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Posts posted by peeayebee

  1. From my understanding, (correct me please) the man that Trey visited was Mr. Melton, dead Georgie's father(?) who also has doubts about Daniel's guilt, and presumably has no inkling that Georgie is dead. He said he hadn't heard from him after calling him "queer" two years ago.


    Ohhh. I thought he said he called him a quitter. I kept wondering what Georgie was supposed to have quit that would be relevant in the show. I really wish I had rewatched S1.


    Did she tell him because she felt guilty and had to confess, or because she's worried that the feeling is still there, and she needs Teddy to do something about it?


    I think she was feeling guilty and also that she worries the feeling may still be there. Seems like saying something out loud can sometimes make that feeling stronger and sometimes can make it dissipate. We'll see what happens here. I also wonder if she said this in hopes of Teddy opening up to her about what was bothering him. I know I've done that in relationships, expecting my confession to elicit one from the other person. Of course it could be that she thought what was bothering Teddy was his belief that she had feelings for Daniel. That's probably more likely.


    I loved this scene. I love Tawney. Her honesty and goodness always shine. I was kind of pissed at Teddy for not being more supportive of her since she was being so open with him. He did say that she was brave to talk about this. (I think he said this.) I understand his anger and hurt about everything is keeping him from being magnanimous, but I just wanted him to hug her and thank her for being honest.


    Amantha's reaction to the doctor's good news was so irritating. Way to piss on the good news. Why not bring Bobby Dean in to piss on it while you're at it.


    Does anyone actually rent rims?

    • Love 3
  2. I had the same reaction to George Stephanopoulos. At first I thought, "Oh great. Another celebrity reading slowly," but I was very impressed with how well he did the clues. I even wondered if he was aware of how poorly some guest-clue givers do this and so wanted to handle it well.


    As far as yelling answers at the TV, I too was yelling 'Celts.' It was the first thing that came to mind, but when no one else was answering that, I started to doubt myself.


    I also knew 'smelting,' maybe because it was fresh in my mind after doing a crossword puzzle where that was one of the answers.

    • Love 1
  3. I love that Rudd got two segments. It surprised me, but I enjoy him so much. Obviously Stephen does too. One minor criticism of this interview is that Stephen spoke over Paul too much -- I figure he was excited to riff with Paul, but he stepped on too many of Paul's lines. Anyway, I now know what I'm doing this Saturday -- seeing They Came Together. Sounds like a hilariously vicious homage to rom-coms.


    What is the point of the possum drop? 



    Fortifying children's cereal with adult daily requirements was a bone-headed move. Also, children often eat multiple bowls of these cereals at one sitting, so they're eating much more than one serving size.


    The less said about Ablow the better.

  4. Yeah, warfare queens is perfect. 



    I'm flabbergasted that they think we can send troops to Iraq and fix things. It's a horrible situation over there, really scary, but getting us involved there in a fighting capacity would not go well. 


    Why have children pick tobacco? I assume it's because they're cheap, but is the result of states passing laws where you can't employ undocumented immigrants? I would think that those laborers wouldn't earn much either. 

  5. Way to go, Jennifer! It's only your third game, and you look like an old champion. (I don't mean OLD old, just… you know.)


    I didn't get FJ. I came up with absolutely nothing. I don't really know much about Nobel.


    Ari's FJ was great. I also loved how he answered "Who is Putin."

  6. Bridgitte Bardot question was a complete shot in the dark that I was shocked was correct. 

    I too guessed Brigit Bardot, but I wasn't positive. She was the first French actress to pop into my head.



    I'm so glad I read Summer of My German Soldier when I was in middle school.

    Hee. Yeah, I thought your happiness in getting to answer that was cute.



    I realized I was ahead decided to pick the lower valued categories to keep the other players from over taking me.

    I know you explained this, but I still don't get it. Are you saying that those are easier, so you're more likely to get them right? Or is it because if someone else buzzes in and answers correctly, they will earn only a small amount?





    I also wonder if the clue writers (or Alex) purposely said siblings to make us think there must have been some women leaders, thus leading to one of those European nations that have women in charge…..

    Ahhh. I wondered why a few of us picked those countries. Tricky. 

  7. Whew again! Congratulations, Jennifer. Alana was a tough competitor. I always wonder, though, when someone is so strong at the beginning but then isn't in the second half, is that because of buzzer issues? I know you were being out-buzzed a lot, so did you get in the swing of it after a while?


    I guessed Denmark for FJ. In hindsight, Saudi Arabia does seem easy. I did briefly consider it, but for some reason I thought a father was in the middle of it. 


    Count me as another who was surprised that Calcutta was a TS. 


    I wondered about Jesse's answer of obsessive fan being accepted for STAN. I didn't know the term, but since it's a combo of stalker and fan, I would think the answer would be like Alex said, a stalker fan. I understand that 'obsessive fan' is basically the same thing, but it still bothered me a bit.


    Normally I would head straight for the movie category, but I had the feeling I would have a hard time coming up with the two male leads for the movie. Not that I didn't know them -- I knew them all -- but it can be so hard to bring the name to mind.

    • Love 1
  8. I heard somewhere that the reason the screen went black on the Sopranos finale was that that was the moment Tony was gunned down.

    That's one interpretation. You can find impassioned reasoning for both sides.


    I think the way pharm companies will comply with having to include side effects in their tweets is to have a photo of the warning text. Who knows how readable it'll be.

  9. Whew! What a nail biter! Congratulations, Jennifer!!!!


    I don't know this for sure, but I'm willing to bet that the head of the FCC actually said, "My day is going to suck tomorrow." And if Bart Simpson can say "suck" then I think Jeopardy can say it.


    I think he could have said "My day is going to be f***ed tomorrow."


    I was wondering about one of the "KN" clues. The only thing I could think of was knot hole, but I wasn't confident because of how the clue was worded. "This part of a baseball field…" Was/Is a part of a baseball field called "knot hole?"

    • Love 1
  10. That was a really good ep. I, too, love Jeff. He and Ryan are hilarious together. I could have watched just the two of them doing that French bit in Hollywood Director for a long time. 


    Hollywood Director was one of the best ones in recent memory. I also liked Props. It seemed old-school somehow. I cracked up when Colin was doing riding-a-tbar but not getting a reaction from the audience, so he practically yells, "I'm going skiing!" 


    I could have done without Living Scenery. That was one of the worst ones they've done. Cheryl Underwood, whom I've never heard of, didn't know how to do it. But also, Wayne did the baby-birthing thing way too soon.


    Loved Scenes From a Hat. So funny when Ryan said he was going to make the exact same Matthew McConaghy joke. No wonder he and Jeff are so good together -- They're on the same wavelength.


    I enjoyed Greatest Hits, too. I think I've heard Drake sing, but does he really sound like that? It seemed like Wayne was trying to make him sound bad. Is he a bad singer? Then the German Metal song Kelp was fantastic, mainly because of Jeff. Loved him just staring blankly at the beginning, and then "Kelp! Kelp! Kelp!" So great when the song ended and he was all happy and chirpy.


    The reading-the-credits bit was funny. Did Colin grab Wayne's hands thru his legs? I couldn't tell, but I loved how Wayne couldn't stop laughing.


    Really good show.

    • Love 2
  11. I didn't get FJ either. I guessed How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, forgetting that it was a play before it was a movie. I think it was probably older than 2013, too (the Daniel Radcliffe version).


    I need to google that wife-carrying competition in Finland.


    These contestants didn't get many wrong, nor were there many TSs. The two I got were dandelion wine -- I hadn't heard of that book, but I thought the answer was obvious from the clue -- and Wounded Knee.


    Oh, and I didn't know that hummingbirds were only in the Americas.

  12. I haven't rewatched it, but I didn't get the impression that the mom was afraid of him. She seemed kind of desperate to get a loving response from him. The way I saw it was she was happy that Daniel was beaten up, and she 'knew' that her son had done it, and maybe done it for her. Then he comes home but he's sullen and unresponsive. She loves him for doing this deed for her, but now she sees there's a distance betw them. I guess I can see that she's afraid, but not of him hurting her or what he's capable of; she's afraid that he's pulling away and maybe doesn't love her anymore now that he's committed such a violent act.

    • Love 1
  13. I think like most people, I used to see Dr Oz as someone to trust, someone authentic with real bonafides. I first saw him on Oprah, but only occasionally watched his show. Anyway, I think it was maybe a year ago when I started to realize that he had sold out. So, I loved Oliver's segment on him and the whole supplement industry. Frankly, I didn't realize Dr Oz had testified recently. The joke about calling his show Check This Shit Out with Some Guy Named Mehmet is awesome.


    I take some supplements -- not any bizarre ones, but things like fish oil and calcium -- and I just hope the labels are truthful.

    • Love 2
  14. Speaking of coffee, I saw an ad for Seinfeld's show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, and Jon's going to be in it this season! I'm not sure of the date. I recently saw a few episodes of the show, and, as someone who knows next to nothing about most comedians or the history of comedy in the States, it was pretty interesting. Louis C.K.'s was the best


    I really enjoy this show, too. Louis CK's was really good. Another one I loved (out of many) was Brian Regan. I hadn't heard of him before, but since seeing him on this show, I checked out his act online. I would love to see him live.


    New eps debut on Thursdays. I could be wrong, but I think the next one is Aziz Ansari, then Jon is on the one after that.

  15. Great ep. I'm going to miss this show. Hopefully it'll be picked up somewhere else.


    Loved Randy giving Sgt Major Cody the massages. Heck, everything about Randy is great. "Remember your story about how you lost your foot? Well now I have a story about how I lost your foot." And then Randy presenting Cody with a mannequin foot cracked me up.


    Of course it would be Randy who would catch Cody as he fell, and do an Officer-and-a-Gentleman.


    I loved that Perez's Cody toast wasn't all that hot. She's so perfect otherwise, so it's great to see when she has failings.


    I also loved the bit at the beginning where Derrick is telling Erin that he doesn't think they should go to the ball together. That whole sequence was hilarious.


    This has been such a wonderful show, and anyone who doesn't agree can eat a bag of glass.

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