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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Pretty sure Clay spent more time with Audrey post-show than Shelly. I'd like to see Shelly play again. She could've been a very good player.
  2. Few months I think. Usually what happens is the show ends, they hang out for a while, get some publicity. Play up their relationship on social media, then inevitably break up a few months later.
  3. Will Jody outlast McCranda and Liztin outside the house? Time will tell.
  4. Josh is the Phillip Sheppard of the season. Considering that he should have been one of the first boots, it's not a bad strategy to go for the second place prize. Though I do think he'd have a chance if he was sitting at final 2 with Christmas.
  5. Unfortunately, groupthink tends to take over in the house because that's kinda how the game is designed. No one wants to talk to the isolated person because they don't wanna become a target. Everyone loves Mark and Elena now but they did basically the same thing to Dominique the week she was on the block.
  6. Elena told Mark that Paul instigated all their flirting, which is bullshit of the highest degree. The guys eat a lot of food, but not quite as much as Raven.
  7. I don't think Paul realizes it. He doesn't really wanna boot her anytime soon, assuming he doesn't have to.
  8. I don't think so unless it happened off camera. He unknowingly drank decaf for a few days.
  9. I said this when they did it to Cody but messing with the coffee/food should be forbidden.
  10. Yeah, Elena would panic and do something silly. Christmas would go in that scenario, which wouldn't even weaken Paul all that much.
  11. Survivor premiere is the 27th. First time in a long time that I can remember where the BB finale didn't lead into the Survivor premiere.
  12. Mark has a good shot at veto though, especially if it's the clown shoe comp.
  13. He's flip flopped on this a million times. Late last night he said he can't put up Josh (or Christmas) because they aren't threats.
  14. Paul has totally misted his minions to go after Kevin. Unbelievable.
  15. Mark is back to groveling. Excruciating to watch.
  16. Josh tells Paul that Kevin has the $25k temptation. Apparently Kevin told him as soon as they walked back in the house. I didn't know Josh knew. Paul said he's going to drop that bomb soon.
  17. I guess I just find the what makes a man thing somewhat offensive, especially coming from a washed up Whitey Bulger wannabe whose big claim to fame is daddy was a cocaine trafficker. Dressing like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas doesn't make you a man's man. Josh/Mark have one of the oddest relationships I've ever seen in the BB house. They are constantly fighting but will have a normal conversation 25 minutes later like nothing happened.
  18. Mark is probably it for me. If Cody and Elena were in the numbers they would be as insufferable as anyone else.
  19. Kevin plays with his hair constantly. He's in his 60s and is more obsessed with his hair than most women I know.
  20. Kevin's hatred of Matt is very strange.
  21. I like Mark but he should have cut loose from Elena weeks ago. She's treated him like trash for most of the season.
  22. He agreed with Josh that Mark is a flip flopper and not loyal. I think Cody realizes his best chance at staying is turning the house against Elena. Hopefully he tries stirring that pot today.
  23. Steve was totally devoted until the very end when he realized he couldn't win against her. How many weeks are left? (Too many.) Still a lot of time for someone to come to that realization about Paul. Cody actually had a polite conversation with Josh. He was telling him that people (Paul) are trying to get him all riled up and get at people, and he shouldn't listen to them.
  24. I don't know if Paul is actually good at BB or his personality just fits the game well. Probably a little of both. There's no denying he is a very effective player, and is currently playing a virtually flawless game. He's just a shitbag and annoying as hell to watch. I don't agree with the consensus that he has the season on lock. Once you get to the end so much depends on who wins comps. We could see a repeat of BB17 where one player is dominating (Vanessa) and gets taken out at the end because s/he loses one of those flukey question comps.
  25. I feel bad for Mark. He's been shit on the entire season by everyone, including the girl he likes.
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