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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Mark goes this week. Next week will be Jason or Matt. Boring boring boring.
  2. It's a low bar but I think Josh is playing the second best strategic game in the house. And he's in a very good position. Paul getting Jason out this week would definitely shake things up. I can't imagine Alex and Kevin would go along with it, right? Right?
  3. She's put on some weight but I think she looks a lot better than when she first came into the house.
  4. Mark just admitted (bragged) that he's seen every Vin Diesel movie. Where do they find these people?
  5. Matt commenting on how big Raven's ass is getting. "Your ass is eating those pants alive. Pants evicted!"
  6. Mark getting backdoored. Boring.
  7. I know we all hate Paul and the herd mentality but Mark is after Christmas (and her closest ally Josh). Getting him out is probably what's best for her game at the moment. Taking a shot at Paul right now would appease us but ultimately tank her game.
  8. Josh definitely in the mix too. I normally hate bitter juries but I think it would be hilarious if Paul gets to the end again and loses to a goat because the jury is so pissed at him.
  9. I think Jason could beat Paul in F2 but there's no way he gets there unless he beasts comps to get there (which given the mental aspect of the last few comps seems highly unlikely).
  10. I know that's who Paul will be pushing for as a backup option but will Christmas really put up her snuggle buddy? Probably irrelevant anyway. Mark won't win veto because nothing good ever happens on this show.
  11. Josh was goaded by Paul and Alex all week to get under Mark's skin after the eviction. As if it affected Mark at all. I'm guessing Josh has already expressed remorse, shed some tears and said he's not going to attack people anymore while Paul says "Bro, you did nothing wrong! Mark is a sack of shit!" It happens every week. Josh acts like a total dickhead, wakes up the next day feeling dumb and says he's not going to do it anymore. Then does it. Rinse repeat. Watching Elena's meltdown during her first speech gave me anxiety. That would be my worst fear going on this show. Of course Elena is a total idiot so I'm glad she embarrassed herself. I can just picture her practicing it in the mirror. YES! I'm so funny! I'm gonna slay them!
  12. I can kinda understand when they shut the feeds off earlier this season because they didn't wanna ruin the battle back episode, but this makes no sense. No different from any other week really. It's especially stupid considering they have someone leaking the results on Reddit anyway.
  13. I don't think getting Josh out would be a waste. He's a complete douchenozzle but he is somewhat of a bridge between Christmas and a lot of the minions in Paul's group. Christmas might be more willing to shake things up without Josh in the game.
  14. He didn't even have the balls to put Paul up in the knockout. I don't have high hopes.
  15. I bet he tries to align with Matt and Raven, unfortunately. He would always say they need to do that to Elena and she would say no. He doesn't have many options at this point though. I bet he would nom Josh/Christmas even though he said the other day that would be a waste.
  16. Mark winning veto would be the best case scenario for the week because it would reveal where the cracks are. But I'm 100% sure Paul would convince these idiots to vote Kevin out and they would fall in line like the sheep they are.
  17. Yeah, that was a great veto draw for Mark. Mensa member Raven didn't even solve one puzzle. Was Josh butthurt because Mark put him up against Christmas in the knockout? Was he really surprised at that? He's such a child.
  18. I'm sure you guys have mentioned it but what total bullshit having a knockout comp. Of all the fucking comps you could use right now. Still can't believe that.
  19. The reason I put Christmas and Josh in there is because I worry that if Mark wins he's gonna put Paul up against Christmas/Josh when Paul/Alex is the correct play.
  20. If Paul or one of his minions win: Mark, Elena, Matt in the most danger If Mark or Elena win: Alex, Christmas, Josh in the most danger.
  21. Her bio says something like "eco friendly marketing rep", whatever the hell that means. She's mentioned before how broke she is. She even said she applied because she needed the money.
  22. I think Mark is a legitimately good guy. I don't think he would/has partaken in attacking someone like the others. But I just don't feel any sympathy towards Elena. She's been up Paul's ass for the entirety of the season until now, and was especially woeful the week Dom went (from what I remember). She doesn't get the same pass from me. Granted, I am biased because I cannot stand her and the way she has treated Mark. They haven't shown that Paul is the chief instigator. Big surprise.
  23. I remember that week differently. They all sat around talking shit about her, led by Paul. Also they all thought it would be hilarious if Paul put on blackface. We've already forgot that shit.
  24. Besides Brenchel and Jeff/Jordan have there been any other showmances that have lasted? I know Dani and Dominic got married but they weren't really a showmance in the house.
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