Allison Lynn
38 -
I like Daphne because she seems interesting, and as though she has thoughts and opinions (maybe even dissenting ones) behind her pleasant cheerleader face. With some of the DCC women who look younger, I have my doubts about how much thinking they do.
I think Tess is memorable because she's a group leader and Alanna is memorable because she's one of my favorites, but I agree about Amber and Madeline (not Maddie). Also: Rachel A., Lexie and Kelsey. I'm sure they're all good dancers and nice women, I just don't find them memorable.
I felt this way, too - that she seemed like the kind of girl who had never been told no before. I have to turn the volume off when the DCC:MTT theme song is on, because I get so much contact embarrassment from it. I just can't listen to it at all. I found Amelia charming! I'm not sure why.
That surprised me. If Sydney and Sheridan hadn't said it in their videos, I don't know that I would have guessed that either of them had so much professional experience. Neither was bad, but I thought that given their resumes, they should have been more exciting to watch and more technically proficient (for me, I was underwhelmed by Sydney's jumps and Sheridan's pirouette). But in particular, I thought Sheridan's hands were distracting - lots of extra movement with them that pulled my focus from the rest of her.
That would be great if it were applied more evenly. I'm frustrated that the powers that be at DCC can understand that the younger demographic likes TikTok, but not catch on that younger people (and, obviously, plenty of older people, too!) are also enthusiastic about women being allowed to have natural hairstyles. So far, I've seen plenty of tolerance from DCC management for the former, but not enough of the latter. I can't remember who pointed out that box braids, for example, would allow women to flip their hair in the ways that Kelli and Judy want.
Earlier today I found myself going all conspiracy theorist and thinking about how (if I remember correctly) Caroline, Daphne, Kat and Tess got in trouble for going out of state and partying, and how people thought most of those women weren't likely to be troublemakers. But at least half of them get some pretty good airtime, and now I'm beginning to wonder whether they were allowed to go so that they could be punished. You know, to add drama to the last episode of DCC:MTT. I know it's unlikely, but I'm throwing it out there as a theory.
Alanna stuck out for me, too! I think she's beautiful and a better dancer than this placement deserves, especially in her third year. I guess someone has to be back there, but I can't figure out why it's her.
This might come out sounding sarcastic, but it genuinely isn't: it's really kind that you are assuming VK is trying to be better! I've been assuming that she is getting more love from her teammates on social media because they don't want to end up on Kelli's bad list. It never occurred to me that it could possibly be sincere - and to be honest, I still have doubts.
Or to make up for her not being point today? Was it just me, or was that game day girl photo more airbrushed than usual?
If the DCC could only fit seven on each platform, who would they leave out? You'd have to assume they would leave out a few extra on Victoria's platform, given how big she dances. Lisa, maybe, and some of the rookies, and who else? Alanna and Cianna and some of the veterans who aren't in Show Group? Fun to try to guess.
Are we the same person? 🙂 I feel the same way. RE: Dak, and the weird cognitive dissonance of DCC leaders posting this after what happened to Hannah this year, and what happened to Taylor a few years back (that incident with Cassie, which still makes me mad when I think about it): there's a lot more acceptance of people being vulnerable and genuine when they are people in power.
Yes! I agree. I feel that way about Miranda and Lexie, too, but when I'm reminded of Miranda I remember that I like her. I just can't muster an opinion about Amber and Lexie one way or the other. Also, that gif of Victoria made me laugh out loud. I'd forgotten that!
I think Kelli really likes Savannah's look. She really is pretty, I agree! But plenty of people think Brennan and Hannah are pretty, too. This is just odd Kelli favoritism, I think.
I found myself watching Kash at least as often as I watched Tori, but then again I've always liked Kash. Tori was really good! I wasn't impressed by Tara at all.
Thanks for the update, Smpisimon! I hope the person is okay and that there's some good contact tracing to make sure it doesn't spread further. I agree about Rachel A, but I'd add Daphne to that list, too - I think she's underrated as a performer. I couldn't figure out why Erin didn't make SG last year! She's a better dancer than Tess, Ciana or Victoria, I think.