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282 Excellent-
Kenya Moore: Twirl! Twirl!
WimminWinning replied to radishcake's topic in The Real Housewives Of Atlanta
Agree. Not only that, but I don't find that the assertion that everyone had a problem with Kenya to be true. Kenya hadn't done anything to Kandi or Cynthia. There was the couchie-crack incident, but that wasn't directed at Cynthia and it really wasn't that serious to begin with. She had a screaming match with Porsha in season 5, but they made up in Savannah, so there was no reason for Porsha to go into the season 6 reunion gunning for Kenya. Kenya was wrong in the Walter situation, but I don't see what her fake relationship with Walter has to do with any of the housewives. Why hate Kenya because she brought on a made-for-tv boyfriend? That doesn't personally affect any of the housewives for them to be angry about it. Really, Kenya only deserved to have 1.5 enemies in the cast - Nene only counts as half because the worst Kenya did to Nene is throw a charity gala in her honor (oh, the horror!) and evite Nene like she was a regular guest. Catty? Sure, but c'mon. Kenya didn't have real beef with anybody but Phaedra. But Kandi is loyal to Phae and Cynthia was loyal to Nene, and it has been surmised that Porsha is dumb as rocks and easily led, so it became the cast against Kenya. In the last episode, we saw how deep those loyalties lie. Kandi protected her loyalties with Phae ("this is the face of a friend") over reassuring her husband that she would be there for him if he went to jail. It became the cast against Kenya not because Kenya is this awful, whoring, no count, bitch of a woman - it was due to loyalties and alliances. Phae and Nene decided that they had a bone to pick with Kenya and everyone else went along for the ride. -
Tamar And Vince - General Discussion
WimminWinning replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Tamar And Vince
Instagram Theory I: This Instagram bullshit seems like it has nothing to do with Instagram. What a coincidence that Vince couldn't be found for 45 minutes, then he created a big blowup over nonsense, right when he was scheduled to go on camera doing yoga. I think that Vince was insecure about his body (wasn't he wearing a long-sleeve shirt in the pool and Shawn made fun of him?), but Vince was too childish and egotistical to verbalize those insecurities, so he had a tantrum to get out of the situation. As a former fat girl, I can tell you that public exercise and public eating were situations that I avoided like the plague - and I sure as hell wouldn't have done any of that on camera. It had nothing to do with Tamar's mouth or Instagram or Tamar being "disrespectful" - she hadn't said anything for her mouth to be the problem and his blowup was far too big for Instagram to be the cause. Vince has insecurities and he needs to deal with them instead of destroying his marriage and abusing Tamar. Instagram Theory II: Honestly though, I'm thinking that Vince is creating drama for the show. This feels real for Tamar (I don't think she's that great of an actress to show hurt like that), but Vince was smirking and smiling when LaShawn went chasing after Vince the first time. When Vince came in the house to confront his wife, she apologized multiple times, yet the man who is usually quick to cut short conversations tried to drag the shit out. Then, Vince was sitting in the golf cart with his luggage waiting for LaShawn (or someone) to come out after yoga class and chase after him again so he could have his dramatic "driving his golf cart off into the sunset" moment. I think Vince is boosting drama for ratings. Vince might have had those feelings about wanting Tamar to be all about the three of them in that moment, but that is exactly the problem. He is controlling. He thinks that his vision of how Tamar should behave, speak, walk, dress, socialize, and mother her child is the only way - and if she doesn't do it exactly how he wants, then she is being disrespectful and he feels justified to catch an attitude and publicly belittle Tamar. If Tamar were doing this to Vince, people would be all over her case saying that she is emasculating him. He defines disrespect as disobedience - and any man who thinks a woman should obey him is a controlling and abusive man. -
Hollywood Exes - General Discussion
WimminWinning replied to David T. Cole's topic in Hollywood Exes
Those lyrics were fun to read, but the song itself was shit. Will needs to stick to acting - rapping was never really his thing. The article says that Sheree is going for spousal support. I don't quite understand that. He made his football money before getting with her, and since marrying her, he's been a pastor at a small-ish church while she's made reality show money for the past couple years. Shouldn't she be paying him spousal support? I knew this marriage wouldn't last. Terrell wanted a dutiful Church wife and Sheree wanted the baller life. Being on a reality show just gave her the financial independence and courage to leave the Church life and pursue the Hollywood life she wanted. I saw the changes through the seasons. She went from wearing minimal makeup, being covered from head to toe, and talking religion all the time to becoming that Hollywood chick: bleach-blond extensions, heavy eyelashes, and cattiness. It's not necessarily bad - everyone has the right to live the lifestyle they want - but this divorce was so obvious because Terrell was not down with supporting his wife through this experience. -
Interesting stuff. Links?
Chloe's performance skills have improved, but her technique has declined a bit. Her feet aren't as beautiful as they used to be and she still doesn't know how to use her back to be expressive (which is essential in contemporary work). It may just be that contemporary/modern dance isn't her thing. She's always been a bit rigid in her dancing - which makes her great in ballet-esque lyrical numbers, but not so much in everything else. We'll see in a few years, but it looks like Chloe is one of those dancers that is precocious at an early age and then stalls. That's unfortunate because I was really rooting for Chloe to win at this.
I don't understand the Kate hate. It's not that "I don't like your personality" hate that many celebrities get from the public, it's become vitriol for Kate. I saw a few episodes of Jon & Kate, and yes she was a shrill and had some childish meltdowns, but she had 6 kids in diapers and a husband that was utterly useless. I'd be a bit shrill as well. What has she done that was so wrong? There are entire Facebook groups on hating Kate. For what, her dramatic personality? A man can literally leave a woman with twins and sextuplets and go off stuffing his penis into every 20-something he sees after cleaning out the family bank account and not pay child support and still never get the kind of hate Kate has gotten for being a bit bitchy. Kate's not going to win because she's a reality show celebrity without the Hollywood rolodex needed to win Apprentice, but I'm all in for Kate going as far as she can (I think contestants get checks for each week they stay on) if for no other reason than the world seems to have unfairly persecuted this woman.
That sounds like a fictitious story planted by violence-condoning Kenya haters who want so desperately to see Porsha win for no other reason than the fact that Porsha was the one who pulled Kenya's hair. That gossip of Porsha getting her own spin-off is just unfathomable given Porsha's lack of storyline to be 1/6th of a show; but now she's supposed to have enough storyline to carry a whole show on her own? Does not compute. Plus, Porsha doesn't seem to have any peripheral friends/family that she's introduced on the show. Nene could do a whole show because she has Marlo, Greg, her sons, Greg's kids, and a host of other interesting people in her world. Kandi had her mom and aunts, Todd, Riley, and her industry people. Same with Kenya, Phae, and Cynthia - they all have their little circle of people who are filled with drama and camera-ready. I don't see that around Porsha. Porsha has her sister and her mom, but neither of those women have shown themselves to be interesting enough to be supporting cast for a Porsha show. This isn't Porsha hate, I honestly just don't see how this would happen for her.
Tamar And Vince - General Discussion
WimminWinning replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Tamar And Vince
Bless the pool water because it has homosexuals in it? Really? Lashawn's homophobia wasn't funny the first two seasons, and the shit still ain't funny now. I'm really disappointed in Vince for not calling out his friend for that bullshit. I used to like Vince, especially after he softened toward Tamar after that heart attack, but this season I find myself hating him every time he opens his mouth. Even his compliments to Tamar sound like they have a "but" at the end of them - as in "Tamar has a great talent, but she needs to listen". Vince is just as much a drama queen as Tamar - the difference being that Tamar is louder, but Vince is more mean-spirited and controlling. What Vince does is far worse, yet Tamar gets all the hate from people? I guess a man can do and say whatever he wants, but don't let a woman speak too loudly. -
I can see how their friendship developed. I watched Toni's 2003 documentary and Tamar was Toni's BFF - traveling with Toni, being with Toni during her pregnancy, emotionally supporting Toni as she split from Arista, throwing Toni baby showers and birthday parties, etc. Tamar was spending a lot of time with Toni during that time and Vince had to have been around Toni was well given that he was her manager - which meant that Tamar and Vince spent a great deal of time together. I think they are friends - and I'm sure that Vince's career and Tamar's looks were taken into consideration as well when they chose each other. Vanity, career aspirations, friendship, materialism, superficiality, and love all went into this union coming together. Hardly ever do people choose a mate because of just one thing.
The dishrag personality is contagious in this family and makes this show really hard to watch sometimes. I've only seen personality from 2 people in this humungous familiy: Nonie and the little blue eyed 5-6 yo girl who talked about smores and hating packing in her TH. Everyone else is boring white bread. The best of Sister Wives were the teens. They gave life to the show. The teen in this Williams' clan don't quite seem normal - no lives separate from their families, I don't hear about their dreams and aspirations, no rebellion, no fun/laughing, nothing. They remind me of cookie cutter houses in the suburbs - quiet, identical, neat, and boring.
I don't know about that. "Team Too Much" is an easy refrain for the sisters to tout when piling against Tamar, but I don't think it holds water when it comes to Tamar's interactions with Toni. Tamar has been Team Too Much toward Towanda and Traci in seasons 1 and 2, but Tamar has never been Team Too Much toward Toni. No one, including Tamar, has ever said a bad word about or to Toni - and there's a lot of material to use if Tamar ever wanted to shade Toni, but she hasn't. In fact, I noticed that Tamar would change her tone and volume when talking to Toni. Tamar talks to Toni like Tamar talks to Evelyn - with respect. I don't know that Toni has a leg to stand on with that one. Damn, there's some hard truth that I hadn't thought of. But not only that, Toni also didn't start talking about a family album until everyone had made serious moves with their solo stuff. When no one had anything going on and everyone was begging Toni to join the family album, Toni couldn't be bothered. Toni didn't even want her sisters as background singers, saying that she wanted her career to herself. Now that everyone is starting to stand on their own and not look to Toni for their careers, Toni then wanted to pull everyone back in with this family album idea. I remember how exasperated Traci said she felt in a TH for being pulled along like this after finally getting her solo stuff going. Wait, what? Did Toni ask to be signed to Streamline Records and Vince refused? I never heard that. Interesting - and the plot thickens!
The link doesn't work. Recap?
I honestly don't know if Toni is jealous. It was strange for Toni to not reach out to Tamar when Love&War hit. She eventually took Tamar out for an English tea, but it felt like Toni was trying to put on a show for the cameras to show that she supports Tamar. I didn't mark that as jealousy at the time, but there have been more events since then. It was suspicious of Toni to blow up at that therapy session where Tamar and Towanda/Traci were going back and forth about being jealous over Tamar's success. Toni says that no one's jealous and Tamar responds "Are you sure?". Clearly, Tamar was talking about Towanda and Traci as that is who she was just fighting with about claims of jealousy, so why would Toni get butthurt and storm out of the session thinking that Tamar was talking about her? Guilty conscience? Then, there's the general cattiness that Toni now piles onto Tamar. In seasons 1 and 2, Toni was largely impartial, if not defending Tamar a bit when she got into arguments with the middle sisters. If the middle sisters came for Tamar, Toni was there to explain Tamar's feelings and she was largely neutral in these spats. Lately, Toni has joined the mean girl clique. She's now siding with the middle sisters against Tamar. She won't even admit the most blatant of facts to support Tamar such as the Traci bucking situation. I really don't want to believe that Toni is jealous, but everytime she sides with the middle sisters when they are clearly wrong, another piece of her credibility is chipped away. As of late, I've spoken a lot about how BFV isn't good for Tamar, but to be honest, continuing on this show may not be good for Toni either. Her reputation is going to shit the more people see of her. She needs to go back to being a private celebrity because her true personality is not exactly likeable. On a related note: I'm glad that Tamar went back to the table and defended herself regarding the "Toni paved the way" argument. As loud as she is, Tamar isn't great at articulating herself or defending her position. Some truth needs to be told. Being Toni Braxton's sister didn't help Tamar for 20 years. Toni shared a lot of her career in the 90's with her sisters, but all of that sharing did very little for Tamar other than introduce her to someone (Vince) who would invest in her career 10 years later. Moreover, Tamar made it big while Toni is in a downturn in her career, so it wasn't the Braxton name or Toni's influence that produced Tamar's success. Toni is in the "Dancing with the Stars" phase of her career. It may be Toni's name that greenlighted BFV, but Tamar put it together and she has been the driving personality that kept people interested. Toni tried for a reality show type documentary back in 2003, but it didn't produce an uptick in record sales or pop culture interest in Toni (it's on YouTube and it's worth a look). So, Toni's name is responsible for the pilot being funded, but Tamar is responsible for BFV going strong for 4 seasons. If Wikipedia is to be believed, Toni hasn't had a hit single since He Wasn't Man Enough in 2000. To be honest, Tamar made Toni relevant again because nobody was checking for Toni Braxton. That hurts to say because I'm a Toni fan, but Toni, Trina, and Towanda need to pump their brakes on those "Toni made you" flavor of comments to Tamar.
Her outspokenness is the reason why Nonie is my favorite. Yes, she bitches and moans and acts a plain fool, but that is really the only way a woman has any power in this lifestyle. Even though they left their church, the wives don't seem to have left their beliefs (I'm not so sure Brady ever had those beliefs beyond the having multiple women allowance) so the wives still see Brady as the one and only family decision-maker in all things. So when these women do anything to grab at some control or power in their lives from Brady, I'm excited. Plus, I'm not Brady's biggest fan, so I take a little pleasure in watching Brady have to deal with Nonie's tantrums.
It can't be coincidence that this episode hinting at Tamar's exit airs a week before season 3 of Tamar & Vince premieres. BFV runs for 26 episodes a season, and we are only on episode 7 - which means that season 3 of T&V will run for the rest of season 4 of BFV. And they air on the same night (Thursdays) back to back. Tamar wouldn't risk over-exposure by being on both shows, plus, no one has enough going on in their life to carry storylines for 2 reality shows. I think she's backing off of BFV - and good for her. And I like the way she's doing it. By having T&V at the 9pm slot leading into BFV, there's a better chance that BFV won't be cancelled with the exit of Tamar since it won't really feel like she's gone. Everybody wins. Tamar is making coin on 2 shows, but gets to back away from her sisters who treat her poorly. BFV will continue so the sisters will make their coin - plus, if Tamar is really the center of all their problems as they say, having Tamar step back is something they should welcome. I'm excited for this change of events. I'm so over seeing Tamar always apologizing and reaching out and nothing being reciprocated (except Trina, of course). She seems so desperate for her sisters' support that it becomes painful to watch. And the more desperate she gets, the more withholding the middle sisters are and Tamar gets even more desperate - which just feeds a destructive cycle. Tamar has the power to break that cycle if she would stop acting so desperate for their attention/approval/support/respect/friendship and let them come to her. It looks like she's finally doing that with T&V.