubt, but it's kind of hard.  Are y'all sure you aren't being fooled by Ali's glasses?  Maybe she's going all Rick Perry on us.

  14. He claimed the other couple went through a green light (?) and rammed into him. However, if that was the case, why would they ticket Adam for anything?


    I'm pretty sure he was driving without a license and without insurance, and he would get tickets for those no matter who was at fault, or even if there hadn't been a wreck but he got pulled over for something else.


    I'd be interested to know who hit whom and who had a green light, though.  And how fast Adam was going.



    So Nathan is going to jail, has 3 DUI's and a suspended license, and still thinks he did nothing wrong during his arrest. Kudos to his lawyer for telling him not only that he's an asshole, but that everything is due to his drinking.


    Yeah, he was okay with copping a plea on all that other stuff, but the ONE thing that was captured on video for all the world to see--he wants to fight that one.  Because I'm sure he doesn't think he did anything wrong.  I did like Jenelle's look when the lawyer was chewing him out.  You know, because she's clean as a whistle.


    He sort of scared me in the scene where they were telling Barbara the sex of the baby, and she said "Boy oh boy oh boy" or something.  He leaned way forward and was laughing crazy and had his eyes bugging out.  Total over-reaction. 


    And when he dons his sweater vest, it just gives me the creeps because he seems like he's having to hold himself back from something.  Maybe it's like Jenelle and her court heels.  I don't know.  They're both ridiculous, and dangerous.

    • Love 3
  15. Thank you...Punta Cana; I never remember the name, lol


    "Punta Cana" always sounds like a vulgar slur to me, like "Get away from me, you punta cana."  Having these clowns vacation there doesn't help.


    I used to work in a law school and at orientation, the dean would tell all the students to look to the person to the left and to the right. One of you three won't be here in a year. And he was right.


    I was going to bring that up last week when I read the Albie law school discussion. That's a pretty standard line and has been for a very long time. The dean said the same exact thing during first year orientation on my first day of law school over twenty years ago. In my case, the person to my left ended up dropping out,


    I went to law school in the 1980s.  Maybe a top 10 school; definitely top 15.  We didn't have an orientation, but it was generally known that 1 person out of each section of 100 students wouldn't make it past the first year, and that's pretty much how it worked out. 


    Too bad Albie didn't go there--Caroline could have soothed his ego by pointing out that he was one of the one-percent.

    • Love 4
  16. Ed still won Jillian, despite some "difficulties."  That doesn't speak well of Kiptyn!


    Aah, Kiptyn.  Now that Five Guys Burgers is spreading all over the country...you know those little shards of french fries in the bottom of the bag?  Kiptyns.


    Do they always misspell "forgo" on the fantasy suite card?  Definitely on Josh's; couldn't quite read it on Nick's.  Argh.

    • Love 1



    Would someone be so kind as to translate this for me? 


    I gather in the first one she's threatening Dina.  But the second one?  Who exactly is she talking to or about?  Ashlee said something funny?  Is that hand waving?  Why is there an "end quote" after the hand?  Is the context for any of this found elsewhere?  Should I just stick to 300 pages of legal documents if I want to read something I can understand?

    • Love 6
  18. Gumption doesn't change the fact that the nearest law firms are 1.5 hours away and I highly doubt they're working out an arrangement for teleworking with someone who has a whole 18 months of experience.


    Especially someone who quit her first job in the middle of a trial to be on The Bachelorette. 

    • Love 1
  19. Here it is mid-summer and we can actually have picnics and other outdoor activities without having to go home early because of the sweltering conditions. In Georgia I had to limit my gardening to 15 minute intervals because of the heat stroke warnings and I gave up walking my dog after she did a few lie down strikes at the end of my driveway.  I can be in one of three big cities in 45 minutes and the nice part is that I'm actually covering about 60 miles in that period, not 45 minutes covering ten miles of Atlanta traffic. The people here are the friendliest I've ever met and they aren't morons just because they own farms instead of some other business. My newest friend takes me with her to the theatre and ballet in Columbus and we can drive home without too many narrow escapes with out lives.


    Is Columbus one of the cities within 45 minutes?  Because the Columbus area has about 2 million people.  In Arlington, you have to travel almost an hour and a half just to get to a city with 100,000 people in it.  It's fine with me if someone wants to live in Arlington, but sometimes it's hard to grasp just how remote a place can be without personal experience. 


    As for the weather, maybe Andi and Chris can summer in Arlington and winter in Atlanta.  Both are hell in the other season. 

    • Love 2
  20. I agree that David is a looker and has a truly magnificent head of hair,


    Something about the way he has his hair combed back and gel--it makes it look widely spaced.  Is that just an illusion?


    I think he just looks like Tyler on Teen Mom (Caitlynn and Tyler who put their baby up for adoption).  Something about the baby face and maybe the nose.

    • Love 1
  21. I do agree that the cities [in Iowa] are smaller, thus if you are used to the larger cities there would be some adjustment.


    Some adjustment?  She's from Atlanta.


    I know a law professor in Iowa who says it's fun being a big fish in a small pond--and that's referring to the whole state.



    But they are really nice size cities for daily living.  You have everything you need, traffic isn't a huge issue, and there is a lot of feeling of community in cities like these.  Plus they do have a large number of working professionals so it isn't like she would be hanging out with just a bunch of farmers.


    Technically, as long as you lived in a town with a Walmart, you'd have "everything you need." 


    Besides, she'd be living out on the farm, not in any city.  It's an hour, hour and a half to one of these 100,000-person cities.  That's going to eat into her ability to take advantage of the "daily living" opportunities they offer, or to do a lot of hanging out with the working professionals there.  Nope--she'd be hanging with farmers.



    I do think Andi would get bored with it all though, and I am quite sure Chris isn't a frontrunner anyway...so it is a moot point.


    Yep, she'd get bored either with living on the farm or spending all her time driving to find something interesting to do, presumably without Chris because he'd be working.  Isn't she 27?  That's way too young to settle into this sort of lifestyle if you're used to something more vibrant and/or cosmopolitan.


    And let's talk about the weather!  Scroll down to the calendar for January in Arlington (or, well, Oelwein, the closest weather station to Arlington):



    Her stints in Winston-Salem, Baton Rouge and Atlanta are not going to prepare her for a high of -11 and a low of -20.



    If I were single, 20 years younger and 30 pounds lighter, I would be in Iowa at this very moment.


    My impression of Iowa has been that you needn't fret about the 30 pounds.  Plus, just show up in January, when nobody will be able to tell what someone weighs within 100 pounds because they're wearing 25 layers.

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