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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Can't believe Angela and Kaycee think they're safe this week.
  2. Angela thinks Fes will push for JC to go up. lol what?
  3. Angela has terrible reads. Again these L6 people are lucky they have Tyler or they'd be just as fucking clueless as Footy.
  4. Haleigh will try to backdoor Tyler not realizing he has the cloud app.
  5. Sam lives in a trailer on her mom's property. I don't think she can afford to forfeit her stipend.
  6. Pretty sure Scottie is voting Bayleigh out. Sam's vote doesn't really matter.
  7. Scottie flipping back and forth isn't really a surprise. That's been his gameplay up to this point. Both sides have tried to pin things on him for no reason so I'm not sure why he should have any loyalty.
  8. I do believe Tyler was attracted to Kaitlyn. He mentioned more than once that she looked just like his ex.
  9. lol what? Poor Rachel still getting dragged.
  10. I don't agree with this thinking at all. There's not a chance in hell Tyler wants Brett anywhere near F4, and I kinda doubt he wants JC at F6. The alliance will start to splinter before then. But as I noted upthread, Tyler has way more allies than Brett right now. Sam and KC will never turn on him, Angela is a bit of a wild card but I doubt she will anytime before F3. I won't say Scottie will never take a shot at Tyler but it's a long ways off.
  11. JC: "This is the gayest season ever. Two out gays, a lot of people in the closet." Really cannot stand this fucking guy.
  12. Also, Brett might suspect there will be a jury battle back. You should never totally burn bridges in this game.
  13. I actually agree with JC here. Haleigh should have told Fes *and* picked him for veto. The line was already drawn the minute she put Tyler up. She half-assed it after that.
  14. Goes without saying but Bayleigh would 100% be safe this week had she not blabbed about her power app. Has no one to blame but herself.
  15. Definitely Tyler. He has Angela, KC, Sam, JC, Scottie all playing for him. Brett is going to have to get really creative to outlast him.
  16. Color me surprised that Brett is better at kissing jury ass than Tyler.
  17. Brett working that jury vote.
  18. A four person voting bloc potentially. They could all decide to not vote for Tyler under any circumstance, just like last season with Cody and Marlena agreeing not to vote for Paul.
  19. Utterly fucking laughable. Sam would storm off faster than Winston and Rachel combined.
  20. I could live without ever seeing what Chris the babysitter is posting on social media. Just sayin'.
  21. He's not wrong. Her talks with Scottie are the best.
  22. Nothing will top Chef Joe using the restroom, not washing his hands then cooking for everyone.
  23. Angela is pretty flat chested. If she has implants she should ask for a refund.
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