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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. I didn't understand why Andy kept stressing that Milania probably knows, what about the other daughter in between Gia and Milania? I'm blanking on her name but I wonder why she wasn't mentioned.


    I think you answered your own question.



    Joe Gorga is actually entertaining and seems to play well with others this season.


    I just can't stand that little troll.  He's like a human bonobo and I think he's gross.


    ETA: Actually, he's worse than a bonobo.  At least they have the social grace not to talk about it all the time.

    • Love 8
  2. It's about making it known to all of the other idiots willing to sleep with him that she's still in the game. Why else would she tell the world?


    I don't know if you're right about her motivation, but at least it A motivation.  I honestly couldn't thing of a single reason why she would admit, on national TV no less, to continuing to have sex with him. 


    I fear for Aubree's self esteem, if Chelsea's her role model.  I don't have a problem with sport sex, and I may not even have a problem if it's with someone as gross as Adam because tastes vary, but I do have a problem if it's with someone who has treated you so heinously in the past.  I can see Aubree saying, "Yeah, he called me a mistake for all the world to see, but he's my father and I forgive him.  But what's YOUR excuse?" 



    As stupid as that asshole is, there is technically nothing there for the courts to do as long as the child is being supervised by the Lind's and Aubree is not with Adam in a car.


    We don't know what goes on in real life, but if Adam is running around without Aubree on his weekends with her, could a case be made to limit visitation on that basis?  I suspect the grandparents would pitch a fit, but it's not their visitation.



    Stop letting these hosts tell you Tyler's a great guy and all of America is jealous. I ain't jealous of that crap.


    When he said, "Our relationship isn't perfect," I wanted to throw up. 


    I'm disappointed in Tyler.  I remember during their 16&P episode, I was so impressed with his decision to give that baby up for adoption.  For one, he looked like he was about 10 years old, which made everything he said that had a modicum of sense seem even more astounding.  But I looked at that family and thought, "He gets it." 


    And then people on TWOP started talking about how he was the one pushing for it, and forcing Catelynn into the decision, but I still thought it was for the greater good so I was okay with it.  But it sure looks like that wasn't a one-off situation. 


    I don't really fault him for it because I cannot imagine what it's like to be raised the way he was.  I don't think he's got great genes, and I know the nurture part was lacking, so it's probably kind of a miracle he's not a drug addict or career criminal. 


    But he seems to be aware of the limitations he's been dealt, which is a good step.  I just wish he'd gone further instead of stringing Catelynn along and now having a baby with her.  That's not going to make either of them happy.

    • Love 1
  3. I was getting annoyed by the moving back and forth between stories but then decided they did it so people wouldn't just stop watching after the major one they are interested in was done.


    You're probably right, but it makes it really hard for me to keep track of everybody.


    One of the ancestors, I think it was Billie Jean King's, looked just like the actress Emily Watson.

  4. I'm worried about Catelynne suffocating.


    I don't know if this is what you're referring to, but whenever I look at her I find it hard to take a deep breath.  She just looks overstuffed.



    How in the hell could you fear for your daughter's safety when she's with Adam because he is driving around without a license almost killing people, taking her on a dirt bike without a helmet etc yet have sex with him.


    Yeah--you want to talk about dangerous?  Sex with Adam. 


    But this helps explain why Adam doesn't take her seriously. 

    • Love 3

    I absolutely died when she said - "What's youse guys's names?"


    "yous guys" is a NYC regionalism like y'all. It does sound dumb but its all over.


    I didn't hear the "yous"--I heard "What's your guys's names?" and that's what the captions said.  And she'd done it before.


    The problem is that she apparently doesn't know that "you" is a plural pronoun, so she used "you guys" constantly.  "And for you guys seeing that, how did it make you guys feel?"  Chelsea answered, referring to the Teen Mom 1s as "you guys," and then the host asked her next question:  "You guys are down one cast member..."  Commercial break.  Next question:  "What do you guys like about Twitter?"


    Shortly after that, Amber and Jenelle achieved their truce, and the host commented, "This is like your guys's time to, you know, talk and make sure everything's cleared up because, you know, we want to see you, like, girls be as one."


    So to make "you guys" possessive, it's "your guys's."  It's especially galling because all she really had to use was "your."


    Silly me--I thought "Bob and I's relationship" was a high crime of possessive malfeasance.  I'm going to have to demote that one to venial sin in light of the new kid on the block.

    • Love 2
  6. Speaking of Enchiritos, I miss that single black olive slice that was perched on top.


    I really miss the Bell Beefer at Taco Bell, with that soft steamed bun. 


    Hmm...I always called it the Bell Burger and thought I was just ignorant because it was actually a Bell Beefer, but I did some searching and found out there WAS a Bell Burger in the 1970s, and was replaced by the Bell Beefer.  I feel vindicated. 

    • Love 1
  7. Peanut.  I like them melty, like when they've been sitting on a dashboard in the sun.  In my own version of America's Test Kitchen, I figured out how to simulate it--take one snack-size bag (has I think 7 or 8 in there), tear off the top, prop it up on the rack in the microwave, and nuke for 1 minute 5 seconds.  Deeeeelicious. 

    • Love 1
  8. I stopped watching 20 minutes in.  The host just drove me over the edge with "guys" in every single sentence, including the tortured "your guys'" as some sort of possessive.  I figure I can come here and get the lowlights without being driven insane.  Well, except by the content; but at least the delivery here is literate.


    [Tyler] seemed SO excited about the baby, but the idea of getting married sends him into a panic.

    Because marriage is permanent and nothing you should rush into, I suppose.  ::rolleyes::

    • Love 2
  9. Rhoda is a great name for her... yes, you do have to watch the classic movie. The original and not the remake.


    I wonder if the people at Turner Classic Movies follow this thread; they're showing the original version of The Bad Seed next month, on November 7.




    "In 1956, Warner Bros. brought the most evil child short of the Anti-Christ to screen in the person of Rhoda Penmark, a murderous moppet so cold she could practice her piano lessons methodically while her latest victim was burning to death in the basement below."


    Sounds about right.

    • Love 4
  10. He's the kind of guy that pulls into a strangers driveway late at night to evade the police.


    I didn't realize that wasn't his own driveway.  It didn't make much sense that he was claiming the cops couldn't follow him onto private property, but at least I thought it was HIS private property he was declaring as some sort of King's X.  What an idiot.

    • Love 1
  11. I'm no expert, but composting toilets are different from chemical toilets.  The port-a-cans at concerts are chemical toilets, for example, while composting toilets are a chamber that you put sawdust in after use and the material eventually turns into fertilizer.


    The thing about using a composting toilet in a tiny house (or any house, for that matter) is that even if you have that angle covered, you still have to deal with gray water (from sinks, shower, dishwashing, washing machine).  It can be used to water the lawn, but if you've ever left a sinkful of dishwater overnight, you know that it can have its own foul odor.


    I have holding tanks on my RV that have to be emptied into a sewer system.  I put up with it because it makes my lifestyle possible.  Wastewater tanks take up a lot of room, which is why I suspect tiny houses, even the movable ones, don't have them.  Which means you can't live in the tiny house unless it's hooked up to a sewer or septic system--you can't necessarily just plop it down on a plot of land or in any old back yard.

  12. Did anyone note what Kail served Isaac to eat? Looked like microwaveable nuggets. I know she mentioned rice. Wanna bet that was microwaveable too?


    I recently discovered that you can cook rice in a microwave.  I do it with basmati all the time now and it turns out great.  But I don't eat microwaveable nuggets; they're beneath me.

  13. Our motorhome was designed, as much as it can be, with cold weather in mind.  Considering that we have wheels on our house, it's ridiculous that we've spent as much time in snow as we have (Chicago, Denver, New York City, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Pacific northwest, Asheville--we've "enjoyed" snow in all these places, as well as others while just passing through). 


    Some RVs do indeed have real problems in sub-freezing weather, but our motorhome has dual-pane windows.  From what I understand, that makes a huge difference.  It also has basement air, so the only things on the roof are a couple of satellite dishes and a slew of solar panels.  I have to go up to clear the snow off the dishes anyway, and generally do the rest of the roof as long as I'm up there.  I don't think it's a good idea to be driving with giant amounts of melting snow just waiting to be blown onto a car behind me.  (But as my screen name implies, I'm an outlier--I discovered while living in Denver over two different winters that I enjoy shoveling snow.)


    We typically use little space heaters instead of the propane furnace.  I prefer the heat they provide to a forced air furnace.  Since we're heating only 400 square feet, it's do-able.


    I do wonder, however, about the plumbing on a tiny house in freezing weather, like where it connects to the septic system.  That's out in the open, and since it doesn't have holding tanks, like an RV, it has to be hooked up.  Water trickling like that tends to freeze. 



    A Tiny House is much heavier and more problematic to move around. However, if you're looking at being in a specific location for several months at a time then it becomes less of a problem.


    I think a significant problem a tiny house presents for people who move around is where to put it once you get somewhere.  If I went to the trouble to have a tiny house, the last place I'd want to be is in a typical RV park, even assuming they allow tiny houses.  I don't have people scattered around the country who can accommodate a tiny house on their property.  Well, maybe the tiny house itself, but you have to have a big truck and a lot of maneuvering room to get it there, plus access to electricity and water and a sewage system.


    But I find very appealing the idea of a tiny house in a permanent place--if only I could find a place I want to be permanently.



    5) [Tiny houses] just look darn cool when you're parked in the mountains like I am. :)


    Agree 100%.  I love the concept--that's one of the things that made me think it would be fun to live in a small space like an RV (albeit a big RV).  But the tiny houses shown just wouldn't cut it for me.  I need room for windsurfing equipment and ski stuff and bicycles (our two pairs of rollerblades and pads take up probably 3 cubic feet on their own), plus all the stuff for normal living.  And I have a lot less stuff than most people.

    • Love 3
  14. [barbara] was backed into a corner and had to raise Jace for his own safety.  Getting custody of Jace was the best thing for him, it mean that Jenelle was not allowed to take Jace with her when she stormed off to go do drugs and hang with losers and get arrested and into fistfights and screaming matches with her peers and boyfriends.  He could have been there when she was high off her ass nodding off with Kieffer, or there when she was rolling around on the ground fistfighting that girl, and all of the other crap that we have seen her do.


    If Barb was backed into a corner, it was her own doing.  I remember a 16&P girl whose parents said, "No, we are NOT going to raise your baby."  They meant it, and she knew they meant it, and she gave it up for adoption.  Barb also said she wouldn't raise Jenelle's baby, but Jenelle knew she didn't mean it, and there was never really any doubt that Barb was going to raise that baby.


    So it's her own fault AND it exhibits poor parenting skills, which were exactly what she was going to be offering to Jace.  Swell.


    If you can't swim, then don't jump into a lake to save a drowning person.  That person will probably drown anyway, you're likely to go down too, and you're probably going to make other people think they don't need to jump in because you've got it taken care of.

    • Love 2
  15. I have no doubt that Barbara is doing her best, but sometimes that's just not enough and I'm not going to give her a pass for it.  She chose to raise Jace.  And I'll bet my bottom dollar that she thinks she's doing a good job.  And not just a better job than Jenelle.  She said Jace is bipolar, which I fear might be code for "I'm not responsible for how he's turning out."


    Jenelle knew Barb wouldn't follow through on her threat not to raise Jace, and acted accordingly.  I know it would have been a monumental task and probably beyond her abilities, but I've always wished Barb had followed through and not taken care of Jace and made Jenelle do it herself.  And watched the two of them like a fucking hawk, to make sure Jenelle didn't kill him or something.  But Jenelle's neglect would have been quick and obvious, and Jace could have been taken away from her when he was a tiny baby, and maybe given half a chance in this world. 


    I'm sure it would have broken Barbara's heart (although she argued in favor of adoption so it's not like she was incapable of fathoming the thought of someone else raising him).  But better that than what Jace is turning out to be like.  And hell, even if he somehow manages to shake his violent tendencies, he's going to bear the mental scars of being in the middle of Jenelle and Barbara, and that's just not fair.  None of it's fair, actually.  But Barbara volunteered for this, and it pisses me off that she's doing such a poor job of executing.


    ETA:  Just bitching doesn't do much good, I guess.  So I'll try to be positive and say that looking forward, Barb should get therapy for herself, and for Jace.  That much is obvious.  Bring Jenelle in on it if/when appropriate.  Tell Jenelle that if Jace is a witness to one more fight between Barb and Jenelle, or between Jenelle and Nathan, then game over, Jenelle isn't allowed to be around him any more, period.  And follow through.  Yeah, it will be rough for Jace, but whose fault is that?  Jenelle never should have been allowed around him in the first place.


    And finally, pitch to MTV a cross-promotion with the Supernanny to get that shit straightened out before it gets any worse.  And to take Dr. Drew's place, while we're at it.

  16. I once ruined a glass casserole dish when I left it on the stove and I turned on the wrong burner by mistake. It exploded and glass flew everywhere.


    I did it on purpose back when I was in college. Well, I didn't ruin it on purpose, but I did it on purpose.  I had a clear pyrex bowl with lid, and I was cooking rice and congratulating myself on my cleverness because if you use a clear pot because you can monitor the condition of the rice without removing the lid.  Same result--it exploded and glass flew everywhere.  Sure didn't expect that to happen, and I'm glad I wasn't in mid-monitoring.

  17. Chelsea read what the license revocation covered to her mom when they were sitting outside. It said he was prohibited from operating any motorized vehicle.


    If a farmer has his driver's license revoked, is he prohibited from driving a tractor in his own field?  What about a person using his riding mower in his yard?  And I can't remember where it was, but I once was somewhere that I noticed an unusual number of grown men driving around on little scooters, like 49cc models.  A local said it was because that was a way around license revocation for DUI--you don't have to have a license for a scooter that small.


    It seems to me that taking away someone's license to do something means they can no longer do the thing they were licensed for.  There is no license for driving on one's own property.  We don't know what the entire listing or whatever Chelsea was reading said.  But driver's licenses allow people to operate motorized vehicles on public streets.  Maybe the "on public streets" got edited out, or Chelsea didn't say it because she (reasonably) didn't think it was important, or maybe it's implied when talking about driver's licenses since driver's license statutes talk in terms of operating on a public street. 


    I think it's an important distinction because Adam does many many dangerous and stupid things, and people are rightly judging him for them.  But if he had Aubree on a dirt bike tooling around his parents' place, it might have been dangerous and stupid but was it in contravention of his license revocation? 


    ETA: For those of us indignant about Adam's lack of time in jail, here's more:  South Dakota has a law that prohibits the SD government from sharing license plate information with out-of-state companies that want it for enforcement of red light camera violations.  It's worded a little weird, so there's some question about whether it applies to red light cameras in California and Arizona, but if a SD plate is photographed running a red light in any other state, SD won't turn over the information.  So even in a "caught red-handed by a camera" situation, he'd still get off. 

    • Love 2
  18. You don't think they'd see it differently, given Aubree sustained that injury while riding on a motor vehicle with her father who is forbidden from operating motor vehicles?


    I don't think he's forbidden from operating motor vehicles. He just can't do anything that would require a driver's license.


    Dirt bikes don't necessarly require driver's licenses--otherwise, little kids couldn't be driving them out on the dirt tracks.  Now, to ride a motorcycle on the street requires a driver's license, and Adam doesn't have one.  But a lot of dirt bikes can't be driven on the street anyway, because they're not street-legal (not that that would stop Adam, of course).  They get trailered to wherever they're going to be ridden. 


    And if I remember correctly, in her 16 & Pregnant episode, Chelsea was riding around with Adam on either a dirt bike or an ATV on his parents' property.  If that's where Adam and Aubree were riding, then I don't think he needs a license for that.

    • Love 2
  19. I can't even with Adam getting arrested for driving without a license. While he has Aubrey. Again. I really feel for Chelsea. Adam is such a loser. It sounded like he's been arrested for this 3 times! 3 times! Stop driving you dumbass!


    That's what I don't understand about multiple arrests for driving with a suspended license.  Just don't do it!  It's an easy black-and-white situation.  Don't sit in the driver's seat, don't turn the key, don't move the gear shift.  There are many many points at which a person can stop himself from driving if he has a suspended license.  Hell, hide the keys from yourself if you have that little control.  Sheeeesh.


    At least with drunk driving, the person is by definition impaired and therefore probably not making (and possibly not even capable of making) good decisions.  Doesn't excuse it one bit, but at least I can almost understand, on an intellectual level, how it could happen.  If Adam's not getting popped for DUI when he gets caught driving with a suspended license, and you know they're looking for it, then I just don't understand it.  

  20. I don't like mohawks on anybody, probably because I associate them with Taxi Driver, where the look matched the personality.  That's my problem with Jace's--it appears he's already becoming rather violent, hitting other kids--why have him look the part, too?  Then again, maybe the mohawk is a good thing, because it will alert people to what lurks within.



    "Everyone hating on Jace's hair... U all act like hair doesn't grow back..." Jenelle tweeted. "Keep going.. I'm being very entertained."


    It's true--it does grow back.  But that's right in line with Jenelle's world, that nothing ever has permanent consequences.  Have a baby?  Just hand him off to Barb to raise.  Get arrested over and over?  Get lawyer/miracle worker Dustin to take care of it.  Be a heroin addict, have an abortion and get knocked up by a doofus so soon after that you don't know if a pregnancy or just abortion remnants?  Have an adorable baby.  I wouldn't take her life for a nanosecond, but I'd like to have just a tiny sliver of her luck.


    Edited because what hair does is grow back, not go back.

    • Love 3
  21. Is that pearl necklace clutching or does Joe not have that good of aim?


    Oh, thank you thank you thank you.  I didn't know what a pearl necklace is, and I hate looking that stuff up on the internet because it's always waaaay too much information, plus I feel like a pervert, and Google and the NSA know I'm a pervert.  However, I think I figured it out.  Or close enough, anyway.

    • Love 1
  22. I've lived in a 40-foot motorhome, traveling around, for over 10 years now. 


    I'm wondering how RVs handle fire and stair safety issues.  Anyone know?


    RVs come with fire extinguishers.  And you can install fire suppression systems in the engine compartment, for example.  That said, if one of them catches on fire, it's going to burn completely up in just a couple of minutes. 


    Generally, motorhomes have stairs only at the entrance--outside step(s) that slide out under the door, and maybe 3 steps inside the door.  Fifth-wheel trailers have those, plus 2 or 3 that take you up into the bedroom in the front, which is in the part that hovers over the pickup bed when it's being towed.  So stairs aren't really an issue.


    However, exit during a fire is an issue because most have only one door.  Ours has an emergency window in the bedroom, at the other end of the coach from the front door; you pull a lever and the window pops out or something.  I don't know for sure--I've never done it because I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back closed.  However, that window is big enough for either of us to fit through it if we just slide it open, but we're younger and smaller than the average RVers.  That window is probably 6 feet above the ground, which is a long drop, but I figure if I'm escaping a fire, I'll just go for it.


    It's not that different from the second-floor condo I had that had only one door, and going out a window would mean a 1-storey drop.  Except it would take more than 30 seconds for that condo to burn up, and it doesn't have a 30-gallon propane tank attached to it.



    I don't think you need to include the outdoor space. Unless you live in a temperate climate year-round, that space will be all but useless as lounging or hanging out space in the winter or on rainy days.


    The rafting family was under some budgetary constraints, yet ponied up for an outside kitchen, so I assume they're going to be using it a lot.  But on that one, I'll never understand why they didn't put a LOT more storage under that deck.  I have a feeling that's not going to be their only home year-round.

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