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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Angela says she has a gut feeling it will be Sam and JC. This chick has some of the worst reads in the house.
  2. Blows my mind that Angela and Kaycee feel so safe.
  3. I think he has to tell the DR he's using it before the ceremony. That would be totally preposterous if he could use it after. Would be like a immunity idol you could use after the vote.
  4. JC thinks he controls everyone but people starting to do the opposite of what he suggests.
  5. JC is ugly as sin. The bald head is not a good look.
  6. Janelle making fun of Angela's mustache. I don't think she has a mustache. She just doesn't have much of an upper lip so it creates a weird illusion.
  7. JC has said so many racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic things I've lost count. Shitty thing is he will get a pass because of his appearance.
  8. The way he talks I don't understand how his game isn't buried by now. It's so obvious who he is protecting and who he wants targeted.
  9. Still blows my mind that Sam is 27. (Turns 28 tomorrow!)
  10. Sam's biggest crush was Bayleigh, but I do think she fancies Faysal. She likes attention from men. Haleigh's music is The Weeknd.
  11. Really strange to watch. It's like he got bored and stopped playing. He had never isolated himself like that. In fact he was one of the best HGs at not staying in one place for very long. Then he just camps out in the HOH all week.
  12. Sam: Tyler doesn't talk to me any more. He's a shady little fucker.
  13. Why is JC never an option to go on the block? Haleigh putting Sam on the block could be a fatal mistake, and with the hacker in play you could be looking at final noms of Sam/Fes.
  14. Haleigh and RS agree if they can't get Tyler that Angela would be next best. So put her on the fucking block.
  15. Haleigh seems to have forgotten that Angela vetoed Tyler and backdoored Bayleigh. That was like 4 days ago.
  16. I agree. I think Julie gave away too much information to Bayleigh for there to be a battle back.
  17. Oh man, JC starting to get exposed. I will be so happy if he hits the block.
  18. Fes doesn't seem that keen on Sam as a nom. Haleigh has a terrible read on Angela. How it's not obvious that her and Tyler are aligned is beyond me.
  19. Haleigh is a good liar and knows how dangerous Tyler is. She's not gonna trash him to the girl he spent all day in HOH with.
  20. Sam should have just been honest from the beginning and said I can't vote her out instead of pussyfooting around about it.
  21. Angela annoyed that Haleigh is wearing a Swaggy shirt. Says they should rearrange the letters to read Fucking Sheep. That is hilarious coming from her.
  22. I feel like most of the house has terrible social games. Brett is the only one who seems to be trying.
  23. It's too bad we can't get JC on the block. Really tired of his arrogant ass.
  24. What crawled up Kaycee's ass? She should go back to being a piece of furniture before she hurts herself.
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