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Everything posted by FastenSeatBelts

  1. By the way, I'm still waiting for an army episode. I loved "The End" with that guerrilla army and I loved Dean in uniform in "PacMan Fever". And I'd love to see the boys as soldiers. But maybe demon Dean is a bit unlikely to sign up.
  2. Can Jensen's outfit change during next season? We've had plaid, plaid and plaid on top of more plaid for 10 years. Could demonDean please wear something different? It doesn't have to be leather cuffs, a bow tie and little golden pants I'd be fine with any change. Just please, don't pass up the opportunity to end this endless plaided nightmare!
  3. Thanks now I'll have a strange feeling whenever someone tells me he's on a low sodium diet... which happens a lot actually. Unfortunately my patients don't look like Dean Winchester. But I'll make sure to whisper Cristo from now on. Well he does age, but age seems to be very very kind to him. I do have to say I like his looks much better now than the lost teenager look from Days of our lives or even the first season.
  4. Totally random thought: Demons don't age, angels don't age... so technically Sam's the only one aging now? So either we get Grandpa Sam and forever young Dean and Cas or they find a way to immortality for Sam. Or Cas loses his grace and Dean loses his arm/the mark/is healed/whatever.
  5. you know what? Dean will probably be fatally wounded only reparable from the inside like Sam was at the beginning of this season. Then Castiel will transfer Dean's soul into his vessel and take over Dean's body (that sounds way dirtier than I intended... I'm not sorry). So next season Misha will be Dean and Jensen will be Cas. The CW should hire me as a writer cause my ideas are even worse than the storylines they come up with.
  6. Or it will turn out they died long ago or are just really crazy and hallucinating I don't really care anymore just get this over with! Yeah ok... maybe I care a little... or some more... or maybe I'm freaking out over here. I should just sleep for the next 24 hours and pretend nothing ever happened.
  7. catrox14 you might be right, especially since Jensen is nodding towards Misha, while he says "we're going there". Oh I hope you're right.... that would be just so.... wow. Just imagine they're really going there it must be so much fun for the actors to know that this will happen and hint at it without revealing to much.
  8. Whenever I get up during a movie to get some chips or whatever and ask my boyfriend what happened while I was gone, he always answers with: All dead. So of course when I asked him what he thinks about the finale his answer was: All dead At first I laughed but then it got me thinking. What if this is what happens? Why not. Either all of humanity or at least Dean, Sam and Cas. That would leave us with a season behind the veil. And then this recent interview came to mind. All three of them were giving different numbers when it came to the most interesting seconds of the finale. Misha said, the final 30, Jared said the final 5 and Jensen said it's the last second. So what if they were talking about their characters? What if Cas loses his grace and dies 30 seconds before the end, Sam dies 5 seconds before the end, and Dean dies or opens his demon eyes during the final second. What do you think?
  9. I hope they decide on that early enough so that they don't have to get an abrupt end and a half-assed finale. Yeah, let's throw Dean and Sam into bed together. Incest works well for Game of Thrones and after Sam decided he doesn't want to be brothers anymore I don't see any obstacles. Especially if Dean kills Cas non the less... You know what we didn't face? Permanent and irrevocable death of Sam or Dean. So how about Dean is gone for good and next season is just about Sam and Cas. I know Jensen signed contracts but he could be directing or there could be some flashbacks.
  10. you mean like that? Or one with Bobby? Or the other one with Cas? It will not make me happy if Cas gets a female vessel and they kiss. That would be betrayal.
  11. A situation they've never faced before? Like what? Being happy? Not arguing? No angst? That would be new for them. Or there could be the kiss everybody seems to be waiting for, though there seems to be a lot of differing opinions if it should involve Castiel and Dean or Sam and Dean or all three at once, wonder how that would work out, maybe one of them could be hanging from the ceiling like Spiderman? No? Ok... but yeah they never faced that either. But with this show happyness and love might be out of the picture. So probably a new kind of misery. I like the black eyed one. King of Hell Dean, human Sam, Angel Cas. Fire, Earth and Sky. But wait! Where's the water? Oh right, it's probably raining in Vancouver. I also like the idea of Dean being cured by Sam and maybe they both die in the process. We could have a few episodes in heaven or at least behind the veil as heaven seems to be closed, that would make for some interesting stuff.
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