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Everything posted by sphoebus31

  1. This is great news. And I don't really care which of the Jacks goes home this week. Sure, I would prefer Jack goes, but getting rid of Jackson is good too. The six will lose a number either way and will no longer be running the house. I wonder if we'll ever again have to hear them complain about the 'audacity' of someone else playing the game. Thank you, Jess. I'm going to take back everything I said.
  2. With that being said, at the end of the day, I 1000% don't want to be thrown under the bus.
  3. OMG, I loved that part. Rage Brushing! So. Much. Intensity. I loved the whole leak. Good times. And I have more respect for everyone's gameplay after watching it. Keep this up for the rest of the season, on the actual show. Please and thank you.
  4. I think what you're calling the 'flower part', I am calling the 'watermelon part'. I thought it was a shoutout to Jackson, sadly.
  5. I don't want anyone to know I was Miss Wyoming.
  6. Ugh. He needs to be knocked down a peg or three. I do hope we can send him on a field trip that puts his game in the dumper.
  7. Wait...Sis is complaining to Holly about someone not knowing 'girl code?' Holly who was ready to start canoodling with Jackson while he was still with Kat?
  8. Case in point: Sis. Seriously, if she doesn't know the basic parts of speech, how could she ever have passed English?
  9. And I hope that it is very clear to the HG's that America chose them to put their game at risk. I don't want any already over-inflated egos to think that we love them and their gameplay so much that we voted to give them a perk.
  10. I think flights to Fiji would be too long. I can see them setting up a Love Island viewing in the BY (with a woodsy motif, of course). I'm most interested in learning how this field trip could hurt someone's game!
  11. I wonder if Christie is guessing this to be the case because production is giving Jackson whatever he wants, e.g. ending HN early, stocking his favorite foods, etc.
  12. I wish I could care at this point, but this hamsterwatch post explains where I am currently: The BB calendar: Jan: Celebs, okay Feb: maybe I'll try Canada Mar-Apr: why is Canada like this May: can't wait for summer BB! June: cast looks okay late June: I don't like this much July-Aug: OMG I FKN HATE EVERYONE & EVERYTHING Sept: whew glad that's over Oct: I miss BB When no one is doing anything interesting/exciting/different AND you have one big dominant, h8ful alliance, I'm firmly stuck in "OMG I FKN HATE EVERYONE & EVERYTHING."
  13. Maybe it's just me and my personal bias, but didn't it seem like Jackson was able to kick his shoes off easier than anyone else? Were they untied? Or was he given shoes that were too big? I don't know....But is it possible that production thought it would be more dramatic/better for Jackson to win so they gave him whatever edge they could? Like making Sis's pants too tight? (Seriously--she's probably an XS, so they either gave her children's pants or she has a sweaty ass, which, okay possible, but still.) I may very well be bitter.
  14. Get a clue ladies! Take your votes to the other side and vote out Jack this week. That's the best way to hurt Jackson. You have to realize Jackson would always choose Jack over either of you.
  15. Ugh, I don't like when HG's try to use the preservation of a person's real world character to influence that person's gameplay. From the video posted earlier: "This is the Big Brother house. You can bounce checks." The trick is being able to do damage control afterwards.
  16. I imagine the DR suggesting she show some passion in her gameplay if she wants to be considered more interesting/get more airtime, so threatening physical violence became her best idea. I mean, it's not like she can actually formulate any creative game strategies and then get out there and sell them.
  17. This is my first season back since BB15 (and look what I stumbled into, sigh), so I don't know Level 6. At this point, I only care to see Cliff and Nicole move forward.
  18. As long as one of the 6 go home this week, I'll be happy--preferably either Jack or Christie (I'd include Jackson if he wasn't already safe).
  19. I don't know--The HGs have to know she would be tough/impossible to beat in the end; she's playing hard and gaining lots of trust. I would love Jack (or Jackson) out of the house first, but getting Christie out now with a bonus of getting her power out, would be tempting to me if I was in the house.
  20. Christie promised she wouldn't divulge their convo, so if Cliff gets even a whiff of the fact that she's blabbed about everything (which anyone would know she would do), he can use that for justification for breaking their deal and putting her up.
  21. All the more reason to send him home this week. If he's not playing to win, why keep him and lose the advantage of your power?
  22. For the HG's who don't want to play with bullies and dirty players--at this point in the game, I don't think you can get around that. Just hold your nose and go with whoever is most likely not going to prevent you from getting to the end. And at the end, wouldn't you rather be sitting next to a bully or a dirty player, assuming you've played the game, that is? Someone like Sis would likely lose to a bully who played hard.
  23. If it's true that production is unhappy with Jack, then I'm sure the DR will plant the right seeds in Christie's mind so that she doesn't use it.
  24. Let the Christie spin begin: "It doesn't matter what I do, Jack is still going home, so I might as well keep my power for later."
  25. I want to like this post about 100x. Her mouth is going to be her undoing. Now she either has to weaken her position by using the power, or make enemies--Jackson at the very least-- in her alliance by not using it. I think she and Tommy have kept themselves in a decent position so far, but things might start getting stickier now. As they do.
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