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Posts posted by peeayebee

  1. I do think that Pamela has intimacy issues, but she was also very clear that she didn't want to kiss him. He kept pushing, so she gave in just to get it over with. I think the scene was much more about Louie not listening to Pamela than it was about her problems.

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  2. Oh man, Three-Headed Broadway Star was so great. I definitely agree with you about the forced-concept games -- I never thought of that description, but it's perfect. I just love seeing what these improv'ers do with a simple setup. I sometimes get the feeling that the producers don't think the audience will appreciate the simple, low-concept games. I always loved Moving People, the Alphabet game, Questions Only, Frozen Expressions (or whatever that was called)… and so many others like that.


    I do disagree about Gronkowski. I don't think he was in a no-win situation. I always feel that the guest star needs to follow the regulars' leads instead of trying to be funny on their own. They need to wait for setups.

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  3. I don't know if Louie meant for the scenes to be different or two shades of the same thing but clearly the recreation wasn't unintentional.


    I feel pretty confident in saying that this was a deliberate parallel on his part. Amia, in a sense, had no voice, contrasted with Pamela who was very vocal about what she wanted and didn't want, and yet Louie wasn't really hearing either one of them. I don't know. When the last ep airs, I'm tempted to rewatch the season binge-style.

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  4. I thought that was a decent enough show. I don't think Tom Cruise tells stories very well. I loved Emily Blunt. I also thought Charlize Theron was pretty funny. I've never watched Family Guy, and I don't like McFarlane; however, I did like when he explained where he got the voice for Quagmire -- not that I know the character, but I like behind-the-scenes stuff. Oh, and I also enjoyed Kermit doing the Taken speech.


    Very funny when Seth said that at the Tonight Show there are only five people in the audience, then Charlize said, "That's only when you're there, darling." Very quick.

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  5. JS was correct on both counts. How do we know if the person carrying the gun is a good guy or a bad guy?


    Along the lines of asking how pro-Open Carry people would react if it was a black man with a gun, imagine if the people were tough-looking, tattoo-covered young men who would be scary even without guns. Except for fearing someone would get shot, I wonder about an experiment where guys who really look threatening carry guns into Texas establishments, guys who look like gangbangers, and how pro-gun groups would react.


    And what is the practical point of Open Carry? I assume part of it is to show your pride in gun ownership, but is it also to show "the bad guys" that "the good guys" are armed and will defend themselves and society? So, if a armed guy comes into Chipotle to rob it, will all the Open Carry people point their guns at him? Will everyone fire? Will every bullet, coming from both "good" and "bad" guns, magically hit its intended target and not an innocent bystander? It's the OK corral. Oh, and btw, I loved Jon's line about Gunfight at the Golden Corral. Sadly, it's funny 'cause it's true.

  6. But really, Mario? You're cohost of a Hollywood gossip show and the best you can say about Jaime Foxx is "talented brother who can sing and act?" You couldn't name one single movie?


    Yeah, like "He won the Best Actor Oscar for playing Ray Charles."


    the episode with Brooklyn Decker, her husband (I think it was the one with John Legend and his model) they had Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition covers which Andy was able to do almost without help. I've also seen Rolling Stone covers because I remember the one with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the socks was one of the pics.


    Thanks, I didn't remember those. I also don't remember if Jane said anything as she pointed to each one. I wouldn't think she'd need to, and, yeah, thinking about it now, it was probably unnecessary for her to identify the movie kisses.


    My only question was why grab a block if you have no answer?


    I think my strategy would be to think of a movie then find the block.

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  7. I think he was supposed to be "Hamming It Up" in keeping with the category!


    Ohhh. I didn't even think of that. I thought Alex was just messing with us because people complain about his awful impressions and accents.


    I didn't know Coca-Cola bottle was modeled on the cacoa pod. I learned something.


    I was surprised that no one knew the second S in The ISS is station, esp after Sarah guessed 'space.'

    I guess Edison reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb was before everyone's time, but hey, I knew it. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.


    Other TSs I got were bulrushes, EST, Mississippi Burning, and Missouri Breaks. FJ was ridiculous.

  8. There seemed to be a lot more banter between games, i wonder if they normally film a bunch of stuff and only use it if they need to fill time.


    I wonder, too. I can't stand all the banter. Or actually, I guess I don't mind it when the celebs are INTERESTING. Anyway, I guess it doesn't really make sense that they would need to fill time since the games have time limits. I'm sure they allow for some chit-chat. Maybe it just seemed like more banter because it was so boring.

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  9. I loved when Michael Che first said, "When you bring your gun to a restaurant, don't be black." But I got kind of tired of the segment. I also didn't think the other guy was very good. I don't know if I'll warm to him. 


    I liked Jon's "realization" that this whole thing is just a business plan for arms dealers, but it was also a DUH moment. After all, gun manufacturers and dealers have been ecstatic about the fear that Obama is going to take away people's guns because that prompted massive gun sales.


    Not a fan of Tom Cruise, but this new movie looks great, and I've only heard raves about it.

  10. I didn't really like any of the celebs -- Well, it's not like I DISliked them, but I thought they were either annoying or boring. Plus, like pivot said, there should have been a singing game or something more physical. Maybe they didn't do that because of Jenna's pregnancy.


    And also, how many kids are gonna know who the hell Liberace was?


    Like Rinaldo said, the kids are certainly drawing from photos, so they don't need to know any of the people.


    I expected Mario to do better in the bonus round. At first he was pretty calm, but as he and the contestant were having trouble coming up with clues or names, he got more flustered and panicky.


    I was surprised, but pleased, that points were deducted for making sounds in I Love a Charade. That's been a pet peeve of mine for a while with this show. BTW, was one category Animal Movies? So… Silence of the Lambs and The Elephant Man are animal movies?


    The other team did so great with the fads category. I think that was a lot easier than the movie one, but still it was fun watching them zip thru it.

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  11. Also, I absolutely loved this episode for its cinematography and symbolism; he really is like a younger Woody Allen in his prime, and I'll have to rewatch this for some of the beautiful shots.


    I loved the shot where Louie and Amia were in a gazebo, I believe, and it was foggy, then she just walks away. It reminded me of the final scene in The Third Man, though the two scenes are not exactly the same, but still, my mind went there:


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  12. Sarah reminds me of someone, an actress, but I can't put my finger on it. Part Claire Danes, I think, but… Man, it's bugging me.


    Please tell me that it was not an $800 clue that had "This is...!" at the end. I mean, at that point, they might have just put the answer on the screen.


    All I could think of was "This… is… Jeopardy!"


    I really need to learn the difference betw Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. 


    For FJ I guessed 'The End,' but I just knew there was another shorter title that I wasn't recalling. Doh.

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  13. I just thought the transgender segment was just to point out that while it looks like our society are starting to accept transgender people, it's really only the sexy ones. There wasn't much depth or complexity to the story, but that's all I got out of it.


    I was not sad to see Stephen's facial hair go. It just didn't seem… right.


    I thought it was weird when Stephen did those different voices for the gun segment, but I guess he's done other voices before. Hasn't he?


    Loved the line during the story on coal -- "What will we give to naughty kids on Christmas? A stocking full of wind?"



    Re Obama's "war on coal," while it's a good thing to make changes in how we produce energy and what we use, there are going to be job losses. Even tho I'm on his side, I hated that the guest kept saying "transition" when it was clear he was referring to job losses. At least Stephen called him out on it. There are areas of the country where coal is their industry, where generations have worked in the coal mines, and of course they are worried about their jobs disappearing, not to mention other jobs that rely on those workers in those communities. It's insulting to hear someone say, "Yes, there will be transitions," when it really means, "Yes, people will lose their jobs." 


    I enjoyed Freeman's interview. I haven't watched any of his Wormhole show. I should probably look it up.

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  14. Also, what a ridiculous statement to make. I want to whip out Judge Judy's response of "Well, if I'd had different parents, I would have been 5'7"." Or, to put it very simply, if things were different, they wouldn't be the same. ;)


    It reminds me of something my brother said back when Mark Spitz was winning all those gold medals at the Olympics. He was serious, and he was 23. "If I could swim like him, I'd win seven gold medals, too." 

    • Love 3
  15. There were a few TSs that I got, esp in the Rodgers and Hammerstein category. I was really surprised that Brian didn't get 'Carousel,' esp since Alex said to pay attention to the set, which I thought was a superfluous thing to say.


    Sorry to see Brian go so quickly. You just never know with this game.


    Here's a great interview with Julia. I like her even more. Who do you all suppose she was talking about here re a contestant who was miffed at her:

    It was like, “If you hadn’t gotten that one question, I would’ve won.” That actually colored my memory of the game, but watching the game later on TV, I realized this is not how things went down. This person said it when we were talking at the end and Alex says, “Well, sometimes you get a tough break and that’s what happens.” I don’t remember if I said anything, but Alex tried to smooth things over.


  16. I don't mean to speak for peeayebee, but I think they meant that he was gross about the breasts thing (at least, I thought he was).

    You speak well for me. :) Yes, that's what I was referring to. BTW I've never heard of this guy -- I'm not too knowledgeable about football -- so what was so special about him that he'd be on WL?

  17. Well, THAT was uncomfortable, as I'm sure it was meant to be. Louis CK is a smart enough guy that he knows Louie's behavior with Pamela in the apartment was wrong. It doesn't matter that Pamela had said a couple of days ago that she was interested in pursuing the relationship because now she has changed her mind. His forcing a kiss was terrible -- and yet, Pamela's reaction was hilarious.


    Of course he was on the rebound. The speed and overtness of it was astounding, but then this is a sometimes surreal show. When he comes home and finds Pamela lying on the red couch, he thinks back on the first time he saw Amia -- sleeping on a red couch. But he's just a complete mess.


    As always, I loved the doctor's words of wisdom. Yeah, it's weird to say that love is all about missing the person, but he has his wife in mind, so it makes sense that that would be his opinion. Still, as usual, even though a lot of what he says is wacky, there are kernels of truth. That sadness that Louie feels really is his love for Amia. Missing a person is a good thing. It lets you know that you care about the person. 

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