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Everything posted by sphoebus31

  1. Is production going to do any more pranks or are America's Prankster (fail) and the pies going to be it? I was hoping we'd see different pranks all week and even get to vote on other pranks. Lame, if not.
  2. Did anyone else notice, when Christie was feeling bad about having a hand in Sis's eviction, there was an ethereal-sounding 'bok bok bok' when they showed Sis's black and white photo?
  3. I hope Nick goes because I find him creepy and annoying. But if Christie goes, I'm fine too. Regardless, Jackson and Holly are too strong now. Whoever remains really needs to work on getting them out.
  4. In her CBS bio, she mentions recently running a half marathon at DisneyWorld.
  5. Don't forget the humping! I have to remind myself that Big Brother doesn't provide a satisfying winner every season. I want someone who plays the game, knows when to go bold, and isn't loathsome. But even by my own criteria, Jess should be a satisfying winner, and I don't think she would be (maybe because she only seems to have played the game for one week). Tommy should be good too, but the Christie thing is still bugging. He never had to play without a security blanket. And he was a part of the 9/8/6 mob. If Nicole could win an HOH and then not crumble when forced to choose two people to put up....
  6. Wow, I just realized there is a scenario in which I would root for Sis. How?? Against anyone other than Nick, I would not root for her. I do hope to see Nick out next, then Sis, so she doesn't get dragged to the finale due to her utter uselessness.
  7. I quit after Season 15, and this is my first year back. I'm afraid I might be the Jonah causing this shitstorm. Sorry!
  8. You are not the only one! Also, there's a foot between them, Christy's, I believe. And Tommy looks really good. He kind of reminds me of young Tony Curtis.
  9. Jackson is not going to waver. He wants both Christie and Jack in the jury house before him, to prove to Jack that Jack was wrong to choose Christie over him (Jackson). He's currently a "man with a job to do."
  10. If Holly wins another HOH, this needs to be in her HOH basket!
  11. Christie and Sis weren't being very smart--alienating the one ally they have playing veto. Not to mention the game future of whichever of them survives the week.
  12. The jury house is probably looking pretty attractive to Analyse. Weeks of vacation, where she can indulge in her #1 hobby: tanning. (Per her bio--not just me being dismissive!) Added bonus, she'll be able to hook back up with her alpha male. Not that she has real feelings for him; she just wants to be part of an 'attractive' couple, so she can lounge around in his background, leaving him to do all the heavy lifting, i.e. thinking, talking, you know, the stuff that isn't cute. Of course, she also believes she is so fully beloved by everyone in the house (and America!) that she's not in danger anyway. Ignorance is bliss.
  13. "Sorry, Christie, the universe told me to put you on the block!"
  14. Yeah, I think Christie wants Nick and Cliff up--regardless of who her targets are, she will talk up their shadiness and that they're big threats to Jackson. However, Christie can never undo that she came between Jackson and his bromance with Jack. Besides winning the game (leaving with confetti on his shoulders), I would guess Jackson's big objective is to see Jack and Christie off to the jury house.
  15. NOOOOOOO! Just put Christie up. If she comes down you can still get Tommy or Nick out. Don't bet on the Veto for your move.
  16. All the better to ensure Christie goes home.
  17. And Jackson will start treating him like a pledge--Cut my watermelon, shine my boots, clean my bathroom.
  18. Agreed. Nothing is going to come between Jackson and his target, Christie. I think he's made his feelings about her quite clear.
  19. Maybe Cliff thinks that's just the kind of insanity that Jackson will respect, so he's playing it up.
  20. Next year, they'll have Jackson back for a watermelon eating contest.
  21. My hopes for this season are driven by negative feelings vs positive. I want players to stay in the game who can win comps and take out my targets (in order): Christie, Nick, Jackson, Tommy, Sis, Holly. So if that means the winner must be one of Cliff, Nicole, Kat or Jess, so be it. I would rather a 'meh' winner than one of the remaining Six Shooters + Nick.
  22. If Tommy and Christie (or even just one of them) are in the final 2, I think everyone--the HG's and the viewers--is going to be pissed about it. It's an unfair advantage that wasn't even designed for viewer entertainment. Therefore, I have to believe that production will not want them in the final, and will tinker with the game in any way they can to prevent them from getting there. I'm currently hoping for Zingbot to drop some hints about their relationship.
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