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Posts posted by pfk505

  1. Michaela is one of the best characters this show has cast in years. There is something about her that combines brash confidence with competency, skill, and power. Love her, she's fantastic and I hope she goes far. She's quite literally the only millennial worth talking about.

    Over on the Gen-X tribe Dave continues his redemption after what was possibly the worst debut episode character slaying by the editors I've ever seen. He obviously wasn't nearly as bad as they made him out to be. I don't think he went into tribal intending to play the idol but sussed out the situation correctly (that Jessica would get the most votes) and decided to act. Whether that was the right decision (it probably wasn't) we'll have to wait and see, but give him credit for taking a big risk and playing the game. Survivor, above all, needs people who want to play the game. Even hateable characters get points from me for trying to play (Dave is infinitely more likeable now, mind you).

    Not really much else to comment on, one or two characters continue to carry this entire season in a cast of mostly dullards. Only other highlight of the episode was watching Chris utterly manhandle boy-children Jay, Taylor, Zeke et al.

    • Love 23
  2. Well I almost quit halfway through, but I'm glad I stuck it out. The last 3 or 4 episodes of S2 were fantastic, and they really make me look forward to a third and final season. When the first season ended I thought it should have been one and done.

    Highlights: Kyle Chandler. Fucking amazing. And also Leguizamo was totally fantastic, he has that greasy creep character down pat. Terrific acting all around in this show. The more you loathe a character (e.g. Kevin) the more you can give the actor credit for their performance.

    Honestly no clue what the writers will do with the last season.

    • Love 4
  3. Quelle Surprise, Dave was infinitely more tolerable this week when the editors weren't trying to paint him as a neurotic, completely oblivious and un-self-aware basket case. He's definitely in for the long haul after that horrific display last week and then the idol / Ken alliance this week. The GenX tribe are mostly bores but I did like Ken quite a bit, there's a man who knows himself and his strengths/weaknesses and is going to try to use them accordingly. Glad to see the big fella was OK but I can't shake the feeling someone is going to die on this show at some point.

    Millenials tribe - on the surface, wholly unlikeable, but there are a couple players there worth watching. Michelle, for example. She flat out told people how to vote and they did it for no real discernible reason other than cool kids. She's a player, I like her. Michaela was also pretty great this episode, I hope she goes far.

    Three cheers for the power dunces, Figgy and Tales. Main man Jay expounded on how utterly stupid these two are and he was bang on. Absolutely no clue how to play. I hope they get their comeuppance, and I think with the far smarter players who are around they inevitably will. Just hope we don't have to suffer weeks of their canoodling and "Lets move to LA, brah" vapid idiocy.

    • Love 11
  4. Every season I watch Survivor and every season I hate the early game even more. I'm late GenX but these generational stereotypes are beyond ridiculous and will be utterly forgotten after about 4 episodes if history is anything to go by. Late game is what people remember and by then its about the personalities and the interpersonal dynamics, not about the stupid gimmick.

    I can't believe the GenX tribe didn't get rid of Dave. Can you imagine having to deal with this guy for 39 days? I'm reasonably certain he offers nothing beyond a reliable "anyone but me" vote if you're in the majority, which is useful, I guess, but he's going to annoy the shit out of me if he lasts. The only thing worse would be if they shoveled a "transformation" arc for him down our throats. I'd have pushed to keep Rachel over him but editing is a funny thing.

    Millennial tribe is a train wreck bar the moustachio'd aging hipster who made fire. Can't imagine any of them would have survived a second night in that "shelter." Also calling shenanigans on them miraculously building something sustainable after the evac.

    Interesting so far: Michelle, Bret, Ken

    • Love 4
  5. Gave this show a try amidst all the hype and found myself absolutely loving it. Best written and acted kids I've seen in quite some time, and that includes the older ones (I thought Natalia Dyer was especially great). Plot and story wise it was so effective, episodes did not drag at all and each revealed just enough. Perfectly paced at 8 eps.

    The only thing that bothered me was Hopper selling out Eleven at the end. Totally out of character, especially considering his back story. Anyone got an explanation for that?

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  6. On 7/18/2016 at 9:31 AM, Loandbehold said:

    Who had 4 episodes in the pool before Teresa got pissed enough at Bunchy before threatening to move out? The baby is named after Bunchy's mother, and he unilaterally decides to have Ray and Abby be the godparents. Smooth move, guy.

    She basically married a child. I don't have much sympathy for her. Bunchy has been beyond annoying since he somehow hit the lottery with this girl.

    I get the criticism but I still enjoy this show every week. Mindless fun, to be sure, but still fun.

    • Love 2
  7. That was the greatest ending in quite some time.  I know I'm in the minority but I absolutely can't stand Burnie.  His constant need to grab Ashley and kiss her at every single opportunity is beyond grating.  I was hollering and pounding my chair when Sheri and Cole beat them to the mat.

    I still think this season was pretty much terrible.  I love Sheri though, she has made the whole ordeal worth it.  Cole has improved in recent weeks.  Can't stand anyone else left in the race.  Looks like a boring, predictable finale but we'll see.

    • Love 3
  8. His edit has drastically changed now that Alecia is gone which suggests to me that the narrative the editors went with in the beginning wasn't exactly fair and balanced.  Not really an excuse for shitty behaviour but I'll bet she was extremely annoying.

    • Love 1
  9. I think SVU is a pretty terrible show on the whole (my wife loves it), but Barba is an absolutely magnificent character.  Big Hannibal fan so I already loved Esparza, but he just kills it in every scene he's in.  I just had occasion to watch his first appearance the other day (ironically enough the very day the Ghomeshi trial ended) and I was literally pounding the arm of my chair and hollering at how Barba just demolished the shitty defendant.  He is just the best.


    I'd put him in the top 3 L&O characters of all time alongside McCoy and Goren.

    • Love 5
  10. I still enjoy this show for the most part but Lip's storyline bugs me to no end as its so, so stupid.


    1. Professor Rizzoli and Isles risking the total obliteration of her career to not only have sex with Lip, because he's irresistible or whatever, but to do so on school property sneaking in and out of the dorm.  Inappropriate doesn't even begin to describe her, she's reckless in the extreme and apparently just following a pattern she's been at for years.  Sorry, but no.


    2. Lip taking upper level philosophy courses for his robotics degree.  Nope.


    3. Lip has been in school for what, 2 years?  He's now a TA in a class which, at best, he took one year ago.  I can't say that this would never happen, but come on.


    4. "You should be a teacher" based off a single interaction with a student in which Lip "bends the rules" for the student (apparently TA's have such authority).


    5. Lip beating up Professor Rizzoli and Isles' son in a rage because he's apparently in love with the magic philosophy teacher.  Bleccch.  Reckless even for him.


    The rest of the show is skating by as normal.. A few laughs a week but nothing spectacular.  Kev is still #1

    • Love 4
  11. Just catching up now.  Super lame that they brought back Ann Dowd to be a ghost.  What a tired, boring trope.  Writers wanted dramatic payoff last season yet want to have their cake and eat it too so they bring her back as Dexter's dad.  LAME.


    I thought the premiere was brilliant but this was a bit mediocre and Lost-ish.  The last scene was ridiculous.  We'll never get any answers, yet the performances will be phenomenal and I'll keep coming back.

  12. I'd love to go. 


    Trouble is, I'd want to sample all the food I see cooking at the side of the street.  And you know what would happen then, right?


    Probably nothing, so long as you stick to veg and don't eat anything that might be made with tap water.  Some of the best food around is street samosas.  I even had a fresh lassi out of a clay pot.  Only thing that made me sick in India was train travel.


    I went there having never traveled outside of North America.  It was fantastic.  Can't wait to go back.  Helps to have someone with you who speaks Hindi though.


    India legs on this show are my favourite, makes me so heartsick.


    Edit: boooooooring.  go cheerleaders.

    • Love 5
  13. Shades of Caramoan, Cochrane v2.0 is unimaginably lucky. All the more so when you realize that he has been saved multiple times now purely down to the actions of others and not himself. I smell something stinky!

    • Love 2
  14. I can't for a second feign a complaint about the way computers and hacking are presented on this show, because it is so much better than practically every other show in existence that whatever mistakes they make, or abilities they exaggerate, can be forgiven by me pretty easily.  The fact that they use actual real programs and terminology, command line interfaces, file names and structures - I can't recall seeing many, if any shows (even those about hackers or computer crime in general) make this kind of effort to appear accurate.  It's one of the things I've really enjoyed about the show to this point.


    Shout out to the Pentium 90, my first windows-based computer!

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  15. Not as good as the pilot but I'm still in, enjoyed most of that.  Elliot as his mental issues are still my favorite thing about the show, I think as a character portrait its very well done.. he is extremely flawed and more of that came out in this episode.  The overarching plot is still a bit ham-fisted, and that cosmopolitan hacker group made me cringe a little, and with the Big Plan to blow up the backup facility and the ensuing dialogue I felt the "USAness" bleeding through... but the show has definitely earned itself some time from me, better than most else on my plate these days.

    • Love 1
  16. I liked Terry a lot during his season, mainly because I found Aras rather off putting.  Loved Shane and Courtney though, they were the stars of that season for me, along with Cirie of course.  For Terry to lose to Danielle at final 3 was just unbelievable after his immunity run. 


    I think I have such fond memories of that season because it was the first one I watched weekly from start to finish (at the insistence of my now-wife).  Been a die-hard fan ever since, and of course went back and watched what I had missed.


    Definitely pulling for Terry in S31, and I wanted to light my TV on fire when Shane wasn't picked. 


    I've been putting off listening to the 3 hour final RHAP with Mike, but I guess I'll listen tomorrow at work.

  17. Just chiming in to say that the talk with Shane from the other night was really great.  If you want to gain insight into the S31 process, and laugh your ass off at the same time, its worth a listen.  Plus, he names names.  Lots of them.

    • Love 1
  18. Apparently most people on here would like a cast of nothing but Sierras and Joes (oh and Shirinses!) for the foreseeable future.  People who say "problematic" things should be banned from winning, or even participating from here on out.  Welcome to the future!


    Sandra did not think the Will/Shirin incident was a big deal.  She said things like it happen every season. 


    That's because it does!  It happens in all walks of life.  It's not some kind of epic event.  It's what the Survivor producers decided to base their entire season around and people bought it so, so hard.

    • Love 2
  19. Boy, the subplot with the two actresses who obviously hate each other, and the producers who use 90's era CGI to troll the audience with respect to said actresses, is a million times more compelling and interesting (and funny!) than whatever is happening on the show itself.  That bar scene was HIL-A-RIOUS.  I don't even know what to say, I was laughing the entire time like a madman.  Great tv, for all the wrong reasons.

    • Love 9
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