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Everything posted by blixie

  1. Correct and all the things she accused him off is literally the game of Big Brother so why you mad? You know what game I don't like COMP BEAST.
  2. The kid playing Henry is great adorable but with the possibility of corruption/eevil. I could do with less news conferences as window dressing but this was pretty well paced premiere I especially liked our separate introductions to where Devon, Jake and Lexy and that they have the science teacher in their corner. She might be the best guardian they've ever had.
  3. Ugh they are back on the Meme out thing. Cory my guy why are actively making things so hard for yourself. BUT I still don't buy any decision made before 24 hours out, between midnight- 2am BB time maybe but otherwise now is still too early I think. They are convinced Blue is working with Meme and they want her to only have the Bros.
  4. Yeah I don't think that convo was really bad, providing food is good strategy Nicole did it in S2 and everybody really didn't like her so it helped a lot, Richard Hatch and many others did it when it mattered on Survivor there is no hunting in BB so being a good cook in the house is an advantage to exploit. I think America also planned to use cooking as a strategy but Felicia/Blue got there first, I'm not sure why she hasn't shown she can cook in the game and in the kitchen. Plus it's actually a nice way to occupy the yards and yards of time to kill.
  5. Depends one of my friends was a genius and finished her PhD by 25 but absolutely ran out of steam and had kids and I believe only in the last few years decided to get back into science. If America only has a BS in Bio it's pretty limiting in the field she can go up for a lot of things in med/health/res administration where a BS will add to her making more money than other admins but to do actual science she probably needs a MS at least if not. PhD. My strong suspicion is she likes living in NYC and she hasn't figured out yet if she wants to go the full on Science career route which might be more competitive if she wants to stay in the big city.
  6. Right he's just really checked out on his reads of people and situations, but you know what that's what Cirie was doing too while running bad reads and sloppy play wasn't hurting her becasue the other players are just that much worse at playing. Case in point Cory erroneously pushing to get MeMe out which is great for Matt/Jag/ and Cam has now made the Bros want to stick with a Felicia boot. If was most deserving were at the end I think it would be Matt, Cirie, America and Cory I don't see anyway they all four get there but I'd also be happy with Bowie win cause I think she has been hugely underrated as an actual player and she's more in the mix honestlly than Meme ever genuinely has been.
  7. Jared is trying to be accountable but like with Kyle I seriously doubt the longevity and sincerity of his reflections. His inability to just own the one thing that wasn't real world problematic (aka fucking up his moms game) he still isn't being real about. You could just say I felt close to Blue and I thought her knowing would bond her to me (and to be honest it did), but I knew my mom would be pissed and want to cuss me out and I didn't want to face up to disappointing her. I still don't believe this is true, I think she's okay with Cory leaving in the sense of other people making it happen but there is no way a woman who's prime strategy is not winning anything can really "target" anyone, nor would she target someone who also mostly can't win competitions. I think her Diary room promise about it if it's the last thing she does is getting Cory out for Jared was real, it will be the last thing she does at F3 or F2. LOL. The best revenge is winning. I'm still here for Cirie getting to the end, now that a streamroll isn't part of it.
  8. Like it absolutely is better to vote out Mecole for most of them. This should stick but I think Cory will try to and probably should try to fight it.
  9. This he is playing on super hard mode by running his big yap to everyone about everything even people he shouldn't trust at all and like what are you doing at least Dory Jag woke up at some point but since getting Izzy out Cory is at a total loss, she kept him on his toes w/o Izzy's chaos and to bounce things off (much like Cirie) he playing worse than Jag ever did.
  10. I mean yes. but the comps themselves are the problem. I'd rather they were all crapshoots than favor men so definitively and drastically.
  11. Are they gonna do an HoH or not? If so it must be trivia questions which may run into price is right ending.
  12. I can't believe they called that a puzzle. Now what tho?
  13. Yea this I think Cam has been creepy and icked her out but even if she isn't I don't think his behavior is okay, no more than Red Flag Fields speaking to Blue the way he does is okay. Also I think that it's extremely tough for either Blue or America to speak clearly to the feeds or produition about how threatened they feel given that it is a "game" and they have to work with the guy who is a threat. America has good reason to feel like he's one of her main paths to sticking around and was in fact a key to breaking up the Fields, so she's stuck having to not just tolerate but engage with someone constantly leching on her. Oh man looking at past bad behavior bootees I love early BB for how much smoking was going on. Does anyone know what season they stopped letting them smoke? ETA: Scott is pouring his heart out to stay and Jun eating like IGAF boot him.
  14. It is pretty clear that outside Izzy and her own son she genuinely likes Cory the best and he was the only male she wouldn’t mind competing against in an end game.Still think Meme and Felicia are better options but I wouldn’t hate a Cirie Cory Meme America F4
  15. Nah I don't think America will get hate for looking out for her own game. I don't know if I totally believe either Blue or America about tossing their show mance ally, but Blue would be a great final two for America, not so much likewise which is why she can't trust her. Yeah I can't believe Jared has this figured and Cory doesn't, but Jared would be more anxious about the possibility so it's wise to plan for it and yet he doesn't seem to be, as he extracted nothing from Matt/Jag/Cam prior to noms and Veto. The lack of deals this year as been stunning, you can never 100% trust the deals, but that people do seem to honor at least often as they don't so still a good idea to make them. I gotta say I know we know about Jared so its difficult to blame the other hammies for not twigging but this last episode his face was so much Cirie's face that I can't believe no one not even Meme and Felicia have speculated on why they are so tightly allied.
  16. It sounded like the wall this year was disadvantaging short people more than it did in years past particularly where the grips were, the show should be making the grips specific to each person for al the time it takes them to build the fucking thing. Bowie throwing it was probably fine for her game in the sense she was unlikely to be targeted, but it sucks for the viewers BOWIE so next time only throw it if it's someone likable. Also it shows that she has no real interest in actively gaming which is generally looked down upon by juries and I think the more she does that the less likely she is to have an end game where she wins. She'll have to stand next to Jared to win and we know he is pretty likely to go this week. I think she realizes he's not good at the game, but I don't think she realizes just how much negative stuff he has put out there and how it will reflect on him. I think her one DR session where she was like I've been cleaning up his messes for 25 years, and she hoped he wasn't embarrassing her like he's been a project his whole life but she hoped this reality show fame would set him up financially for good. I still like Cirie and I think she will regret having encouraged this whole endeavor. I hope he can honestly reflect on his fuckshit and change his attitudes toward women, but I'm sure he'll get more opportunities to be play the reality show villain.
  17. I understand Gummo my kitteh was lost for like 3 weeks and when found her I tried to grab her too fast and she tore me up. It's fitting that Marjorie was Cory's dream girl, America is reasonably doppleganger for Natalie Dormer on GoT.
  18. I think this is a seed Blue poorly planted that might actually have stuck? I think she needs to be more explicit and J/M need to talk to Cory, but since the alliance alone is made that shoud be enough to target them, but it also still gives them hope they can turn them against each other. As for the schedule since they decided to go deep into Fall they should never have scheduled BB for Sundays, it will be delayed every single Sunday more or less due to the NFL. I think Jag decided last night Cory is being taken down, this is probably the best option as America is way less of a threat as she has no comp wins, and fewer relationships and the few relationships she does have all rat her out. Cory would be a shot, America isn't. I thought this too but they are pretty locked in on Jared I think it's down to comp wins for most people voting now. I think J/C in the double you have everyone but Blue vote for Jared. If any of Meme, Felicia, Bowie, Matt, Jag, America, Cory, or Bowie win the other 7 seem of the same mind re: of alliance schematics. Having said that the way this season of cursed comp wins has gone, I fully expect C/B to win.
  19. Yeah weird no one saw it as Bowie letting go because she absolutely did.
  20. Me too that's why I asked! 😁 I'm always unsure how much audio of Julie's in the live show they get to hear. Last year they were all anticipating the double and had figured it out, so I'm surprised Cory/America haven't considered it audibly at all. I also still so confused by Blue, it's kind of shame she has no real interest in the game because I think had she been vested at all it just would have been a whole lot more fun to watch, but seeing her give these flashes of intelligence and then fall for one of the worst/unpleasant contestants, and continually screw everyone one of her allies continues to baffle and disappoint.
  21. Do they know it's a double? They keep saying next week but it won't be a week. And there is an additional Scary-verse twist coming which they were discussing today.
  22. I mean I agree it was all for Jared, that but there's no saving his game. I guess they get their Fields family reunion with Izzy sooner than they thought.
  23. Like would she actually get voted out tho? Especially if it's Cory v Cirie to me I thought Cirie was super focused on what we've all said for years get all the men (that aren't Jared) out and leave Cory last since he hasn't won anything. But they both want to keep Matt which is dumb.
  24. While I still like Izzy her interviews have been delulu. The woman said she was playing the best game in the house in her EXIT interview, said Cory who she planned to cut at 7 "betrayed" her, and alluded to the idea that Cirie/Jared had discussed F3 multiple times and she had a path to F2 with both. The key to BB is people believe what they want to believe about their allies. Izzy wants to believe C/J will take her to F2, she wants to believe Cory should put her #1 in his hierarchy even though she only puts him at 7. This is why I enjoyed Vanessa (and Steve too) so much she didn't give a shit what you said because she already knew what you would do regardless of what you said. Cory could see he wasn't your #1 because he wasn't and so your ass is out and no you weren't playing the best you were just playing the hardest. At least Cory is self aware enough to know he isn't playing the best. And as for Cirie she means what she says while she's saying it and that's the end of it. On day 100 she is not going to be held to something she said 50 minutes ago much less 50 days ago.
  25. I literally said this on titkok account last night and someone told me I'm the ableist projecting onto Jared, and that when Jared said the R word he wasn't being "intentionally" ableist. This is really S8 all over again with Jared in the Evel Dick role, America loves a garbage man. I am surprised he's not nomming either one of C/A but they are still very much in danger and I suspect neither one being nommed is down to Jared wanting only people who could potentially win the competition for Veto to play to make sure Cam goes. I think Taran had talked about how after Cirie was unhooked from Felicia/Kayak she had a convo with Jared that seemed to change his whole demeanor and stopped his A/C shittalk and I suspect post Wall she had another one. But we'll see how much control she can exert over him for the week. I mean I still don't wanna watch this week's feeds but I'll watch the updates.
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